Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, November 17, 2006
I, I, I, and I
I am important. Just ask people, I have good position in my office.
I think you should do what I suggest you, because it would be good for you. Trust me.
Wrong? I never wrong! I know everything. I have been there, you know.
I know your problems. I understands completely. I've been there and done that.
That's why you should listen to me.
I am smart, you know that. That's why I got this job.
I can do anything, and you just don't understand how difficult it is.
No, what you think is wrong, trust me. Because I know it better than you.
I'm always right! And I know everything better than you.
Look, I'm just trying to help. Because I'm your friend.
What? You can do that by yourself? Suuure, just do what you like, you'll see that I was right.
I'm telling you, that's the best you can get, because I know you.
Yeah sure, you can be great. But mine is better. As I told you, I have my perfect life.
I don't care what you think. I told you what I've been thinking. I told you I'm always right.
You have a problem? That ain't part of my life.Serve yourself."
Such a friend. Bitch. Pengen muntah gak sih. Capek deh.
{posted by Chibi on 8:35 PM} +
DIET - Die With T
I realize that I am not as thin as Paris Hilton (but I still think I'm prettier :P) But not even once, I had the thought of having a diet to reduce my weight.
Because I am not overweight, I do believe my weight is normal and balanced with my height. Just sometimes my tummy got a little chubby - especially after I ate too much or when I was too lazy to do anything for several weeks. But aside from that, I feel my body is just fine, no need the super diet-plan.
If diet means to organize my meals in a healthy composition, plus add several body work-outs, then I could say that I am already on a diet.
It's just that I never see any doctor to consulting and I never eat any kind of medicine for that. I never forbid myself to eat anything. In fact, I eat whatever and whenever I want. Sure, I read some articles about healthy diet and all and all in Cosmo or any women's magazines. And I think that's enough guidance for me to know which one is good for my body and what is not.
I'm not saying that I'm living a healthy life. My meal schedules are all messed up - because sometimes I'm too lazy to eat, but sometimes I can eat whatever I want even in the middle of the night. I don't usually have breakfast (because I woke up late almost everyday), but at least there's always lunch and dinner. I like drinking beers. I smoke occasionally (even though I actually don't really like smoke - it's bad for breath, skin and lungs, but can't deny the fact that it helps reduce stress sometimes).
But I love vegetables, I like fruits, I don't really like chicken or meat (not that I refuse to eat them - I still a big fan of kwetiaw ayam Jalan Aceh, though), and I rarely had snacks. I don't really like to do sports, but at least I do sit-ups every morning (just trying to keep my tummy flat), and Hyori's songs helps me to move my body after I finished showers :) When I was still working, my office was in the 2nd floor and I always use the stairs (because the elevator wasn't available yet -__-) and I realized it helped me a lot in shaping my butt - and keep my stamina (I wore high heels and ran around the office, wasn't it great or what). Plus, the night club activity is a great way to work-out because I would dance all night long until I sweat and well, depends on what I drink and who's with me there, I could sweat more than that :P
With that kind of life, I can say that I am pretty satisfied with my body. I am not fat, I have good skin, I have nice boobs, and I never jealous of J.Lo because my butt is just as fine as hers.
Sure, I sometimes want something more than this - I'm a woman, what can I say. I want better and firmer complexion, I want my tummy flat forever, I want to be like Anne Hathaway, etc, etc. It's a normal daydream. But at least I never desperately whined about "my tummy is too big!" or "I'm too fat!" or "I can't eat that because my doctor forbid me!" Hahaha.
I don't have to spend million cash to see a doctor whose giving the exact same advices as Cosmo Health Guides on page 196. I don't have to find a personal instructor and torturing myself in a gym as long as I can keep my body work-out with daily excercise (and the stairs-gotta love the stairs!).
But of course, I can't blame people who find satisfaction in spending money for diet consultant and doing the Die with T programs. It's their lives, and hopefully it would make them feel and healthier, and appreciate their bodies better. That's what doctors are for, and they are paid to make those programs. The doctors are meant to make people healthy, right?
Just don't blame me if I can still enjoying my sweet Starbuck's frappucinno at night without feeling guilty, and you can't :)
{posted by Chibi on 8:31 PM} +
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Bored & Confused
When everything goes right, does it really mean it's okay?
I am excited, yet so scared at this thought.
{posted by Chibi on 9:44 PM} +
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
About Yesterday And Today
I went to the cinema last night, with my friends and housemates. Actually the real idea was for me to 'go outside and hang out' - since I kinda sick of living in my room again and again, and suddenly Anita (my housemate who was in practically the same desperation as me) came up with the idea "Let's go see movie in Ciwalk XXI!" when Sonny called me. So then we made plan to watch the movie "Kuntilanak" - an urban horror movie. But thank goodness Dea rejected it at once - we both hate horror movies. So then we chose "Open Season", which is pretty fair for everyone.
So there we went to Ciwalk - Sonny picked up us - me, Anita, Endry (Nita's date), Fitri, and Dea. Sonny's friend - Ari, and his date Hilda - was already in Ciwalk and bought the tickets for us. I called Wo too - even though I wasn't so sure he would join us, but miraculously he said yes and he met us there. Hah. I had to admit I was impressed, because it was unlikely for him to join me having fun with my friends. He even wore shirt with the excuse "I'm running out of t-shirt" thing XDD It's been a while since the last time we had our movie date - two years ago? XD So I was excited about that.
The movie was cute, the XXI was nice, and I just realized that this was some kind of like triple date - since Nita brought her date, Ari brought his date, and eventually I was with my date too :P (although at first the idea was I supposed to date Sonny). And none of us having this boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. LOL!! Then after we went out from the cinema, we splitted up because Ari had to take his date home - with her car, and asked Sonny to picked him up later. So then we decided to grab some meal until it's time to pick the dating boy back. Anyhow, we ended up to Lembang XDD It was almost midnight, and we were starving. But hey, driving outskirt wouldn't hurt and it was not everyday you can go to Lembang with your friends - especially at midnight - on weekday :P LMAO. We had our pricy late dinner there, and went back around 2 am. Wo stayed in my room for about five minutes, then decided to go home because he was too tired to do anything else (with me). Oh well. He was so sweet for the past week, so I better not to push my luck :)
I was planning to go to Sky FM and meet Thina to discuss about the producer job, but I woke up around 10 am this morning and I wasn't so sure about going anywhere after I had my breakfast/lunch with Anita. So I just finished reading a book - "How To Meet Cute Boys" by Deanna Kizis (pretty entertaining - contains everything your mom wouldn't so happy about) then I washed the dishes before I took a shower (I cut my finger, by the way. I didn't realize Anita's mug was broken). Since we fired our maid last month, now we do all the housechores by ourselves. Anita's brother (Andri, my other housemate) looked surprised when he saw me washing the dishes, so I told him next time it's his turn to clean up the bathroom. And he said OK with the serious look in his face XD It was so cute, so I told him I was joking because actually I like cleaning the bathroom - no, really - because that way I can play with water and get in the tub. He called me weirdo.
I sent simple SMS to Wo before I took a shower, and he returned my message nicely. And when I was thinking to go out and get maybe some groceries, Anita came to my room and she obviously looked lost. I was smoking (note : I usually don't smoke but now I'm in the condition where I need cigarette to distract me or I'm going nutz. Seriously.) and facing my computer, and three minutes later she went back to her room. See, there was definitely something wrong. I followed her and asked her, said that her dad supposed to come today to do "The Talk" about marriage. And she cried because she was freaked out as hell. And she needed some cigarette. I kinda understand, I mean, we all know she refused to marry anyone she doesn't love. And if the Dad is coming to tell her the bad news, that's definitely scary. So I decided to stay until Dea came back from her office and tell her the situation here.
We just crossed our fingers and hope nothing so bad will happen.
At this point I feel thankful that I wasn't born in such an uptight family, and (even though I'm not so sure) I can choose who I'm going to marry someday. And the fact that even though I can't say what I have now is normal, but at least I have this thing that keeps me happy and I can deal with it. Thing that stays in the heart :)
See, everything is just fine.
{posted by Chibi on 10:00 PM} +
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A Friend in Need is A Friend Indeed ?
Bayangin aja, kalo temen yang kamu anggap teman sejati itu, ternyata cuma bener-bener menjadi teman disaat dia lagi membutuhkan. Sebelnya, ntar pas dia lagi seneng-seneng, seolah-olah lupa aja. Yehh.. kalo yang kaya gitu sih kayanya bukan teman sejati deh.
Tapi herannya, yang model kaya gini nih yang sering kejadian. Gue punya banyak temen selama ini. Tapi yang bisa gue sebut sebagai teman sejati gue - atau sahabat gue, kayanya bisa diitung dengan sebelah tangan.
Banyak banget temen-temen yang emang menjadi 'teman' buat senang-senang aja, ato yang biasa disebut sebagai 'good-times' friend. Pasti banyak banget. Temen kuliah, temen nongkrong, temen shopping, temen ngegosip, dll, dll.
Nah bagian busuknya, ada juga temen-temen yang menganggap elo temen, disaat mereka membutuhkan aja. Misalnya, temen yang bakal ngebajak elo untuk curhat berjam-jam pas dia diputusin ama cowonya, dan elo mau nggak mau musti ngeladenin karena "elo kan temen gue, lu mustinya support gue donk disaat-saat seperti ini!"
Okeee. Kita support, kita dengerin curhatnya, kita siapin tissue buat ngelap airmata dan ingusnya, dan kita bahkan rela bolos demi nemenin dia. Kan namanya juga teman.
Tapi, busuknya niiih, disaat ntar dia usah dapet cowok baru, lupa deh ama temen. Pacaran mulu..., boro-boro inget ama temen. Disaat kitanya yang pengen curhat, dianya males-malesan. Pas kitanya lagi seneng punya kecengan baru, tanggepannya adem-adem aja gitu, malah sibuk cerita soal kencannya weekend kemarin. Ih! Temen nggak sih lo?
Pasti ada saatnya kita juga pengen ngebales. Tapi ntar disaat kita melakukan hal-hal yang dia lakukan ama kita, pasti dianya protes, "Kok lu gitu sih? Katanya temen." Lhaaa situ sendiri gimanaa?
Itu contoh simpelnya sih. Tapi pastinya masih banyak lagi kejadian-kejadian tipe gitu. Kadang kita suka nggak nyadar, kita sering loh memperlakukan teman kita kaya gitu. Nganggepnya temen, tapi pas butuh aja, Pas kita seneng-seneng, ada temen-temen lain untuk itu. Ya kaya yang gue bilang tadi, ada temen jalan, temen shopping, temen ngegosip, dll. Suwe banget kan, buat yang kebagian jadi temen curhat dan temen sedih doang? Bayangin kalo elo yang ada di posisi itu. Temen yang selama ini lo anggep bener-bener temen, ternyata malah seneng-seneng sendiri disaat dia seneng, tapi bakal sibuk nyari-nyari elo pas dia butuh. Males, kaan..
Makanya, menurut gue sih, kita musti bener-bener pinter ngeliat, mana temen yang bener-bener temen sejati, dan temen yang cuma berfungsi salah satu doang - temen senang ato temen sedih.
Karena kalo teman disaat membutuhkan doang sih, tai kebo banget kalo kita sebut sebagai temen sejati.
So, tipe temen seperti apakah kamu?
Look around you, who's your real partner and who's not ?
Who's gonna cry with you,
Who's gonna laugh with you when you happy, and who's not?
{Shinhwa - Young Gunz}
{posted by Chibi on 10:20 PM} +
Pacaran Beda Agama
Karea setelah gue perhatiin, ternyata temen-temen di sekitar gue kok mulai banyak yang menjalin hubungan kasih (cieeh bahasa gue Rinto Harahap sekalee) dengan pasangan yang ternyata berbeda agama.
Well, padahal selama ini tentunya orang tahu kalo di Indonesia ini masih agak-agak syusyeh kalo sepasang cowok-cewek yang "aku ke masjid, kamu ke gereja". Buat kitanya sendiri sih mungkin ga masyalah, tapi lingkungan dan keluarga itu lhooo.
Gue sendiri udah ngerasain gimana busuknya kondisi kaya gitu. Jadi gue ga akan komentar banyak. Dan buat temen-temen yang sekarang sedang menjalani hubungan dengan segala perbedaannya... Good luck.
Gue doain - dengan sepenuh hati :)
{posted by Chibi on 10:16 PM} +
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Musical Thing
So here's my songs :
[+] Park Jung Ah - Yeah !
The song is very energetic, and somehow it suits my mood and it really helps to keep me happy :)
[+] Daniel Beddingfield - If You're Not The One
"'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side."
The song is simply reflected my feelings :)
[+] Texas - Say What You Want
Just like the previous song, this one also said it out loud.
"Well, you can say what you want
But it won't change my mind
I'll feel the same about you
And you can tell me your reasons
But it won't change my feelings
I'll feel the same about you"
[+] Tim James - I'll Be Your Secret
I love the whole thing about this song. The lyrics, the melody, the beat... And also the memory about it ;) A genuine mood-lifter. But perhaps my favorite line here is : "I'll be your secret, if you can keep it".
[+] Chris Cuevas - You Are the One
Someone once sang this song for me through the phone - although his voice was not that fabulous, and it was one of the most romantic things people did to me :P It really made me cry at that time. Thing that stays in the heart.
[+] Shinhwa - Once in A Lifetime
First, It's Shinhwa. Second, the music was good. Third, the lyrics are very encouraging - especially when I was down or feeling depressed :)
[+] Shinhwa - Throw My Fist
"Throw My Fist, And I Rock This World
For you, the one who believed in me
I will throw myself against the world
It's the way I love my life."
[+] Kosheen - Hide You
A classic techno, obviously. I like the dark vibe (at least that's what I felt) which gives a trance especially when it hits into the lyric : "I'll hide you away from the world you rejected."
[+] Daniel Powter - Bad Day
A perfect song when I had a, well, bad day XD (Which I often had lately).
[+] H-Eugene Feat. J - Naega Dashi / Nal Saranghajimayo - (Accoustic Vers.)
H-Eugene made a very good decision by making a duet with J - she adds the gloomy vibe to his rap which makes the song perfect for the slow R&B kind of music. I always love J's dramatic vocal, and I'm glad H-Eugene made two version of this song, pop and accoustic (which made it has two different title, I dunno why O_o) Both are fantastic.
Well, that was the top ten list. Of course I still have another favorite songs that stuck in my head at the moment - such as Eddie's, Eru's, Angela Aki - This Love, Yui - Goodbye Days (she's oh so adorable), Tim - Na Honjaman, James Blunt - You're Beautiful, and even Sania - Cintai Aku Lagi, and etc., and etc.
I'm thinking to put these songs into a compilation CD :P And maybe I'll add some songs that I sang. Hmm, what do you think? XDD
{posted by Chibi on 7:07 PM} +
Coming Back
I came back last Sunday, my dad took me on a motorbike - can you believe it. Yes, we were riding a motorbike all the way from Bogor to Jakarta (because we're driving a car from Jakarta to Bogor - to my aunt house fisrt). It was 4 hours trip through Puncak, and my butt felt as flat as a frying pan *_* It really wasn't my idea, it was Dad's. He insisted to take me back to Bandung with a motorbike, so he can go riding to other town and pick up his wife later. So I had no choice but to support him (or he won't support my living cost while I'm unemployed :P) Am I not a considerate daughter or what >__>
I was in Jakarta for about a week, for Idul Fritri (the Moslem holiday). It was all good there, I met my dad, my grandma, and all my relatives, except my mom and my sisters - since they were in Magelang with my other grandma. *shrugs* The only thing wasn't really nice was the mosquito bites! FYI, my skin is highly sensitive to those insects. So it was a torture there - Jakarta is full of mosquitos TT_TT
Anyways. I met Mon when I was in Jakarta. We met up in Plaza Senayan, and I also met Amonk too. I gave Mon the CDs full of X-Man shows and some MP3s to swallow XDD
And in return, she gave me the CD contained my photos during our adventurish-trip to Kawah Putih few weeks ago! It's oh so cool, I can see me in my narcistic way :P I'm planning to sort them out and print the greatest photos and put it in my album : Chibi Vol. 1 - Pictorial Book. Hahaha!
Another news, I am still unemployed. Sadly. But! The good news is, I already got two job offering, and both are really tempting. I just wish I could get those jobs - either one of them or both! - as soon as possible. Because, you know, I need to live here and I can't just keep on asking my dad to send me the money :P Shame on me. (Although I still did it. Shucks.)
Hopefully by this week I get the interviews and tests and all, then I can start to work soon. I cross my fingers. Wish me luck, people.
Little thing bothers me - although perhaps it's not so important (but still bothering). Wo has changed his blog layout, and so did Mon while ago. While me, hummmm kinda bored with this layout.. And since I have no ability in web/layout thingie, so I have no other choice, either I have to beg for Mon or Wo to help me beautify my blog and wait patiently because they kinda busy, or just shut up and stick with this layout.
What do you think?
Hummm... I think I will beg for their mercy XDD (In other words, nag them everyday until they got so annoyed and finally made a new layout for me :D Cool.)
-Edit :
OMG I just about to publish this entry, and when I open my blog suddenly TADDAAAA someone changed the layout XDD
Lookie it's a new layout! Yeay! Thanks to 8 who made this cool layout... I guess my annoying nag worked pretty well, huh :P Luv ya!
{posted by Chibi on 5:43 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations