Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
15 Book I'll Always Remember
So here is the random list :
1. Mahabharata & Perang Bharata Yudha Comics (R.A Kosasih)

I read these comic books when I was in 4th grade, in Purworejo. the books were actually belonged to my cousin, and since we share the room, we also shared the books we have :) At that time, my cousins and I (as typical Javanese children) must learn about Wayang Purwa and other Javanese legends, and I found it very interesting. I always love the epic stories.
2. Pilih Sendiri Petualanganmu : Sleeping Beauty & Alice Di Negeri Ajaib

These were my favorite books during my elementary school period. My mother bought the "Choose Your Own Adventure" book series, but only these two I remembered so well.
3. Casper & Wendy Comic Strips

When I was 5 or 6 year old, my mother or grandmother or aunts used to take me along when they're going shopping. I used to buy Casper & Wendy comic books everytime I visit Bintaro P&D (a supermarket) near my house. It became an exciting habit, I always got new books everytime they took me shopping ^^
4. Malory Towers Series (Enid Blyton)

I think this is the greatest series. I loved it when I was 5-6th grades, and still love it till now!
5. William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet (Complete and unabridged version from Penguin Books)

This is the first classic book I bought when I was in junior high. I bought it in Gunung Agung bookstore, Citraland Mall Semarang (Ha! I even still remember the place! XD) I fell in love instantly with the book, and (at that time) I remember almost all the lines.
6. Pasukan Mau Tahu (Enid Blyton)

One of my cousin's book when I was in 4th grade ^^
7. Candy Candy (Yumiko Igarashi)

This is the first Japanese manga series I read when I was in 5th grade. The story was great, and I am sure many of you still love this book :)
8. Lupus : Topi-Topi Centil (Hilman)

When I was 10-11, the Lupus series was a big hit. EVERY pre-teen I know had the books. And everyone loved this gum-chewing boy :D
9. Memoirs of A Geisha (Arthur Golden)

I think this is the first 'serious' novel I read when I was in university. I used to avoid novels, but this book impressed me so much I couldn't put down the book until it was finished. Since then, I looked forward for more good books :)
10. Angels & Demons (Dan Brown)

Monika was still in Sydney when she nagged (alsmost harassed) me to read this book XD And when I finally read it (it was kinda hard to find the book in Indonesia, because somehow The Da Vinci Code published here first O_o), I was impressed and like it instantly ^^
11. Supernova : Ksatria, Puteri dan Bintang Jatuh (Dee Dewi Lestari)

Dee (Dewi Lestari) is an alumni in my uni, my senior in the faculty. When she published her first book, I didn't buy it but I read it from a friend. Once I finished the book, I ran to my campus and bought it immediately in Dee's book stand (there was a campus bazaar, Pasar Malam Kampus Tiga at that time). Dee was there and she gave me the autograph on the book, and bid my former then-(ex)boyfriend a good luck XD
12. The Queen's Confession: The Story of Marie Antoinette (Victoria Holt)

I found this book at Omuniuum bookshop (which then become my favorite spot). This book is my first diamond.
13. Tales from Shakespeare (Charles & Mary Lamb)

I had the book when I was in junior high, until someone borrowed it and it was gone, so I had to buy it again when I was in the uni, then it was gone again, so now I have it again and keep it in my bookshelf for never ever let anyone borrow it again :P
14. Rose of Versailles Comics (Ryoko Ikeda)

This is the first story of Queen Marie Antoinette I read vividly. It changed my whole opinion about her, since I studied the French Revolution in junior high :P
15. Marie Antoinette : The Journey (Antonia Fraser)

Finally. The next diamond about La Reine :) I've been looking for this book almost forever since the first I saw it in Kinokuniya bookstore, and now Times offered it to me - with discount!
How can I not love the bookstore! XD
{posted by Chibi on 11:26 AM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations