Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, February 22, 2008
New Place, New Stories
So last Monday, VP was officially 'pindah kantor'. All the VP-ers were so excited about this new place, arranging the furnitures and stuffs (my goodness, I myself had 3 big boxes contained "Chibi - Marketing's Stuff" *__*) For two whole days we set up all the things - including telephone and internet connection, the tables and chairs - I got a desk at the front corner near the living room - and so far we are pretty satisfied with our new office's look.
It's white and sleek - simply modern out-of-ikea-catalogue kind of office, 2-story building with lots and lots of glass panels/windows, an empty fish pond (Olip's planning to put goldfishes there later) near the stairs, a photo studio at 2nd floor - near Olip's office, designer's room and marketing's room at 1st floor, a vast living room (with extra big fridge - I'll explain to you later :P), and a garage plus security's room (including bathroom). Sweet, huh? ;)
We tried to arrange things as neat as possible, and follow the fengshui as much as possible. Well, I gotta tell ya it's not an easy thing to deal with. Especially when the building is spaciously modern and not necessarily designed with feng shui calculation compatibly :P As for the result, Mon got a little frustrated when we had to place a big new fridge other than under the stairs (because feng shui-wise, it is not okay to put things under the stairs. But interior arrangement-wise, it is the only space that would be perfect to put that big bus). Hmmm. So temporarily, we finally put the fridge in the living room *__* Olip told us to pretend it's invisible until we could find a perfect place for that big buddy. LOL.
Oh well. Lots of things we have to deal with, and will be alot more to come. But I cross my fingers, that with this new office, VP will be much much better than before :) It's like a rebirth of VP, with new layouts and (will be) new employees (I need new staff heeere!!), and other new stuff. I can't wait to try our new studio :P
Move to another issue : Anita is getting maried this year!
Yeap, the Anita my old housemate in Bandung! Whoohooo congrats, dear..! *huggles* I just knew about this when she sent me message to help her find a wedding organiser. Lalala I'm so excited that she will come to Jakarta this weekend to discuss about the wedding plan and I'd be delighted to help her. I already got some information details, and hopefully it could help ^^
One of the Busas-ers is getting married, isn't that super?! Okay, I got too excited XD I might not be as excited as this for my own wedding later, LOL!
There will be plenty of stories with Nita. As much as with VP. Dum dum dum dum :)
{posted by Chibi on 7:56 PM} +
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
(Almost) Fun
Deal lots of things with Mom, from talking about my sister's plan to get married, and (usually) end it with arguments about nonsenses and grumbles in our hearts. I tried to be a nice girl and shut up and listen, but somehow sometimes it just didn't work out between us. It's not that I hate my Mom, it's just we found a lot of differences in our way of thinking and miss-interpretation.
With a help from Wo, I finally managed to deal with this Mom-and-me thingie. I know I should do a lot of things.
Now it's almost Chinese New Year, yay! I hope I could get more happiness and prosperity in this Mouse year, hahaha. I am a cat, anyway :P
Happy sincia, peopleeee.... Gong Xi Fa Cai...!
{posted by Chibi on 5:49 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations