Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Getting Better.
Oh praise the Lord ^^ I would say that the past two weeks were not my best week of the year for my health -_- I've been sick, and I still am. Well, although it's pretty much better now - I only got this cough and headache left (thanks to my housemates who gave me the virus *glares to Dea & Nita*). Well, but part of it was my fault too. I know that my body is pretty sensitive with virus - especially during this kind of season and stressful situation - but I think I kinda forced it too much. Hmm.
But~! At least now my stomach is pretty fine. And my Dad and Grandma told me to go check up, so I went to the hospital today, and I got myself a bags of medicines and vitamins to swallow. Oh yeay ._. I'm a medicine-hater, actually. But looks like I have no choice here, don't I? So it better be works, or I'll kick the doctor XD
Hmm, I haven't told my mum that I'm sick. I just told her that I can't come home for the New Year's eve. Guess I don't want her to worry.
But I told my dad (d-uh, of course, he's the one who forced me to see the doctor :P) and I told him too that I'll spend my New Year's eve in Bandung, even though he told me to go to Jakarta whenever I'm feeling better to join my family party.
Sorry Dad, I think I'll pass. XD
They (my mum and dad) seem pretty disappointed though, but I've made my choice.
Actually, I spent New Year's eve every year with my family. We usually have some kind of party (at home, or somewhere else). But I guess this year I'll spend it without them. I still have so much things to do, things I have to finish. I can't just leave them and having a 3 hours trip out of town for merely a one-night party.
Well, there's always friends here^^ I'm sure I'll have my fun :D
Right now, I just want to get rid this illness out of my body. As I said, I have loads of things to do. I need to get healthy real soon O_o
Wowo called me 2 days ago (in the middle of the night!! O_o Okay, it was morning already -_-) and told me that he already finished his site. Oh yeayy!!
It's Korean romanization site, you have to check it out, I command you XD
It's cool, really. Finally, ya! ^_^
I link it already :>
A very random : Eric is trying so hard to sing. Hmm. Although he definitely needs more practice and choose the right tone, but I think it's sweet :]
{posted by Chibi on 9:42 PM} +
Saturday, December 25, 2004
It's Christmas!
Enjoy your holiday, just like enjoy mine.
Oh wait, don't!
I was sick for the last few days XDD Not a very good way to enjoy holidays, huh? Kekekeke. The usual case : my stomach. It was getting worse during this cold season. I couldn't eat, my digest system was totally screwed up. Blah. Even my dad and Grandma called and told me to go to the doctor. But I think it's fine, I'll just have to eat those yuckie tablets anyway -_- (I did eat them. Or Dea will eat me then.) Thanks Wowo for the porridge you brought yesterday^^
Well, but at least I had my rest at home, then. I didn't go teaching those Korean kids. They deserve the real holiday, anyway :P Right?
Amechan is here. She decided to spend her holidays in Bandung - at my place. Yeayy!
But since my room has become a warehouse - I've got bunch of stuffs here: Oland's computer & TV (he went back to Medan so he put his stuffs in my room >_>), my books, etc etc - so Amechan couldn't sleep in my room.
She stays in Dea's room. Err, but I think tonight she'll be in my room, though. It's Saturday night, where do you think her boyfriend would be? XD
Speaking of holidays, spending holidays in Ciumbuleuit was not a really good idea, actually. This neighborhood looks dead during holidays O_o I mean it.
Well, it's a campus area. People went home or on vacation during holidays. Only some crazy nerds or people like me and my housemates are lazy enough (or busy enough) to go anywhere. So... heh. Not many foods!
The only place available that sells foods is only FooDistrict in Sentra Kampus. Way to go *rolls eyes*
I really have to learn how to cook. *nudges dea* Shall we cook, dear? :D
Anyway, I'm doing pretty fine now. Still struggling to finish my craps, although it's soooooo daaammmnnn haaarrrddd to concentrate and doing it. I dunno. Sometimes I got sick of myself :((
Okay! Now it's time to recharge your energy!
Fighting!! ^______^
And Dea, happy birthday, deul. Saranghae =D
{posted by Chibi on 8:03 PM} +
Monday, December 20, 2004
Blame it on the rain
Lack of sleep, lack of time, so many things to do, so many thing in my mind...
The weather was not really good lately. This afternoon when I was outting for lunch with Nita, sudden;y it was raining so damn hard. By the time we enter the FooDistrict, we were soaking wet, but then the rain stopped. As if nothing happened O_o
I hate that kind of weather. >_>
I know my body is very sensitive with condition like this. I'm having a digesting problem for about two weeks until now. Although I'm feeling fine, but I know there's something wrong inside my body O_o
And I just don't know what to do.
I have no idea what would I do next week.
So don't ask me will I go to my mom's/dad's house, or my plan for New year's eve.
I. have. No. Idea.
All I know is, doing this thesis till my very last breath.
And if God still allow me to live tomorrow morning, that is I'm blessed.
I'm sick.
{posted by Chibi on 8:56 PM} +
Friday, December 17, 2004
Sangdoo-ya! Let's Go To School!
Bhahahaha! Don't you guys realize, those two things are the most common reasons for death in Korea. Just take a look at Korean dramas and video clips. The storyline is always about someone's death because of, well, one of those two things. Or even both!
Yesterday Dea and me watched this Korean drama, "Sangdoo-ya Hakgyo Kaja (Sangdoo, Let's Go To School!) And just as typical of Korean drama, it consumed alot of tears TT_TT yeap, the elements of truck and leukemia were definitely here XD
It's a story about true love - well, although the storyline was very interesting with lots of intrigues - and the journey of two people when the faith just wouldn't let them be together.
I can see how they tried to fight for their love, for their loved ones, and till the day God took their breaths away, they still tried to be together.
It was a very. very. sweet ending.
Was it sad or happy ending? I won't tell :D
You can guess or judge it by yourself. (Of course, for people who knew me so well, would understand why I love this kind of ending XD)
Although I didn't watch all of the episodes, but I can suggest that this is one of the must-see drama, that is if you like a full emotion turbulence storyline. You can laugh like a mad ass and cry a river in this drama. Seriously. Look at Dea, she had a pair of panda eyes now after sobbing for hours yesterday XD
Another thing that makes this drama so good, the appearance of Rain (Bi) here was so damn hot O_o;;;; Uhm, I mean in some scenes. Mind the kampring act ones XD And, well, as I said, it has a very sweet ending ^________________^
{posted by Chibi on 7:56 PM} +
It's Friday again. Whahh days gone so fast O_o
Suddenly it's already Mid-December. Uhuw. My deadline is coming soon... I dunno, I dun wanna think about it >_< I just do what I gotta do, I try to not look at anything else.
Some people who got started together with me, gradually they reach their goals...
Sometimes I feel so envy, why I can't be like them.
But then I realize, it all depends on me. If I want to do it, then I can do it. Yup!! It's time to fighting! Fighting!!!
This word I always said to myself ^^
By the way, it's almost Christmas.
I sent some christmas cards to my friends... well, not so many, but only for some close friends. I also become a major stalker in several giftshops like MooMoo and Happy House XD It's like everytime I came to those shops, the shopkeeper looked at me with the "Ha, it's her again" look :P Kekekeke. What can I say. I love sending cards and gifts to my friends. I think it's more personal and... well, special. They're special to me. And I wish I am special for them too ^^
Which reminds me, I haven't got any present for Choi family yet. They will move out to Medan tomorrow O_o I became pretty close to them - not just the kids that i taught, Ye Chan & Ye Bin - it's like Mr. Choi and Mrs. Kim became my second parents here.
I'm pretty sad about their leaving, but I guess I still can keep in touch with them, ya? :D Hope those two boys will have a nice English homeroom teacher there^^
YeChan-ah, YeBin-ah, annyooonng~~~! *waves* Don't forget this noona here, will ya :P
I guess the season gives some effect on me. I realized that I have so many friends.. And I'm so grateful to have them. I think about what God have given me all through the year.
And it makes me realize, that I am blessed. ^__^
Thank you, Lord.
{posted by Chibi on 7:36 PM} +
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
BLAH. busy.
I just met my lecturer and well, my thesis crap is progressing... verryyyy sloooo o o o o o o o w w w .....
While I met another friend of mine who is just about to finish his :( I feel so leftout.
I'm about to go to the bank with Dea. It's raining now. Hmm. I hope the rain could make me feel better.
Oh damn it, I have to go to work this afternoon. See y'all later. Wish me luck.
I forgot to add, there will be a fanmeeting with Jang Nara this week - I guess about Dec 16. Just before BoA makes noise in Jakarta XD
Well, Actually I was planning to go there with Anita, but suddenly this thesis thingie forbids me. So ... I can't go.
Sorry for you guys who have been expecting me to come. Say hi to Nara for me, ya ^^
{posted by Chibi on 1:18 PM} +
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Eric Dorkus
XDDD My dorky Eric. *smacks his head* <33
{posted by Chibi on 10:27 PM} +
Weekend With My Loved One...
I just got back from a little shopping today :D
Well, actually I was just window shopping, since my first intention was getting some christmas cards. Well, I got it ^__^
Too much christmas cards! Whahh *_* But since I'm kinda picky, so it took me hours to pick some good ones for my friends :D
Then I got myself a giftbox, since it was soooo cuuuttee and *ehm* I need a box for my accesories :D
Oh well, I have to prepare some Christmas gifts for some people... ^^
Goodness, I was surprised when I opened my blog and saw that postcard from Eric XD Swear God I wasn't the one who post it in my blog XDD Somebody who knew me well (and obviously knew my blogger pswd) did that. You know who you are *winks*
I <33333 you!!!
Have a nice Saturday night, y'all ^__^
{posted by Chibi on 8:37 PM} +
From Eric again

Posted by Mr. Mun kekeke~
{posted by Chibi on 4:38 PM} +
Friday, December 10, 2004
Welcoming The Weekend
A weekend! oh yeay!
XDD Okay I might sound too enthusiatic about weekend, but well, actually, I do :P It's like every week, all I've been waiting for is weekend -_- I am so phatetic.
So. I've been... practically done nothing on my thesis this week. >_< Ugh, I hate this kind of situation when my head suddenly just lost the ability to think about any kind of theory. This is just perfect! My deadline is just up ahead! *kicks my head*
I feel like an old piece of shit right now. How unproductive I am. I totally forgot everything I should remember - NOT just about the thesis crap, but also about things around me. Remember my previous entry about how sorry I was to forgetting people's birthdays... ignoring phonecalls/SMSes... WELL I STILL DO.
I mean, I still forgot about those things, and I still feel bad about it :( Uhuiks.
So what have I done this whole week?
Beside staring blankly to a monitor screen - or tried to re-read everything i've written (but I think suddenly I got dyslexia or something O_o;;;), all I can do with my computer was just... recollecting some pictures. <_< Uh-huh. Shame on me, I know.
I hate myself too!! What can I say.
beside that? Okay, I still went tutoring those Korean kids. Well, actually this was one thing that consumed my time most. And consumed my energy most too. Don't get wrong, I love working with these kids - they're just annoyingly cute, or, cutely annoying. OKAY, annoying. XD But cute, nonetheless. Just as long as they didn't ask me such weird questions (like : "what is fuck?") or told me to do their math homework (hell,I'm an English teacher, not a frikin' math teacher!!). So, yeah ._.
Usually, after work I went to Tanti's place to picked up Dea (kekeke it sounds like I picked up my girlfriend after work. FREAK! I did! LMAO) - because Dea said she'd be lonely in the house while I went teaching. Euh? Hm. Well :P
Tanti's place is an all-girl dorm, and they are in love with Bi right now (yes, thanks to that Full House drama) O_o;;; So everytime I went there, they were always screaming at something sexy - such as Bi's butt, or his sexy perfs... Bhuahahahaha!! Imagine the chaos XD
Hmmm. Niways. At least there's something entertaining this week.
But still, the guilty feeling still hangs above my head. I should've done my thesis rather than staring at Bi's butt !!! O_o
My my. I need more energy - AND concentration to work on this.
And i guess Bi's butt and Eric's cheesy grin wouldn't help much. Or... wait, they ARE my Vitamins !! LMAO!
I'm such a loser :P
{posted by Chibi on 11:28 PM} +
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Before I Go...
Right now I'm collecting my friends' addresses... since X-mas is coming...
Oho think I need to do lots of things... Hmmm...
Been pretty busy lately... Sometimes I went home at night from teaching, andI thought, whahhh what would it be if I get myself a real job (since this tutoring is just a part-time job)... will it be this kind of tiring?
But I like my job. Lovin it. And no matter how tired I would be, this is the path that I chose, so I'm doin' it anyway. ^^
Aahh~ I'm rambling :P Busy days, but keep on going, people!
Aja aja Fighting !!!! XDDD *YoungJae style*
{posted by Chibi on 5:06 PM} +
Monday, December 06, 2004
From my Eric XD

I got an SMS yesterday that urged me to check my mailbox... And look what I've got :D
Oho baby <333 can't stand the goofiness XDD
thanks for uploading, mon ^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:45 PM} +
It's Raining !
It's Monday again. O_o Huikksss... me still want my weekend TT________TT
My last week was pretty much exhausting. As usual, I went to the library, met my lecturer, went tutoring some Korean kids,... That's why I had no time to go online and blogging (oh wait, I did online last Friday, only for about a half an hour and I was so damn sleepy - I couldn't even remember my conversation with Mon XD)
SO today, I decided to take an extra day off. Ohoho.
Yes, I didn't go anywhere today... No library, no campus, and I don't even go teaching. I skipped teaching today. O_O Parents called me and asked why, I told them because it's raining :P Bhah. Well it is raining, but I know it shouldn't be a reason for skipping. I'm such a bad bad bad, bad teacher.
My mood is not very good today. So I guess a little time alone would be fine, no? ^^
Hmmm... One thing I did last week that was pretty much entertaining, was watching a drama.
Wahahahahaha. I know, this might be surprising for some people who knows me as a person who can not sit still and watch a drama or even a 2-hour movie. Not that I'm a drama-hater, but I just can't stand the boredom. Not even Bulsae with Eric in it - I had to forced myself just to see him acting and 1 episodes could be for days *_*
Well, but it's different with this drama. It's a comedy, so i wouldn't be bored.. Plus, there's no dying woman because of cancer or any death because of car accident or hit by a truck in here :P And I guess maybe this is the only drama that interest me so much, I didn't even want to miss any second of the scenes. Really!
The drama is Full House, a romantic comedy (wait, romantic? BAHH!! *ROFL*) about a dorky writer Han Ji Eun (played by the amazing Song Hye Gyo) who had lost her house because of her friends, and somehow she had to marry a snob and childish superstar Lee Young Jae (played by Bi) in order to get her house back, but ended up became a maid for him. And so their daily love & hate life began... Oho, I found the review by Arb3i just now ^_^
For you who haven't seen this drama, I recommended this as a must-see drama. It's hilariously funny - first time I saw this drama, I played 4 episodes in a role, and ended up with backpain and stomachache 'coz too much laughing XDDD
I could see a different image of sexy Bi - beliieeeeeve me, never thought that sexy guy who kick a mic-stand with his bulge on the last KMA 2003 is the same person who pouted and grinning with a dorky face >_> He's not that hot in here. More like childish and cutely annoying XD
And same thing goes for Song Hye Gyo. She's not that princess-like anymore, OHOHO definitely not with that bunny tail and goofy laugh. She's such a clumsy and naive girl here. Don't even dream about her sexiness XD
Anyway, that is why I luurrve this drama so much. A real stress-reliever, I must say. Their acting were great, I finished the whole 16 episodes in only a week. (Hm, a plus point, it's only 16 episodes. Compare to 26-episodes Bulsae without subtitle. Gahhh *_*) My friends and I agree that Song Hye Gyo and Bi should dating in the real life XD They're such a cute couple! Kekekeke.
Wowo came to my place yesterday, and he gave me the opening song of this drama. yeayy! Actually I already got the soundtrack CD - the songs are good! - but there's no opening song O_o Weird.
Hmmmmmmmmmm.... Now the whole house got the "Full House Fever". Kekeke. Everyone I know watched it, and they suddenly became a fan of Bi O_o Or, should I say, fan of Young Jae? XDD
Dea even nagged me to find some pics of Bi. With his goofy face, AND sexy butt XDD
Okay. I had my entertainment enough now. Must go back and do some papers again... Remember that I still have my thesis crap to finish. Aahh~~~ T_T
By the way, I bought a new keyboard few days ago. *Finally!* XD
It's raining. Oh how much I love rain... ^___^
Despite the idea of being wet is annoys me, but I still love the fresh scent after the rain. It's relaxing.
And for another case of "Rain" (a.k.a Bi :P), seeing Rain wet is... very entertaining XDD Ohh sexiness ;P
{posted by Chibi on 10:29 PM} +
I'm Sorry
I'm sorry I forgot some people's birthdays. I really didn't mean to forget it, but it's because of my business, I didn't even remember the date O_O;;;
I feel like a lousy friend :((
I'm sorry I didn't make phone calls to some people, or returning phonecalls and/or SMSes. It's not that I didn't care, but I just don't have the time. And my cellphone sucks. I know... I know... excuses. bahh. What else can I say :((
I'm sorry for suddenly cancel the tutoring time, and refused to come and tutoring at weekend.
I guess I can only say that, I'm a human. I make mistakes, and i need time to rest too. So weekend is totally my day off. Maybe it sounds selfish, ya? But I hope some people would understand, and I hope it didn't make anyone feel disadvantage or something.
Hmmm. I understand if some of you might want to kill me right now.
i'm not a good person, eh? :(
I'm sorry...
{posted by Chibi on 10:08 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations