Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Thursday, September 28, 2006
.__. Surprised? Hahaha.
Starting this week, I'm no longer staff there. So now I'm unemployed, and broke. So somebody please help me to find a new job.
Why I left that place? Too complicated.
But at least, I found my own life back.
Now, I need to get on with my life.
So, goodbye Novotel. Hello, life.
{posted by Chibi on 9:23 PM} +
Monday, September 25, 2006
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
yep, the fasting month for Moslem has begun. Am I fasting, you ask? Well, I supposed to. But not today (and yesterday), because I had this irritating stomachache since Friday, and that's why I have to digest any food every hour :P
But I will fasting as soon as I get over this stomach problem.
So I spent last weekend at home - mostly - I just went out to get some food and pantyhose - thanks to this stomach ache. I watched some game show - how can I resist X-Men Special in Germany (although it's kinda too late, yah XD)- and laughed like dead when I saw Minwoo who got sexually abused by Kang Ho Dong XDDD And I just have to admit that I am ashamed by Eric, who turns out can't kick a ball *__* That dude really can't play soccer. Why oh why I love him still XDD
Then on Sunday, I got disturbed when Wo intentionally ignored my phonecalls *glarestoWo* and it killed my mood in an instant. But, hey, whaddayaknow, he showed up in front of my door 30 minutes later, with a grin on his face and a cone of ice cream in his hand .__.
I dunno which part of it lifted my mood again XDD And so he did hocus-pocus to my computer, installed this and that, and he spent the night with me until we went out to get some food at 1 a.m and found his motorcycle got flat tired. We didn't know who did that, but it pretty much disturbed us. Lucky he found a pump somehow, and so we could eat our indomie telor kornet in peace ^^ he went home at 2 a.m with his tire back to normal. Hmm.
A pretty nice way to end our weekend, which makes me kinda lazy to face this Monday XDD
But it's okay, I face some problems already, but I guess I have to manage all that. Huks.
It's Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday night :)
{posted by Chibi on 3:08 PM} +
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Annoying things...
+ I hate my dusty office
+ I hate bithchy girls
+ I hate being lonely
+ I hate things happen in here.
{posted by Chibi on 5:51 PM} +
Monday, September 11, 2006
The Art Festival - Pasar Seni ITB 2006
I went to Pasar Seni ITB - the oh-so-famous art festival XDD - as I mentioned in my previous entry, was the hottest topic of the week :P
The art festival was only held once every four years, and this year was only for one day. Imagine the crowds XDD
I went there with Wo at around 3pm. The street was jammed, as usual, but lucky we're on a motorcycle so it's easier to sneak between the cars :) The art festival held inside the ITB area, and it was full of people already.
As normal as an art festival, there were art stands and also art happening performances. Handycrafts, goodies, comics, foods and games corners were scattered around ITB, and I was frantically hopped from one stall to another XD I took the pictures almost everywhere with my cellphone camera, even though the quality might not that super.
I bought some cool goodies, such as comics, postcards, earrings, and small unimportant stuffs XDD It was so cute, I couldn't resist it.
Went off from ITB at around 6 pm, then me & Wo stopped by SentraKampus to get some small snacks and contemplating where to get dinner. Finally we ate bihun & nasi goreng in Menjangan :P
Then after that we went back home, admiring the stuffs I bought (I bought a pair of cute sandals too at SentraKampus :P) Wo stayed until past midnight at my place - helped me out finishing the stuff I need for meeting today :P *thanks, Wo*
It was a nice Sunday, with good ending :)
Now it's Monday, I hope this week would be better than the last one. Especially with more people who can guide the lost children of sales. Hahahaha!
{posted by Chibi on 3:01 PM} +
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Good day, Saturday
Hahaha. Thanks to the training meeting from Accor head office, I am now have to supervise the banquet event until the meeting finished tonight :P
Means, I will stay in this bloody place the whole day - sacrificing my lovely day.
Oh well. *shrugs*
But weekend is not only Saturday, right. I still have Sunday. And tomorrow, I am planning to go to Pasar Seni ITB - it's like the hottest topic lately XDD
Since the event is only once in four years, and the last time I went there was very interested (that was when I was still in uni). I wanna see how it's going this year. Hopefully I can go there tomorrow (if I'm not asleep, or suddenly got lazy, or some thunderstorm happen, or any unexpected plan XD)
Mweanwhile, I have to find a way to have fun in this cursed office for the whole day :P
Have a nice weekend, folks.
{posted by Chibi on 11:12 AM} +
Friday, September 08, 2006
Kiss the Flu
Yes, I still have the flu virus, but I just have to go back to work. Because I already left the office since Monday (yeah I went to the office on Tuesday, but it didn't count 'coz I left again on Wednesday) and I left all the work thingie. I felt kinda bad because it supposed to be my job, but I handed it over to Iip (the other banquet sales).
*Sigh* What can I do, I'm all dead on the bed with running nose and tissue all over the room XDD
But! The good thing was Wo came to see me last Wednesday, to see whether I'm still alive or not XDD Then he came with surprises :)
He brought a brand new Asus DVD-Rom+CD-RW Combo for my PC, YEAY! *hugs Wo* he said it's a gift for me, from his cousin Handy (who was helping me alot with the printing stationeries for my office, thanks Handy dear), and of course from Wo himself.
I was like O___O "Seriusan loooo?!!?!?" XDDD for a couple of minutes, still unbelieved I got that super cool belated-birthday-present!
Wo said I should got cured from my illness once I got excited, but happiness couldn't cure the flu :P Hahaha. My flu got even worse that night, and the next morning I just had to skip the work again.
Oh well *shrugs* But it was a nice visit^^ With a nice gift! Thanks, boys!
Anyway, now I'm back to the office, means I'm back to the work work and work. And few things may still annoying... But I try to deal with it *sigh* Still trying .___.
The fact that I still have to catch up with a lot of things and plus my absent for a couple of days, and the other miscellaneous... I hope I still can smile by the end of the day :)
Oh well. Life is good, just kinda bitchy sometimes. Hahaha.
{posted by Chibi on 8:11 PM} +
Monday, September 04, 2006
Knock Knock
The days went by so fast, I could even remember the things I've done without took a glimpse in the organizer book. The dealings, the meetings, Tommie's farewell, scheduling and all and all, it consumed much of my time and lucky that I still have my little taste of sanity (haha) to keep the balance of my left and right brain :P
Tired, yet pretty satisfied. At least by the end of the day I know what I should do for the next day. Even though it's still blur as a watery glass, but at least I can touch it and still trying to catch up my breath to keep up with them.
And small things that keeps me alive is the hand that still holds me, the thread that even though very thin, but it does exist. And it's still linger in my fingers :)
On a lighter note, I finally have a weekend that I truly enjoy with someone that I've really wanted to enjoy the weekend with XDD Hahahaha.
I already made plans to get new shoes and mobile phone by the end of the week, and Wo helped me a lot with that. I purchased a custom-made shoes from Julia'r - reccomended by Helen (a new friend who was eventually an old friend of Wo *rolls eyes*) and I also got another pair of pump shoes for back-up XDD i may sounds like I'm crazy about shoes, well, I don't really consider myself like that. It's just my bloody job forced me to have some pairs of shoes (with heels! Don't forget that bloody heels) so I wouldn't end up like Mentos commercial (which actually happened to me few weeks ago, I broke my heels on my way to the meeting room T_T).
And I also (finally) get a new mobile phone. No, it's not the flipped Samsung phone like I always wanted, but a simple and chic Siemens. Why? XDD
I tell you why. Because Wo insisted that I must get that Siemens ME75, he even became like Siemens sales person - promoting this and that, and it seems like he got obsessed to that mobile phone XDD Because he likes that mobile so much, and he's been using the same brand for so long, and he got the programs or whatever things to modify the applications and so blablabla *rolls eyes* He's so cute yet annoying when he did that, LOL !!
And so - as you know me - I easily get attracted to new things promoted to me. And I was getting tired of looking that Samsung, and this Siemens sounded good,a nd I desperately needed new mobile. So voila, I got my new ME75 now :) (And seemed like Wo got more enthusiastic than me XDD) Then Wo modified some features in my mobile, and yeah it looks cool ^^ And that's also why I am here online now, instead of staying in bed - because I need to get things Wo sent to me for my new mobile. Yay, now who's got the new toy? XDD
Now I must prepare for tomorrow, for lots of things I must update. I'm still running, and as you know, I'm still catching my breath. But there's no time to stop.
And these small things are the air that I breathe :)
Things might get harder later on, but at least now I am sure that I will survive :)
{posted by Chibi on 11:11 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations