Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, December 19, 2005
De Nederlandsche!
It's Monday, and today I'm working (yes, surely). I went to the Netherlad Embassy today, in order to collect some datas for De Javasche Bank movie. Heheh.
I went to Bank Indonesia first with Sugi to get the permission letters, then went straight to Erasmus Huis and met Chris there. After searching the books like mad cows, I finally got contact with the Embassy. Went there at 2.30ish, got loads of material ^o^
I'm tired, but at least this trip was pretty fun. I always love the Embassy. That's why I got in International relation major :P
Imma going home now ad sleep, to get back my stolen Sunday yesterday (read my previous entry). Hahaha.
{posted by Chibi on 5:57 PM} +
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Sunday Bloody (meeting on) Sunday
Whahh it's been a busy week, but I had fun though. The business started since I was in Bandung last week - getting my certificate and the incident of losing my ATM card :P - then I went back to Jakarta and got back to daily works in movie project. Busy as bee, but I like it^^ At least there's no day without having a job XDD Muhaha.
Last Thursday, I've been to Museum Mandiri in order to collect some infos & stuffs. I went there by busway with a co-worker, and turned out it was pretty fun. The museum itself is an old colonial building, so it gave a rather spooky feeling. But lucky there was no unusual event- in fact, I found it amazing. The architecture and the classical atmosphere - despite there was no other visitors than the two of us! - excited me. I'm pretty sure if those photo-freak *cough*Mon&Acklee*cough* come to see around, they would as excited as I am :D
I took some pics there - the lobby and the 2nd floor - with my friend's camera. Just for fun. Check 'em out^^
I went back from the museum around 5ish, then we hitted the PC room first. After that, we head back to the oofice and I flew home by 8 pm. Huah. Tired. But lucky I didn't have any teaching schedule, due to Mr. Bae's trip to the Philippine.
On Friday morning, I'm having a meeting at Bank Indonesia. As usual. And the works continued until 10 pm, when my dad picked me up at BTC office. I felt so worn out :P
So I studed with Bae's family on Saturday morning. After that, I went sraight to McDonald's Sarinah Thamrin, met Amechan and her friend Monic, then we hung out at QB World bookstore. We spent some quite times there, chatting and talking about our girls' stuffs... yeah things like that. Things that I haven't been doing since long time ago :P
And now I already at BTC office again. My uncle kidnapped me this morning, said that there's gonna be a meeting at 10 with my team. Hmmm. So far, I don't see anyone but the other staffs. If someone kidnaps me to the office on Sunday, it's better be good. Or I'll stab him .__.
I'm having a meeting today. I'm off now. Hope I could see Mon for dinner at Tamani Cafe tonite ^^
There goes my weekend... Have fun!
{posted by Chibi on 10:15 AM} +
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Back to Jakarta, Back to Basic
I spent this weekend in the marvelous Bandung, surrounded with maximum happiness ^^
I stayed at Dea's place (my old house), and using as much time as I could to be with Wo. Haha. Well, I missed my Bandung friends a lot - especially him - so I thought I should take the opportunity while I can. It's not everyday I could go to Bandung and see him, aight? ;D
Actually I was planning to go back to Jakarta yesterday, but a disaster happened - I lost my ATM card -__- So I had to stay a bit longer in Bandung to take care the bank thingie. Uhuw.
But that's OK. It means more time to have fun, right. Kekeke.
Wo stayed in Dea's too until 2 last night, so I felt lot better even though still kinda bete :P But a hug could cure a heart, d'you know that ;D
Huah. Now I have to uploaed loads of images for the movie project, and this internet connection is killing me.
I hope the team won't get mad.
Back to working days, people!
{posted by Chibi on 3:48 PM} +
Monday, December 12, 2005
Weekend @ Bandung !
Many things happened for the past week. I (finally!!) got job(s), Indonesian tutoring for Korean and helping out my uncle at his company.
My my my. Thankyou Lord for listening to my whines, and giving me such cool opportunities..
And what am I doing here? Oh, I'm taking my certificate in my old campus. Then, I could fulfill the requirements for my future job, at the US embassy. Whoohoo. Wish me luck, peeps!
Anyway, this trip to Bandung actually planned for me, Mon, and Amechan. But, whaddayaknow, they both cancelled it at the very last minute of Friday (we supposed to go on Saturday) XDD
but I made up my mind, I had to go to Bandung no matter what.
First, because I ned to get my certificate, and second, I miss my boy *cough*8*cough* like hell :P
That's why, as soon as I arrived in Bandung - that was Saturday afternoon - then we decided to go touring around the city. Not just with Wo, but also with Dea, Wenda, and Rumbi, my cooliepals^^ It's sooooo good to hang aoutwith them again. Whahh I missed them a lot!
On Sunday, we roamed around again, looking for sum cheap DVDs, got some hot chocos, dirty jokes, and after we seperated at Kings (Wenda, Rumbi, Dea, and Ghafran went back to Ciumbuleuit), me and Wo still wandered around the city XDD
And now I just got back from my campus - got my certificate, but the shittie is I lost my ATM card -___-;; Now I have to go to the Bank to get it back again. Hopefully.
Oh well. It's Monday, I should get back to Jakarta as soon as possible, but at least I got my weekend fun again. This is a recharge for my boring and hectic life in Jakarta :P
The best thing is, I could spend another day with someone that I really really like. And love. (Whatever love means) :P
See you again in Jakarta, folks.
{posted by Chibi on 1:39 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations