Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Weekend full of Party!
Tomorrow is Friday, and a friend of mine gave me the ticket for Naif concert on Friday night. Isn'tthat lovely? *snickers* I think Imma go there with my friends, just hope my body condition would getting better than now -_-
And, next Saturday, in my campus we'll have PMKT (Pasar Malam Kampus Tiga), an annual event where everybody could go crazy with the bands and al kind of things that a fair usually do (except for carrousel, NO carrousel :P)
There will be bands performing like Time Bomb featuring Danny 'Java Jive', Ndutz (the favourite dangdut band), Duvet (my friend's band), and also Ghost House and all and all :D
I really really hope I could go there. It's a good event, folks. Come on, be there.
{posted by Chibi on 9:31 PM} +
Good books - Good distractions
Why oh why midweek is always confusing :P At least for me. Kekekeke.
It's the end of the month, meaning I have to finish all the bills... before the new bills coming up next month. Uhuhu :((
And with that, golly, I'm perfectly broke. Isn't that lovely XD
My stomach is getting moody. Last Monday I was in pain I thought I was about to faint out - if only I had no one beside me.
8, thanks for being there for me. You wouldn't know how much it meant ^^ Although you might got in trouble for that.. errr, you know I'd take over the scolds if it's possible XD
Now, it's in a good condition. At least for now. I just need to keep my diet healthy. EAT! Eat, people, eat!!!
My deadline is coming near. I'm still on the edge. Come on, Time, whip me up so I can run faster.
And with so many distractions around me, I really need to be more focused. Please remember that I was in a brain disaster a few weeks ago :P
The distractions are usually, well, books. And these books, it helped a lot. Not those Social studies and politics books (or anything related to my thesis), but the books that I read for fun, to merely ease my mind. Mostly comics, though. But also some good novels. It's pretty weird, I don't read novel much, you know. So if I read a novel, it has to be impressing enough for me XD
Stealing from Mon's blog, I too made a list of the things I read during this year... From January 2005 to this very moment. Here's my thesis-distractors :
+ Kok Putusin Gue? - Ninit Yunita (I made the review in this blog earlier)
+ Gege Mengejar Cinta - Adhitya Mulya (also made the review)
+ Sihir Cinta - Miranda
+ Supernova 'Ksatria, Puteri dan Bintang Jatuh' - Dee (57156th time)
+ Millionaire's Mistress - Harlequin (!!! It's Dea's book. I dunno why I read it :P)
+ Kos "Full Colour" - Cyntia Surentu
+ The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
+ Batman, Child of Dreams - Kia Asamiya
+ The Princess' Diaries : Princess Lessons - Meg Cabot
+ W Juliet - Emura (comics)
+ Kiss Me With Mint - Watase Yuu (comic too)
+ Sentaro (<3333 !!)
+ Dozens of manga comics XDDD
Well, that's all so far I could remember *shrugs* I need to get back to Popular Culture journals X_x
Or, better yet, sleep. Since my head is killing me now. Wish me well, guys.
{posted by Chibi on 9:10 PM} +
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Fresh your mind, body and soul
So where have you been? Some Jakarta people might have raped the streets of Bandung since last Thursday (long weekend, remember). For some people who actually lived in Bandung (like moi), might have been running away to other place XD Or, worse, stuck in their place and watched the urban people having their fun.
Me? I've been... pretty sick. But I've been well too :)
Confused? Hahaha. That's the point.
The weather wasn't very friendly for the last few days. And my body responded to it not very well too. Plus, people around me got the tendency to spread the viruses as well -__-
I know, I forgot to drink vitamins (believe me, I will. But not that super-sour C1000), and (supposedly) trying to get some good sleep.
But who can sleep with lots of thoughts?
So I've been thinking. A LOT. Okay, maybe not that much, but trust me, a lot :D
I've been running away, just for the sake of getting a better air. When a friend of mine came over yesterday and plotting to kidnap me, I was excitedly agree XDD
So there I was, refreshing my brain, and I'm tellin' ya, it feels lot better now ^^
I tasted the original way of being a human - have fun, care about little things, mingle with others... It's nice to have someone who cares about you and asking "kamu mo makan apa?" or "kamu mo dibuatin minuman apa?" ^^
I just came back home this afternoon. It was fun, and I guess I was too tired so I slept rightaway. Plus, it was raining and it's cooollddh.
Now, I just took a cold shower and realized that I haven't got any food since last night O___o I'm starving.
I don't wanna get sick, so... I guess I have to take care.
You, people, have to be careful too. Don't forget to put on a jacket. It's raining all day. Eat. (I'm telling this to myself too :P)
To Oland, who was dying in bed because of smallpox fever - I hope you get better soon. And being the evil step sister (since I am older than you, and not actually your sister), I would keep saying, "Habiskan makanannyaaaaaaa!!!!!"
To Uli, welcome to Bandung again *hugs* Take care of that Oland, yah XD
To E, thanks for kidnap me yesterday. Thanks for the food, the talks, and to let me go home XD Not every kidnapper would do such kind things like that, you know. And you have a very nice place too *hugs* You should kidnap me more often in the future.
To Wenda, who got baptized yesterday, congratulation, Eugenia Wenda Suciati Wiluyo! You're a truly Catholic now! *huggles* I love you.
Again, happy Easter ^__^
{posted by Chibi on 8:40 PM} +
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Midweek. Collecting my happiness.
I bet Bandung will full of Jakartans :P So you guys, Jakarta people, c'mere get your asses to Bandung and enjoy your Easter holiday!^^
This morning I woke up late (around 9.15) when I supposed to be at Youngshin's house by 9. Heh. I swear I turned on my alarm, but I turned it off and kept sleeping :P Uhu.
I was sick last night (my tummyache hit again, as usual TT_TT), so I struggled to conquer the pain until finally asleep by past-midnite. Verrry exhausting. I even thought about ER. But thank God I passed it.
So I reached Youngshin's by 10, just when she called me (I was at her gate) XD
So we studied then, until Wenda called me and asked where I had been O__o
I know I promised her to go shopping today, but I thought at 12.30! Turns out she had no class today and had nothing to do -_-;; So I told her to wait for an hour until I finished.
An hour later, around 11ish, I went to campus to meet her and bought her gulali (iya, gulali. Permen anak SD, yang tumben tuh ada tukang nongkrong di depan kampus gue O_o) and strawberry juice, and told her to pick me up at SentraKampus. She cried excitedly and kept on saying "I love you" on the phone XDD (believe me, sometimes she and I got little too romantic, people might think we're lovers. Well, I tell you what, NO. We're straight. She got a boyfriend. And we don't think we're bi either ._. )
Anyway, so then we went out shopping to Istana Plaza. Oh, Negro tagged along with us too. He called just in the right time, when we were about to leave Ciumbuleuit XD
So the three of us spent hours at the Plaza, helping Wenda choose some gifts, had lunch, got some BreadTalks (never forget to get a slice of blueberry cheesecake), and did a little shopping^^ I bought a new mug - just because it's cute. Not that I really need it, though. Hmmmm you know me and some useless cute things *glares to Mon* XDDD
We went home around 4 - Wenda drove us (me and Negro) back to Ciumbuleuit. It was raining, and unfortunately, Wenda accidentally passed the red light. Woopsie.
The police came and gave us the frikin' ticket XD The funny thing was when the police told Wenda to step out from the car, she hastily took her money out from her wallet and handed it all to me XDD So she only got 3000 in her wallet. LMAO.
So when that greedy officer asked some "peace money" (bleh -_-), she convinced him that she got no money left and showed him the wallet. Did it work?
Uhm, shit, she forgot to let out a piece of 20 grand. And the officer saw that, and he wanted that. T_T Well after a little argument, he let us go with 15 grand. Heh.
Well. I guess that's the only shitty thing about today :) Not really bad, though. I had some (rather) serious talks with Dea and I think it worse. LOL.
I just took Dea out to get some dinner. Poor girl, she looked pretty worn out after work *patpat* Hang in there, girl.
And then I remembered that Easter is coming.
So, for you guys who celebrating Easter, happy Easter! ^__^
I want my Easter bunny. Eric. :]
{posted by Chibi on 11:02 PM} +
Monday, March 21, 2005
Let go
Have you ever felt like, you want something that you can't have. And when you have to let it go, it's just hard. Even though you don't own it.
Tell me why it wasn't that easy.
{posted by Chibi on 9:27 PM} +
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Being Happy
This is my second post for today, and as you read before this, I was not in a good mood lately. Well, still am. But few small things happened while I was teaching in Youngshin's house... Even though it's just an SMS, or just a news, but I felt happy because of that.
I guess I have to appreciate more of the little things around me ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 8:35 PM} +
Being Negative
I'm having my off mood lately. PMS? Well, that's the easiest answer for all the weird thing I've done for the couples of days... :P
Maybe it's true. Or maybe it's just me. Heh <_<
I've been a negative Nancy since last week. Dunno why. In time like this, all you need is an evil friend, then take some time to think, sleep, and find an angel friend. You'll get better. XDDDD
Why am I being a negative Nancy? I dunno. Even Nita mentioned that to me yesterday. She said, "Chibi that I used to know always take the positive side on everything. But look at you now. It's your own issue, but you only think the negative side. What's wrong with you?"
... What's wrong with me?
And when I said, "I'm having a PMS.", she said, "Oh, fuck your PMS. You know it's not all that."
And yes, I know. *shrugs*
I've been dealing with some mental-breakdown lately, and I just wish I wouldn't be insane. All the nice things around me just look so... fake. Even my smile is fake.
I only try to be honest, but I guess sometimes honesty hurts, right?
Damn. It's hard to be a nice person. :(
{posted by Chibi on 2:26 PM} +
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Bills Bills Bills
Tuesday! ^^ Second day of the week, and yes my schedule is buzzing.
I just got home from Youngshin's house. At this hour??!? Weel, okay two hours ago :P I had dinner at her place too :P (I know some of you envy me, ha-ha-ha!)
When I came to Gwanghyeon's place, he had this loaded homeworks. So I just had to help him to finish 'em all. Heh. That made me pretty late when I arrived at Youngshin's place, around 6 pm. So we studied, and with all the talks and dinner and else, we're finished at 7.30 pm. Her dad drove me home XD
Well at least I had dinner and hopefully, they'll remember to give me extra payment for the extra time. Kekeke.
About the entry's title, it's the hottest issue of the week : the bills.
TT__TT No kidding. Jinja XD Yesterday Dea was ranting about the electricity bill, we had to pay about Rp. 430.000 (total) this month! Aaacckk. Weel actually it's two month's bill, since last month somebody 'accidentaly' forgot to pay the bill <_< (dunno who, dunno how. dun care XD) And also the water bill (around 200 grand? O_o;;), and sadly, I just had to brought up the telephone bill :P
For some of you who live with your parents, perhaps you don't really pay much attention with things like this. But for us - I mean me and my housemates - we rent this house together. We live by ourselves, and eventhough my housemates still get the monthly money from their parents, we just have to be very smart in using the money. And same thing goes for me too, who never get allowance anymore (I'm working for my own living cost here, hello.)
This morning when I count all the bills and calculate it with my paycheck, I was like, HELL how am I gonna live with this!!??!? XDDDDDDD
So the only choice I have to do is, pick up the phone, dial my Dad's number, and swallow my pride and being deaf.
It's not that easy for me to say "Dad, could you help me to pay my bills? I'm broke." coz it means I'd owe him and he'd give me the speech about why living alone when you can't afford it, when you'll finish your thesis and you better come back home soon, when will you get better job and yadiyadiya (<- so that's the reason why I should be deaf).
For my housemates, with the pretty much the same state like mine, seems like they did the same thing too. They called their parents for extra allowance XD But I dunno how their parents' reaction about this. But I guess every parents don't wantto see their kids suffer, aite.
I know my family loves me and they wouldn't mind to help me pay the bill, but one thing for sure, I fail to show them that I can handle my own life. Once again, they win. Once again, it proves me that I'm still a loser kid. Heh.
Damn bills.
{posted by Chibi on 10:03 PM} +
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Lonely lonely
Uhm, sad isn't it? XDD But it's true. Kekekeke. All my housemates got their own business..., so I left alone in the house with merely nothing to do. Well, it's not that I don't have anything important to do - hello, I still have to write a goddamned thesis, remember? - but I mean anything fun to do. Heh. I even slept this afternoon after Youngshin called and asked me to go swimming. O_o Swimming? I can't swim! XDD
I watched the Indonesian basketball league on TV. Pretty cool. Heh. See how bored I am????
Thank goodness Mon is here now, accompany me through YM. XDD Oh, now Wowo is online too. Good.
I'm still waiting the MP3 from him, the 3rd album of Kangta. I read the review and they said it's good!!! Look how he changes his image into a hunk ^^

I'm in my not-so-good mood today.
Wonder if Minwoo's and Eric's pics could make it better. I miss them^^
{posted by Chibi on 7:14 PM} +
Friday, March 04, 2005
Another week, another book...
Okay, this one is gonna be another Indonesian entry. I know, I know, some of you non-Indonesian speakers would say "WTF are you talking about!?", well, uh.., sorry :D
I'll explain to you later^^
Hari ini bangun pagi jam 9 pas Dea ngetok (nggaruk, tepatnya) pintu kamar gue dan ikut nyusruk di tempat tidur gue gara2 morning-mare (kalo nightmare kan pas mimpi malem ya, jadi kalo pagi morning-mare dong? Ya ga?) XDD
Semalem gue cukup teler gara2 abis ngelesin GwangHyeon dan Youngshin, trus pergi ama anak-anak kendo buat makan-makan... Ohan dan Tyas nraktir ulang taun.. yeaayy!! ^^ Arigato, guys.
Anyway, jadi semalem gue pulang dan Wowo udah nungguin gue di rumah, komplit dengan kwetiaw uenak-nya itu. Whaaa!!! Gue abis makan-makan, gituuuww! *___*
Jadinya tu kwetiaw musti on-hold duyu, nunggu perut gue menormal XD
Abis Wowo balik - around midnait- gue langsung tewas dengan sempurna. Huhueheu^^
Sebenernya sejak beberapa hari yang lalu gue pengen online... Tapi kok adaaa aja yang bikin batal. Pertama gara2 nonton Shibuya Seven Days-nya Laruku punya Dea (yang baru anniversary 4 taon jadian.. cieeehh.. congrats De! When will you guys living together? Ntar gue nebeng apartemennya :P) Trus ga jadi lagi gara2 ulangtaunnya Youngshin... Dan semalem, ya gara2 kecapean abis ngajar dan makan-makan :P Ada Wowo pula XDD
Padahal gue pengen crita2 soal buku kedua di minggu ini yang gue baca.
Setelah dipromosiin (dan dipaksa baca) ama Dea, akhirnya gue berhasil dapetin tu buku "Gege Mengejar Cinta"-nya Adhitya Mulya. Now if you guys read my previous entry, gue kan udah baca buku "Kok Putusin Gue"-nya Ninit Yunita a.k.a Adhitya's wife. Yeah, well.
Selasa kemaren gue pinjem tu buku di Atlantis, tapi gue baru sempet baca "Gege Mengejar Cinta" itu besok paginya :P Pagi-pagi bangun tidur langsung nyamber tu buku beside my bed, trus baca ampe siang... nggak sehat banget deh XDD Apalagi ditambah giggle-giggle dan ngakak-ngakak every beberapa menit.
Jujur aja sih, emang promosinya Dea cukup terbukti. Ni buku emang lucu. I'd say it's better than KPG. But! Gue masih lebih suka "Jomblo", bukunya Adhitya yang pertama. And ternyata Dea (dan juga beberapa temen gue yang udah baca buku ini, as Edot, Diki, dll) berpendapat sama kaya gue. Mendingan "Jomblo". Kekeke. Knapa ya. Mungkin karena buku "Jomblo" settingannya ITB? Dan kebetulan as we all know kalo anak ITB emang ga ada yang waras? Dan karena kita (eh maksutnya gue dan temen2 gue) juga masih kuliah (deket ITB, lagi), jadi bisa lebih menghayati isi cerita, yang buat kita pretty "normal" ketidakwarasannya (heh, bingung ga sih -_-) Yeah, kecuali mungkin adegan manusia berkostum ayam yang lari2 di kampus itu ya... (horor ga sih. Coba bayangin aja Andy with his chicken costume berkeliaran di kampus lo. Mmmmm mendingan bayangin Eric with his bunny, deh XDD <-- nggak nyambung)
Anyway. Kalo di "Gege Mengejar Cinta" ini kan critanya si makhluk Gege ini udah kerja, dan masih berusaha dapetin cewek cinta pertamanya sejak jaman SMP.. Ditambah lagi adanya temen2 sekantornya yang tampak tak lebih waras dari si Gege ini.
Bagian paling asiknya emang pas mereka bikin sandiwara radio sih. Sandiwaranya cukup keren ^^
Oh and gue jadi punya cukup alasan buat nuduh orang2 ITB dan radio Ardan emang ga ada yang waras, since sehari sebelumnya, gue+Dea+Wenda sempet dengerin radio Ardan pas kita di mobilnya Wenda, yang penyiar2nya pada sok bersandiwara radio nan jijai XDD Wakakaka!
Overall, buku Gege ini lumayan bagus. Sandiwara radio-nya sih yang ngasih nilai plus :P Udah gitu gaya ngomong si tokohnya Sunda beraaattt..., komplit dengan akhiran 'h' di beberapa kata (contoh : 'guah', 'sayah', 'kamuh'.. MAN!! *rolls eyes*) Adegan kejar-kejaran di bandara yang diliput live itu, walopun nggak banget, tapi oke lah, apalagi dengan adanya turis Jepang yang nggak penting sangat itu XDD Kalo buat gue sih, tokoh favorit gue di buku ini justru si penyiar berjudul Ventha, sebagai contoh cowok edan yang normal (again, words confusion XD). Juga, seorang pemeran pembantu yang buat gue justru sangat keren, yaitu si Sersan Suparno, yang kekeuh menjalankan fungsinya sebagai penegak hukum berhati mulia :D
Mungkin suatu saat mas Adhitya ini perlu bikin sekuel buku dengan tokoh utama Sersan Suparno atao Ventha. Kekekeke^^
Buat yang suka bacaan ringan yang bisa bikin ketawa, baca deh ni buku. Asik kok. Wowo aja ampe sebel pas gue berusaha ceritain isinya, tapi gagal karena gue keburu ngakak duluan >p
Sekarang gue lagi nungguin buku "Angels and Demons" dari Jimmy... Muhehehe. I know Mon would say "akhirnyaaa!!" XD Ada sih versi terjemahan Indo-nya, tapi gue lebih berselera sama versi aslinya :P *plots to kidnap the book from Jimmy* Hmmm...
Mungkin weekend ini gue bakal baca Supernova dulu kali ya. Meanwhile Edot juga udah maksa2 gue buat baca buku kakaknya, "Cintapuccino" XD Iya deh Dot, ntar gue baca jugak^^
Heh, banyak buku yang pengen gue baca, meanwhile skripsi gue masih stay di titik yang sama :P
Oh well. But weekend is around the corner, though....
So let's have a little time for our own^^ Moga2 besok Wowo beneran mo nemenin gue nonton Constantine :P Masa semua orang disekitar gue udah pada nonton KECUALI GUE?! *nangis* Apalagi semua bilang it's a must see. Okay.
It's been a while since the last time I saw western movies/shows. Too much Korean &Japanese. Kekekeke ^^
Have a nice weekend, minna-san! ^__^
{posted by Chibi on 9:08 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations