Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Now is the D+1 of being 27. Okay, erase that, 24. XD
So what did I do yesterday, beside checking mails and messages and getting phone calls from almost everyone?
Well.., not much.
I posted a fanfiction which was my birthday project, and this one is kinda... different from most fiction I've ever written.
The fic is about TVXQ - yes, this isn't typo - or known as Dong bang Shin Gi.
Surprise, surprise. For I am NOT a TVXQ an, nor I adore the members - whoever, but I just thought that I might do something different for my birthday, and everyone seems to like TVXQ (including me, I like some of their songs), and what so difficult about writing a fanfic? It's a fan fiction, by any means :P So I did. Yeah some people thought I'm going crazy - well, yeah, I am kind of michin saram - or like Wo said that I sold my soul to Cassiopeia, LMAO!
Anyway, if you're interested and want to know what kind of crap I wrote (in INDONESIAN, by the way), just click here.
What else did I do? Oh, nothing much. Just watching Juno DVD (like the songs!), eat, lit a cig, and thinking what have I done for the last 27 years of my life. And like I said, nothing much. Haha :p
And then Sassy called until midnite, and that's how I ended up my birthday :)
It was nice, though... Alot of thoughtful people, birthday cards, presents, prayers,...
But overall, there was nothing much. It's just my day. A custom-made day for me :)
{posted by Chibi on 12:03 PM} +
Monday, July 21, 2008
It's My Day!
Okay, actually I'm 27 now, but I recall that I prefer to remained 24, so... yeah. I'm 24 now. LOL.
Thank you for the endless message and phonecalls and presents from all of you guys... Love it! *hugs all*
I totally adore Mon's present, a box of shameless narcissistic photos of ME! Wakakaka.
Thank you God for keeping me alive up until now, and for the people who actually notice that I'm alive.
I love you all, thank you!
{posted by Chibi on 10:42 PM} +
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Time Crisis
We have several contracts from the clients (old and new ones), which means good for the business. But the not so good is that we have limited time - and designers! - and deadlines are tight (again, as usual). Oh well.
This week began with good things, though. Shugorei was having her 25 - uh, no. 18th birthday last Tuesday (again, happy burfdae Mon!) and she's planning for the treat this Friday. Woohoo can't wait.
While 'm still waiting for mine, it's good to celebrate the others :)
got several work visitings and some of them were... nice. Overly nice, if I may say XD But fun. Okay, lah.
By the way, I got some project to finish before my birthday. No, it's nothing business related project, but personal thing. And I can't tell you right now, because it's embarassing enough to do it (I can't believe I'm doing this) and already embarassing to even tell Wo about it. LMAO.
I'll let you know later on my birthday *winks*
A little note from Shinhwa's Kim Dong Wan out of his blog (Mon gave the link to me this morning), and it's a nice quote from a book he read.
Check it out, the words are awesome.
Don't hope for the world to change,
Hope for yourself to change.
Hoping for the world to change
Will bring about uninvited guests called discontent and failure, who will tell us to give up
Hoping for yourself to change
Will bring about welcome guests called success and hope, who will encourage us to take up challenges
The master of your life is not the world but yourself
-from Lee Oi Soo's "Ha-ak Ha-ak"
It's D-4! Dumdumdumdum.
{posted by Chibi on 3:13 PM} +
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Walk The Line
Hello, Tuesday. It's the second day of the second week of July now. So far, July has been good to me, as it's my favorite month of the year :)
Last week was great, and the weekend was super. I went to Jakarta Book Fair with Sassy and met Kayla there at Istora Senayan. The book fair was incredible (although, it costed me and Sassy walking around Senayan to find that bloody bulding -__-;; mana gue tau yang namanya Istora itu dimane :P)
I got three Everyman Shakespeare books at a very good price and some komik wayang, and Sassy got her guilty pleasure of Harlequins. LOL.
On Sunday, me and Sassy again wandered around WTC Mangga Dua, to the Japan Evolution bazaar and festival. Just like last year, this year J-Vo was loaded with cosplay troops from every manga/anime, and (my favorite) loads of food stalls. Of course there were okonomiyaki and takoyaki everywhere, but unfortunately couldn't find any sushi bar :( Huks. I guess nothing beats Sushi Tei at this state XD
Sassy and I took some pics with some of the cosplayers, such as Kamen Rider, Nodame, and even Sadako! (the Japanese ghost). Whahahahaha that was cool, dude.
After WTC, we dropped by Glodok to find some DVDs until late. That was the closing of the weekend. We nearly broke our legs XD Pegel bener, ya bo :P
Let see what this week brings :) More new things, hopefully :) Life is good. I would save it and not let any exasperation things to ruin it, hahaha.
It's D-13.
{posted by Chibi on 1:26 PM} +
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
And suddenly, it's already July!
I love July. It's my favorite moth of the year, yes XD
I'm rambling now because I just had a pretty amusing sleepover last night :P Lack of sleep, lots of chats, thin air, high tense, have fun, time went by, and suddenly it's 5 in the morning. Whoa. And morning air is so f**king cold, baby!
By the way Olip went to China this morning, and will be back at the 10th. Hmm. Missed her already today :D
Still waiting for the new boy - my PR staff - Marcell tomorrow. He'll be around Jakarta with Nia promoting VP, yeah! XD
And I am thinking of watching Koil's performace at Cilandak next July 25th.
Anyone want to take me to the concert? Koil, anyone? :) I kinda like them (even though, I only knew 2 of their songs :P)
I am sooooooo droopy. Please ignore me.
It's D-20.
{posted by Chibi on 5:25 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations