Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, January 19, 2009
Get Better!
Suddenly it's already the middle of the month. Whoa.
This is my first entry for 2009.
I know.., I know. I've been ignoring this blog for quite some time. Hux. I didn't mean to - honestly - but sometimes I just did not know what to write.
Many things happened in my life, but sometimes it felt so fast I didn't even get a chance to breathe, and suddenly other things came up. Haha.
Well, since it's the beginning of a new year, everybody is talking about new year's resolution, 'aight?
Yeah. Well. I, personally, don't really think about that kind of stuff, y'know. I live my life the way it is, and so far, I know my own capability. I know what I want already. And it don't really change much from last year. It's not that I don't have a goal or plan set of anything - I do have - but I'm not going to boast or forcing it too much. I don't want to get too enthusiastic at the beginning, but then fade away in the end.
But if you ask me if I have any resolution or hope for this year of 2009, yeah I have.
My new year resolution is : GET BETTER.
Hahaha. In any kind. My personal life, my love life, my career, my money, my attitude, my body, my health, and (basicly) my everything related to me. Better than last years, better than before. I will do my best to make it work. Maybe I haven't put my 100% effort so there are some goals I fail to succeed in the past year, but I am going to work it out this year. I will not put high hope on it, for I am not expecting any disappointment later on. But - as I said - I will work on it.
And so then my hope for this year is that everything is gonna be alright. Yes, I pray to God to make my way, to make it clear, to make it smooth, for anything I will get through. I know it will not be easy, but with His help, I think I'll make it :) (or so I wish :P Tee-hee)
So far God has been so nice to me - for keeping me alive until now - and I am thankful for that. But, human as I am, I will still ask for more and try to work my way to get it. Hopefully, He will help me out and stick around like He always do - even though I know I made a whole lot of bad bad things >_< (and still do.)
Well, that is why I try to be a better me this year. Amen.
Wish me luck, people :)
{posted by Chibi on 1:22 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations