Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, July 29, 2005
It's been a rough day.
The next thing was, I had to followed him to his office and he started to checkin' on my papers. The result was a full hour of scolding and various disagreements that he refered to my thesis. Oh crap.
I really did write crap. And he showed me that it's all was crap!
So I just had to re-arrange the whole thing and dig deeper and deeper again - since he said that I only cover the surface of the problem, no essence *___* So I just have to get over this crap and show it to him again next Monday.
Uhuw *cries*
And I should know that it's a bad beginning of the day. 'Coz then I slept during my typing this afternoon (I didn't go to Youngshin's house 'coz today they took MinJi, YoungHo, Halmonim and Aunt Mi to the airport to go back to Korea. I'm gonna miss them^^), and I had a bad dream about dating someone's boyfriend and the whole world hate me O__o I woke up feeling confuse and it got me headache X__x
The scene was getting worse when I realize that one of the DVDs for Mon was missing. I should've sent them to her today, but I couldn't find that one DVD! I searched everywhere in my room, and that was when suddenly Julie showed up in front of me. Oh great. Why don't someone just shoot me.
But I guess she could tell my piss-off mode, 'coz then I asked her to get out of my room (politely, of course) so I could clean it out while searching for that damn DVD. Still no result.
After she left, I cleaned up my room and washed the dishes - remember it's my anger management - and took a nice cold shower.
I'm cool now :) A bit hungry, but I'm cool now.
It's been a long day. But thank God tomorrow is weekend^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:43 PM} +
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Life Goes On
Okay, the first weekend since I'm turning 24. Ohoho^^
So two days ago was my birthday. How was it? Well.., pretty nice.
The first person who contacted me was Mon, she sent me SMS and promised to call 'coz she was way too sleepy at that midnite XD Thanx, baby <3
Then Arni called me from Yogya... And I called Wo and he said happy birthday (yeah, me called him, not he called me :P) Grandma called me in the morning, then some friends sent me birthday greetings via SMSes ^_^
And so for the rest of the day, I spent my birthday with Lina. I decided to skip tutoring... Actually I was planning to go by myself - maybe add a little adventure :P - just roam around the city. But Lina was ready to company me, that's even better :)
At first, Lina and I went to Jonas to pick up Insight's pictures. After that, we picked up Lina's sister, Debi, from her school and we picked up Lina's car at the service station. But turned out we had to wait a little bit longer. At 8 pm, Lina and I decided to just take the public car and we're heading Dago.
We were thinking of Omuniuum, but by the time we got there, it was already 8.30 om and Omu was closed :P So we decided to get some dinner, and we crashed at Chempor Cafe.
The food were delicious - I got myself a Japanese steak^^ - and the atmosphere was nice. After we ate, Lina's boyfriend, Indra picked us from Chempor and we decided to hang out around Dago. So we stopped at 'tenda jagung bakar' in Dago. Ricky joined us there at around 10 pm, and then he drove me home.
That time, my housemates finally realized that it was my birthday. Ahahaha.
There was alittle drama - including the water-splashed-on-my-head-to-toe - and I was pretty sad, actually, but oh well. At least they realized it *shrugs*
Around 1 am, Wo called me and we were chatting on the phone. Even though I was a bit disappointed 'coz I thought I could spend my birthday with him - maybe go to JazzCares Live at TRL Bar - but his phonecall was a relieve. And even though we didn't go to the jazz live, but he made it up by singing k-pop songs live on the phone XDD And it was really entertaining, we hung up the phone at around 5.30 in the morning with sore throats and too much laughing XD
Thanks for the 'live concert', Wo :D
Well, it's weekend now and I'm here online with Mon. Today Lina came with Andini and we're having fun chatting and scanning loads of CDs in my room. They went home after we had dinner at SentraKampus and coffeebreak at Cabe Rawit.
I didn't go out with my boyfriend 'coz he said he had to attend his friend's bachelor party -__-;; Hmm. Boys and lap dance. Tsk tsk.
I wish I could see him soon, though ^^
We still have a weekend. Whatever happened today, whatever will happen tomorrow, just enjoy it. Life goes on :)
{posted by Chibi on 11:09 PM} +
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Life goes on, people ;)
{posted by Chibi on 10:52 AM} +
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Hentikan waktu sejenak, tengoklah ke belakang.
Sold my soul. Fought with my family. Having love and hate relationship with my dad.
Mulai kecanduan telepon tengah malam. Got loads of free MP3s and MVs. Got new keyboard.
Hate a lot of people. Nyaris melewatkan malam tahun baru sendirian sepanjang sejarah hidup. Found a true good friend.
Failed for the second time. Nyaris sinting. Met Youngshin's family.
Got kissed by a guy who is not my boyfriend. Kissing a guy that is not my boyfriend. Having a date. Cut my hair. Bikin fotobox. Jatuh cinta gila-gilaan. Frustasi gila-gilaan. Stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Broken hearted. Dating another guy who already had a girlfriend. Denial.
Read many books. Belajar jadi editor. Jalan bareng Mon di Bandung. Jalan bareng Mon di Jakarta. Dapat boneka singa kecil. Cabut gigi. Membenci dokter gigi. Mulai terbiasa dengan kimcchi. Kecanduan kwetiaw jalan Aceh.
Tried to be honest to myself. Trying to become teman yang baik, sampai sekarang.
Coba bangkit lagi. Berusaha nyelesaiin skripsi, sampai sekarang.
Mencari cinta sejati. Tetap menyayangi orang-orang terdekat di hati, sampai sekarang.
Berusaha menerima semua apa adanya. Sampai sekarang.
... Dan semua runutan peristiwa itu terjadi dalam hidup gue sejak setahun lalu. Dimulai ketika menginjak usia 23 tahun. Sampai sekarang.
Life goes on.
{posted by Chibi on 7:17 PM} +
Monday, July 18, 2005
Hectic day....
Today I went to campus was to meet Mr. Arie, my dear lecturer, to talk about my crap thesis. Yeayeayea. It hasn't finished yet, God knows when will I compose my brain back so I could get over with it *rolls eyes*
Oh well I have to meet him again tomorrow morning.
So how's weekend?
Mine was... pretty good^^
Last Friday Wo came and he gave me loads of new MP3s and MVs *oh yeay!*, and he stayed until past midnight. I'm so glad he came, because not just for the MP3s and MVs, but I also needed him as a life support these days. Hmm.
On Saturday, I thought my Insight friends from Jakarta would take me roam around the city. Well at least that's what Ricky told me on the phone. But after waiting for hours in Gege's place - we were watching loads of Love Letters and other K-pop stuffs, as usual - there was no phone calls or anything that he promised me to -__- Okay, I was pretty upset then, and I guess Dea and Diki also, since we thought we're going dinner together with those Jakartans Insighters.
But, whaddayaknow, they were roaming around the city, having fun, shopping, hanging out in Starbucks... without me. Uh-huh.
Well lucky I was not in the mood for being such a biatch, 'coz suddenly I had a headache and I slept early that night.
And the next morning, on Sunday, Dea and I were preparing for the wedding party since 9 am. And we finally got to the party after midday, since it was a bit raining and the taxi was so hard to find.
The party was cool, everybody was there... But I missed some foods *__* Hahahaha.
I'm not saying I had good time at the party, but I didn't complain. You know, since we used to be close friends back there while they were still in Bandung... And now afterthey all left to Jakarta, and some new girls around, somehow I felt kinda... left out. Oh well. Maybe not exactly like that, but it was pretty garing for me .__.
It's like they all have their own world now, and we're not as fun as it used to. Yea I know people changed, but it doesn't mean that friendship changed too, right?
Hmmm. Maybe it's just my feeling. I hope it is.
But it was cool, though, I love hangin out with old (and new) friends. I just hope they love to hang around me too *_*
Tomorrow I will pick up our pictures, oh yeay ! :D I hope it will lift my mood again.
Well,my mood today was not so good since the meeting with Mr. Arie, and then lots of problems and I had to go to Youngshin's house, but then I had to found some CDs first, and Julie bugged me around, andthere were some new kids in Youngshin's place, andall and all...
Lucky I met Mon online now, and as usual, she always makes me feel good ^^
{posted by Chibi on 10:18 PM} +
Friday, July 15, 2005
Happy Birthday, Shugorei!

I wish I could goto Jakarta and kidnap her until she treats me dinner and premiere movie at EX :P Gyhahahahahahaha!
Have a nice year ahead, girl <3
{posted by Chibi on 10:44 AM} +
Thursday, July 14, 2005

{taken from Omuniuum blog. Credits to Omuniuum}
It's a bazaar, and I'm pretty sure it'll be very interesting... Especially for bookworms like me ^o^
And not to mention the tees from god.inc are so cool (I still have a crush to that green hat *_* Oh my). I wonder if they give out big sale orsomething *rolls eyes* XD
I wish Mon is here, so I could drag her to see this Supermurahan Day. Mon, come to Bandung please ^^ You'll miss a good stuff!
But hey, maybe I could come there with Wo and/or Insight girls next Saturday.
Chibi luv bazaar! :D
{posted by Chibi on 4:49 PM} +
Monday, July 11, 2005
A Time to Think, A Time to Remember
I have massive works to do, and it included my crispy thesis (SKRISPI, kata Mon XDD) and other stuffs like, err, tutoring Youngshin and dealing my sister's job and other family matters.
I really, really try not to think about the last part, but it keeps on haunting. What else can I do *sigh*
Although, I took a little break last weekend, when I accidentally met Wenda and Negro, and so we went out together.
Lat Friday I met Wenda at SentraKampus, and then she dragged me to BSM for a "little shopping" with Negro too. That little shopping ended up with a bag of L'Oreal and three pieces of Mango outfits. Oh, I have to mention that my dear friend Wenda is one of those Mango freaks. And it's the summer sale season on Mango this month. So along with hundreds of people in Mango boutique in BSM, Wenda and I picked out some clothes and having fun there trying on them and lined up at the cashier .__.
After shopped around, we dropped Negro on Ciumbuleuit, and I decided to tag along with Wenda to her Dad's fabrics store on Tamim. Then it was raining, so I couldn't make it to Youngshin's house, so I decided to skip tutoring and sleepover at Wenda's house that day. Yeayy^^
Wenda and I spent the rest of the night gossiping and doing our usual girl's stuffs like, you know, wardrobe take over, washing hair, make over, Cosmo analysing and of course midnite meal with cheese and strawberry parathas (that is, Indian food.) I called Wo that night and the response was so not good -__- He was busy as hell and turned down my phone call, I really wanted to cut him into pieces and baked him with my parathas :P
Well, anyway. We finally slept at 3 am and I woke up at 7, then I woke her up and so we were ready and having our breakfast at 8.30. After that, along with Wenda's parents, we're off to Tamim (their store). I met Wenda's tailor and I decided to make a new white skirt^^ Just like the one in Mango's summer catalogue :D
After lunch, Wenda dropped me at King's because I feel like a little shopping (again?! Yeah :P) while Wenda wanted to meet her boyfriend. So I shopped alone, I got a pair of new shoes and some underwears, while actually I was looking for a new blouse. Ahahaha. Okay, I spent a quite amount of money, but at least I got what I wanted and it was satisfying enough ^^
By the time I got home, it was already 5 pm and it was a nice Saturday evening. I was thinking perhaps Wo could come and spent the night together..., but he said he wouldn't. Blah. I missed him so badly, but what can I do =/ It was fine at first, but as the night getting higher, I couldn't help it.
The surprise was, when I was sobbing feeling miserably lonely that night, suddenly Wo called me and said that he was in front of 7-11 and told me to meet him there O_o Turned out he just dropped by and brought me my favorite fried kwetiaw, but he couldn't stay long. So after stole a kiss (or two) under a streetlight on the street near my house, he left me and went back to his works. Oh well. That was pretty sweet, though ^^
On Sunday, I got back to my works. Until now. Well..., I really need more time, considering that my time is running out. I tried as cool as I can, but I can't lie to myself that I am actually freakin' out right now.
I'm scared of what would happen if... Well, looking back to the failure I've been through last time, I really don't want that to happen again.
Aahhh pressure, pressure.
Well, at least I'm still alive and I still have my sanity. Just wish me luck, people :)
{posted by Chibi on 11:31 PM} +
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Dentist = Nightmare
Midweek again. Can't believe how fast time goes by.
I have a free day today. I mean, off-tutoring today ^^
Why? Because yesterday I went to the dentist and Youngshin's father (Mr. Han) told me to take a rest for a day. Oh yes, that is definitely what I need most.
For fuck's sake, I do believe now that my dentist is a MONSTER.
I got a toothache since last Saturday, it's because my left wisdom tooth was broken and it was hurt like hell. So Youngshin's father kindly offered me make an appointment with his dentist. I needed to get rid of the pain, so I took his offer. So then yesterday at 3.30 pm, he took me to a clinic on Jl. Jend. Sudirman (!!!) and after registering, he left me there. Alone.
It was horrible.
It's not that I'm scared being alone with a dentist, but hellooo, I was left alone in a place that I've never knew before - it's a clinic!! - and it's far from my house! Hell, I dunno where to go after this!
So there was only one person came accross my mind, that I really hope could help me : Wo.
XDD So I called him and begged him to come and pick me up at the dentist. Thank goodness he said yes :P
Okay, that was one. The second bad thing was, of course, being with the dentist.
My dentist is a woman, around 35 at age I guess, she looked cold and even wearing a purple lipstick - which definitely unmatched with her yellow shirt. I mean, hello, a dentist with purple lipstick, didn't that sound as scary as a witch to you? O_o
Well, she was a witch. An evil one too. Bitch.
She worked in my mouth just like the way my dad worked with his car. So many tools, and she shot my gum with things-I-dunno-what but it was REALLY HURT, and even though I thought I got shot with a local anesthethic, but when she pulled out my tooth, IT WAS HELL.
She told me to wash my mouth a couple times, and holy shit there was blood everywhere O___o;; I thought I might get anemia for losing a large amount of blood from my mouth *_*
She tortured me for about 20 minutes, and it felt like forever.
I was nearly crying there, but y'know, it would be very embarassing to cry at the dentist when you're not a 5 year-old anymore :P
But, really, when Wowo came and picked me up, it was 5.30 pm, I was still waiting for my medicine, and it really really hurt, goddammit, I nearly blew my head off and I felt like I almost faint.
I couldn't stop cursing that evil bitch dentist, I really want to kill her. Till now .__.
Then Wo took me home, but the bleeding just wouldn't stop. I guess Wo tasted my blood a bit when he kissed me. LOL. And when he did that, a part of my lips were still numb, I almost couldn't feel it XDD
Then Wo left, he couldn't stay long 'coz he had a futsal game with his friends and went to his sister's house in far-far-away-land. But at least he took me home safely, and he stayed with me for about 15 minutes for comforting me enough :) Thanks, beyb.
I was very tired and so much in pain that night, but I forced myself to eat some dinner, so I could swallow those medicine. One antibiotic and one painkiller. I needed a painkiller.
And those are BIG pink and blue tablets. Blah. These medicine look cute, but suck anyway. I always hate medicine, no matter how cute they are.
But after swallowed those pink and blue things, I got very sleepy and this morning I woke up, the pain was pretty much gone. Still hurt a bit, but I guess that's just because the gum is still a bit swollen. I'm okay now ^^
But it doesn't mean I forgive that super evil motherfucking bitch dentist -__-
I'll never go to a dentist again. Especially by myself.
And I promise someday, if I have a kid, I would never let my son/daughter go to a dentist alone. Because, you know, dentists are monsters, you'd never know what they would do to your kids.
{posted by Chibi on 2:58 PM} +
Friday, July 01, 2005
And everyone left me -___-;;;
Youngshin and her family went to Jakarta this morning, and that made me tutoring her earlier today. I went to go a little window shopping then, and ot home by 2 pm.
It was a hot hot hot hot day today O_o
I was planning to type some, but the heat made me lazy all the way XD
And then I cleaned up my room, take a shower, and I just realized that NO ONE'S HOME !!
Today is Dea-Diki anniversary day, I'm sure they go out having a nice date. Nita went out somewhere I dunno, but I bet she's somewhere along with those ITB guys XD She's kinda into them lately :P
And my other housemates, don't ask *___*
And now here I am online and chat with Mon and Wo, and they left me also. One burning a CD, and the other one is going poo. Bleh :P
Just right after I hitthe 'Publish' button, Wo came up here in front of me :D Turns out he didn't poo, but flew right away to my place *glomps* Me not lonely anymore. Hehe. How can I not love him.
{posted by Chibi on 8:07 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations