Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The After Glow
I am still in a happy mode - since last weekend was my birthday - and I spent it with a very happy happy joy joy XD
So. Here's a recap of my birthday weekend.
On Saturday morning, I went to Bandung (which, by the way, the city I was born in) at 7 am by X-Trans (car travel). Two hours driving, and I arrived at 9 am. I went straight to a beauty salon - since Wo would pick me up an hour later, because he was still half asleep at that time :P I got my hair done when Wo came, then we went to Paris Van Java mall to have lunch together. I was sooo hungry XD I made a phone call to Mon at that time, and she was kinda half awaken so that was pretty dork when she tried to guess where I was XDD By the way, Paris Van Java (PVJ) is pretty cool. That was my first visit to that mall. Oh, we also booked two tickets to watch Transformers at Blitz Megaplex for the evening show.
After lunch, Wo took me to the hotel he reserved for me. The hotel was nice, by the way. Pretty cheap and clean :) Reccomended for our next trip, Mon :D
I checked in, put my bags and stuffs, and take a rest for a while. Oh, Wo gave me the birthday present (yeay!) A bottle of Merlot and a Korean soccer team supporter t-shirt :P Hahaha. Turns out he also had that kind of t-shirt (men size), so he bought me the girl size XD Thanks, Wo!
Then on the afternoon Wo dropped me to an internet cafe, while he went home because he had some urgent work stuff to do. An hour later, he picked me up and we went to Jalan Aceh to get our dinner together, in our favorite place of course, Sentosa kwetiaw XD
At 8.30, we rushed to PVJ again to watch Transformers at Blitz at 9. The cinema was so full, just like the idea of Bandung on Saturday night. Lucky we booked the tickets first.
Transformers was awesome, just like my friends said. Wo and I enjoyed it very much ^^
After the movie, we decided to hang out and find something to drink. You know, there are plenty of cafes and restaurants in PVJ - just like any normal mall - but I like the idea of sidewalk cafes like they have. That kind of things you only get at CiWalk and PVJ here, perhaps. I never find it in Jakarta :P Maybe that is why I love to hang out in Bandung so much.
Anyway, then we hopped in Gelato Bar. We ordered ice cream and cake, and I got my chocolate cheese cake with birthday candles :D Hahaha. I made a wish and blew the candles right before midnight :P They gave me a balloon, too XD
It was around 2 am when we stepped out from PVJ. And on the way back to the hotel, Wo stopped in almost every Circle-K and AlfaMart to find a corkscrew - to open my birthday-present-wine. but we found none :P When we got back to the hotel, we just realized that the hotel has a cafe on the ground floor, and it definitely has a wine opener XDD So then Wo went down and opened the wine with no effort (nggak kaya pas buka wine taun lalu di apartment, ya Wo XD Usaha banget pake piso dan sendok, d-uh!)
It was a nice Merlot :)
We woke up pretty late on Sunday morning :P Wo finally woke up when the room service knocked and brought our breakfast. Then after we took the shower, around 11.30 we checked out from the hotel and went to Jonas Banda. I wanted to buy photo frames and print my pictures - and we made a photobox (XD so cheesy). Then we had lunch at a warung gudeg near Jonas, and Wo bought a durian ice cream too ^^ Yumm.
Since I brought many stuffs, we decided to dropped by in X-Trans pool first to make a confirmation and put my stuffs there. My travel would be at 6.30 pm, so I still got time to wander around.
The next destination is Kota Kembang to find DVDs, but Wo took me to a place in Pagarsih which also sells cheap DVDs. We got some movies there, until I suddenly felt the urge to poop :P Hahaha. I really need to poop, so then Wo took me to the nearest decent toilet - that is in Paskal Hypersquare. LOL. Wo got some drinks and met his friend at a restaurant there, while I frantically ran to the toilet and unloaded my stomach.
Lucky that Brownies Amanda store is in Paskal Hypersquare, so we wouldn't have to search anywhere to get a gift to bring back home. So then I bought three boxes of brownies for Mom, VP and my house owner.
From Paskal, we went to Vertex - a DVD shop - to get more DVDs. Oh, and I also got a hentai minigame collection for Mon, LOL. After that, we went to Jonas again to pick up my pictures, and then Wo took me to X-Trans pool. We got there on time, just before 6.30. So I kissed Wo goodbye and we seperated there - he went back home and I went off back to Jakarta.
It's always sad to say goodbye, but I had my very great two days, though. In fact, maybe it was the best birthday I ever had :) I spent it with someone I love, I got my cake (and balloon), and in my favorite place in the world, Bandung. How come it's not super? :D
Thanks for the weekend, Wo. I had a great great great great time.
My first days of 26, smooth. Let's hope we'll get better days coming.
{posted by Chibi on 11:31 PM} +
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I am now, and will be then, a better person than before.

{posted by Chibi on 5:52 PM} +
From one year ago...
Worked as a secretary for a charming Italian boss. Spent my birthday weekend with Mon, Olip, Inez, Anna, Nana, and Wo - in Bandung. Had a little wine & beer celebration - haha! Still worked for the same boss. Then became a sales & marketing staff. Lost my life, and resigned from the office. Lived unemployed in Bandung. Spent money. Had a trip and photoshoots at Kawahputih with Mon & Wo. Worked freelance here and there. Got a job offering from VP. Broken hearted (like hell). I really wanted to kill that guy, actually. Seriously. But I guess I love him too much for doing that, unfortunately :P Spent Christmas in Jakarta. Spent new year in Jakarta - with my Dad. And my family. Tried to runaway from the suffering love life. But he still got me, though (and I guess I too). Decided to move to Jakarta. Moved out from Bandung. Worked for VP. Lived with my Grandma, and my Dad. Met lot of new people, and old-time people. Trapped in Jakarta's flood. Got typhus and dengue fever for several weeks :P Went to Japanese festival with Mon. Went out for photohunting trip at Kota Tua with VPers. Moved to find my own living place in Tomang. Spent a day with Wo's surprise visit. Went to Semarang to meet my mom and sisters+brother on a long holiday. Met my grandmother before her birthday. Got an early birthday present from my grandma^^ (I love you, Mbah Putri!) Went to Hanny's friend wedding party with Ronny. Had a date with one of the best men :P But I prefer the guy who got me since years ago, thank you (at least his music preference is not house music :P) Had been dealing with familly issue who caused me running like a mad bitch at the airport tried to catch the last plane to Balikpapan, and went back to Jakarta on the very next day with nothing good (note to my family : please, don't do things like this again. Puh-leease.) Trapped in office deadlines, and all, and all. But still alive, and enjoy my every second until now.
And for now, I pray to God give me a chance to live my life better than the last 365 days.
It's D-Day.
{posted by Chibi on 5:07 PM} +
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Works, Journeys, Blah-blah.
Last week on Thursday, I got a surprising call from my grandma, and she told me to fly to Samarinda ASAP. I was like, O___o WTF is going on XDD Anyhow, I managed to catch the plane to Balikpapan shortly that day - and returned to Jakarta on Friday, the very next day. Holy cow. That was like the shortest and craziest journey, without any benefit. Hmph. I just spent almost 2 million for plane tickets to see my grandmas and aunts crying (d-uh now I sound cruel and heartless ._. )
I was not very happy with that journey because I still got lots of things to do in Jakarta. And sometimes you just can't say no to family matters. *sigh*
While then I returned to Jakarta, and the works were all set on my desk, waiting to be done. Haha. I'm working on it now.
And last weekend (Sunday, 15/07), is Mon's birthday!
Happy (belated) birthday, Monika! :D Of course I said that to her right on her birthday, but 'till now I still haven't got the birthday present for her :P *sobs* Fear not, my friend, your Cabot's book it is to be found, I must *I speak in Yoda-style* :P
Now I just have to wait for the next great things this weekend :)
It's D-4 !
{posted by Chibi on 7:17 PM} +
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I'm a weirdo :P
The True You |
![]() You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. With respect to money, you are a bit stingy. You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. The hidden side of your personality tends to be methodical in your ways - with trouble adapting to the rules of society. You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
Your Porn Star Name Is... |
![]() |
You Are Bart Simpson |
![]() Very misunderstood, most people just dismiss you as "trouble." Little do they know that you're wise and well accomplished beyond your years. You will be remembered for: starring in your own TV show and saving the town from a comet Your life philosophy: "I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again!" |
You're Pretty Stupid |
![]() You got 5/10 questions right! It's probably time to get your head examined. You hardly know left from right. |
{posted by Chibi on 9:24 PM} +
I Kiss.
You Are a Soft Kisser |
![]() You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses. And the key is, you only give kisses to someone incredibly special Because you don't just go around kissing anyone |
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect |
![]() Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it. You have the confidence to make the first move. And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best. Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! |
{posted by Chibi on 9:22 PM} +
Could I Ask For More?
I dunno. It feels like something is missing.
But I am only human. I always want something... more. And more.
But when I have something good, then sometimes it's enough. Could I ask for more?
It's D-10.
{posted by Chibi on 6:58 PM} +
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Poop, Pee, Party.
Yesterday (Saturday), my colleague Iwan invited VPers to his sister's wedding party. I went there with Mon. As planned, Mon picked me up at 11 am and her mom would take us to Iwan's house. But the thing that was not in our plan, it was suddenly raining. Lucky I got my umbrella, but still it was unexpected moment so Mon & I were kinda panic. By the time we got in Iwan's place, we got a little bit... wet :P But before that, when I was about to step in Mon's car, I accidentally stepped on dog's poop! That was sooooo gross, I made Mon's car smells like shit (well, it was shit XDD).
Anyway, then I finally got rid of that poo from my shoes, and we were busy to keep our clothes dry from the rain. We met the bride&groom, have a chat with Iwan and Mike (he was the wedding photographer that day), and we were talking about a stray cay which wandered around the guests' chairs. That cat was ugly, big, and nasty. Some kind of yakuza-type of cat XDD You know, with scars and all, doesn't look cute at all. And suddenly (again), that cat walked past me and before I realized it, the cat peed on me! It peed on my jeans! O____o;;; I was shocked when I saw that ugly cat sprayed pee from its behind and the next thing was my thigh got wet - and smelly. I just so shocked I didn't know if I should mad or laugh XDD
The rest of the afternoon I spent it with Mon. We went to Senayan City and we ate at Sushi Tei before we watched Die Hard 4.0 at the XXI. I was relieved things went pretty smooth until I got home around 9 pm.
This morning, I went to Mangga Dua with Tia Sassy. At first we're planning to go to Harco, but Tia told me that there's a Japanese festival at WTC. So we went there, just curious. Well well, it was a nice place to held such an event. Unlike the last Japanese festival I went to - the one in Taman Ria - this one was nicer because it's indoor, with air conditioner and even though it had the same crowds, but much friendlier XD Tia went mad when she saw those TVXQ CDs at Gonzo's. And I just couldn't help it, I bought Gackt's Concert DVD :P
It was fun to see those cosplay people, unfortunately I didn't bring my photographer (a.k.a Mon) here... because I found the oh-so-gorgeous guy in Nodame Cantabile costume with a D2oo camere in his hand, and we just had to take a picture of him :P So we use Tia's cellphone camera instead :P Hahahaha. Maybe I'll post the pics tomorrow (after Tia send it to me) ^^
Few hours hanging around the exhibition hall, I got the CDs, pins, even a goldfish (I got it from catching the goldfish game, but then I returned it :P), then at around 4 pm we decided to step out of WTC then we went to Glodok to find some movie DVDs. We just figured out that crossing the streets in Kota is actually a Fear Factor challenge XDD
I got some DVDs - Nodame Cantabile dorama, a classic The Simpsons series, a hentai and a Miyabi collection :P - then it suddenly 6 pm. Oh well.
Time flies when we're having fun :) I hope my days a head would be as fun as this weekend.
It's D-13.
{posted by Chibi on 6:20 PM} +
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Say the magic word, please.
I try not to whine alot, and I try to just shut up and grin.
But maybe all we need is a little respect. And appreciation.
Something simple like, 'please'.
I think that would be nice. Way much better :)
It's D-16.
{posted by Chibi on 6:44 PM} +
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
My Wish List
I already made a list of stuffs that I really want to have, but so far I still haven't got it. Hahahahahaha. I shamelessly announce it :P Anyway, mostly stuffs that I desire are books, or CDs. So it should be easy enough to get.. If any of you want to give me a birthday present, you may get me some of these *giggles*
[+] Book : The Historian - by Elizabeth Kostova
This book is available in English or Indonesian version. Yummy.
[+] Book : Bram Stoker's Dracula - with preface from Elizbeth Kostova
It made me drooling when I first saw it at Senayan City's TGA Bookstore :P
[+] Book : Merrick - by Anne Rice
I hope this book is still available at Omuniuum.
[+] Book : Tales from Shakespeare - Illustrated Book
I saw it at Gramedia last weekend - in children books shelf! :P I'm a Shakespeare fan.
[+] DVD : Bram Stoker's Dracula
I'm a vampire junkie *__* What else can I say. I couldn't find this movie anywhere :(
[+] CD : Shinhwa Winter Story 2006-2007
[+] Paris Hilton perfume
[+] A new DVD player
[+] A new PC - this one especially from my Dad. Daaaaaaadddd... ;) *nudges*
Not much, huh ? :)
{posted by Chibi on 7:07 PM} +
Summer is July.
It's July already :P I've been missng for several weeks, I know. It's not that I got bored with this blog, no no, it's just *very classic excuse*I've been bussy. Yeah. What else can I say :P
Anyway, it's July now, so the countdown for my birthday is ticking. Hahahaha. I'm glad to think that God is still very kind to me, that he let me live until now and gave me so much pleasures (as much as the pain)!
I've been dealing with some bad situations and thank goodness i could handle it (so far), and things got better - even though some problems occured such as my sick grandmother (get well soon, Mbah Putri); my Dad is moving out (which caused me homeless - but at lest I still have my rent place); and others and others.
But I pray everything is going well for the future, and I'm trying to have a better life for myself anyway.
I have plans and everything, and so far the people around me are very supportive, and I will just pray that God would be so kind to give me another year to live, and help me make my plans work ^^
It's D-18.
{posted by Chibi on 6:46 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations