Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, May 30, 2005
Mom's Here!
Great, isn't it? She decided to make a sirprise visit yesterday O_o While I still had 8 in my room, my sister called me and said that she was on her way to Bandung, with my mum and my other sister and brother.
The whole gang is heeeree! LOL.
Talking about crowdy XDDDDDDDDD
I even sleep in Dea's room *rolls eyes*
Lots of things to talk about, lots of things to handle. We need some time.
Wish me luck ;)
{posted by Chibi on 9:57 PM} +
Thursday, May 26, 2005
The Champion
Selamet ya yang pada ngejagoin Liverpool, akhirnya menang juga. Hehehe.
Moga2 cuma satu orang doang yang joget2 bugil di kamarnya sambil nelpon jam setengah lima pagi cuma buat ngejerit "MENAAANG!!" TT__TT;;;;
*Bayangin orang2 laen yang nonton juga pada joget2 sambil bugil* O_____o Horor*
{posted by Chibi on 5:53 PM} +
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Closing for a Week
I was just stopping by to this internet cafe to tell you about my weekend. Pretty good ^^
Yesterday (Friday, since at this time is Sunday morning already), me and Nita went out to some malls, just for a girl's day out :D
NIta did some shopping, while me, err..., actually I wanted too but unfortunately (or luckily?) some of the items I wanted to buy was not available. Hmm.
Do you know that it's pretty hard to find a bra in size 34C? O____o;;;
I've searched in every store in the mall and I only found ONE in size 34C. And it was green -_- I wanted black. I tried aother label, but resulted the same. Bah. So I guess it wasn't my bra-day XD
Actually, it was a pretty fine day. Only one thing bothered me. I kinda lost my privacy. You know, when you're tired and needed some time of yourown, you wouldn't want anyone to disturb you, right. Well..., some people thought that if we're friendly, means they could bug us 24/7. Heh.
I really, really missed my room -___-;;; For ONLY me.
Oh well, tonight I'll have it :) And I hope - I REALLY hope - tomorrow too :P
Interuption is the last thing I need right now. Hehe.
Have a nice Sunday, y'all! ^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:55 AM} +
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Eh sumpah, gue baru tau. Huakakakakakakakakakakakaka!!! Gue pikir itu beneran cuma buat sariawan doang. Ternyata..., vagina juga bisa sariawan ya.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut (juga buat yang nggak percaya), silahkan baca keterangan dalam bungkus obat tersebut :]
{posted by Chibi on 4:27 PM} +
Dazed and confused.
Kenapa sih orang suka nutup-nutupin hal-hal yang ga perlu?
Setau gue, gue selalu berusaha untuk jujur. Tapi orang-orang deket gue sendiri - YANG NGAKUNYA DEKET - malah lebih banyak aksi tutup mulut dan pura-pura ga tau akan hal-hal yang jelas-jelas udah nyata. Tapi buntutnya nuntut. Bah.
Mereka nyadar ga sih, kalo sikap mereka tuh suka bikin gue bingung sendiri?
Gue coba ngertiin, oke.
Yang satu punya pertimbangan sendiri untuk bersikap begitu. Oke, gue ngerti.
Yang satunya lagi punya alasan sendiri untuk sikapnya. Oke, gue juga ngerti.
Bahkan orang yang masih suka nggak jelas sikapnya aja gue ngertiin kok.
Tapi ada yang nyadar, ga, efeknya ke gue? Gue bingung, tau. gue bener-bener bingung. Dan ada ga sih satuuu aja, yang coba untuk ngertiin gue?
Please. yang ada, gue cuma ngerasa tekanan di semua pihak, dan akhirnya ya itu tadi, gue bener-bener ga tau musti bersikap gimana.
Gini salah, gitu salah. Buntut-buntutnya, saling ngelarang. Saling jaga gengsi. Adoh!
Skarang kalo kaya gini, siapa yang mau tanggung jawab, hayo. Ntar pada berebut tanggung jawab, mengkalim masing-masing. Si anjing.
Udah deh, gue bener-bener capek.
Terserah kalian mau ngapain, pada ribut aja sana semua. gue cuma bisa jadi penonton kan? Dimana-mana orang yang berdiri di tengah-tengah tawuranlah yang kena timpukannya. Dan emang gue selalu ditempatkan disitu kan?
Percuma gue jerit-jerit minta semua udahin semua ini. Karena emang ga akan pernah selesai, kalau masing-masing masih betah ama egonya, ama semua kepura-puraannya, kesombongannya.
Perlu ya?
Timpukin aja gue sampe mampus. Nggak usah sok care deh. Gue udah bosen nangis. Blah.
{posted by Chibi on 3:36 PM} +
Friday, May 13, 2005
Catch some air
So where have I been? Somepeople might think I'm running away. No, I'm not. As a matter of fact, I went straight to the center of my biggest problem. Yeappp.
Well it's not like what you think. I did enjoy my days there, thanks to Mon and Amonk who brighten up my days from the very first day I stepped in town XD
I spent my Friday and Saturday with them in Mon's place, roaming around Plaza Senayan and Cilandak Town Square, watching sum vids and even getting along with Mon's dogs (dogs, people, notice that I'm a cat? I'm so proud of myself). It was grrreeeat.
Then, I cought some cold :P Silly, I know, Jakarta's weather was very hot and I just couldn't stop sneezing and kept on having a running nose -_-;;
My body brokedown after the family gathering (well I was sick too the days before, so I guess it's all the compilation :P) But it got better after a few days.
I went back here (to Bandung) last Wednesday, just as same as Mon left to Sydney.
The past two days, I decided to take a break. I need my peaceful days.
So many things in my mind. I need to re-arrange it, one. by. one.
Happy weekend, y'all :]
{posted by Chibi on 10:30 PM} +
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
An inch from insanity
Anybody has an oxy-can? pass it to me. Although, I'm not really sure I can breathe normally even with that can :P
I feel like I'm going insane. Literally *__*
{posted by Chibi on 2:48 PM} +
Monday, May 02, 2005
Life Goes On
Mon & Wo got the job they wanted. Dea will get the job (hopefully) and ready to settle down.
While I'm still here. Stuck in the middle of nowhere. I'm struggling to move, even though I know my road won't be easy.
I may sound pessimistic right now, but believe me, I'm not.
I know where I'm going to, and (I think) I'm ready for all the consequences ahead. And when I thought I've been through the worst, I realize that there are some people who might have been even worse than me.
Everybody has their own problems. And I know how it sucks when we still have no clue to get over it. Bah.
{posted by Chibi on 7:33 PM} +
Start This Week With Hope
Whassup, guys, having a nice day so far?
Okay, I know some of you probably still said, "Fuck, I always hate Monday." LOL. Me too :P
Come on, Monday is the beginning of a new week. Let's just hope we're getting a good week ahead.
Oh well, the hell with that, so how was your weekend?
Mine was great. At least it could reduce the shitty things happened the days before. Last week wasn't a very good week for me, but at least I got a nice weekend. I was pretty worn out last night, but it was a blast.
On Saturday, I went out with Acklee, who was in a same boredom state of mind like me, so we decided to grab some air - it was Saturday night anyway, gotta make a scene or just dead :P
So we went to Omunium - scanned some books (golly, I found that "Tales From Shakespeare" book! But I didn't buy it 'coz I was still broke at the moment - gotta have it soon) and the clothing distros, got some dinner in upper Dago (the sop buntut and soto around Kanayakan were good^^), then grabbed some beers and roamed around the city before hitting his place. I was sippin' my beer when Mon called and told me that she'd come to Bandung and demand a tour on Sunday XDD Oh yeah baby!
So I went back home that midnight after checkin' up my YM to see if Wowo was up, to tell him the news. But he was off. And so I called him at around 3 a.m (I called him at 1 but he was out T_T) and by the time we realized that we had to save up some energy for the Sunday, it was already 5 a.m XDD We just could never get our mouths shut *rolles eyes*
So I slept that morning, and Mon called around 8 a.m and told me that she'd be in town in an hour. I called Wowo and he refused to wake up XD I called him again an hour later, though, and making sure that he'd show up and meet me & Mon.
I came to Boromeus hospital ('coz actually the main reason Mon and her family came to Bandung was to make a visit of condolence for her family's friend) and met Mon there by 10. Then we (me and Mon's family) went to Mie Naripan for breakfast, with Wowo too - who finally showed up there XD
From there, we decided to hit Ciwalk and Mon's parents would FO-hunting in downtown XD Me & Mon took the angkot while Wowo got his motorcycle. I ensured Mon we'd get Ciwalk safely - she thought I was gonna make us lost somewhere, LOL!
We roamed around Ciwalk and decided to check on some clothing distros downtown to find some t-shirts. So we hopped into angkot (yes, Wowo left his motorcycle in Ciwalk and joined us, to make sure me & Mon wouldn't lost on the way XD) and were hitting around Sultan Agung then. After Evil, then Omunium, finally Mon got a cool T-shirt in Ouval.
Then Mon's parents already waited for us in Tamani cafe, so we walked there and had some lunch.
The last shopping session was in Happening, and it was Wowo who got the shopping bag, not Mon XD We wrapped the day with some photos taken in front of Happening, then Mon and her parents had to head back to Jakarta.
So then me & Wo head back home too - he had to pick up his motorcycle in Ciwalk, and I went straight to Ciumbuleuit. We both lacked of sleep, and having lots of fun the whole day XD Whahh.
It was a nice day. I wish Mon could spend more time here in Bandung - I know Mon's mum wouldn't mind, right, Tante? *nudges Mon's mum* :P Ayo mari kemari lagiii ^^
Well there'll be another weekends and holidays :) Bandung always ready for having fun. Ohoho ^o^
So now it's Monday again, and after the energy recharged last night, I hope this week's gonna be good. My Sunday ended up with a piece of BreadTalk from Acklee who dropped by for some midnight chat until around 2 a.m. It was smooth and I liked that for a closing after a tiredsome day (and also, the floss bread was super-yum in my hungry+tired state XD) Thanks, 'Cklee ^^
In a brighter note, I'd like to highlight the good news for the good week.
Mon & Wo start their new jobs today, yeay! Congrats both of you <33 I am SO envy, you guys know that XD But I'm so happy for that too. Two close people of mine got the jobs that they like and wanting, now how happy is that. I hope your positive energy could affect me too :P
So, let's start this Monday at least with a good memory of a good weekend :D And if you there didn't have a good weekend, not to worry, you can always make your day in a way :D Cross your fingers for this week. I know I do.
Have a nice day ahead!
{posted by Chibi on 6:55 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations