Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Birthday!

It is amazing how I woke up in the morning and realize that in the next 24 hour, i would turn 29. 29! What an amazing life I had been living for 29 years!
It's all got me so excited that I started to make mental notes and planning things to fill my last day of year 28.

And so I went to the supermarket right after work, bought some potatoes and nuggets and sausages, and I made some fries until it's almost midnight. I felt more than happy to welcoming the eve of my birthday.

And when the clock struck midnite, I felt like I couldn't be more happier. The dearest boyfriend of mine called and wishing me a happy birthday, followed by massive SMSes from my thoughtful beloved friends, which made me feel like the richest queen of the world with their blessings and sincere wishes for my birthday. Those are the thing that could choke you down with tears in your throats, if you know what I mean. I managed to stay up until almost 2 in the morning and had to force myself to sleep since I had to go to work at 7 in the morning, yet I was still overly-excited.

The birthday was even better. I showed up gleamingly at the office and my co-workers congratulated me, even I got an unexpected little present from one of the managers. I bought lunch for everybody, and they all loved my fries and nuggets.

After office, my boyfriend had promised me to meet up at the bookstore and we would have dinner together. One of my co-workers took me to the bookstore, and I met my boyfriend at an electronic store. He decided to get me a UPS for my new CPU, LOL I know this was an uncommon birthday present but I like things that is useful instead of sweet mushy stuff (although I really don't mind sweet-mushy stuff) :D

Then we went to my favorite chinese food stall and we ate fried kweetiaw there. He said a prayer for my birthday, which I couldn't actually listen to it since it was too crowdy, LOL!
But then we went back to my place and he helped me to operate the UPS.
He stayed up until almost midnite and by the time he went home, I was too tired and too happy to do anything else and so I wrote this entry XD

Thank you for giving me the best day of the year, God. Thank you for the love you showed me from my sweetheart, from my friends and family. And thank you for giving me another time and chance to be the best of me.
I know I am blessed. :)

{posted by Chibi on 11:55 PM} +

Sunday, July 18, 2010

(500) Days Of Summer - a movie review

"This is not a love story. This is a story about love."

Ya, film (500) Days of Summer memang mengetengahkan kisah tentang cinta, walaupun bukan sepenuhnya kisah cinta. Film independen yang diproduksi pada tahun 2009 ini didistribusikan oleh Fox Searchlight Pictures dan berjaya di Sundance Film Festival di tahun yang sama, akhirnya dirilis secara internasional dan sukses meraup lebih dari 60 juta dolar AS.

Film nyaris-romantis-nyaris-komedi yang dibintangi oleh Joseph Gordon-Levitt dan Zooey Deschanel ini mengisahkan tentang kisah Tom (Gordon-Levitt) dan perjalanan cintanya dengan Summer (Deschanel) selama 500 hari, sejak pertama kali mereka bertemu hingga titik puncak hubungan mereka. Alur waktu di film ini tidak berurutan, sehingga penonton dapat melihat alur yang berpindah-pindah dari hari ke hari ketika Tom menceritakan berbagai pengalamannya dengan Summer.

Tom adalah seorang pegawai di sebuah perusahaan pembuat kartu ucapan, yang jatuh cinta kepada Summer, seorang pegawai baru di perusahaannya. Mereka lalu menjalani hari-hari bersama, semakin dekat dari waktu ke waktu, namun suatu hari Summer memutuskan hubungan mereka dengan alasan bahwa ia tidak ingin punya kekasih, dan tidak mempercayai adanya cinta sejati. Tom sangat kecewa dan patah hati, namun Summer menghilang dan Tom harus berjuang mengatasi kesedihannya. Sampai suatu hari ia bertemu dengan Summer di sebuah pesta dan mereka berdansa bersama, dan saat itu Tom merasa mendapatkan harapannya kembali. Tapi apakah Summer akhirnya mempercayai adanya cinta sejati?

Puncak dari kisah Tom dan Summer ternyata sangat realistis dan penuh dengan asam manis kenyataan yang tak terduga. Penonton akan digiring mengikuti emosi Tom dan Summer, memahami karkater masing-masing dan akhirnya dapat menyadari bahwa kisah cinta tidak selalu manis dan tidak perlu juga penuh derita. Sahabat-sahabat Tom yang mendukung sepanjang film itu juga memberikan gambaran kehidupan percintaan yang bervariasi. Kisah tentang cinta akan selalu menarik, dan film ini memberikan gambaran cinta dan realita bagi para penontonnya.

{posted by Chibi on 5:21 PM} +



Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations





fiction fetish   hangeul2korean-romanization

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