Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
That's What Friends Are For
True true.
I know that I sometimes could be such a brat, needing attention and kept on whining about the things I deal or the problems I have. And for that, thanks to my friends and family - and especially those who already become angels - who were willing to listen to my complaining, gave me solutions, and be there when I need it.
I'm forever grateful for that. God has been so kind to me ^^
And lately, I felt much much better even though I still have to deal with a lot of things. On the contrary, people around me seemed to have problems of their own. And I guess it's time for me to be there for them.
Having other people trust me... Tell their problems to me... Somehow it made me feel proud and useful. And it surprised me too, that out of nowhere, I have the ability to give solutions to other's problems. Then I realized, that I've faced those things. That's why I could easily think about what should and shouldn't. So it reflected in a way, and it made me see clearer about things ahead.
Whuah. I never thought helping others could help myself so much too XD
So far, I'm so glad if I can help other people, people who are meant so much to me. Just like I need them, I feel that they need me too ^^ And I try my best to help them, even if I could only offer a hug to comfort or tissues to shed a tear. But mostly, I hope I could share some thoughts to find a way out. And if they're happy, it fills in my heart too :]
Hmm. I think now I know how does it feel to be an angel to someone else ^^ Am I an angel to someone else? Well, at least just like Mon said, I'm an angel wannabe. LOL!
So my friends, if you need me, don't hesitate to call. I'm here. :]
{posted by Chibi on 11:59 PM} +
Random grumbles.
This is midweek already, and so far I just got few more theories - no, I mean raw materials for my thesis. I haven't even type anything yet this week. Not yet!!
Oh well. If Wowo can start doing his job, why shouldn't I. Heh. *makes mental note*
Other things bother me :
+ The bathroom is running out of water. And we have to share one bathroom for 4 people, since the other bathroom is being renovated till now O_o
So I have to get in line and/or use my neighbor's bathroom (like this morning, I took a bath in Oland's house -_- Bah. And this evening I washed my hair at Gege's. Boohoo.)
+ They renovated the bathroom after I cleaned it up - even I brushed it with a toothbrush! Whatta respect for my hardworking.
+ The 7-11 store is running out of Chiki. I have to go to Premier supermarket to get the cheese flavor Chiki TT_TT
+ It's midnite now.
Yeah yeah yeah. I'm a whiner. Shoot me. :DDDD
{posted by Chibi on 11:59 PM} +
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Well, I do^^ Even though things got a little bit freaky lately, but I'm so glad that I still could have a good weekend after all of the fuzz around here.
I had a great date last night. Ahahaha, I may sounds like a teenager right now +P But hey, I just wanna be honest with my own feeling :P
When I asked myself, when did the last time I really enjoying a date. Well, I'm not saying that I didn't the other dates I had before this. I did enjoy it. But I can say that it was quite long time.
But when other dates didn't give you a fuzzy feeling when you got home -- even if it just after a 'normal' usual date like going out to a cinema, roaming around the city, having a meal and wine and then end it up with a kiss -- well, I must say that this one is some kind of great one ^^ I like the feeling that last even after it's over. I'm still savor it, heh *rolls eyes* XDD
I like it ^__^ It's a good way to end the day, anyway. Thankyou^^
The odd thing is just, when my mood is growing better and better lately, people around me seem to have another turbulence in their lives. And I guess it's good to me to have my sanity back, coz that way, I could help them to get on theirs.
Just like when they helped me during my and times, I think now it's time for me to do the same thing back.
So I re-think and re-think it again. Saying things that they had said to me before - but this time, I said it to myself too - and make sure that everything will be alright.
I know there's alot of things happen on a relationship. It's never easy. But when you believe on what you feel today - now - well, so just be honest. Although it's so unsure, I guess it's better to think on the good side.
It'd be better if we just put aside the 'what if's, the 'how's and 'why's.
Those are the questions that need alot of time to think, even though deep down inside, you might already knew the answer. It's just a matter of time to realize it :]
So my point is, think positive.
I knoooooow it's so hard to do it rather than just saying it *rolls eyes* Hey, I'm workin on it too. And this one goes on to my friends - you know who you are - even though we're screwing on the different matters XD But we have the point. no? *hugs all*
I hope tomorrow will be better. And... I hope I'll have another great date again. LOL!
Life sucks, but good. I'm at peace now :]
{posted by Chibi on 9:57 PM} +
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Live and Lovin' it
Been locked up in my own world for the last few days... so I wonder what happened with the world lately :P I know the tsunami still caused a lot of trouble... I saw the real pictures of those from Mr. Lee (the Korean missionary that volunteered - Jin Yu's father), it's totally disaster.
And I heard the news that Jakarta got another annual flood. Hah. But I guess Bintaro is fine, since no one complains about it so far XD
So then, how's my world? :]
Pretty fine. Pretty weird, too. XD
As I told you in my previous entry, I had my weird week last week, as an opening for this new year of 2005. Well, the weirdos continue. XDD
Been ups and downs, and somehow it's getting better now. There's always a good side in every bad thing, right? I'm glad I still have my sanity and the peope around me to keep me sane. And although in a weird way, I found a little peacefulness in this somewhat chaotic and confusing situation. XD
But so far, I like what I have and I'm enjoying it. As long as we're happy, so no problemo. Right? XDDD I know this is sick :P But oh well ;]
Lord has been so kind to me^^
Even though lots of things I must deal with, but I realized that other people got their own issues too. As it's amazing how I could be so wise to analyze other people's problems, while I'm dead confused facing my own XD
I asked once, how does it feel to be an angel to someone else?
He said, you'd know it yourself when you become one.
Hmmm... So when will I can be an angel to someone else? That is, something that I don't realize when it happen. So I'll open my eyes widely to notice it ^^
I have two Korean kids as my new student, and this afternoon I just quit the job with my other Korean kids. XD Why do I quit? Well, I started the job for fun, and I was happy doin it. So when it become a burden and I'm getting uncomfortable with the pressure, I think it's time to let it go. So I let it go.
World is such a strange place. I just want to enjoy my stay here now.
Dea said I have the pink aura all around me lately. Hahaha. guess she's right ^^
{posted by Chibi on 8:35 PM} +
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Full Circle
Don't let it slip away
Raise yo' drinkin' glass
Here's to yesterday
In Time
We're all gonna trip away
Don't piss Heaven off
We got Hell to pay
Come full circle
{Aerosmith - Full Circle}
{posted by Chibi on 1:07 AM} +
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Been a weird week XD Lots of things happened... lots of things I experienced. Lose some, gather some. Deperessed once, surprised once. It's sad, yet so funny. It's a blur, yet so clear. High and low. Good and bad. Yin and yang.
Whatever happened, whatever it would be, all I care about is what I'm living in now. And so far it's been alright. :)
And it's good for me when I realize that I see it clearly now, that everything is so blur.
So just hold on. I know I have something to hold on to :]
It's weekend now. Started my weekend in a weird way XD The day is not over yet. The week is not over yet. I'm still enjoying my joyride. And I fastened up my seatbelt, 'coz I know it won't end up soon.
I dunno when it'll end, I dunno where it'll end, in fact I dunno how it'll end. Just enjoy the ride ^^
Where's my fuckin' iced mocchachino.
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
This is the only way
We know how to rock... - {Usher feat. Alicia Keys - My Boo}
{posted by Chibi on 11:01 PM} +
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Today is the deadline for my thesis, and I just failed. I couldn't make it today.
Why? Well, as usual, the revision and chapter editing consumed too much.
I've been sad, numb, depressed, confused and angry.
[ entry ini sangat tidak dianjurkan untuk dibaca oleh Papa, Eyang, atau siapapun yang berhubungan sodara dengan saya di Jakarta O_o ]
Akhirnya, gue gagal juga menuhin target. Bah. Padahal tinggal sedikiiit lagi. Bener-bener sedikit lagi. Gue bahkan udah begging ke dosen-dosen gue (bener-bener begging, bye-bye dignity banget deh) untuk perpanjangan waktu 10 hari - no, seminggu aja deh. Yahh, ga dikasih =( Bener-bener nggak dikasih. Jadi mau nggak mau gue musti perpanjang satu semester lagi buat nyelesein ini skripsi keparat. One more freakin' semester, guys, just for one damned chapter. LOL.
I thought gue bisa. I've planned it. Kalo aja gue ga perlu ngubah susunan RQ gue (yang berubah dari "peran" ke "pengaruh", by the way. Just one fucking word, tapi efeknya @_@) , gue bisa aja nyelesein itu semua dalam semalem dan ngumpulin draft hari ini.
Well, God said no.
Pas gue realized hal itu kemaren, gue masih nggak bisa nerima hal ini. I failed, dammit.
Gue tau seharusnya gue prepare untuk hal ini - and I thought I did - but well I didn't. Jadi yang ada cuma perasaan marah gue ke diri gue sendiri, how could I be such a loser like that. I still feel that way until now, but at least it gets less and lesser now.
Sampe akhirnya Wowo came up and tried to cheer me up again - since I lost my ability to think straight and even smiling - and it took me some whiles to realized that "it's okay sekali-kali jadi loser." Listening to his words, well, I tried to accept it as good as I could. Guess I don't accept failure very good *_*
But then... I'm calming down. Grabbed my sanity back, and trying to take the good side of it. Yah, well. Susah sih, sumpah. Perlu berapa lama tuh Wo buat ngeyakinin gue kalo semua ini ada hikmahnya XD
One by one, piece by piece.
Until now - the very moment I write this entry - I'm still trying to ensure myself that everything will be okay. I will be okay.
Sounds a bit denial, but I'm pretty sure it'll be true.
Rasanya... Kalo kemaren ada yang bilang gue sekarang berubah - and it means that I become more mature - well, kayanya nggak juga deh. Gue tetep blom dewasa. Buktinya gue masih belom bisa mengatasi kekalahan dengan baik. Masih butuh bantuan untuk ngatasin masalah. Masih suka ga terima kalo gue ga bisa dapetin apa yang gue pengenin. Malah gue ngerasa gue sekarang tambah cengeng. Dan masih denial XD Haha.
Kayanya kalo kemaren ga ada yang nenangin gue, mungkin sampe skarang gue masih jadi psaiko yang ga bisa nerima kenyataan XD
Thanks to Wolu yang udah rela gue bajak sampe nemenin gue, beserta dengan MV2 dan MP3 baru, kwetiaw goreng, obat batuk, dan coklat Lindt-nya XDD (by the way, when will we open the wine. Kekeke ^^) It's good to know that I have someone to hold on to when I lose my grip. Lo baek banget sih. Mau kado lagi, ga XD *hugs*
Dia udah jadi Monik kedua buat gue, nih. Tranquilizer. LOL! Yeayy I have angel #2 ^_^
Well, so I calmed myself down last night dengan baik :D Termasuk ngerangkai gantungan warna-warni kiriman Mon XD Thanks, Mon, barang lucu nggak guna dari elo itu ternyata cukup membantu loh, kekekeke. Sekarang tinggal nyari paku buat ngegantungnya dan membuat kamar gue jadi semeriah panggung gembira >:D<
Jadi tadi pagi gue bangun (setelah semalem cukup teler berkat obat batuk - dan sempet kebangun gara2 gosip Lee Soo Young mo break nyanyi sampe ada yang maki2 Kangta XD) and I felt pretty good, good enough to beg my lecturer for the very last time. And yeah, ditolak lagi XD Jadi tadi gue ke kampus dengan hasil penolakan tegas dari dekan, lembar daftar ulang, disertai dengan berbagai ucapan simpati dari dosen2 dan temen2 seperjuangan. Haha. Untungnya orang-orang disekitar gue sangat ngedukung, bahkan Pembantu dekan yang ramah namun sangat susah dicari (sampe gue bolak-balik lantai 2 dan 4, ruang dosen-TU-lab *_*) itu juga nyemangatin gue. Juga Reza, Pipay, Retno, dll, dll. Everyone has their own crisis kok.
Negosiasi gagal jam 11. Daftar ulang selesai jam 11.45. I felt so tired (and hungry!) so I decided to have lunch with Dea - yang ternyata juga janjian makan siang bareng Gege+Inge+Vina. Oh well. I thought crowds could lift my mood again :]
It's been a long day. Gue capek. Tapi gue pasrah. Sebel sih, tapi ya udah loh.
Hey, ga papa kan sekali-kali jadi loser :]
Satu semester lagi!
{posted by Chibi on 10:28 PM} +
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
After few days in total chaotic mind, now I finally can sthink straight. I wouldn't done this crap with scattered mind. So now I finally think about one thing : FINISH IT.
Thanks to all you guys who have been so patiently help me through these times. You know who you are *hugs*
Yesterday I've met my lecturer and we talked - alot - about all things related to my thesis. And it's great to know that he's been very kind and very cooperative. He even told me to cut off all the things taht I think would be unnecessary. How can I not love him :X
Anyway, still have to finish the thing now.
But I'm in my nerdy mood today XD (is there such thing..?) And maybe this kind of look makes me look... different (?) I dunno XDD
But I met an old friend today... And he clearly stated that I really looked different from the last time he ever saw me. In a good way, though (I think?), he said I become more mature. LOL. I thought I never change.
Or is it because my skirt+turtleneck+black coat+glasses+bent hair so I look like a "woman" ?? (DUDE! I am a woman! *jdigh*) Or - like Dea said - like a "naughty teacher". LMAO!
Well it makes me realize that even though you think you're always be the same, but people would look you in a different way. So it's up to you guys to judge me, I am still what I am :]
I just had my dinner with him and we talked about a lot of things. Turns out you don't know me that well, huh? *winks to Ogie* (Anyway thanks for the dinner and your respond to my intoleratebly stupid question ^^)
Okay. Gotta go now, finishing. Enough entertainment for today ^^ *hugs all*
Wish me luck, guys.
It's good to have my sanity back ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 10:17 PM} +
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Helldom of a Weekend
This is not a good thing, since my deadline is coming near. Uhuhuw.
These few days are the most depressing time, well I guess not only for me, but also for those who got their thesis unfinished till now. Hmm.
Agus, Lia, Pipay, mari kita galau bersama.... Wahahahaha!
Aaaaaarrgghh it's on the 13, folks! FREAKIN' THIRTEEN!! o_O Cross your fingers!
By the way, today's Wowo's birthday. Ajusshi! Saengil chukahe! XDD
Uhm. I'm so random today.
I hate chicken. Just had a chicken katsu for my lunch -_- Now I'm munching an apple to get rid the yuckie chicken taste in my mouth.
Didn't I tell you that I hate chicken? I was a vegetarian, plis lah.
Songs Of The Week :
Westlife - If your Heart's Not In It
Boyzone - I Love The Way You Love Me
Usher - Can U Help Me
Brian McKnight - Every Beat of My Heart
{posted by Chibi on 2:42 PM} +
Thursday, January 06, 2005
But after I had my talks with Mon last night (she cancelled her sleeptime only for listening to my sobs - how can I not love her ^o^), I finally can think straight again XD Although, when I look into myself in the mirror, I still can't help to think that I still hate me.
Okay. So today I decided to clear up my mind.
I woke up this morning when my cellphone rang - it was around 9 - when Mr. Han called me and we made an appointment to meet and talk about tutoring English for his kids.
So I went to Mr. Han's house at 1 pm, and starting next Monday, I 'll have Yong Shin and Eun Hyang as my new students. Ohoho ^^ Girls, at last XD
And after that, I already made plan to find some stuffs... But I thought it would be better so drag Dea along XD So I dragged her to Istana Plaza then, searching high and low in and out every shops and kidstores, and only found one stuff I want and then we had dinner on the foodcourt beside the skate ring,and couldn't take our eyes off of the bloody cute skating coach XDDDD (tiba-tiba pengen belajar maen ice skating... +P)
Then Dea, who was starving all the way, gone crazy in every bakery we met (and especially Bread Talk) and bought all kind of cheesecake XDDDD While I tried my best to walk properly coz too much food in my stomach after left it empty the whole day. Meh. Typically me ._.
So here I am now, online because when I got home, I checked my cellphone and Mon SMSed me asking if I could online coz she would send me the craziness of Eric Minwoo and Hyesung XDD
I'm still having my bad cough, thankyou. And tomorrow I'll have my appointment with my lecturers and other stuffs I need to take care of. Hmm.
May the spirit be with us :)
{posted by Chibi on 10:28 PM} +
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
I realize, that nothing, not a single thing I did, can make my parents proud of me.
Satu aja, hal yang bikin mama bangga akan gue.
Selama ini, apa yang gue lakuin adalah untuk diri gue sendiri. Gue kuliah buat gue, gue kerja buat gue, gue tinggal sendiri buat gue.
How selfish I am.
Disaat semua orang percaya akan diri gue, gue malah kehilangan semua pegangan gue akan apa yang gue percayai selama ini. I'm so lost.
And now, I feel terribly guilty to my parents, and terribly mad to myself.
I hate me. Kalo ada seseorang yang paling gue benci saat ini, adalah diri gue sendiri. Sumpah.
Mom... I'm sorry.
{posted by Chibi on 10:39 PM} +
Saturday, January 01, 2005
THANK YOU - From The Bottom of my Heart
You are, after all, my true life support.
Mum, you know you're always my number one *hugs* I love you.
My family - My sisters and brother (I'm so glad to have you for the rest of my life); Dad (thanks for everything you've done to me); Mas Koco' (thanks for taking care of my family); Eyang (I know you love me. I love you too); Mas Ren (you know how much you mean to me); my aunts and uncles...
The jinxed ones - a.k.a my soul sisters : thank you for always be there for me *huggles* Living under the same roof with you guys for years is a trully blessing. We're sisters for life.
Dea (jagiya, let's make an album XD), Nita (gomsemariigaaaa!), Amechan (oneechan, I'll never, fall in love, with banana again... - Eric style XD), Lily (my pooh bear^^), Uli (you still mean so much to me, no matter what).
The boys in da house - Andri & Deddy, thanks udah rela dijajah wanita... XD
The Shinhwa blogcrew: thankyou for coloring my life <33
Mon - you're my angel, you know that? Having you as a best friend is one of the best things ever happen in my life. Thankyou for everything *huggggsss* <3333
Mai - you're my inspiration^^ Ce-Ce - thankyou for your love and always encouraging me; Von - I always love your style and coolness <33; Cheri - I miss you! <33
Anak2 Purel : Tanti, Inge, Dewi, Levina, dll, dll... thanks for letting us brainwashed you with K-pop and J-pop XD
Bang Aip, Rizka - thanks for letting me hijack your place and computer :D
Camen, Ivan - what can I do without you, bros *hugs* thanks for saving my computer - my life.
Jovi, Anita - thanks for the CDs, your care attention, and nice chats about our Shinhwa^^
Nindi, Yudith Ita - it's always good to be with you! Thanks for the downloads, CDs and all^^ I'm sorry I can't be a DBSG fan :P
Wowo - thanks for the MP3s, movies, foods, late night calls, and mostly, for staying with me and save my new year's eve^^ Hidup Wowo!! Yeah!
Wenda, Lala - thanks for the happy hang-out times^^ I miss our coffee talks.
Rumbi, Donny, Rumano - thanks for the jokes and rela nganterin pulang kalo kemaleman...
BAIS girls - Juwi, Sanny, Bertha, Shanty, Irene, Retno : we love those kids, don't we? ^^
Insight-ers : Cyak, Ricky, Sonny, Awank, Diki, Ipey, Agung, Ai, dll dll dll... We should gather more often. Hidup Insight perjuangan! XD
My dear students : Taek Jun, A Hyeon, Choi Yechan, Choi Yebin, Sam, Steve, Lee JinYu, Lee Gwang Hyeon, Jung Ye-il, Jung Dahye... saranghae^^
Mr. Choi & Mrs. Kim, Mr. Lee & Mrs. Kim, Mr. Jung & Mrs. Ahn, thankyou for trusting me teaching your kids. And for the superfantastic Korean foods ^^
My lecturers - especially Mas Arie. Thankyou for everything. Now please help me out of this campus... TT_TT
My blog friends - Marin, Lydia, Arni, Yudith, Usagichan, Tina, Ita, Tasha, Vicky, Thina, dll, dll yang gak bisa gue sebutin satu2 saking banyaknya...
Anak2 Forum Indosiar - Sassy, BEz, dll, dll, thanks for ngeramein forum K-pop (yang sekarang udah bener2 rame ya) ^^
Shinhwa - I dunno but I guess I have to mention you guys in my thankyou list here, since you've been a part of my life - even though you might not know it, but hey! I love you guys!
There still lots of poeple that I wanna list... But the page won't long enough :P I'm sorry if I missed some names.
But even though I don't mention your name here, you know you mean alot to me. So, thankyou.
{posted by Chibi on 8:12 PM} +
Looking Back at Year 2004
+ Started year 2004 with a family party in Jakarta
+ Got addicted on blogging and K-pop thingie through forum
+ Met another Korean families and built good relationship with them
+ Started my so-called career as an English tutor for the Korean kids
+ Quit the job on magazine since I had to do my thesis (and the magazine then decided to quit too because lack of people to handle it, anyway XDD)
+ Had a major dispute with my lecturer that caused a total makeover in my thesis
+ My computer brokedown, and it made the thesis makeover became completely disaster
+ Finished all of my classes, except the final thesis so I failed to graduate as I planned
+ Took another semester to finish the thesis, which caused another dispute between me and my family
+ Met Mon face-to-face finally for the first time, and having some of my best times of the year with her
+ Turned 23
+ Realized that I have my best friends beside me through my ups and downs
+ Got more and more addicted to anything related to Korean - especially on the music and Eric's drama
+ Wrote several fanfics when I supposed to do the thesis XD
+ Dea and Uli graduated, and Uli left the jinxed house (our house)
+ Became a stalker on my lecturer and still am until I can finish this thesis
+ Sent out Christmas cards and gifts for my best friends
+ Got sick at the end of the year, and realized that I have a very fragile health problem -_-
+ Had my first new year's eve in Bandung without my family, but spent it happily with Wowo.
Oh wow.
I realized that I had lots of troubles and problems during the year. But, there's always happiness after the sorrow ^^ I'm glad I can get through the year, and I guess it's all because of God helped me and gave me strength through the love of my family and friends.
And one thing for sure, I started the 2004 with happiness, and finally end it happily too :D
And so, I hope, in this new year of 2005, God will still help me so I'd be able to conquer all of my battle and I can become a better person. I'm gonna make this year better than the last one :)
Good luck for everyone!
{posted by Chibi on 8:09 PM} +
My New Year
Happy new year, people! Let's hope this year will be better than the last one.
So, how's your new year's eve?
I was sick. LOL. If you read my previous entry and I said I was getting better, well, I did, but still not that good TT_TT It's even worse, now I catch the cold too. So I had my running nose and temporary fever, constant sneezes and coughs, plus a bit of stomach cramp. Seeessh.
But I've been a good girl^^ Stayed in bed since, took drugs, so I guess I managed myself to not getting any worse (ugh, puhlease ._.)
Aanyway, yesterday I was left alone in the house, since my housemates already got their own plans for spending the new year's eve.
Amechan left to Jakarta already, Nita went out with her friends for hiking (O_o), and Dea of course with her boyfriend went to his family's house.
I turned down my Dad's offer to spend my new year's eve in my family's party in Jakarta, and then I realized that I DIDN'T HAVE ANY GODDAMN PLAN TO SPEND MY NEW YEAR'S EVE.
I was pretty shocked when I realized this, since this is my first time ever, in my 23 years of life, to spend a new year's eve ALONE, in BANDUNG, without my friends or family around. AND, without any plan at all. PLUS, I was sick. O______________o;;;
That was so not my ideal plan to celebrate a new year :(
And so that's why I cried when Dea said goodbye that afternoon. Yep, I cried - childish as it seems, but hey, gimme a break +P I was panicked, tried to convince myself that this was not suppose to be happening, and then tried to calm myself down and hoping that it would be just fine to be alone.
And so I called some friends, asking desperately if they could spend the evening with me. And thank goodness Wowo said he'd come and accompany me for some whiles. I guess it's because I was sobbing on the phone XD
Okay. So at least then I had a company for the night ^_^ Wowo came and took me out to get some dinner - must be careful to not getting trapped on the traffic jam O_o Then we spent the rest of the evening in my place, with the seafoods, a bottle of beer and moccha milks, MTV and online on the internet until the sun came up. Muhahahaha.
Thanks so much, Wo, for saving me from the horror of a lonely new year *hugs* =D
Amechan called from Jakarta, and she was pretty upset because when she got home yesterday, she found no one at home O_o Her mum left to Medan, so she had to spend the new year's eve alone. Aaaww *hugs Mechan* I wish you' re here with me. (Tau gitu nggak usah balik Jakarta, di Bandung aja ama gue ya, Me^^;;).
After Wowo went home, it was 6.30ish in the morning already, and I slept rightaway - not so peacefully though, since it was interrupted by the laundry-taker and the sound of massive SMSes on my cell XD But I'm happy ^^ Thank you for your SMSes, guys, happy new year too - you know I'm running out of credit :P
Woke up at 1.30, still alone in the house. No one called me (not even Dad, you promised to call me, Dad *stabs*) I don't have a running nose again! Yeay! XDD
Until now, I have my beautiful first day of January 2005 ^___^
{posted by Chibi on 8:06 PM} +
- September 2003
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- January 2005
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations