Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, April 29, 2005
Munafik, ah.
Sebelnya, di sekeliling gue banyak banget orang munafik. Blahhh.
Cara paling gampang bikin gue muntah.
{posted by Chibi on 4:22 PM} +
Like a little brat who never learned from herpast, I did the same mistake again :(
I really, really didn't mean to. But once again, I heard the frailing voice who said, "I'm very dissapointed..."
What should I do? Don't tell me. I know it already.
It's just... It breaks my heart.
{posted by Chibi on 2:17 PM} +
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Lonely Lonely...
I'm sick TT__TT Beneran, Chibi lagi cakit. Uhuks.
Thanks to Dea and Nita, my dear housemates *kicks their heads*, who gave me the virus >__>
Few days ago, I couldn't even talk, I lost my voice! O____o Whahh I'm glad I'm not a singer XD What would Hyesung do if one day he wakes up and finds out that he lost his voice? Kekekeke.
Oh well. But I got my voice back now ^__^ I can sing and scream again, yayy! XD But still, my voice is still not as good as usual *ahem* And I got this little fever and constant headache. Oh, and sometimes tummyache. Hmm.
But the sad thing is, I was sick and lonely :(
Yeap, I'm all alone, baby. My housemates were somewhere I dunno, and no one seemed to care if I was sick or dead. Hiks.
Oh wait, Youngshin cares :) She's my student, and she even gave me a nice shawl for my neck. Of course, 'coz I came to her house to tell her that I couldn't study because I LOST MY GODDAMNED VOICE!
*inhales* I'm cool. I'm cool.
Well. Then her dad drove me home and told me to go see a doctor. Hm. Nice people *hugs Youngshin's family*
Urgh, I start complaining again. My throat is killing me. And my head. I better go back to my bed.
Wish me well :(
{posted by Chibi on 9:51 PM} +
Monday, April 18, 2005
CHIBI - The Ambigram

Isn't that cool? ^__^ 8, you're awesome.
{posted by Chibi on 10:59 PM} +
Sunday, April 17, 2005
I'm Not Going Anywhere... Sorry
Actually I was planning to go to Jakarta - for the sake of running away :P and get rid of the boredom, and especially to go to Dufan with Mon Von Amonk :D
But... but. I had few things hold me back here.
First, it's the financial matter. I have to deal with my bills first this month, and with the limited payment I got from teaching, I'm simply broke now :P
Well I could ask my dad to help me out, but I had a serial fight with my dad and Grandma (okay, Grandma was the furious one) and I had no positive feedback so far TT__TT I guess it's a no-no.
And then, after I thought about it again, even though if my dad would do me a favor, I still have some typing to do. And the deadline is coming near. If I skip 3 days in Jakarta, that would mean 3 days off campus, losing my 3 days process. Hm. I feel a little unfair to nmyself, for having fun before finishing my duty.
So. That's why I decided to stay in Bandung, at least until I finish my things. I'm sorry to let my friends down this time, but I really hope they would understand. Mianhe, ya? *nudges Mon Von Amonk* :D
I wish they're gonna have fun in Dufan. And not forget to get me a souvenir :P
Oh badut anoa... tunggulah daku kapan-kapan... :((
{posted by Chibi on 9:51 PM} +
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Headache and Happiness
It's been a while since my last time blogging :P I know..., lot of things happened and I just didn't get a chance to share it here. Like last week, I had one of the most terrible stomach-ache I've never imagine :P It was awful. I felt like dying, literally. And what made it worse, was it happened when 8 is about to go back home after spending a night with me. Blahh. I felt so bad about it, coz he decided to stay a bit longer until I could conquer my pain. Thanks, 8, I really appreciated it^^
Uhmm..., what else. Oh, I had a lunch meeting party for BAIS Sunday school teachers last Sunday. It took place in the BAIS pastor's place - Mr. Reeves, and I'm tellin' ya the place is niiiiiccceeeeeeeee !!!!! ^_^ We could see the Punclut Hill on the backyard. And the food were great :D And most of all, it's been an honour for us when Ms. Ann introduced us as in front of the forum :P *blushed*
And after that, I had my busy days, as usual. Went to campus, met some friends, read some books, did some works, taught some kids,... Yeah. Things like that :P
Oh! I've finished Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code! Yeayy! XD I actually cried when I read some chapters. Golly, I just love that kind of excitement. Kekeke. Those books, people, those books, are great. Must read!
And also some serial 'talks' with my Dad and Grandma - which I couldn't say it was nice conversations, though. But eh okay.
See, I really want to go to Jakarta - especially to meet Mon Von and Amonk and go to Dufan :P - but the thing is my schedules are pretty tight. Plus, I have some bills to taking care of, and other stuffs I have to deal with. Grrh.
I'll just pray. Everything is unpredictable, no? ^__^
I just got back from Youngshin's house. My head is KILLING ME @__@
But!! I just ate and rite now chatting with Mon and Wowo, and he gave me this awesome ambigram, with my name !!!! Coolies !!! Thankyou, 8, I luv yaa! ^___^
Ahh, I guess Imma end this night with a good mood and a smile :)
Tomorrow is another day, I need to take my medicine. Kekeekekeke.
{posted by Chibi on 7:58 PM} +
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Ram Fighting! Attention to all goats...
Today, for the first time in my life, I watched a ram-fighting, one of the old traditions from West Java. Live. Isn't that cool? :P
A friend of mine - Acklee, who had been my date yesterday :P - told me that he was going to take a photo-hunt on an event called "Ram-Fighting". He got the information that every first week of the month, there's always a traditional event where all goat, err, ram breeders gathered and make a little tournament in Babakan Siliwangi (a place in Bandung here - near my place). It's like a show off of the strong rams, where the owner could sell them for 10 until 100 millions (!!!!!!!)

And so I woke up early this morning, heading to Babakan Siliwangi with Acklee and his girlfriend, and watch that ram-fights. It's not just merely a ram-fight, it has also traditional folks music with gamelan, and some traditional dance, in order to encourage the fights (now you'd think differently about cheerleading, eh? XDD)
And I'm tellin' ya, the place was loaded with testosterones XDD I mean, almost 90% of the audiences were males. Hahahaha!

It was cool, y'know. I sat on the audience's stool while Acklee wandered around to take pictures with his camera.
A kind old man (I forgot to ask his name O_o) who sat beside me explained patiently about the show - about how many goats were there, and they all came from various places in West Java, and how to decide which one wins or lose. The rams were strong, knocking their heads to anothers about 20x or until the other defeated or hurted.
Whahh. Imagine if it were human's head XDD Talking about instant stupidity. LOL.
I didn't go to BAIS church because of this - I know my coordinator would kill me if she ever finds out :P - but I'm pretty satisfied with this experience^^
It's not everyday you can see a traditional ram-fighting. Maybe I should find another traditional events to discover. I wouldn't mind! And I guess some of you, photomaniacs, would agree to take another photo-hunt, right? ^__^
Thanks Acklee for taking me there. And Mon, I know you'd envy me XD
[all photos were taken and edited by Acklee. Published by courtesy]
{posted by Chibi on 8:49 PM} +
Pasar Malam Kampus Tiga 2005
Finally, I went to PMKT and kept my mood up through the whole night ^^
Yesterday I met an old friend, and so we're (kind of) spent the day together. He showed me a cool bookshop, called Rumah Buku. Turns out the place is quite near from my place *_* Where have I been, I didn't know such a book heaven lies under my nose *rolls eyes*
Anyway, in this Rumah Buku, it has a lot of cool books, CDs, and DVDs. We can rent it or buy it if we want, or just pick the good book, sit back and read with a cup of coffee.
I was like HOLY COW I could spend a lifetime here XDD I was so excited, couldn't stop the pounding heart :P It's a nice place, really. You should ceck it out (now I shamelessly advertising the place. Heh).

We spent hours there, talking and reading and picking up some CDs (I found an old Casiopea World Live '88! Yay!), then we left at 6ish, heading home to prepare for the night.
I came to campus by 8ish, he was already waiting for me there XD It was a fairground, really, minus the carrousel :P There were scary house, fortune teller, live bands, traditional foods, game stands, clown, and cool happening art.

The great thing was I met a lot of my old friends from campus. Whahh it was like a reunion XD There were also the couple Wenda-Rumbi, Negro, Nita & Dedi.
Some of my old friends performed with their bands too, like Cucure and his band Duvet (who played some cool songs that - somehow - a bit cynical to me. Wenda & Nita couldn't stop to mock me around <__<)
Ogie and his dangdut band 'Ndutz also performed, oh goodness it was a hype XD I guess everyone shook their booties to the tunes :D Who wouldn't?
This band was one of the biggest attractions beside the Pom-Pom Boys (a bunch of boys with sexy girlie clothes and dancing like a cheerleader team - a total humiliation for the male gender).
There was also a band with all-girl members, named Cora (I guess), and these sweet chicks were great. They played songs like Evanescence, Alanis and Avril, and hell they were loud. I mean LOUD. Cool gigs. They really know how to rock^^
Another interesting part, is the happening art from STISI students. They were all painted in silver and doing some percussion performance with drums, mixed with a saxophone and a bit dramatic act. Coolies.

We went out for some meal and when we decided to go home, it was around midnite and the final performer was on stage. Time Bomb featuring Danny from Java Jive, and they were rock'n'rolling. We stayed there for a few minutes, and left with Aerosmith's Jaded^^ He drove me home and made a plan for watching the Ram-Fighting show on Sunday morning (read the entry after this! :D)
I had a real great time there, the air was so good. As I said before, I was so excited about this event, I wouldn't let any small things to ruin my mood. Even though I was a bit dissapointed 'coz 8 couldn't make it here, but I still had my good time, though^^
Thanks to Acklee who was willing to be my date for a day. LOL. Oh, and thanks for showing me the cool book place. We should go there again! :D
Good friends, good places, good times. Have a good life, baby^^
[all photos were taken and edited by Acklee. Published by courtesy]
{posted by Chibi on 2:29 PM} +
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Tune in the Weekend!
My favourite songlist for this week :
+ MC Sniper - BK Love (OST. Windstruck)
+ Tei - Love Leaves A Scent
+ Cassiopea - Intensive Way
+ Jay Chou - Ge Qian
+ Rick Astley - Together Forever
+ Backstreet Boys - Missing You
+ Jon Secada - If You Go
+ Kangta - Gamyeon
+ Bi - Nan
+ FTTS - Goodbye
+ VOS - Geuge Doenayo
+ A-Ha - Take On Me
+ Roxette - Dangerous
Ehm, there are some. You see, I'm into the classic disco lately XDD
80's and 90's songs never fail me. And of course, a sprit of K-pop would always do me good^^
Eh, I didn't go to Naif concert last night .__.
Why? Well, part because I didn't have a company to go, and plus, I didn't feel very well yesterday - I woke up feeling sick in the morning morning when Wenda stormed in, and so I spent 80% of my day in bed, reading the fabulous The Da Vinci Code ^^ (the book is oh-so-amazing, I couldn't put it down even just for a minute! I've never felt this kind of sensation again while reading a novel, since I read Supernova for the first time).
So I guess Imma save my energy for PMKT tonight. I'm so excited about this event. Better not letting any bad thing destroy it.
Come on, people, party on weekend! ^__^
{posted by Chibi on 12:15 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations