Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, November 22, 2004
Hi, everyody! *waves*
Whuahh, it's been a while since Lebaran holiday ^^ Yepp, now I'm back in Bandung again ^o^
So how's your holiday? Fine? Good. Mine was, well, so-so. XD As i predicted, there were so many unpredictable things happened, but at least I'm still alive till now, so that's good :D
Hmmm... Since i couldn't go online during my Lebaran holiday in Bogor and Jakarta, so I usually wrote everything in my journal. Here's a little peek from my journal :
Friday, Nov 12.
Arrived in Bogor by 10 a.m. Tired? Well.. not really. I met my mom, sisters and brother - oh how I missed them ^^ Watched "Superman II" on TV. Whahh I forgot the magic of TV until I got home :P
Saturday, Nov 13.
Woke up at 9, my sister woke me up and she said that my step-dad was coming and he brought a Lebaran present - bottles of champagne O_o Oookay. Champagne for lebaran? XDD Cool.
Watching this TV show about Hmong people in Thailand. Suddenly I remembered Mai ^^ How are you, baby ^^
At 2 pm, went shopping with Mom and Asti (my sister) for tomorrow's Lebaran. Thank goodness my mom was not crazy enough to go to the traditional market, so we went to the department store instead. Still crowdy, but at least comfier ^^ My mom couldn't believe that I still hate looking at dead chickens XD
After we got home, I helped my mom in the kitchen. Yes, I helped her cook, ladies and gentlemen. Do you think I'm incapable of holding knife? Okay, even though I was just helping her peeling off and chopped the vegetables >_> And I didn't cry when I chopped the onions :D Hm, that wasn't so bad, eh? *proud*
Sunday, Nov 14.
Lebaran! Very early solat Id, we were even almost late O_o;;; And after that was the best part, FOOD :D kekeke. Some neighbors came, greeted, blablabla, eat. :P
Then I went to Jakarta at 10, arrived at 12ish. My grandma's house was loaded with people O_o And loads of foods -_-;;
Met my big family/relatives - saw and heard lots of things. They said patience is a virtue. Thank godness :]
The party ended by 6 pm. Exhausted, but I still called some friends that night ^^
Monday, Nov 15.
Lebaran day #2. Dad drove me back to Bogor. Then I spent the rest of the day at home with my family, watching TV and chatted via SMS with some friends XD
So many good programs on TV, I became a TV junkie :P
Tuesday, Nov 16.
Started to get bored -_-
I just realized that Usher and Alicia Keys are so damn sexy on that "My Boo" MV. Love that song.
Wednesday, Nov 17.
Went to my relatives house in Depok with my family, by train. Not so bad, there even had some train musicians with violins and bass, and they were GOOD. O_o
Went back to Bogor at 6, me and Asti stopped at the mall and found an internet cafe. Ohoho! ^o^
Finally online, even though just for an hour (since it was so expensive :P And I was pretty tired after the trip). At least I found Mon ^^
Thursday, Nov 18.
Back to Jakarta early morning. Whee finally ^^
My cousins were still in the house, and they took over the livingroom and played PlayStation the whole day -_-;;;
Dad took me to the station to reserve my ticket back to Bandung for Saturday. Then we went to Blok M Plaza to find some J-rock CDs for Dea. She was nearly fainting when I called her and told her that "too much L'Arc~En~Ciel CDs here, which one do you want?" And she went over-excited XDDD
My cousins were still playing PS when I got home that afternoon >_> After dinner, hung around the livingroom and hijacked Kevin's discman (since he was too busy with his PS :P) and wrote a one-shot fanfic. I couldn't believe I could write it, I was pretty sleepy and waited for Mon's call XDD
Mon called finally, talked for 2 hours with that girl XD My grandma was such a loud old lady, kept on teasing about the phone O_o Even Kevin tried to shushed her up XD
Friday, Nov 19.
I was officially the phone demon XD
That was what Amechan said. Coz my favourite spot in the house was in the livingroom, especially on the phone desk XDD I called almost everyone and received calls from, well, everyone. I was the receptionist on the house XDD
My cousins were finally went back to their homes. Got the TV back, watched some DVD with my grandma. My uncle came several times.
Pretty boring day, I must say.
Saturday, Nov 20.
I thought my grandma was going loco when she told me to go to the station by 12, while my train was coming at 2.30 XDD
Packed my bags, prepared some stuffs to bring (that was food for my housemates :P), and the driver took me to Gambir by 12.30, since Dad was too busy with his junks (or so-called car) in the garage (but I guess that was only his idea to avoid my grandma XD)
Arrived in Bandung at last by 6 (the train was late, as usual -_-), took a shower and before dinner, guess what, I slept! O_o Guess I was too tired I even skipped my dinner time. I hadn't even wear my clothes properly XD Woke up at 3 am because I felt kinda cold O-o i hadn't put on my pants. LOL!
And yesterday, I started my normal day again. Went to BAIS at 9, and after the mass, wen t to C-Walk with the girls ^^ I was damn hungry so we ate at the Platinum (good resto, btw. Wowo said the other one in Gading has the same chic interior too ^^)
Did a little shopping then, went to BIP also,... Basicly I was just spent the day with my friends from mall to mall XDD This is releaving, y'know, knowing that I have to get back to my thesis thingie... Let me enjoy my last day of holiday ;P
When I got home, I was shocked when I found out that my computer was error O_o
Panic! Panic!
I called Wowo then, glad he came last night, and finally fixed it ^^ Huahhh. That was some moments of horror O_o;;; I though I was about to die :P
Turned out it was just a fan problem :P Hell -_-;;;
I even forgot to eat (again!), so Wowo and I went to Cabe Rawit at around 2, before he finally went home XDD
Thanks Wo ^____^
Uh, wait. I can't believe he didn't put the Lee Soo Young's MP3 into my computer! Wo! *pokes*
I did some typing today... And by the time I thought I still had time to meet my lecturer, I suddenly decided to just prepare it more and meet him tomorrow :P I even de4cided to skipped teaching *mianheyo, Paul, John, Ye Il, Mr. Choi, Mr. Jung, Mrs. Kim*...
Last minute decision, I know. That's just so me XD
Okay. So now I'm online here, checking up some latest news... blogging... posting fics... chatting with some friends... searching the articles...
Holiday is over. I'm back to my real life again, world ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 10:41 PM} +
Thursday, November 11, 2004
I mentioned already that I will go to my Mom's house for holiday tomorrow morning. My mom has no problemo about that, since she knew my situation here.
But one thing I forgot to anticipate was, Jakarta.
Aarggh. *rolls eyes*
My dad and my cousin sent me massive SMSes since yesterday, asking me when will I be the (in Jakarta). My cousin even mentioned that "if you're not here before Lebaran, you'll get NO ANGPAO." (angpao = money given by the elders to the youngs, as a custom in Moslem holiday.) :P Bah.
As if I'm pursuing the money (well, I am, but that's not all the point :P). There's also the family gathering, the foods, the parties, ... XDDDD *slaps myself*
My dad 's reason for forcing me to come was a bit more realistic, although it's in the same depressing way. He said that Grandma will be very dissapointed if I don't show up before Lebaran.
Oh great. So now I'm dissapointing?
Aren't I always to you ??!?
What am I, your property??!? Oh wait. I AM. -_-
I'm a satisfactionary object that has to produce useful things that can make my family proud, but without any sufficient support.
Well, basicly, I'm just an object.
It's not easy to have two (big) families with this kind of condition.
My plan is to go to my Mom's place tomorrow, then visit my Grandma (and my Dad, and the rest of the big family) right on the Big Day, and stay there until I get back to Bandung - which will be very soon.
And I'm planning to meet some of my friends and get some stuffs that Dea asked me to find too - in this very short time O_o
Whahh too many plans, so little time XD
But with such pressure to be here and there and everywhere, I dunno will these plans ever work out. *shrugs* We'll see.
I can't seem to make everyone happy :(
In time like this, I wish I can multiple myself into 3 : one stays in Bandung and doing my thesis, one goes to Jakarta, and one goes to Bogor.
Oh Doraemon, wherefore art thou?
This is my last entry before my holiday ^^
Wish me luck guys, for this holiday will be very short and full of unpredictable things (I kinda feel so O_o) But at least I'll meet my family, and it usually (and suppose to) bring happiness, right? ^_^
I'll be back blogging next week, as soon as I return to my life.
Oh, and as a Lebaran custom, I'm begging for everyone's apology (yes, all of you, Moslems or non-moslems) for all my mistakes I've done (whether it was on purpose or not)... And may The Almighty bless you always. ^_^
I'm not sending any card to anyone this year, just because I'm too busy and basicly, too many people to send and I just don't have the time to do so... :P
I'll just shout it to everyone here :D
p.s : Mon, I'll SMS you as soon as I arrived in Jkt. Call me, baby! *winks madly* XD (<-- Eric 1-900 style)
{posted by Chibi on 4:29 PM} +
SO today I went to my campus to meet my dear lecturer again. Oh dear, I begin to become his stalker XD It's not like he's my boyfriend or somehing, but every single day without seeing him is frustrating for me. SEE! I feel like I'm in love with him! Yuuucckk!! >_<
I even made a little silly poem while I was waiting for him at his office :
I came before the sun reach the peak
But you were not there
I came when the day was high
You said you were too busy
I came when the hall was almost empty
But the janitor said you went away
Oh when will I ever see you again
All I need is to see you
And ask you this one question
"Should I use the mass communication theory or what??"
Then maybe you could tell me lots of things I need to know
But you're torturing me
And now I'm lost without you...XDDD *shoot myself*
Well... I have this deadline and I still don't know how to handle this. That's why I need more of his time to assist me, more than ever, to working on this crap. Heck, so much for getting out of this hellhole.
But my positivo is back (I think). Coz I woke up this morning and facing the papers that scattered all over my room (believe me, you'd need a map from my door to the bed with this chaotic situation in my room :P), and after scribbling some theories that I might need - also read some books and articles, something popped out in my mind and it sad, "Yeah. I can do this." ^_^
Doesn't that sound optimistic or what. :D
Just like Nita (and my mom) said, "Just go on and let it flow, don't think about how it'll end. You'll see in time. At least you're doing your best for it."
Yes I do. And I will.
{posted by Chibi on 4:19 PM} +
Why Is This A New World ?*
# Mobile telecommunications are new
# genetic engineering is new
# Electronically integrated, global financial market working in real time are new
# An inter-linked capitalist economyembracing the whole planet is new
# A Majority of Urban population in the planet is new
# The rise of the Asian Pasific as an equal partner in the global economy is new
# The emergence of a network society, based on a space of flows, and on timeless time, is historically NEW.
{*quoted from Capitalism & Globalisation class, Economy and Politic of Development}
>_> Heh. Raise your hands up and say "OH~!" <-- Eric style :P
I'm writing random things today. Guess my head is already full with lots of indescribable stuffs *_* Does anybody have spare brain? Can I rent it?
{posted by Chibi on 4:15 PM} +
It's about Globalisation, and this is how we ended up with the definition of the word ^^
Q : What is Globalisation?
A : It's Lady Di's death.
An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend (whose were using Norwegian mobile phones) crashed in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian driver who was drunk on Scottish whisky, followed closely by Italian paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycle; treated by an American doctor, assisted by Filipinos paramedical staffs, using Brazilian medicines, and died.
This is sent to you by a Canadian, using an American, Bill Gate's technology, and you're probably reading this printed by a computer, that use Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijaked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.
That my friends, what we call Globalisation. We're living in a small world now!
{posted by Chibi on 4:10 PM} +
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Good, that means I still have some time to revise and doing my thesis scheme. That is one thing for sure.
But what I'm not sure yet is, will it be a good one.
So many what-ifs in my mind..., I just don't think I could bear this if I keep thinking about the possibility.
Where is my positivo when I need it.
You may see me as a whiner lately, well, yes, I realize that.
I dunno :( This is not myself *shrugs*
For those who were willing to listen to my whines, even stay up late to company me and make me happy... thank you so much...
You don't know how much it means to me.
I want my old self back.
What will tomorrow bring?
{posted by Chibi on 11:26 PM} +
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I'm chatting with Mon right now, and this PMS thingie is totally disappear ^^
MAn, I just realized that I could be so freaky when I got my PMS. Yesterday I got the WORST PMS ever -_-
My mood was totally ruined, and I couldn't even walk properly because of my back pain X_x
Today is very hot. I need some wateeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr~~~~~~~
{posted by Chibi on 3:45 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations