Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Birth Day. Thanks To You.

Finally, I reach this day :) The day I turn 28 year-old.
Looking back to what happened in my life on the past years, I know I should be very, very grateful that God allows me to live up 'till now. And he still gave me the sanity also (also, for some case it didn't quite worked XDD) And the brain's working well! Hahaha.
And today is definitely MY DAY - since God decided to bring me into the world at this July 21st - so I am the Queen Of The Day.
No doubt. I'll tell you why.
28 years ago, all attentions were on me. Well, I mean my family's attentions. While my mother was panting her breath carrying me in her womb, my Dad tried his best to look unworried and calmed her down, and my grandparents along with my aunts and uncles were as anxious to hear the news from the hospital. All attention were on me, once again, everybody seemed to expect me to come out and see the world soon. They expected me to be born healthy, pretty, and perfectly alive.
So with her best effort she could ever had, my Mom put her life on the line and with God's hands through the doctors and nurses, she finally got me delivered.
There is no doubt that it's because of God, that I still can breathe and cry as hard as a newborn since 28 years ago :)
And my number one person who brought me into this world : Mom.
Thank you for teaching me how to love
Showing me what the world means
What I've been dreamin' of
And now I know, there is nothing that I could not do
Thanks to You
For teaching me how to feel
Showing me my emotions
Letting me know what's real
From what is not
What I've got is more that I'd ever hoped for
And a lot of what I hope for is
Thanks to you
There's no mountain, no valley
No time, no space
No heartache, no heartbreak
No fall from grace
Can't stop me from believing
That my love will see me through
Thanks to You
For teaching me how to live
Putting things in perspective
Teaching me how to give
And how to take
No mistake
We were put here together
Thanks to You..
{Thanks To You - by Tyler Collin}
Thank you, Lord, for keeping me alive up until now. For the love. For the great friends. For the amazing life.
And for another chance to be a better human. :)
Thank you Mom, for putting your life in the line to give a new life for me. And to keep me alive with your heart, body, mind and soul.
I love you.
{posted by Chibi on 11:06 PM} +
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Minute To Midnite
Having a 27th birthday. Did nothing but having a quite time by myself :) Made a fanfic project for it, and still going on 'till now.
Went to book bazaars with Sassy. Had Bandung trip with Mon & Ronnie, guided by Wo. Had an off-relationship with Wo. Crushed, despaired. Had another on-relationship with Wo again. In love. Out love. Cried. Laughed.
Joined Plurk. Joined Twitter. Read more books. Hunt more books. Took another trip to Bandung with Plurkers. Resigned from VP. Editing book. Wrote stories, articles. Left Jakarta, moved to Bandung. Started new life of my own.
Still building the life now :)
Thank God, I'm still alive until this very second. My last minutes to my another year of life.
{posted by Chibi on 11:51 PM} +
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My Playlist on July 2009
Funny, I just realize that I listen to two different types of music lately. One is encouraging songs (with encouraging lyrics, I guess I kinda need that kind of support lately), and the other is some angsty music which would be perfect to build a suicidal mood (and also somehow perfectly suit my mood lately).
It feels like I'm riding a jet-coaster. Fun and exciting, yet scary that I might fall down and crushed into pieces. But I know there's always the end of the ride.
Oh well. *shrugs*
Mind my blabbing. Here's my favorit songs of the month (with links) :
1. Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror
I just realize - after Michael's death - I really like this song and I play it over and over again everyday. Probably this is my favorite song from Michael.
2. Various Artist - Just Stand Up
Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Rihanna, Fergie, Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etheridge, Natasha Beddingfield, Miley Cyrus, Leona Lewis, Carrie Underwood, Keyshia, ... and I dunno who else. Very encouraging song.
3. Girl's Generation (SNSD) - Way To Go!
Don't laugh. This is a nice song, really. Mind the girls -__-;;
4. Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
I re-read my Twilight saga books, and nothing could be more suitable to build the imagination than this song ;)
5. Kangta - Polaris
A little flashback to my favorite fangirling time XD
6. M - Minnovation
Turns out I am still a fangirl after all :P Minwoo is a god *sigh*
7. Nine Ball - Hingga Akhir Waktu
Yes, it's Indonesian. Surprise, surprise. It hits me the first time I heard this song
8. Lyla - Percayakan
LOL, this one too. Why I like it? It's kinda inspirational for my writings, actually.
9. Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampire (OST Bram Stoker's Dracula)
This song repeated itself every night in my winamp when I was writing anything. I just can't let it off my brain.
10. HowL - Love U
Sweet and somewhat, hurts.
11. Aerosmith - Eat The Rich
I really want to do head-banging.
12. The Fray - Never Say Never
Thanks to Mon, I heart this song very.
13. Snow Patrol - The Planets Bend Between Us
I like the floating feeling when I listen to this song while lying alone on my bed and do nothing but breathing.
14. Craig Armstrong - This Love (feat. Elizabeth Fraser)
The song is awesomely romantic and heart-moving for me... Okay. I cried.
15. Lady Gaga - The Fame
LOL. Yeah, I listen to summer music. This is summer after all. We have to be a bit energetic, don't we? ;)
It's D-9 ! :)
{posted by Chibi on 10:25 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations