Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Sunday, February 27, 2005
I Want...
1. Jay Zhou Incomparable Concert 2004 DVD
2. Supernova "Petir" novel
3. A new organiser book
4. A new parka / coat (could be black, or baby blue just like the one I saw at The Summit yesterday with Wowo) A little bit similar to this coat model I saw in MOW.
5. A "Cat in The Bag" toy that could move and make some noise when we clap hands XDD So cute!
6. A Gloomy Bear toy, that looks vampire-ish but cute... in a scarie way XD
{posted by Chibi on 12:17 AM} +
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Tentang sebuah buku untuk malam minggu :)
Abis nonton "Sabrina The Teenage Witch".
Hari Sabtu malem minggu gini, enaknya ngapain?
Buat yang punya pacar, ya jelaslah paling asik ngabisin bareng pacar tercinta. Buat yang punya pacar lebih dari satu, mungkin lebih asik ya. Bisa milih, atau bareng dua-duanya sekalian XDD Buat yang kebetulan ortunya dateng, ya mau ga mau ngabisin malem minggu bareng bokap dan adek-adek, ya (<-- sambil nglirik2 ke kamar Nita yang lagi ditongkrongin bokapnya :P LOL!)
Lha saya? Kebetulan saya ga punya pacar. Cuma punya satu 'monyet' (istilah gue gahar banget sih yak), or a 'halfer', atau juga bisa dibilang 'korban' HTS-an yang ga jelas sangat, itupun orangnya lagi ga jelas entah sibuk kerja (kerja malem minggu gini? Iiiihh cuciaaannn deehh!) atau malah lagi asik molor demi ngejer tayangan bola tengah malem nanti. Dan since dia cuma bilang 'liat nanti' pas gue tanyain mo dateng apa nggak, dan gue paling males nungguin ga jelas, jadi kayanya sih 90% dia nggak bakal dateng nemenin gue malem ini. Meh.
Dan kebetulan ortu gue masih jauh di Bogor dan Jakarta sana, yang setau gue sih sama sekali tidak berencana bakal dateng ngunjungin gue di Bandung sini (yang ada malah nanyain gue mulu kapan pulangnya :P)
Jadi intinya, malem minggu ini I have no plan and have no one to spent with.
Well. Gue ga keberatan, kok :)
Karena sejak gue bangun tidur jam 9 tadi pagi, gue udah berencana untuk have myself a good time sepanjang hari ini. And so far belum terganggu apa-apa sih ^^
Hari ini gue sama sekali nggak menyentuh skripsi gue, tapi tetep buka Microsoft Word dengan niat ngetik lanjutan epilogue-nya cerita NOCTURNE gue (epilogue aja lamaaaa banget sih!!) - sambil sedikit ter-distract tayangan tentang waria di tipi yang bikin gue terharu (beneran distraction abis, lha winamp gue aja ampe gue matiin, Dea pun batal nyapu malah ngejogrok di samping gue sambil ikutan nonton dan ngiri pada kecantikan waria itu).
Distraction itu masih berlanjut dengan nonton konser "Requiem et Reminiscence"-nya Gackt, gara2 gue pengen denger lagu '12gatsu no Love Song'-nya (bener ga sih nih spellingnya, Japanese gue sucks sih :P) yang termasuk dalam Music Station Top 100 Love Songs itu ( <-- pamer... baru nonton neeh kmaren! XDD Telat banget yak) - yang rencana gue sih buat nambah inspirasi nulis... Tapi buntutnya malah keasyikan sendiri liat Gackt ngegaring (yang gue sama skali ga tau dia ngomong apa, lha wong Japanese gue sucks!) dan nyanyi2in lagu2 yang ada di list winamp gue, terutama lagunya J yang 'Seulpeuman Jinsil' over and over again XDD (I dunno why gue lagi suka banget ama tu Lady J sealbum :P) Yang ada, niatan ngetik gue sama sekali ilang, gue malah pengen baca sesuatu yang 'ringan' - bukannya buku Globalisation Readers atau New Directions of Sociology-nya mas Sapta yang belom gue balik2in ampe skarang... maap Mas, tebel banget sih :P)
Makanya abis gue mandi, gue balikin komik ke Atlantis sekalian berniat minjem buku "Gege Mengejar Cinta" (<-- edited, kmaren gue salah nulis judulnya :P) -(yang direkomendasikan abis-abisan oleh Dea) atau Supernova "Petir"-nya Dewi Lestari yang sampe skarang belum kesampean gue baca *huiks* See, I'm a big fan of Supernova books :P
Tapi ternyata... Dua buku inceran gue itu lagi dipinjem jugak. Setelah nongkrong lumayan lama di Atlantis - nyari2 buku apaaa ya yang pengen gue baca (soalnya kalo komik, gue lebih milih minjem ke Lala aja^^) - akhirnya gue nemu satu buku yang dikarang sama Ninit Yunita (a.k.a istrinya Adhita Mulya, si pengarang "Jomblo" dan "Gege Mengejar Cinta" itu :P). Judulnya mungkin rada cheesy (suer, itu yang melintas di otak gue pas pertama liat judulnya :P Sorry nih buat Ninit. But it's just my comment sih ^^), judulnya : "Kok Putusin Gue?"
Berhubung Dea udah pernah cerita kalo si pengarang ini dan suaminya itu sama2 garing, so gue pikir, ga ada bukunya Adhitya, buku istrinya pun boleh lah. LOL!
Apalagi setelah gue baca komentar-komentar di bagian belakang bukunya, ni buku kayanya boleh juga... Banyak pujian gitu deh :P Ahahaha. Standar buku lah, pasti yang ditulis pujiannya dong. Masa makian? XD
Oke. Jadi sekarang gue duduk ngadep ke kompi gue, ditemenin Vodka mix rasa blueberry yang tinggal sisa setengah botol (damn ternyata enak, tau gitu gue ga cuma beli sebotol kan T.T), winamp gue yang nyetel lagu2nya Jay Zhou dan Se7en (lagi...), dan siap-siap ngomentarin buku yang ternyata berhasil gue abisin baca dalam waktu kurang lebih 2 jam (padahal gue kira bakal sekitar 2-3 harian...)
Bener sih yang dibilang pengomentar2 buku itu, ni buku "Kok Putusin Gue?" emang buku yang asik dibaca di waktu luang :P Cute. Gaya bahasanya nyante banget, bener2 ngegambarin mahasiswi Bandung, LOL! Gue langsung kebayang gaya ngomongnya Wenda ato Nindi (salah sendiri jadi orang Sunda :P) pas baca dialog2nya XD Mengenai setting-nya, di buku itu sempet dibilang 'Universitas Bumi Parahyangan'... yang bikin gue langsung keinget ama kampus gue sendiri. LOL! Padahal belum tentu yak. Tapi yang pasti langsung kebayang sih, gimana macet2nya jalan Siliwangi, jalan2 di Cipaganti... Yeah gue kan tinggal di Bandung :P
Baca buku itu, gue jadi bisa ngebayangin kehidupan mahasiswi2 Bandung (oke, gue bayangin aja sih mahasiswi2 kampus gue deh ya) yang emang anak Bandung (note : bukan pendatang / anak kost-an kaya gue ya :P), yang tinggal bareng orang tua dan punya mobil sendiri. LOL. I mean, temen deket gue juga orang Sunda, tinggal bareng ortu, dan punya mobil sendiri sih *batuk2 ke arah Wenda* tapi gaya hidup, gaya pacaran dan gaya gaulnya kok beda ya ama yang di buku ini. Kekekeke. Atau mungkin hal itu hanya berlaku buat anak Unpar saja? Atau lebih spesifik lagi, hanya berlaku buat gue dan temen-temen gue aja? XDD
Di buku ini, si tokoh utama berusia 21 tahun, pacaran setaun ama cowonya, dan thought he was the one to marry her someday.
Emang sih. Beberapa temen2 gue (note : temen2 gue yang anak Bandung, ya.) berpikir, kalo jadian ama cowok, berarti dialah the one dan kalo udah selese kuliah, tinggal nunggu dapet kerjaan dan menikah.
But but but but my close friends usually say :"Tuoooloooong yaaaa...., hari gini udah ngomongin masalah mo nikah!"
Hey, I'm 23 and still single. Wajar kalo masalah nikah masih di urutan kesekian ratus dari list gue. Tapi temen2 di sekeliling gue tuh rata2 juga merupakan orang2 yang menganggap hubungan saat ini masih jauh dari rencana pernikahan. In fact, I know some of them yang berpikir kalau mungkin lebih baik 'living together' daripada nikah. LOL! (I know some of you thought about that. Ayo unjuk jari! Ngaku! XDD)
Anyway, ya itu mungkin yang bikin gue menyadari (seperti juga yang dibilang ama salah satu komentator di buku ini) kalo buku ini 'mengembalikan pandangan kepercayaan terhadap hubungan pria dan wanita yang ideal'. Hahaha.
Jadi selama ini, gue dan kebanyakan orang2 disekitar gue (ya nggak semuaaa...) mempunyai hubungan yang sebenernya nggak ideal-ideal amat yak :P
Karena cerita di buku ini adalah tentang seorang cewek ideal yang nggak terima diputusin ama cowoknya, ada beberapa hal 'jahat' yang dilakuin tu cewek seperti neror email pribadi si mantan, ngempesin ban mobilnya, dan mesen pizza berkotak2 atas nama si cowok dudut itu. Bhuahahaha! Jahat ya? Eh, jahat ga sih. I thought itu biasa dilakukan. *ngakak* I know I did things like that kapan taun gitu, biasa aja sih :P Nggak ngerasa jahat. LMAO.
Satu yang paling gue suka, di buku ini ada MERANA FM, stasiun radio khusus bersegmen orang-orang sedih XDD Gue, sebagai pecinta dan penghujat lagu2 galau nan cheesy, sangat berharap ada radio seperti itu sesungguhnya di dunia ini. LOL!
Overall komentar gue, buku ini lumayan asik. Mungkin ga se-asik kalo gue baca Supernova sih, tapi buku ini ngegambarin kehidupan normal seorang mahasiswi Bandung yang patah hati dan penuh dendam. Jujur aja, kehidupannya mungkin biasa banget (ya mungkin itu kan ya daya tarik buku ini, so natural), tapi gue mulai menikmati banget bacanya setelah si tokoh Juju si ratu belanja se-Bandung itu nongol. LOL! Pokoknya setelah halaman 160 ke atas XDD
Yeah, well. Paling nggak gue bisa ngerekomendasiin buku ini ke siapapun yang malem minggu nggak ada kerjaan^^
Tapi setelah gue baca buku ini, ada dua hal yang gue pengen lakuin :
1. Pengen ke planetarium Boscha - baik in a romantic way or whatever (karena seumur-umur gue blom pernah ke sana :P)
2. Pengen ngeblog, chat dan cek imel... Since seminggu terakhir ini gue sama sekali ga online... Kekekeke.
Yeah, paling nggak sekarang gue sedang melakukan hal yang nomer dua itu XD Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu Monik nyuruh gue online, baru kali ini kesampean ya Mon. Gyehehehe, mianhee..
Abis selama beberapa hari ini Bandung ujan terus. Gue ama Wenda sempet basah kuyup kena ujan badai dua hari yang lalu, padahal baru jalan empat meter dari gerbang rumah menuju tempat mobil Wenda diparkir di belakang kampus sono (yang akhirnya kita baru pergi sejam kemudian). Bahkan kemaren pas gue jalan bareng Wowo nyari kado (yang akhirnya malah nyari2 barang sendiri :P) muter2 sekian FO, yang niatnya cuma bentar, malah kejebak ujan (dan ujan-ujanan) sampe malem XD
Dan Mon nge-SMS gue tepat disaat gue dan Wowo udah slamet basah ampe di rumah *ngakak*
Okay. Weekend masih bersisa, tapi not to worry. Gue masih punya sisa sekian seri Full Metal Panic yang belom gue tonton, dan gue juga berniat nonton ulang konser Ken Hirai yang dulu (kangen ih), mungkin sambil minum susu coklat anget ato bikin indomi goreng. Dan gue juga masih punya stok Beng-beng tiga rasa, setoples eggdrops beserta 2 bungkus Choki-Choki buat jaga2 kalo kumat niat ngemil. Wehehehe. Meanwhile gue masih pengen banget nonton konsernya Jay Zhou 2004 (yang kemaren nitip Tina di MangDu tapi katanya ga ada.. huiks.. ya udah deh ga papa, thanks ya Tina udah nyariin ^^). And mungkin gue sedikit berharap kalo halfer bakal nelpon gue malem ini (or even better kalo dateng XDD), whaddayaknow... he just called and apparently online rite now :D Aaaand maybe I could ask him to take me to Boscha someday. Wekekeke.
It's been a long post :) Happy weekend, y'all!
{posted by Chibi on 9:47 PM} +
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Sleepy blabbing
I hate this, 'coz it makes me scared to sleep. Damn it, I need to sleep!
By the way, I made a blog for Amechan today. Actually I've made one for her while ago, but I forgot the password TT_TT Oh well. Kekekeke.
Another news, I finally found Mon!!
Muhahahaha. After several days no contact at all, even the SMSes were failed O_o - well, today I finally had a chat with er. Ohoho.
Euh, seems like everybody get busy lately.
{posted by Chibi on 12:16 AM} +
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Randoms of Midweek
Two days ago was Valentine's day. I know... I know. But I'm not that kind of person who celebrate Valentine's day ^^ I'm celebrating February 14, as the day when people giving out and receiving chocolates, sending love messages to everyone. Well, of course we can always do that everyday, but the whole world choose the date (February 14) to commemorate St. Valentine's death with the expression of love. So right now I'd like to say happy belated February 14 Day. ^___^
So why is always pink in St. Valentine's day? I don't have any frikin' idea O_o It's like everybody gets a pinkish fever that day *_* Well I chose black anyway XD
I was giving out chocolates as an expression of love to my closest friends (since I don't have any close family around)... And told them that I love them and thankful to have them by my side. And also to some poor kids outside the supermarket, just because. It's good to see the happy expression on their faces ^^
Euh... but so far I only got one chocolate bar from Wenda. Uhuks. Whaatt... nobody loves me? +P LOL!
And although everybody seemed to spend the February 14 with their lovers (which was pretty suwe for the jombloers, by the way -_- XD), apparently not for Wenda and moi. Kekekeke. She called me late at night and told me that she had to work for her campus assignment and her boyfriend was busy too XD While me, had a little fight (as usual...) on the phone with my family, and so Wowo came that night for listening to my grumbles XD
Anyway. Enough about that pinkish day.
Yesterday Tina came to my place and we spent the whole day chatting around and harassing anything about K-pop & J-pop. LMAO. It was great, Tina, wish you could come more often ^^ I haven't finished watching all your videos, by the way XD
Oh, one more thing, Diki told me that he already uploaded the pics from the last weekend (if you read my previous entry, about me and my friends went to a Japanese kind-of-gathering at C-Walk), especially the pics of the cosplay dudes. Huehuehue. Arigato, Diki-chan^^
I was the one who took a shot of that Yuna guy pic XD
Today I went to Istana Plaza with Wenda, because she wanted to trade her Valentine's gift XD She bought a wrong sized T-shirt at Giordano. LOL. It was pretty soothing, especially when my mood is a little bit rumbled (thanks to my womanly thing. Yes I have my period now -_-) Oh, I bought a bottle of Vodka mix XD Just because it's a new brand, tastes blueberry, and the bottle looks cool :P
Speaking about mood, it's pretty mixed lately. Not just because the PMS, but my mind seems to be pretty occupied for the last couple of weeks. Usual stuffs. The thesis, the fights, the living problems,... I barely could sleep well every night. Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmares.
Nightmares. I hate that. I hate waking up in the middle of the night and panting my breath and crying because I was frightened. Thanks to those fucking nightmares.
Some said it's because there's something buggin' in my brain, and I just don't know how to make it stop. And I'm still in my denial self, although I know these little problems soon would end up become a big disaster.
And I just have to watch the clock ticking, until the time is up.
Oh well. The result of my insomnia last night, I made a little thing for Eric's birthday. It's not that good. Well, what do you expect from a nightmare. Ahaha. I don't feel very good either -_- I think I need a good sleep.
And this frikin' site was screwed so I can't upload the frikin' pic. Argh. But Wowo uploaded it for me. Thanks, Wo,sori grecokin kerjaan elu. Hehehe.
Happy birthday, Eric Moon.

{posted by Chibi on 10:55 PM} +
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Hoping For A New Day
But let's recap on what I have done this week.
Hmmm... My sister came to Bandung, only for a day, and it was a pretty messy day XDD
Then we had our two days national holidays! Yeay! Gong xi fa cai for you guys who celebrate Chinese new year. And also the Moslem new year.
Last Friday, I finally cut my hair! ^o^
I decided to go to Anata (and got lost on my way there -_-;;) and they did my hair pretty good. But still, I wasn't that satisfied, since the hairdresser insisted that I shouldn't cut the bangs. But I wanted my bangs, damn it XD So I went to Johnny Andrean and the hairstylist cut my bangs perfectly ^^
There. I had my perfect haircut from the two different hairstylists XDD
Then I was dead exhausted by the end of the day. LOL.
I spent my weekend with my friends and having a wonderful time with them at C-Walk. There was a Japanese Party for J-pop/J-Rock/Anime fans. The event was great, the bands played (mostly) L'Arc~En~Ciel's songs... And most of all, the cosplay were awesome! I wish I had the costume and joined them. LMAO.
After the event, we (golly, I just realized that we were couples... except Gege :P) roamed around the mall and took some photobox together XDD I did with Wenda! And with Wowo too. LMAO.
Then I met Thina (finallyyyyyyyyyy!!!) and it we got our teenybopper talks about K-pop & J-pop. Wuakakaka! She's going to come to my place to kidnap my Eric ASAP XD I'm waiting for ya, beyb *winks*
To end the night, we went to Q Cafe and had our drinks and meals. I Took another photos with Wenda and Nita with the cameraphone. LOL. Yes, we're the camera slut XDD We went home by midnite. It was a cool weekend ^^
Oh, I watched the re-run of MTV Asia Awards show, and Jay Chou still got me goosebumping whenever he played that Qi Li Xiang intro with the piano O_o He's so frikin' awesome.
I slept at 4 this morning and woke up before 9 when Wowo called me to wake me up XD I went to BAIS afterward, and spent the rest of my Sunday happily ^^
I tried to not think about the feud in my family, since it's useless and got me nothing but heartache. I'm tired of it.
Now I only could wish that... tomorrow will be better.
^_^ It will.
{posted by Chibi on 8:51 PM} +
Friday, February 11, 2005
Hoping for A Long Weekend
It's Friday, means weekend is just around the corner. Ohohoho.
See, for us who live in Indonesia, we had 2 holidays yesterday - Wednesday and Thursday. Now why do we have to work/go to school in this Friday? Come oooon..., tomorrow is weekend anyway. XD Many people chose to skip this Friday and make it a long weekend. Oh yeah baby. (Memang, hari kejepit itu menyebalkan...)
So what did I do during the past two days?
Nothing. Well, basicly nothing important or meaningful. Just reading some books, chit-chat with some friends (usually it's the "consultation" time XD I began to like this. Maybe I should start to think a career as a shrink or psychiatrist :P) Oh, and I played bowling with Elbi and Deddy. Wha? Yeah, I was left out alone in the house, so I decided to tagged along with them when they wanted to hang out XD
Othe rthan that, I was doin' nothing. Not even typing or thinking. In fact, yesterday I slept almost all day :P Kekekekeke. Been lazying around the house, until I decided to type something on my computer, but then my housemates came in to my room and forced me to watch a horror TV show with them @__@
Didn't I tell you that I hate horror movie/TV show?!? I'm afraid of ghost, or anything related to that spiritual thingie. Yeah yeah, chicken or whatever you might call me. But if you live in a house which has a private cemetery on the backyard, you might know how I feel about this TT_TT I'm not saying my house is haunted, but there were some weird things happened sometimes. And believe me, you don't wanna know as I did *rolls eyes*
Well, back to my story. Since I saw some horrible things and ghosts on the TV last night (please, they weren't as cute as Casper. And I don't think they're friendly either), I just couldn't get the images off of my mind -_-;; I couldn't write anything, coz nothing in my head but that spooky imagination. Even the ol' Backstreet Boys' songs didn't help either! So that's why I dragged Dea to sleep in my room XD
Today, I'm gonna wipe those freaky thoughts off of my brain. I have a plan to go to a hairdresser. I've been ranting about how I hate my hair style for the past week. It's too long, without any exact style except messy X_x So that's it. I'm gonna do my hair.
Some of my friends recommended their hairstylists, but I'm not sure which one I'm gonna choose XD I think Imma try Anata - since it's pretty famous here in Bandung. Hm. Wish me luck, folks ^^
It's Friday! ^__^
{posted by Chibi on 2:20 PM} +
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Midnite Thought
I know I ned to sleep,I just don't want to. I need something... to ease my mind.
I need to wake up early this morning, to pick up my sister TT_TT
{posted by Chibi on 11:48 PM} +
Saturday, February 05, 2005
My kind of Weekend...
So far, I can't recall exactly what I was doin' during this week XDD Except for the craziness that me and Wenda did almost everytime we met. Uhm, wait, we met like, everyday? Yeah. So I was crazy during this whole week. LOL!
All I can remember is, I spent some amount of money this week. O_o
Didn't I tell you that I was fired? But I spent my money instead. LOL. Loco.
I bought shoes (this one because I wanted to buy the socks :P); socks (there you go); CDs (damn irresistable +P); underwears, ... you know. What a girl cannot resist when they went out shopping. Alone.
I went to my campus a couple of times... settling things... But I guess I still have a long journey ahead. Well, I hope it won't be that long, though :P
Speaking of campus, today some of my friends are graduating.
Congratulation for Luther - sorry I can't be there and give you the rose you requested :( But you know I care *winks* Moga2 lu tambah sukses dan tambah ganteng deh. Kekeke. Jangan lupa makan-makannya ya, Luth! :D
Oh,one randomthing. Did you guys see MTV Asia Aid 2005 yesterday?
I know, everyone was screaming for Bi when he perform (including Dea - right beside my ear *_*), but I was hyped even more when Jay Zhou performed. MY GOODNESS HE'S SO FREAKIN' COOL !!!!!!!!! Andhe sang my favourite song too <33 And right after Namie Amuro performed, I slept like dead 'coz I was so frikin' tired. XD
Anyway, congratulation for Bi and Jay. ^^
I don't know what am I going to do this weekend. All I know is I want to have some good time. Anywhere. With anybody. Okay, especially with someone I like and care *cough*8*cough* XDD
Do you think he'll give up the soccer match and care to come to my place? Hmmmm. We'll see. I don't think so.
So maybe I have to be sastisfied with a couple of lover in my room *cough*Wenda+Rumbi*cough* and let them ruin my happy weekend-mood. TT_TT
For a closing, I'll share you the favourite quote of the week - thanks to Wenda :
"Ikan hiu naik helikopter.
See you later."
{posted by Chibi on 7:15 PM} +
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Why am I here? I was visiting a lecturer and do some business with the administration for Ame. Ahahaha.
I know my daily activities are sorta messed up altely :P Sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night just to scribble down some theories. Sometimes I teach Englsih, sometimes I don't.
Oh, have I tell you that I got fired?
XDD Well, okay, it wasn't that harsh, actually. The Lee family is about to move out to East Timor, so Jin Yu's parents thought that this boy has to learn to do his homeworks and learn English without me. So they asked me to stop teaching him. So I can't be their English teacher anymore.
... Errrr okay I still call it fired. LOL!
ut oh well. Even though it means less money for me now, but at least more time to finish this crap I'm doin'.
My grandma called me yesterday and asked me how I was doin' and how my thesis is. I just told her "I'm fine, grandma, thanks. Don't worry. The thesis is goin' smooth. I'll let you know later."
Ahahahaha. I'm not lying, at least I know that I'm OK now. And the thesis is still going on... so... yeah. Don't wanna hurt an old lady's heart, do we? *winks*
Okay so now I feel so sleepy since I only slept for few hours last night - Wowo was with me - and I bet that dude is dead sleep now :P I just feel that lately it's getting more comfier to be around him - or have him around me^^ Maybe it's because he's my "halfer". LMAO *is there such a word, Wo?* XDDDD
.... Anyway. I'm browsing here and there and I found this kind of quiz from somewhere - I forgot :P. This is pretty cool.
I know I'm so into the music ^^
Ah, gotta go. Wenda called and I have a hunch that she'll drag me for some homeworks and stuffs ._.
Be smart, people! :D
Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence |
![]() Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes. You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time. You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it. Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds. You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer. |
{posted by Chibi on 2:25 PM} +
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- February 2011
- January 2012
Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations