Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, September 28, 2007
Jumat yang panjang
Hari ini gue tiba-tiba diare... Nggak enak banget deh, sumpeh. Gue ga tau gue abis makan apa kemaren (perasaan cuma ayam kuluyuk, tapi Monik dan Cindy kan juga makan, tpi kok mereka nggak apa-apa?), kok bisa-bisanya gue ampe mules tiap lima belas menit dari tadi pagi bangun tidur. Di kantor udah 4 kali gue bolak-balik ke WC. Sampe akhirnya abis makan siang gue minum Diatabs. Gue udah pengen pindah ruangan kantor ke WC :P
Abis itu kerjaan gue mulai menggila dengan menu-menu TCRS yang deadline hari ini. LOL. Sebenernya udah dari kemaren sih gue ngerjain tu menu, tapi hari ini tetep aja finishing. Dan betenya sempet ada masalah pula ama laminatingnya (pengen mencabik-cabik otak si tukang laminating deh...)
Meanwhile Mon & Olip juga di TCRS Karawaci, photoshoot yang rencananya cuma ampe jam 3 sore, tapi tadi Olip bilang baru selesai jam setengah lima O_o Itu pun masih bersambung ke photoshoot hari Senin besok. Ya ampyun.
Sebenernya gue pengen ke Bandung besok, tapi berhubung manusia yang di BAndung lagi ga mau diganggu, ya sudah gue basi aja gituw kalo ke Bandung tapi ga ada dia... Huks.
Plan B gue, ke Bintaro Junction ama Mon, huhuhu ^^
Doh, moga-moga diare gue beres hari ini...
{posted by Chibi on 6:30 PM} +
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's so not fun. Moreover, I had loads of works this week - deadlines and everything.
But I manage to keep cool (or in my case, not having a fever :P). Hahaha.
By the way, I met Mr. Bae last Wednesday at Senayan City! Whaahhh I missed him so much ^^ He gave me an offer that is so hard to resist. Hmm. But that's cool, I can consider everything...
Anyways, I miss Wo and I miss my bed now. *sulks* I need more tissue to wipe my running nose.
{posted by Chibi on 6:26 PM} +
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Okay, actually last week I visited my ancestors' graves - because it's almost Ramadhan - we call it nyadran in Javanese tradition. Then I went to Bogor also (that's where my Grandma from Dad lives).
But last Friday, my grandma from Mom passed away - God bless her soul - and I had to run as soon as possible to Pekalongan. She died at age 87, in the hospital for heart failure.
So that Friday I went straight from my office at 7 pm, by travel car and arrived at Pekalongan at 5am on Saturday. The funeral started at 1 pm, so I stayed at my old friend's(her mom also my mom's friend) house. Too bad Ipiek (my friend) wasn't home that time, but I was accompanied by her brother, Aang :D Thanks yah udah nganter2in, Ang.
After the funeral, we went to Magelang. We here means my whole big family XD Our cars were guarded by police patrols - thank to my cousin Abi who got the police force somehow - so we got in Magelang faster than usual.
I went back to Jakarta on Sunday afternoon (4.30 pm) by bus. And arrived in Jakarta at 8 am Monday morning... Then I went to VP office at 11. Soooo tirreeeddd....
Until now, I still feel a little bit dizzy. Works are alot as usual, but so far ok lah... Tomorrow is start Ramadhan, but I don't do fasting (puasa) yet... My body is still not delicious... See, I start to type crazy things ... WTF am I talking sih..
So for all of you, Selamat puasaaaaaa!!!!!!!
{posted by Chibi on 6:30 PM} +
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Half Life,
I still don't understand how just one person, a very common human, could fly me to heaven for one second and then crash me down to hell.
And I also don't understand why I always fall.
I thought I could live forever.
{posted by Chibi on 7:00 PM} +
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Buzzing Bee Days
So it's weekend again, folks. And it's September 1st, means another month begins.
I spent this week in a quite hectic way, actually. I'm dealing with this new client, and this company requires extra handling since the project is quite a lot :P I sometimes had to whip around Mon & Robin (now I sound kinky) to push them finish the designs (a very annoying and demanding cat, I am)... But thank goodness none of them start to skill me(yet). LOL.
The good thing is, more projects mean more money, yes? :D And I just can't help to get overly excited, that we got a quite important project from a quite important client just 32 hours ago :D Yeayy!! (I know Olip got over-excited too - she just couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear yesterday. LMAO) Lalalala me will be busy busy but me is happyyy~
Another news from the family side, my Mom and my sister caught the bloody dengue fever. They both are in the hospital in Magelang right now. Hmph. I was kinda panic few days ago when my sister called me and told me the situation, but thank God it's all settled now. Hope they get well soon.
Today I finished up some unfinished work from the office yesterday, and joined Mon & Olip who held an exhibition at Panorama Tour Building. It's a small exhibition - we represented Olive&Friends Photography - and thanks to Wimode internet connection, we were less bored... Oh, and thanks to Kiddie Club right next to our booth, we got a very very amusing brain-exercise! LMAO. It's amazing how a 4+ year-old toys could make us gone crazy XD
From the exhibition (we scooted away from there partly because we got tired, and partly because we felt kinda embarassed people looking at us got excited over kid's toys), we went to Mall Taman Anggrek and got our hair&nails treatments at Johnny Andrean Salon. Then Olip went to her boyfriend's, while me & Mon wandered around to get some food...
And now I'm here :)
Tomorrow's stil weekend, and I will go to Bogor to atend the family gathering. Hmm. I should go to bed early tonoght, but I don't think so... ;)
Have a cool weekend, people!
{posted by Chibi on 9:46 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations