Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, June 30, 2006
Love is a flower...
I discovered new things from people around me. Whaddayaknow, my close friends surprisingly have unbelievably crazy romance lives! Huahahahaha....
Started with my Queen (ehm-ehm, it's you, Ratu Drakula), and then my Prince (the Black cat), and the other housemates, ... Not to mention my very own romance life. Puhahah.
It seems like everybody is trying to get what they want, and what they need. And as a simple human being, we could never be complete...
I feel like living in a movie.
Well, we are all living in a movie :)
{posted by Chibi on 7:39 PM} +
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Where you can have something that you want, or something that you need
If you're lucky, you can have them both in one package
If you're not, then you have to make sure which one you choose.
{posted by Chibi on 6:22 PM} +
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
What you get is what you want
Yah, memang.
{D -23}
{posted by Chibi on 6:15 PM} +
Monday, June 26, 2006
Seize The Day
Whahh finally it's another week XD
I really hope this week will be much much better than the other last weeks... Because I felt tired already :P
I'm tired of all the fights, the problems, and all the surprising things happened last week.
But for starting, last weekend I had a great time ^^
I'm trying to block myself from getting annoyed XD But I couldn't stop myself from annoying other people, though. Especially people around me.
That's why a few days ago I felt like a super annoying bitch because after the serial fights with Wo, surprisingly he was still there for me. I am very thankful for that, and at the same time I felt guiltyfor making him do whatever I wanted him to do. *hugs* How can I not love him :)
So last Saturday I practically slept almost all day XD The previous day (Friday) was super hectic, where I roamed around the city to finished all the jobtasks with Bapak (my boss). So on Saturday, after working half day at the office, I went home at around 2 and had my lunch, then slept until around 7 pm. Gyahahahaha! But after that I felt more relaxed than before, though. I guess it was a good thing to have my resting time.
On Sunday - yesterday, I went to Sky Radio in the morning, and was planning to hang out with Rinto afterwhile. But then Rinto cancelled it because suddenly he had to stay at home (haha), so I decided to go for a walk by myself. I didn't dare to ask Wo to come with me (learning from last week's incident when I kidnapped him and resulted he didn't finished his jobs and we're having the fights). But as I was on the way to the shopping mall, suddenly Wo called and we then met up at BEC. And then he agreed to hang out with me ^^
He took me to King's, where I must find a new shoes (yes, another new shoes. Since the last time I bought was too high, and I just realized that my working condition requires flexible shoes, not charming one XD). He left me to pick up his computer gadgets before he came back and pick me up.
Then after that I companied him to Ace Hardware. Geez, I don't know what is it with boys and gadgets O_o;;;
We wandered around the building (it's 5 floors full of boys stuffs!) for hours and hours. Okay, it's just the same like when girls do shopping, we could stay hours looking for dress or shoes. And I guess it's his payback time :P
I tried not to complain, though, but eventually he noticed that I almost dying on the floor while he was picking up cables and tools :P
We finally went home around 9 after having dinner at the food court. My poor legs *__*
So it was a pretty nice way to end my weekend :)
And today, all the business back again...
I got loads of visitors since this morning XD Then lots ofr things to take care... new cleaning service, prepare the GM's documents, receiving some mails, and also taking care of the electricity bills at my house *_*
I think it's going to be along week.
Carpe diem! ^^
{posted by Chibi on 5:52 PM} +
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I really want to kill someone today -___-
I dunno, but I started this week with very unpleasure moments. Fighting with my boyfriend, dealing with meetings and work taks, losing Muel & Kinta (the rabbits in my house), and lots of small annoying things....
I am very very tired.
{posted by Chibi on 7:00 PM} +
Monday, June 19, 2006
Aku sakit jiwa
Aku terjatuh, terluka, tersayat, tertusuk, terjerembab
Seluruh tubuhku penuh luka
Dari ujung rambutku sampai ke ujung kelingking kakiku
Darahku terhisap habis hingga kering
Tulangku remuk tinggal serpihan
Bumi merenggut udara dariku hingga nafasku tersengal dan tercekik
Tapi aku masih hidup, setengah mati
Untuk mengulang semuanya lagi
Terjatuh, terluka, tersayat, tertusuk, terjerembab
Dan aku akan tetap hidup untuk karma yang sama
... Aku sakit jiwa.
{posted by Chibi on 6:41 PM} +
Friday, June 16, 2006
I'm bored....
I need to get rid of this cough, immediately.
And my voice is still like the Chipmunks. Gahh.
I have a new wallpaper... yeayyy... ^^ Thanks to Mon, she made me some super cool Shinhwa special wallpaper, muhahahaha *hugsMon* Thanks, dear!
And look what I found during my boredom :P

My old time favourite character <333 Lady Oscar!
And my voice is still like the Chipmunks. Gahh.
I have a new wallpaper... yeayyy... ^^ Thanks to Mon, she made me some super cool Shinhwa special wallpaper, muhahahaha *hugsMon* Thanks, dear!
And look what I found during my boredom :P

My old time favourite character <333 Lady Oscar!
{posted by Chibi on 6:17 PM} +
Shitty Shitty Bang Bang
I dunno what is wrong with the world today, but it seems like everyone is trying to annoy me and it makes me want to kill everyone. Including myself.
I want to put a bomb in my office.
I want to stab my bosses.
I want to shot my boyfriend.
I really really want to kill myself :P
Oh. Shit.
{posted by Chibi on 6:03 PM} +
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

credits to newsen.com. More news in here.
Junjin and Shin Jung Hwan in Germany watched the world cup game yesterday, South Korea vs Togo.
Muhahahahaha Korea wins with 2-1!!!
I am SO waiting for the next match, South Korea vs France. Darn it, I love both teams :P What should I choose? Hmmm...... choices choices....
{posted by Chibi on 5:39 PM} +
Monday, June 12, 2006
Good Weekend, (Hopefully) Good Week Ahead
As usual, I'm in the office now. Doing some works and sipping my Chinese medicine tea thing for my sore throat :P
I still got this slight fever, but it's better now. Especially after having nice weekend ^^
Yesterday I went on-air with Nissa and Tina at Sky FM, as guest announcer for the program "Oriental Touch", from 9 to 11 am. It was so fun, because we were having this "Special Shinhwa edition", which made us talking all about Shinhwa and playing all Shinhwa's new songs from their latest 8th album for 2 full hours XD If any of you hear me on the radio, thanks for the messages and hopefully SkyFM can make another special edition for other K-pop artists ^^
After airing, the three of us went to Kedai Nyonya Rumah, to cover a reportage for an event from CitaCinta magazine, and had lunch there also. I wasn't the one who make the reportage (Nissa did XD), but I just came to tagged along... and voila, I got the freebies too! You know I love freebies :D Yeayy.
After the long hours, I just realized that I still had this slight fever. So then I decided to go home and take a rest. I slept until 5 pm then I remembered that Wowo should have come to bring me some Cds for my friends. I tried to call him since morning but apparently his mobile was not active and no one answered his home phone too O_o But finally then I could reach him (apparently he was outing with his whole family, and his mobile battery was dead ._. So much for worry, huh.) He showed up in my room at around 6.30 pm, with the CDs. Yeayy!
Just then Irene came and picked up her CDs, then Wo and I decided to buy some food for dinner. After that we went back to my house, because he wanted to watch the World Cup match. Mm-hmm.
So we watched the soccer match, playing cards with Nita-Andri-Fitri, and at around 11.30 pm, he went home because he needed to prepare alot of thing to go to Jakarta.
But today I called him, he cancelled his departure till tomorrow XDD
I wish I could take a rest today. But sadly I still have lots of things I must settle today. Myah.
Oh well. Good times must come to an end :) But there will be another weekend^^
So, have a great week ahead, folks!
{posted by Chibi on 5:07 PM} +
Friday, June 09, 2006
I've been sick for the past two days. Got cold and cough, isn't that shibby :P
I guess it because my working condition - full pressure, lack of rest, and too much things to do XD
So yeah, I've been dead :P
But! Not to worry. Chibi is back again. Still alive, and hopefully still kicking.
My work demands me to stay alert 24/7, so... yeah. Like it or not, I have to stay alive.
It sucks when you can't even choose, dead or alive.
Somebody please give me a cough syrup, please -__-;;
{posted by Chibi on 10:46 AM} +
Cemilan gengsi VS Cemilan enak
Let me ask you something.
Do you ever go to Starbucks or hang around at J.Co just to look cool?
I don't know about you, but for me, I go to Starbucks to get some delicious frappucino that I don't know anywhere else to find. And I don't go there just to look cool or something. It's the drinks and the couch, especially with my friends. That's all.
And I don't mind living without Starbucks, because I can get another delicious drinks if I want to.
Same thing with J.Co, I don't care if there's no J.Co in this world. I can eat any donuts I want, and Dunkin's always there XD
And I don't think standing in queue for buying expensive-and-too-much-sugar donuts can makes you look cool :P What's so cool about standing in line? XDD
Emang bener ya kalo manusia itu gampang berubah. Dan manusia itu memang makanan empuk kapitalis XD
Jaman-jaman saya kuliah dulu, kalo mau ngajak temen buat ke Starbucks kayanya susaaahh banget. Soalnya biasanya mahasiswa itu masih disuplai orang tua, jadi musti mengirit-irit jatah uang saku.
Lha saya sejak kuliah udah cari duit sendiri, jadi nggak ngefek mau keluar duit berapa juga, toh yang cari duit juga saya sendiri :P
Jadi nggak masalah kalo saya menyukai Starbucks dengan frappucino-nya yang uenak itu (oke, ini emang komentar pribadi, bukan ngiklan. Tapi kalo ga percaya, cobain aja sendiri XD) Untungnya ada teman-teman saya - sesama pecinta frappucino - yang dengan senang hati menemani saya untuk menikmati cemilan enak (walopun mahal) itu.
Tapi buat beberapa orang, entah kenapa suka ada komentar sinis yang bilang "alah, lu ke Starbucks kan biar keliatan keren aja. Kalo mau ngopi sih di warteg juga bisa."
Emang... di warung deket kampus juga saya bisa dapetin kopi. Tapi di warung ada ga kopi rasa raspberry dengan karamel dan coklat tabur di atasnya? Kopi semacem itu perasaan cuma saya temui di Starbucks ato Gloria Jean's deh.
Kenapa sampai ada komentar-komentar seperti itu? Ya jawabnya seperti tadi saya bilang, banyak orang menyangka kalo ke Starbucks ato Gloria Jean's ato J.Co itu buat ngejar gengsi. Cih.
But you know people can swallow their own words. Orang-orang yang dulu suka sinis kalo liat saya nongkrong di Starbucks, ternyata juga sudah menjadi santapan kapitalis. Sekarang malah mereka menjadi pelanggan tetap Starbucks, dan ga bisa makan donat lain selain J.Co. Hebatnya, tempat-tempat seperti itu udah masuk dalam jadwal lifestyle mereka. Bahkan ada yang sudah mengatur anggarannya agar selalu bisa nongkrong di Starbucks dan mengkonsumsi J.Co tiap minggu/bulannya. Wah! Hebat, kan? Saya suka heran... "I thought dulu elu suka ngatain gue korban kapitalis... Loh loh ternyata..." (tentunya ini cuma dalam hati aja, agak nyolot kalau saya beneran ngomong depan mukanya :P) Ternyata mereka benar-benar menerapkan paham mereka bahwa datang ke tempat-tempat itu adalah untuk mengejar gengsi O_o
Justru sekarang saya yang pengen ketawa.
Karena alasan utama mereka buka karena mereka pecinta frappucino atau donat. Tapi ya memang supaya kelihatan keren, kelihatan "gue udah punya duit dan karir bagus loh, buat nongkrong dan makan cemilan mahal gini". (Walopun yeah..., selalu ada yang ngeles "nggak kok, gue ke Starbucks buat ketemuan ama temen-temen" atau "Abis Dunkin udah tutup, jadi ya beli J.Co aja". hahaha.)
Wah, beda banget yah sama alasan saya sejak bertahun-tahun yang lalu.
Karir saya biasa-biasa aja, penghasilan juga ga jauh beda, tapi saya emang suka Starbucks sejak dulu. Tapi saya nggak ngoyo musti nongkrong di Starbucks setiap hari, ato beli sarapan donat J.Co tiap pagi. Ngapain? Buang-buang duit amat.
Kalau mau kelihatan keren, ga perlu nongkrong di tempat-tempat itu. Keren itu kan relatif XD Kalo saya sih tetep keliatan keren kok walau nongkrong di warteg :P (nggak usah protes, saya emang narsis kok :P)
Saya bisa tetep hidup kok tanpa Starbucks dan J.Co. Selalu ada kopi instan yang bisa saya buat dalam waktu 3 menit di kantor. dan selalu ada Dunkin' Donuts yang menyediakan donat lumayan enak dan cukup murah.
Walopun saya tetep menyukai frappucino yang uenak. Saya juga tetep suka donat berlapis almond yang empuk itu (walopun saya nggak mau sering-sering sih, gile manis bener donatnya bikin diabetes, hahaha). Tapi suka bukan berarti harus, kan?
Hmmm... saya jadi penasaran alasan apa lagi yang bakal disebutkan kalau nanti cheesecake-nya Miki Ojisan's dan Secret Recipe masuk Bandung XD
Jadi, kamu termasuk di golongan mana.. Golongan penikmat kopi dan hidangan enak, atau golongan penikmat try-to-look-cool lifestyle?
Nggak usah malu-malu ngaku :) Banyak temen ini. Hahaha.
{posted by Chibi on 10:39 AM} +
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Buzzling the day
So it's Tuesday now. How was your weekend?
Mine, it was great. I should write this entry yesterday, bt my Monday was hella hectic one, I didn't have time to blog :P
I spent my weekend - half day at the office, but after midday I started having a blast ^^
Susan was coming to town, with her boyfriend Riza and a French friend, Charlotte. I met them at Galeri Ciumbuleuit, Riza's apartment. Then the three of us went lunch. After a serious thinking (haha),we decided to have lunch at Bumbu Desa, a Sundanese style restaurant. It was pretty packed especially during the lunch hour. And somehow we took a detour to get there, thanks to my poor navigation skill :P Lucky that Riza the driver didn't complain, hahaha!
After the big lunch (I mean BIG, 'coz I had this big big squid that I really didn't know how to eat that thing all XD), we went to upper Bandung to check out the beautiful view of Bandung... So we went to Rumah Stroberi (it's not yet Lembang, but near The Peak). Pretty far, Riza kinda lost the route a few times XD But hey, we made
it! It was a nice place, we took some photos there.. and hoping there will be some cows hang around so we can get instant milk *LMAO* in here was when I discovered that Charlotte had a fetish to plastic fork. Hahaha! *kidding, Charlotte* :D
It was almost 6 pm when we left Lembang, heading to Apartment Ciumbuleuit again to take a little rest. Too bad they must leave to Jakarta again that night, so we then only got time to explore Ciwalk and had our dinner there. After that they dropped be back to Ciumbuleuit and off they went to Jakarta.
I really enjoyed my time with them, I hope I can see them again SOON! *hugs all*
Thanks for coming, guys...! ^_^
The fun of Saturday made me slept until 11 am on Sunday :P Haha. Whah, I hadn't slept that long ever since I work for Accor XD
I was starving when Rinto SMSed me and asked me if I can come to his place. I thought sure why not, as long as he fed me XD So then I went to Rinto's place in DU, and then we went to grab some food in BIP area. When we explored BIP, coincidentally there was a book promo from Dewi Lestari (Dee), for her book Filosofi Kopi. I instantly came and see her, and got the copy plus her autograph *tee-hee* ^^

After I went back from BIP, I asked Wowo to come and surprise surprise, he came XDD
Mind all his busy schedule, I was so glad he decided to see me *hugs8* It was a good way to end my Sunday evening :)
So now, I'm planning to go home, after serial tasks from my dear boss that nearly kills me *_* I really need some good rest.
It's a tough world out there!
{posted by Chibi on 6:17 PM} +
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Give me a weekend!
Yes, my office works in 5,5 days a week. On Saturday I must come to work for half day :P Not so shibby, huh XD
Anyway, today (and yesterday also) my friends and I are working for the Yogya donation. We're collecting money in order to buy the things that might be useful for all the people who became the victims of Yogya earthquake tragedy. So far we have around 50 blankets, and soon we'll get diapers, feminine napkins, candles and tents.
If any of you would like to help us, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Now move to another topic.
I'm missing Wo :P
I know he's busy and all and all, but still, I need to see him around and maybe getting his mp3 and MV collection... hahahaha. Well, even if it's just him, I really want to seehim. But I think even that is kind of impossible, since the last time I called him last night, he just gave me cold answer saying he couldn't (and won't) go anywhere due to his project deadline. Huks.
I guess there will be another lonely Saturday night for me... :P
Susan is coming to town, I hope I can have some fun with er and her friends.
but still, it would be different if I can see my boy ^^
Have a great weekend, folks!
{posted by Chibi on 11:06 AM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations