Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Didiemin? Atau disebelin? Atau disabar-sabarin?
tapi kok malah bikin sakit ati ya.
Herannya, lagi banyaaakkk banget orang-orang yang bersikap menyebalkan di sekitar gue. Mungkin, karena gue juga sedang bertingkah (agak-agak) menyebalkan lately. Tapi yang jelas, gue malah jadi sedih.
Kenapa sih semua harus jadi menyebalkan?
{posted by Chibi on 6:55 PM} +
Kill That Bitch For Me
I know you like me
Just like you know I like you too
But I'm wondering if you love me
Like the way I love you
Maybe I'm not that sexy, but I am hot
Or maybe I'm not that rich, but I'm all good
But I gotta tell ya, the lady is a bitch
She swirls her hair when she walks
Wiggling her tail for the boys to chase her
Can't you tell from the way she talks
She's flirting all the way
If you said that you don't care
It would lift my mood right away
If you say that I'm better than her
Then you got me for sure
But baby, I always want you more than this
So if you think that I could be your world
Would you please
Kill that bitch for me
{posted by Chibi on 6:18 PM} +
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Weekend, folks!
Dum dum dum. I don't have any special plan this weekend. oh, maybe just a plan to go out with Eric Dharmali+Enjol+Mar+Mon tomorrow to eat steak at Abuba. Hahaha.
But so far I don't mind. Well yeserday (Friday, 24/08) I was having a photoshoot at Plaza Semanggi with Mon+Olip. Then around 5.30 pm - when we were about to finish the photosession, suddenly Eric (Olip's) showed up, and asked if we would watch Ratatouille together. Well, actually I had a plan to watch Tompi performance at PIM with someone, but since it was still early, I thought hey why not XD So then the four of us watched Ratatouille at Semanggi.
The movie was nice, so funny and I enjoyed it very much. But then I was contemplating to go to see tompi or not, 'coz it's kinda late and my date seemed to be quite busy. Hmmm. I was considering to go home when he called then. Oh well. So off me go to PIM ^^ Mas Toni (the driver) took me there with Mon (Mon about to go home).
I was hungry, LOL. So after I met the guy - name's Iwan, by the way - we went straight to the venue - it's in Mezza 9. I ordered food instantly, hahaha. He's a nice guy, we chatted (while I was munching my late dinner) and turned out Tompi was kinda (I mean, very) late that night. He supposed to showed up at 10, but the performance started at 1 XD But Tompi was good, though. he has a special voice, and good at playing with tones. Over all, I really enjoyed his performance^^
Iwan took me home at 2 am, then I fell asleep not so long afterward. Guess I was pretty worn out.
This morning I woke up very late, and my only go out was to get some groceries and lunch at Hero. And some phonecalls from some friends, blablabla. By the way, Renov called me and he made me really really want to see him in Bandung (dah lama kita nggak kongkow and ngegosip bareng ya, bo... ik juga kangen ama jij! Ahuhuhu). I went online ('till now) soon after Mon told me that she'll take a shower first :P Now she's struggling with her Speedy, I guess XD
Tomorrow there's another plan, so.... Yeah I can say my weekend now is pretty smooth... :)
{posted by Chibi on 8:36 PM} +
Sunday, August 19, 2007
As a compensation for my tiresome last weekend, these last three days (which was a long holiday again) I planned nothing.
I just need to cool my skin down (after the nasty sunburnt), and ease my mind.
The only time I got out was yesterday - I went to Bintaro to meet my aunt and returned some books from a rental shop.
I always love to hang around in my room, doing nothing - or maybe just read comics, browsing my music files, and chat on the phone with Wo for hours.
I love holidays ^^
{posted by Chibi on 8:11 PM} +
And if it's ain't love, then why does it feel so good?
A little mind trivia. Hmm.
{Spiler - Groovejet}
{posted by Chibi on 8:02 PM} +
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bandung Weekend Blast!
Another week gone by! Do you realize that we have two long holidays this month?
Well, last weekend was the first one - we got extra public holiday thanks to Jakarta's Voting for the new governor (Pilkada). Teehee. Okay, the Pilkada was on Wednesday, but Mn & I decided to switch it to Friday so we could get our own long holiday ^^
As me and Mon planned since long long time ago, last weekend spent with full schedule. Here's the recap.
On Thursday (09/08), Wo came from Bandung and stayed at my place. At the same time, Ronny also came from Semarang and stayed at Mon's. The main purpose is to attend the FGD - a graphic design exhibition - at JHCC on the next day (Friday 10/08).
So on Friday, the four of us went to FGD and we had lot of fun there, LOL. We got loads of freebies! And I got most of it, since I'm the one who shamelessly asked the goodie bags from almost every booth :P When we got back to Mon's place in the afternoon, it felt like we've been shopping 'coz we got hands full of goodies XDD
We crashed at Mon's (after taking meal at McDonald's) because we reserved travel car to Bandung from Bintaro. Yes... Bandung is still our fvorite place to go for have fun ^^ So late that afternoon, we rushed to X-Trans pool and off we went to Bandung. The traffic was crazy, we took off at 5.30 pm and arrived in Bandung at 9.30 pm *__*
We then had our dinner at Warung Laos in Cihampelas, before then we got in the hotel at 11.30ish pm.
By the time we checked in the hotel, Olip & Eric was already there ^^ Ahuhuhu. They stayed at the same hotel with us (because Wo reserved it), so it would be easier to us to start the big plan the next day.
Early Saturday morning (11/08), Olip knocked my door at 5 am LOL. Then we prepared to go to Kawah Putih - Ciwidey. Eric drove the car. The six of us went there at 7 and arrived at 9, and Kawah Putih was freezing!! It was soooo cold and we were starving, but we still got full spirit to take the photoshoot. XDD
Olip and Eric wore the pre-wedding dress and I wore my black dress too. Imagine how cold it was >_> But the photoshoot went pretty smooth :)
After Kawah Putih, the next location is the tea plantation a few kilometres past. Olip changed the costume into dress#2 :P I just wore my t-shirt ^^ We didn't realize that it was exaclty noon, since we were freezing, but the sun was burning silently. After a little off-road drama with Eric's car (a matic Innova which got stuck below the cliff - until finally Olip roared the gear and jumped the car out of the rocky track *yeayy!!* XD), then we went back to the hotel. We were tired, hungry, and just realized that we all got sunburned and our skins were all red and hurt. LMAO.
Another traffic - as usual, so Olip and Eric didn't get much time to hang out together. So the two of them went back to Jakarta, and me, Mon, Ron, and Wo went to Bumbu Desa restaurant to have our late lunch (it was 4 pm already).
The lunch was great, we enjoyed it very much, but we need the after-sun lotion as soon as possible :P
So then we went to Paris Van Java mall. We were planning to watch the movie Bourne Ultimatum, so we bought the ticket at Blitz Megaplex for the 10 pm show. While we wait for the show, we hung around PVJ and got some drinks at Moccha Blends cafe. It was fun because when we were joking around, suddenly came a guy from Lucky Strike booth and showed us a little magic trick with cards on our table :D Wheee!! ^__^ Actually was wondering if I also could show a magic trick to that guy, but my trick was so cheesy. LOL.
So then at 9 pm we scooted from Moccha Blends to Blitz cafe - right in front of the cinema, and I gt my fish&chips 'coz I was hungry again :P At 10 pm the movie started, and while me&Mon watched it, Ron&Wo fell asleep for about 30 minutes. LOL.
The movie was good, thuogh (despite the moving camera which made me dizzy *_*)
We went back to the hotel after the movie - around 12, and we were planning to roam around the city the next day. Actually we were planning to go to Tangkuban Perahu, but we didn't get the rental car and plus we had tight schedule.
So on Sunday (12/08) we supposed to get ready by 9 am, but we were too lazy LOL so we checked out from the hotel at 11 am, and had pempek in front of the hotel while we waited for Handy (Wo's cousin) to picked us up and dropped us at Kota Kembang - the DVD center :) We put our bags in Handy's car - since we carried alot of bags and stuffs. Thanks buat nitip tasnya, ya Han :)
We started to get crazy in Kota Kembang :P I bought loads of DVDs, even Johnny's boys concert O__o I dunno why XD I think Ron had fun too picking up those hentai XDD
After that, we went to Jonas Banda to see some photo frames. We got some siomay and es duren there, and we met a sissyboy singing a very amusing 'Kucing Garong' song. LOL.
From Jonas, we scooted to some factory outlets to find a shirt for Mon. She finally got it at Renaritti. Then we off to Ciwalk, the nearest place to X-Trans because our travel car would picked us at 7.30 pm. We hung around for an hour at Embargo, I got my cold Carlsberg and some photos there ^^
At 7.30 pm, we rushed to X-Trans, and finally kissed Wo goodbye and heading back to Jakarta. Ron went back to Semarang few hours after that.
I fell asleep in the car, and realized it was 10.30 pm when we got in Mon's house (I stayed at her place). After taking a shower, we ended the day by watching Shinhwa's Japan Concert until we felt really sleepy and dozed off.
The weekend was full blast, and now I still got my burned skin peeling like a snake :P Next weekend, I'm planning to sleep all day ^^
{posted by Chibi on 6:57 PM} +
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Cheesy Tragedy
Like yesterday.
I was thinking of having macaroni & cheese for my dinner. Somehow the idea of the salty taste of cheese haunted me XD
So then I prepared to cook - Kraft's Macaroni & Cheese, butter, and milk. It was pretty easy to prepare - what do you expect from an instant mac&cheese, huh?
But one thing I did not expect, that the portion was... plenty. I mean, there's too much for myself - a big bowl of mac&cheese? I gotta be nutz. But then I thought, oh well... I could eat it. Afterall, I was craving for cheese.
But then I started to eat it... And then I realized... that I didn't like it that much. In fact, I didn't like it at all. LMAO. I didn't want to eat that yellow greasy thing! It tasted funny, cheesy but not delicious (damn that seducing picture on the box).
I called Wo & Mon to ask how was I suppose to do with this tons of mac&cheese. So then I decided to fry it with eggs, and voila, a cheese macaroni omelette (or, whatever you name it).
By the time my omelette was all done4, I got too tired and fed up to eat it :P
I will NEVER cook mac&cheese again. Never ever. Next time I want something cheesy, I'll just put on my Tommy Page MP3. Cheesy and no sweat :)
{posted by Chibi on 7:52 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations