Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Making Plans
I'm feelin' it, 'coz I'm counting my last days in Bintaro.
Last days? Ooh yeah.
Remember the job I got at Novotel Bogor?
Well, I decided to take it. Which means, I will move out to Bogor - and that will be this March 10 - and kiss Bintaro goodbye. I'll start working in the hotel by March 13 (Monday). It's a fulltime job. I have no other option than moving out to Bogor, 'coz Novotel Bogor is a very far place (and vast - look at the golf club!), and Bintaro - Bogor is 2 hours driving, so... I would be nutz if I insisted to stay in Bintaro :P
And since I still don't a place of my own in Bogor, so I will stay in my mom's house. Yes, my romance life would be dull and boring, but I have this plan to find my own place after about 3 or 4 months later. I have to save some money first, you know.
That is why, even though I will move out, but I'm just gonna bring my clothes and computer (including the CDs) with me. Just because they're my life. So when I found my own place, I could move all my stuffs with me. But not now. I let them stay in Bintaro *shrugs* It's only 2 hours away, anyway XD
And it's ten days from now!
I'm doing my last days as a freelance teacher. And, this weekend (this is the super thing), I will up and away to Bandung!
Oh yeahh baby!
See, I've planned this since last month, and since I will have a fulltime job starting this month, I guess I don't have much free time to hang out with my friends or having a great holiday (especially with my boo). So I just have to go to Bandung this weekend.
And I told Mon and Amechan about it, and well well well, they decided to come along with me^^ Whoohoo.
The last time we planned to make a trip to Bandung, those two cancelled it in a very last minutes XDD So this time, I just hope they'll actually make it. If not, hell, I will still go with or without the girls! XD
I'm planning to stay 2 nights in Bandung, using my time optimally to shop, taking pictures (I'm bringing Monika the Photographer, remember XD), and of course, taking videos and Mp3s from my dearest Wo XDD This gonna be fun ^o^
Be prepared, you Wolu boy!
Meanwhile, I have to make reservations and trip plans. And preparing the stuffs - that I will bring to Bandung, and that I will bring to my new house, Bogor.
And I'm SO hungry right now -__- Better get some food before off teaching tonight.
Later, y'all.
{posted by Chibi on 4:59 PM} +
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Lucky go Dizzy
I notice that days gone by pretty fast, even though I'm not so busy everyday. But I'm still remembering my last weekend, now it's suddenly midweek. Well well well.
So hot news last weekend.
I went to Bogor - as I told you in my previous entry - just like my mom requested. Yes, I took the interview at the Novotel Bogor. The interview went on pretty good, I think. Even though I came to Bogor in a not-so-good mood - I went at 5.30 in the morning while I only got less than 4 hours sleep the night before; no breakfast, and it took 2 hours trip on a bus. Tell me how exciting was that - but I managed to stay cool and answered any questions as confident as I could. Well yes I was confident, I got nothing to lose if I didn't get the job. Hah! XD
Well the thing happened next was, after the interview I went to my mom's house, taking a rest before heading back to Jakarta. I had no plan to stay in Bogor. But... Suddenly I got this fever O_o I dunno how, but my head felt aching and so dizzy, and I could feel the heat on my body. Damn.
In the afternoon, I got another call from Novotel, said that they wanted me to do another interview on the next Monday. Damn!
So there I was, staying in Bogor until Monday morning when I took the interview (again) at the Novotel.
And guess what, I got the job.
I know. That's really good, I mean, everybody seems to be very exciting about that. Well, I think so too, since working in Novotel seems to be a good way to settle and it offers good carrier steps, with insurance and blablabla.
But I love my freelance job. I love teaching. It's sort of easy money, you know, I talk, people listen, and the pay me good. Comparing to Novotel, I got better income every month. But of course freelancer doesn't have carrier steps, or health insurance, and the raise depends on how many clients you can get.
Hmmm.. Choices choices.
Just as if it's not confusing enough, on the same day - Monday, I got another phonecall said that TransTV offered me a test to join them ._____.
I've been waiting for that test, and now that I already got a job - and another tempting job waiting - TransTV offers me the test? Holy shit.
I dunno if my luck is on the spot right now, but these whole things makes me confuse even more. Lucky, yes. Complicated, very.
I'm not ready to leave the teaching job yet. But I need a life improvement, so I think I'll take Novotel job. But this TransTV test is so fucking tempting. I dunno which way I should go.
Hmmm... Choices choices.
p.s : Don't forget to take vitamins. I feel better now, after suffering from the fever and all, but this throat still feels like I just swallow a bunch of nails *__* Beware of the running nose. Influenza is haunting me, I know. Hmm.
Stay healthy, folks.
{posted by Chibi on 1:41 PM} +
Friday, February 17, 2006
Take A Chance
Today I have to go to Bintang's Learning Center, since I already took the job as the new English instructur there. I'll handle the kids and teens classes. Well, the good thing is the place is only 60 meters far from my house XD The bad thing is, I kinda have this lazy desease lately :P Uh-huh. Yesterday I struggled with my laziness and forced my ass to get the hell up and do the job. When I got home by 10.20 pm last night, I felt so tired and sleepy. My head kept whining 'Please God, I don't wanna go anywhere tomorrow. Please just let me lazying around the house..' But of course, God says 'Shut up. It's your job, so like it or not, you just have to get your ass outta here and teach!'
Hmm. Oh well. *shrugs* TT__TT
Tomorrow is Saturday, and I was planning to go to Pondok Indah Mall with Mon and we could watch 'Jomblo' the movie (and checkin' out the boys <3) and tasting the cheesecakes at Miki Ojisan's (<- it's a cakeshop we read on the magazine, says that they have marvelous Japanese style cheesecakes.Yum!) Sounds nice, huh?
Yeah. But I don't think I can do that.
I got two phonecalls yesterday. One, from a company/school (?) and they said that they got my resume and application form (which I completely forgot when did I send all those? O_o;;), and so they wanted me to come to Cibubur (!! *gasp*) this Saturday to take the test and interview. O_o Euh, what.
And the second phonecall, was from my mother.
She told me - and my grandma - that her friend who is working at the Novotel Bogor wanted me to come there this Saturday and she would like to interviewing me. For the job. O__o
See, the funny thing is I never remember I sent application forms to those places.
If these offers came to me a few months ago, maybe I would be very exciting in response. But now that I already got a job - even though it's a freelance job, but hey! I got the contract paper, says that they will pay me good enough for these few months ahead - and I like this job very much.
Sure, I wouldn't refuse if I get another better job with better income. But the people around me seems so eager to get me a job - I mean another job than as a freelance teacher. Hmmh.
Why people still can't see that freelancer could produce good money too? They always think a job, is meant to be stay in an office from 9 to 5. That's a real job. Not hang around the house, checkin' out some books, go to a place to teach for only two hours everyday and and go home. Well I got good money for that two hours everyday. That's good enough for me. But I guess it's not good enough for my family. Keep in mind that I work not only for myself now, but also for my family.
Okay. So I will take the interview tomorrow. I wouldn't want to disappoint my mom. After all, she tried to get me better job. Well, we'll see. If this job offers me better income, and better life, more than of a freelance teacher, then maybe I would take it.
If not, I think I'll keep my old job. ^^ Just wish me luck.
Meanwhile, I just hope I can enjoy my life, especially my weekend (with or without hangin' at the mall with Mon *uhuks* I really want to go to Miki Ojisan's ~~ TT_TT).
Have a nice weekend, folks!
{posted by Chibi on 3:43 PM} +
Happy Birthday, Eric !
I know I'm such a bad bad girlfriend :P
But I still luv ya, Eric ^^ Get well soon. Get the hell out from that hospital, will ya.

{posted by Chibi on 3:35 PM} +
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Love is a spring. Love is a fire. Love is a wind.
Love is a disease. Love is a cure. Love is poison.
Love stumbles you down, and lifts you up. Love stabs you like thousand needles, and heal your wounds. Love makes you cry a river, and love pours down on you.
Love makes you a beggar. Love gives you the world.
Love makes you laugh. Love drives you crazy. Love kills you.
You can't live without love. You'll live forever with love. You'll die for love. Love keeps you alive.
Love is everything.
{posted by Chibi on 4:31 PM} +
The St. Valentine's Day
It's February 14. People say it's Valentine's day.
Apa sih hari Velentine itu? Kayanya semua orang ribuuut banget soal Valentine. Well, kayanya semua menganggap 14 Februari itu hari yang special, hari dimana semua orang boleh ngungkapin perasaan sayang atau cinta kepada orang lain, dan ga perlu takut dianggap norak. Yah mau dibilang norak gimana, lha orang-orang di seluruh dunia juga nganggep hal itu sah-sah aja. Lagian sebenernya siapa yang bilang ngungkapin perasaan itu norak? Wajar aja kan. Dan ga musti tanggal 14 Februari. Cuma..., berhubung jaman dulu (katanya) ada St. Valentine - orang yang terkenal penuh kasih sayang - yang meninggal pas tanggal 14 Februari, dan orang-orang pengen mengenang hari itu dengan cara menjadikannya hari kasih sayang, alias St. Valentine's Day.
Jadi sebenernya tanggal 14 Februari itu hari peringatan kematian? Iya sih. XD
Oh well.
Mau percaya atau nggak, mau nggak mau seluruh dunia tetep merayakan 14 Februari sebagai hari kasih sayang. Itu udah ga bisa diganggu gugat. Udah jadi tradisi. Apalagi buat orang-orang yang memang menganut Valentinisme.
Lha saya? Saya sama sekali bukan penganut Valentinisme. Walopun gue akuin, gue termasuk tipe orang yang cheesy and romantic (or, cheesy romantic. Or just cheesy, ah, whatever, fuck it :P)
Tapi buat gue, Valentine's day sama aja kaya hari-hari lainnya. Nggak ada yang istimewa sama sekali.
Bukan karena sekarang gue jomblo, makanya gue ngomong kaya gini. Gue punya pacar pun, gue nggak pernah merasakan keistimewaan di hari Valentine. Nggak ada ungkapan kasih sayang buat gue tuh.
Well, mungkin ada sedikit perbedaan, misalnya dapet coklat gratis dari temen. Dan biasanya yang ngasih coklat ke gue pun temen cewek, alis sohib gue yang kebetulan beli coklat dan pengen ngebagi ke gue. Dan setelah itu kalo ada acara musik di kampus, ya pergi bareng temen-temen (yang lagi-lagi cewek). Pacar? Who cares. Yang ada malah gue nontonin orang pake baju pink dimana-mana, orang pacaran dimana-mana. Oh well.
Gue ga pernah dapet coklat dari cowok pas Valentine. Oh, pernah sekali, pas sepupu temen gue dapet coklat kebanyakan, saking dia susah bawanya, dia ngebagi salah satu coklatnya ke gue, karena dia kesian liat gue ga punya cemilan :P
Gue biasa dapet coklat dari temen cewek (yang biasanya bagi dua, karena itu cemilan dia).
Apa itu bisa dibilang romantis? XD
Gue juga ga pernah dapet bunga pas Valentine. Boro-boro bunga, kartu aja pernah dapet sekali, dari temen gue yang waktu itu kesian liat gue sendirian di sebuah acara Valentine di kampus. Karena dia dan cowoknya merasa bersalah ninggalin gue bengong sendirian, makanya dia ngasih satu kartu Valentine bergambar bunga warna merah, yang isinya "Met Valentine! Semoga taun depan lu nggak Valentine-an sendirian lagi."
Wasn't that sweet ^^
See, orang-orang sekitar gue yang menganut Valentinisme rata-rata cewek. Kalopun ada cowok, ya yang sudah bercewek :P Dan itu tidak termasuk cowok gue, dulu maupun sekarang XD
Lha gimana dengan gue sendiri? Gue kan bukan penganut Valentinisme. Tapi gue tetep menghargai hari 14 Februari. Namanya juga hari peringatan kematian. Paling nggak, gue pengen bisa berbuat sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Kalo semua orang kena demam coklat, gue juga beli coklat. Biasanya gue kasihin ke orang yang mau ngebagi coklatnya ama gue. Dan juga gue bagi-bagiin permen coklat ke anak-anak jalanan atau anak pemulung yang kebetulan gue temuin.
Gue juga nggak pernah ngungkapin perasaan gue pas hari Valentine. Buat gue, ngungkapin perasaan bisa kapan aja. Dan gue rasa orang-orang yang gue sayang pun tau, Valentine atau nggak, gue tetep sayang. Dan, toh, gue juga nggak pernah mendapat ungkapan kasih sayang dari siapapun di hari Valentine. Paling-paling cuma ucapan "Happy Valentine's day", dari nyokap atau sohib gue.
Gue ga pernah pakai baju pink di hari Valentine. Karena hampir semua orang berbaju pink, dan semua tempat bernuansa pink (liat aja di mal-mal, supermarket), gue nggak mau jadi nyaru ama mereka :P Makanya gue pilih baju item aja. Kenapa baju item? Lha, ini kan hari peringatan kematian.
Tapi.. Taun ini gue ngelakuin satu hal yang beda. Gue pengen nyoba, kaya apa sih penganut Valentinisme itu.
Nggak cuma ngasih coklat ke anak pembantu aja, gue juga ngirim coklat ke orang yang gue sayang. Bukan karena gue latah karena semua orang ber-Valentine ria, tapi gue cuma pengen ngasih aja.
Gue juga - untuk pertama kalinya - bikin kartu Valentine, dan mengirimkannya ke dua orang sohib gue tersayang. Dan juga buat ngungkapin perasaan sayang gue.
Hey, nggak pernah dapet kartu Valentine, bukan berarti ga boleh ngirim kan? ^^
Paling nggak, gue pengen orang lain ngerasain kegembiraan. Gue cuma pengen orang-orang yang gue sayangin tau, kalau gue sayang ama mereka. Siapa sih, yang nggak seneng kalo disayang?
Mungkin memang sama sekali nggak berkesan romantis buat gue, tapi paling nggak, mungkin bisa berkesan buat orang lain. Karena membahagiakan orang lain, itu pasti berkesan di hati gue.
Kira-kira, ada nggak ya orang lain yang berpendapat sama kaya gue? ^^
Tapi sampe sekarang, gue tetep nggak ngerasain ada keistimewaan di hari Valentine, tuh.
Hari ini, ga ada yang ngasih coklat, atau bunga, atau kartu ke gue.
Hari ini, gue tetep ngajar ntar malem. Nggak ada ajakan kencan atau ungkapan sayang buat gue XD
Hari ini, gue tetep sendirian.
Tetep ngasih coklat buat anak-anak kecil di jalanan. Dan gue tetep pake baju item. Tetep ngeliat orang berbaju pink, dan toko-toko berhiasan pink dan hati dimana-mana. Tetep ngeliatin orang pacaran dimana-mana.
Oh well. Happy Valentine's day, people. :)
{posted by Chibi on 4:20 PM} +
:: Lovestruck ::
A : Iya. Banget, malah.
Q : Lu ngerasa perhatian dia terlalu beda nggak?
A : Hmmmm... gimana ya. Gue sih ga mau ke ge-eran, jadi gue pikir sih wajar2 aja perhatian kaya gitu ke temen. Gue juga bakal ngelakuin hal yang sama 'kali kalo gue di posisi dia.
Q : Lo sendiri, ngerasa keberatan ga kalo dia ngasih perhatian kaya gitu?
A : Nggak tuh.
Q : Atau jangan-jangan lu malah suka dengan segala kebaikan itu?
A : ... Iya. Siapa sih yang ga suka diperhatiin.
Q : Lu ngarepin perhatian lebih ga?
A : .... Mungkin... iya. Tapi-tapi gue cuma suka perhatiannya itu aja. That's it.
Q : Yakin, that's it?
A : ... Maksut lo?
Q : Maksut gue, kalo misalnya dia ga nelpon, ga SMS, ga ada kabar, lo ngerasa ada yang kurang ga?
A : ... Iya sih. Ada something missing.
Q : Berarti lu jadi ngarepin perhatian dia kan?
A : ............ Iya.
Q : Apa itu berarti lo suka ama dia?
A : ...........................
Q : Kenapa ga jawab?
A : ... Gue ga bisa jawab. Karena gue ga tau. Apa gue suka ama dia? Atau ini cuma pelampiasan perasaan lonely gue aja?
Q : Lhah, kok malah balik nanya?
{January, 2005}
{posted by Chibi on 4:15 PM} +
Friday, February 10, 2006
It's Okay!
I'm planning to go to Bogor for weekend tomorrow. My mother is there. And she sent a message for me yesterday to visit her. Hmm I hope everything will be okay.
Okay. I got the new teaching contract yesterday ^^ Ooh yeah. Thankyou Lord, I think He answered my prayers :P The job gives me pretty good income - not very much, but at least very decent - and flexible time. I don't have to sit in an office from 9 to 5 everyday - I just need to spend 2-3 hours everyday to roam around and chat with my client. And tasting some new food sometimes ^^ Isn't that awesome? XDD
I love teaching job. Especially this kind of teaching job, where I could share my knowledge and getting more information, plus, getting new friends. And - the most important is, stress ree! XDD
I don't have to worry about working overtime 'till late (for me overtime means another schedule probably on weekend, but it pays good), or confuse about papers (I only handle student progress papers XD), or annoying boss (well maybe one or two annoying kids. But my clients are mostly adults. And super nice!)
Well well.
Maybe the only thing that I have to worry is about my mom's plan to get me another job - which she thinks would give me better preospect O_o (of what??) And the job she meant was way far from the joy of teaching .__.
I dunno *shrugs*
If I like this job so much, and I'm comfortable with it, I think Imma keep it.
Let's see how I could keep this argument in front of my mum tomorrow ;)
Meanwhile, have a nice weekend y'all!
{posted by Chibi on 6:59 PM} +
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
When The Sun Is Shining...
Is it just a lovely day today. No rain, the sun shines almost burn the skin, just like a typical day of a normal Jakarta city. ^^
Seems like no one's gonna miss me or even care if I was missing :P
I haven't been blogged since few weeks ago. Not that I didn't get online - I did online last week - but I just didn't blog.
Many interesting things happened in my life though, for the past weeks.
I was sick - not too bad, but pretty serious (I think). Something went wrong with my bladder, and it caused pain in my lower abdoment for about a week or so. I went to see a doctor, and she said there was something wrong with my kidney and uterus *__* Skip the details, she gave me prescriptions and I had to swallow 3 kinds of medicine, 3 times a day, and I couldn't drink anythink but mineral water. Just that. No coffee, or tea, or anything colorful .__.
So the moral of the story, kids : Always drink water min. 8 glass per day too keep your kidney healthy.
Outside that horrible fact about my health, the good news is that I'm still alive. And kicking ;)
I went to my cousin's party few weeks ago and there, I got an offer to participate in a movie promotion. I didn't realize that the party was full with movie people (a.k.a directors, producers, managers, casts, ... y'know. Them .__. ). I thought it was just a normal birthday party for 11 year-old kid (that was my cousin Kevin). How was I suppose to know, that my presence there with my super micro black skirt and tight black sweater could lead me into a movie casting and involved with those movie people *__*
I guess they picked me because of that skirt :P ( I swear God, my grandma approved my attire - in fact she chose that short skirt over a velvet one. Don't you think she's funky? Yeah! XD) And the fact that they needed more female cast.
Anyway, so last weekend I was in Cilandak Town Square (Citos) to promote the movie, called "Jomblo". It's a movie based on the bestseller book "Jomblo" by Adhitya Mulya (if you remember, I made a review of his secend bestseller book "Gege Mengejar Cinta" in my previous post). Click the link to see details of the movie/book/author.
This "Jomblo" movie will be premiered on February 9, presenting Christian Sugiono, Rizky Hanggono, Dennis Adhiswara, and Ringgo Agus Rahman as the main casts. Those are pretty new and good actors, so I'm hoping that this movie would be as good as the book.
Because, y'know, sometimes a movie - when it based on a novel - could be better or even worse than the original work. Hmmm. I like that Jomblo book very much, so I hope the movie wouldn't be disappointing *cross fingers*
About the promo. I came to Citos before 11 a.m, just as the manager told me to, with Mon. Mon's mom and brother took us there. And that day, Mon acted as my personal assistant and also my photographer XDD My heroine! She stayed with me since 11 am even though the main event was set on 6 pm. All the casts got make-up at 4 pm, and before that, since 11 to 4, me and Mon wandered around Citos and ended up a bit dying in Starbucks XDD
The event went from 6 until around 9 pm. And all those time, Mon stayed beside me and took pictures of everything around us XD How can I not love her? Thanks for being there with me, Mon. Even though it was exhausting, and hurt our feet like hell, but we're happy, weren't we? Don't worry, I'll get you the goodie bag^^ And, oh! We took some pics with Christian Sugiono too ^o^ Oh yeay. He's just oh-so-gorgeous, believe it. And a kind of camera-slut too, I think XD Gyahaha. How lucky is Titi Kamal to have such a boyfriend like him *sigh*
Well. That was Saturday, so on Sunday I was fully resting at home, because the high heels I wore on the previous day killed my feet and I had to recharge my energy. Last Sunday was Chinese New Year, so I sent messages to some of my friends who celebrate it. I hope they would give me the angpao *sneer at MonWendaWo* XD
So that's my life lately. I'm still working as a part-time teacher, and hopefully I'd get another new teaching contract this week. And since the movie promo last weekend, the production house said that I'd get a schedule for casting. Well I never thought of entertainment business as my career, but if they give me a shot, I wouldn't hesitate to take the chance *shrugs* I have nothing to lose anyway. And with my unstable monetary condition right now, I'll just go where the money go XD
Have a nice day, people ^^
{posted by Chibi on 1:40 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations