Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Nggak tau kenapa, kayanya malem minggu ini lumayan sepi, ya. Well, paling nggak buat gue sih. O_o Mungkin itu pengaruh dari kondisi rumah gue yang emang lagi sepi? XD
Temen-temen serumah gue entah kemana, pada ilang ditilep bumi.
Pagi ini (siang, kali) gue bangun jam 11-an... itu juga gara2 bokap gue nelpon. Takjub gitu die pas tau anaknya masih blom melek XDD Abis itu Nita dateng ke kamar gue, begging-begging minta maap gara2 ninggalin gue sendirian semalem :P feeling guilty, die XD Dia semalem dateng ke Suka-suka Night.
Gue tau ada acara Suka-Suka Night di kampus. Itu tuh..., acara party gitu deh, tradisi kampus gue buat anak-anak baru, dimana semua orang - senior kek, junior kek - bisa party hard and have fun sesuka jidat. Eh, gue sempet heran juga, setau gue kampus gue udah melarang penggunaan lokasi kampus untuk acara hura-hura kaya gitu. Hmm.
Kenapa semalem gue nggak dateng ke Suka-Suka Night? Well, semalem gue pulang ke rumah and nggak menemukan sebiji makhluk pun yang bisa gue ajak ke sono. Males banget ga sih dateng ke acara parti kampus sendirian. Bukannya berarti gue ga bakal dapet temen disono - oho believe me, BANYAK - cuma gue males banget show up sendirian.
Yeah yeah, siapa sih yang meduliin entrance lo. Well, I do. Maybe you can say I'm the kind of person yang mementingkan penampilan di muka publik :P Well, say what you want. Sometimes I do, sometimes not. Kalo kemaren malem sih, I did.
Itu yang bikin gue memilih untuk online aja daripada kucluk-kucluk dateng sendirian ke acara itu.
Bukannya gue nggak seneng untuk online dan ngakak-ngakak bareng Mon and Wowo. Seneng banget, malah. Emang gue udah berencana untuk online juga sih. Cuma gue masih ga terima kondisi dimana gue nggak dateng ke pesta yang seharusnya bisa gue datengin ama temen-temen gue. Dan temen-temen gue dateng. Gue nggak.
Lo pasti mikir, rese banget sih lu, Chib, salah lu sendiri ga dateng.
Well, emang gue rese XDD Gue ga mau dateng kalo nggak ada yang ngajak. Dan yang bikin gue sebel, temen gue nggak ngajak karena dia lupa nelpon. Cuma telpon loh, dan gue bakal dengan senang hati nyamperin selesai gue online (sekitar jam 2an, since pesta kaya gitu selesainya sekitar jam 4an).
Tapi nggak ada telpon, ato ajakan untuk kesana. Ya udah, sendirianlah gue di rumah - ampe Nita pulang jam 3.30an pagi. (Nggak ngefek banget siy, gue udah tewas jam segitu XD)
Sebenernya gue nggak masalahin hal itu sampe tadi sore. Toh gue udah puas banget bisa ketemu temen2 gue lewat online. Nggak dateng ke Suka-Suka Night was not a big deal. Tapi yang ngeganggu gue, adalah kenyataan kalo gue ditinggalin temen. Gue ditinggal, njing.
Dan yang tambah bikin gue sebel lagi, gue ditinggal lagi malem ini. O_o Makasih ya.
Well, untungnya tadi temen-temen lama gue, Ricky and Amin dateng (mereka dateng dari Jakarta, naek motor O_O) Cuma mampir, and heran juga ngeliat gue sendirian di rumah malem minggu gini. Merana banget ga, sih XD
Akhirnya kita makan malem (gue doang sih yang makan, mereka ngopi doank :P) sambil nongkrong bareng di Cabe Rawit. Tapi cuma bentar, karena mereka mo maen CS bareng geng mereka dulu :P Once again, gue ditinggal sendirian :(
But it still didn't lift my mood. Walopun, yeah, setelas nulis unek-unek ini, perasaan gue jauh lebih enteng sih. Apalagi ketemu ama Mon *hugs* ^^
Nggak tau nih, gue lagi nggak suka sendirian. Padahal biasanya gue fine-fine aja dengan kondisi sendirian. Bener-bener, ini mood gue lagi nggak asik.
Huah. I hate being lonely.
{posted by Chibi on 11:39 PM} +
Friday, September 24, 2004
As usual, I still got my date-misorientation (which caused me asking 'what day is i now?' constantly, to anyone)
I feel like I need a time machine.. Where I could go back in time when I need to do the things I should do, and go to the future where I could see what's in front of me :P
Things pretty hard lately. Lots of things to do... lots of things to think about...
I actually complained about how I was nearly dying for several days ago. Thanks to those people around me that knew me so well, they happily kicked me on the ass and brought me back to life XDD
Although I haven't onlined yet this week - well, now I am, there were so many things that I want to write...
I read Mon's blog this afternoon and I was surprised that she wrote almost exactly what I wanted to write. O_o;;;; Seriously, I could not be more agree.
I guess we had this same brainwave - and somewhat, it's quite freaky, y'know XDD.
This whole week seemed pretty chaotic... I haven't done my essay yet.
Sometimes I scolded myself : "C'mon, Chibs, you can write a 10-pages fic in one night, but you can't finish a 5-pages essay?!? You're a disgrace!"
T______T Yeah. Tell me about it. *shoot myself*
Anyways. I had some weird things happened this week... Well, I guess it tells me that "not all things happened for a reason". Kekekeke.
Few days ago, I slept at 12.30ish - becoz I was so damn tired O_o That was pretty surprising, for I usually sleep at around 2 am.
I forgot to minimize the volume of my winamp (I always sleep with some music on. Winamp or TV, as long as it's not too loud or dead-quiet), but I woke up an hour later, becoz I realized that there was no sound in my room.
I looked at my computer, it was restarting. O_o I was like, wtf. I didn't know why my computer restarting itself.
Okay. Since I was too sleepy, so I just turn on the Winamp again. This time, I minimized the volume a little bit. A half an hour later, I woke up again, because I heard the noises of a computer keyboard typing. O_____o I thought someone came in to my room and typing, because that was what exactly the sound about. I woke up in a milisecond, checked out my keyboard, my computer, and the table. And my door.
Nothing happened. The typing sound stopped, the wallpaper still the same, the Winamp was still on, and the keyboard was fine. My door was locked, as usual.
Okay, at first, I thought maybe a lizard or cocroach walked on the keyboard so it made some noises. I checked the table, under the table, anywhere a cocroach/lizard could possibly in my room,.... but it was a useless job in the middle of the night.
I gave up. Too sleepy and too tired to think about that, I went back to sleep. :P
Weird, huh?
The second weird thing happened is, a nightmare.
I dunno, maybe it's becoz I was too tired, I had some bad dreams lately O_o
I hate bad dreams... It's always made me suffocating and want to run to my mom's room and cry. The problem is, I don't live with my mom anymore and I still want to cry :P
Yesterday I dreams about someone killing me. Not trying to kill me, but KILL ME.
Yes, stab me with a knife, chase me with a gun, and beat me up with a stick. Even though how hard I tried to run, it always hit me. And even though I cried and prayed, this person kept on stabbing.
And I woke up because I could feel the pain when the knife stabbed my back.
O__________o It felt. So. Real.
I woke up with sweats drenching over my body as I tried to breathe. I checked out my watch, it was 3 am.
I was afraid to sleep again at first, but there was no one in the house. So I couldn't knock anyone's door. Dammit. Well, after composing myself, I tried to sleep again an hour later.
But no, I still can't forget this scarie dream... Like it's repeating the nights after.
This sleeping problems are annoying.
If I have a time machine, I will go to the time when I don't need to sleep like this O_o
{posted by Chibi on 10:35 PM} +
Monday, September 20, 2004
Exactly one year ago, I started to write in this blog. Lots of craps, stories, and all and all. And since then, I started to have another habit in my life : blogging. Yes, it changed my way of life until now.
Wan taught me to do this, and Mon kindly helped me with the layout.
*hugs Wan and Mon*
Thanks alot, guys. You make my life much much more colorful ^^
And for those who kindly enough to visit this blog, thank you for caring to read my craps *hugs all*
{posted by Chibi on 12:09 AM} +
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Well, I do. Woke up this morning and at first I decided to skip the babysitting job... But then Bertha called me and she scolded me, so I went to BAIS (The international school where I work) anyway -_- Well at least not much kids today. I was happily babysit Cyenna and played horsie-house with Kelsey.
Kids are amazing. Every Sunday - everytime I babysit in BAIS, I always found new experiences from them.
+ Never underestimate a 5 year-old girl when she told you about her 8 year-old boyfriend. She meant it. And don't spread the gossip about it, her bestfriend might like that lucky 8 year-old boy too.
+ And football are not always one-ball-for-all. Bring more balls, or they will try to steal another ball from the 4th graders. That spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e.
+ And when a kid with Spiderman clothes said that he's Spiderman, believe him. He is Spiderman. Never argue that fact. ... Or he will run crying to his daddy and told him that you're a liar.
+ And no matter how naughty a kid is, if she's cute, you can assume that it came from her daddy. Treat her nice, and her gorgeous Baldwin-like dad will happily give you a warm thankyou for taking care of his precious by the end of the class. And a chance to meet him again for the next week^^
Uhm, one thing I just realized today : I didn't know the real story of Bambi. O_o I haven't watch that old cartoon! *gasp* Bambi is one of the famous cartoon celebrity - like, everybody knows her, right? - but but but, I never knew Bambi's story!
So today, when Kelsey and I were playing, I was pretty confused how to explain >_<
Kelsey : Bambi lost her mommy.
me : ..... O_o Bambi what?
Kelsey : Yeah. My mommy said Bambi lost her mommmmmmy.
me : ... Oh? Why? (I know it's so stupid, asking a 2 year-old about Bambi)
Kelsey : Becoz I fuggot where I put da video, amm Mommy said Bambi lost her mommy.
me : ... ?!?!?
Kelsey : .... I lost the video.
me : Oh.
I'm a loser.
Does anyone have a Bambi video? Coz I think I need to watch it. Or at least please someone tell me the story. So I wouldn't make a fool of myself in front of 2 year-old girl. O_o;;;;
{posted by Chibi on 10:52 PM} +
Saturday, September 18, 2004
I knoww... it's kinda late. But hey, I just got the copy yesterday :P
I read some review about this album... Well, for me, personally, I don't think this album bad. But not so good either XD I dunno, I just listened it today, and not all songs. Just few songs that shugorei recommended XD
For now, I like the song "Liar" sooooo much :X
NOT JUST because Eric wrote this song, no no no (well, okay, that's a plus point, I was tempted becoz Mon told me the touchy lyrics too). I like it becoz that song has a mellow tone, with bitter lyric for addition. Uhuhuy! Me like lagu2 perih!
Lately I like some bitter songs.. Like this Liar, and also Dongwan's "Set Free". This one Mon even made me to download it first XD
I like it too, especially becoz it sounds so sad.. with the touching lyrics.
Nindi said she don't like this album becoz it has too much fast-tempo song. Well, fine for me. I think the song "Time Machine" is good.
Another song, the other Eric's song - "My Everything pt.2" - is pretty good but Mon's right, the female singer's voice is really annoying -_-
I should listen to other songs in this album.... But right now I still luv the "Liar" song. So I repeat it over and over and over again :P
So typically me, I always repeat the favourite song all day long (sometimes it last for weeks O_o).
{posted by Chibi on 10:59 PM} +
I'm here online in my usual internet cafe, coz I don't have any special thing to do. Not tonight. Kekekekeke.
My housemates were all gone =/ Dea went back to Yogya, Lily moved out, Andri went to anywhere I never care, and the last person that I had dinner with just two hours ago, Nita and Hakim (her boyfriend) decided to go to Ciater for a campus party.
Actually she insisted me to come - especially when no one's home except me, but I refused. Not just because I don't hang out much with the group who held the party (it's an ANE party, while I'm a HI-er) - even though I never care who holds the party as long as I'm invited, coz usually I'd find my friends there. But I decided not to go because I'm not in the mood for partying tonight^^
Oland just offered me to go the club just now. Looks like everyone's partying tonite O_o (Of course, duh, it's Saturday night, Chibi -_-) Uhm, still, no. I told you I'm not in the mood for partying tonight :P No beers and loud music. I need some peace around here XD I guess the idea of home alone tonight wasn't bad at all.
I've been busy lately. Too much things to do, so little time. I feel like I need 30 hours for a day. I didn't even have time to eat - there were two days in a role I skipped my breakfasts and lunches. Gahh I was nearly dying O_o All thanks to the documents I had to read, translate, and type. Two chapters done ^o^ Another one waits till tomorrow.
Aside from that, I still teach the Korean kids. Not only English, but lately also other subjects like Math and Science (lucky they are 3rd, 5th, and 7th graders - 'coz I always suck on Math and Science >_> ). Well, then it's fine for me to review some 7th grader's Science XD. Even yesterday Mrs. Kim asked me if I have extra time next Monday to teach Jin Yu - coz apparently he got an "F" or his Life Science subject O_o WTF. I thought I told him to do his homework with his brain -_-
My other activities? Hmm, beside the problems that occured between me and family, I still have to do my thesis thingie, and also my Korean essays. I haven't done it yet :P I didn't even touch my fanfic this week O_o Not because the writer's block, but more because I didn't have the time to write it *_* Huiks. This family affairs affected me more than I thought. I hate to admit it, though. But I remembered when a friend told me, that I shouldn't force everything. Turns out I couldn't handle everything by myself. Sometimes I thought I was strong, but I was wrong. And it resulted an appointment with my doctor and three kinds of prescribed pills XD Not to worry guys, I'm not dying or anything. It's just my body that couldn't handle the stress from my brain :P
But I still got the things I like, like some download goodies, CDs, movies,... Thanks to my friends who already gave me the fun stuffs and also their support to settle my problems *hugs all* So those things are a real big help for me to keep alive. It's always nice to watch a funny video after a long exhausting day ^^
So, this weekend, is my weekend. I finished my works this afternoon, so now all I want to do is to relax and having a peaceful time. I had no one's home - well, okay, at least there's no one to bug; I have my cappucinno sundae ice cream in my hand, and 3 comic books beside my bed, 5 CDs of downloaded K-pop videos on my table, plus some porns in Dea's computer if I ever need it XDD Muhahaha.
I have tonight to rest before babysitting tomorrow morning and finishing another 3 chapters of Governmental Studies papers. Oh, and 5-pages Korean essay. Ugh.
Have a nice weekend, y'all!^^
{posted by Chibi on 10:22 PM} +
Friday, September 17, 2004

{posted by Chibi on 1:00 AM} +
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Today was the last day of UKM Expo '04 in my campus. That was the time when every extracurriculum clubs in my campus had a chance to show themselves off. And I, being a part of Kendo Club, had also responsible in this event.
This morning Wenda called me and asked if I could be the host on the Kendo Club demonstration. Of course I wouldn't mind - besides, I was the host too last year - and so I spent the rest of my day there on the GSG arena, preparing for the show.
The show started at around 3.15, and it was pretty good^^ Even though we're not using my real katana (Japanese sword) for the Kata (considering last year's little accident - when Edot's head got scratched by the sharp sword - so he decided to not using it again this year XD) but they put my katanas for display too.
So I went home today carrying a sword - oh so Yakuza-like chick -_-
Oh, oh, I met that dorky-looking bule again today XDD
He was out of nowhere popped out in the Basketball Club stand (I think he knew a friend there), and so it was my chance to say hi. *ehm*I did say hi XD And I offered him my sword to give it a try to hit in the demo show. Well, he took it and gave it a shot. Whoohoo!!
But he's so tall - I don't think he need any protector to attack my team member. LOL.
Anyways, the day was good ^^
I went to JinYu's house afterward, we're studying for an hour, then I went to Rumbi's, nagging Donny to take me home :P
I think Imma take a nice cold shower before I go to bed tonite. Huahhh.
Uhm, one thing was not so good was, I heard the news today about the bombing at Australian Embassy. It was pretty surprising, and even we hava a flower bouquet as for our condolences for the victims.
Whoever did that bombing, it was stupid. I never see any good reason for bombing an embassy - and hurting innocent people. Bah.
{posted by Chibi on 10:33 PM} +
Monday, September 06, 2004
Yesterday was Dea's graduation day...
Kayanya, selama 2-3 hari kemaren, semua orangtua temen2 gue pada dateng... mengantarkan anak-anaknya yang mengikuti upacara wisuda yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu sejak anak-anak mereka bilang "Ma/Pa, aku lagi skripsi..." XD
Wisuda. Berarti, hari dimana seorang mahasiswa dinyatakan secara resmi bukan mahasiswa lagi. Berarti, hari dimana semua orangtua merasa lega karena nggak perlu membiayai kuliahnya lagi. Juga berarti hari dimana para mantan mahasiswa itu resmi jadi pengangguran (buat yang belom dapet kerjaan, ya), dan berarti secara ga langsung jadi parasit di rumah XD (Aduh, bitter banget sih ya komentar gue. Kekekeke. No heart feelings, lah ya.)
Hari wisuda juga berarti hari dimana si wisudawan/wati musti bangun sekitar jam 5 pagi, ke salon buat pasang sanggul dan dandan, terus ngepas kebaya, nyari sepatu yang (biasanya) udah dibeli sekitar seminggu sebelumnya biar matching ama warna kebayanya, trus berangkat ke kampus jam 7 pagi untuk siap-siap ngikutin acaranya yang mulai jam 9 pagi dan akhirnya bergiliran maju ke panggung untuk dialihin tali topinya ama sang Rektor (diiringi kilatan blitz si fotografer sewaan dan juga dari kamera Papi, titik airmata haru dari Mami yang semalam nggak bisa tidur lantaran belum sempat meriksa kebaya anaknya), salaman sama sederetan makhluk-makhluk penting di kampus, dan akhirnya sekitar jam 12 siang, semua orang berusaha keluar dari aula yang sudah berubah fungsi jadi oven raksasa dimana AC sama sekali kehilangan fungsinya sebagai pendingin - hanya sebagai pajangan basa-basi - bersama sekitar 700an manusia lain yang tadi juga sudah ngantri bareng dan nyaris terpanggang di dalam toganya.
Dan akhirnya, di luar aula semua orang sudah menunggu untuk saling menjerit, pelukan, cipika-cipiki, ngeluarin kamera, ngelempar topi, berbasa-basi dengan puluhan orang yang entah-siapa-itu-ya-tadi, puas-puasin maki-maki "Byebye kampus laknat! Selamat tinggal dosen kampret! So long, sucker!" sebelum berbondong-bondong menyerbu studio foto dan mengabadikan hari wisuda itu di sana sebelum sanggulnya copot dan make-up versi 0.3 nya luntur lagi. Dan semua berakhir dengan makan siang syukuran bersama Mami-Papi dan sahabat-sahabat tercinta, dan mengantar mereka pulang ke hotel.
Wisuda itu menyenangkan ya.
I involved in this big event yesterday, so I got the euphoria too XD And it made me think, what would it be when it come to my graduation day. Like, who will come to this event. My mum? My Grandma? It could be both of them, but it won't be (unless I want to make my graduation day as a hell-day XD).
My mum is here today - she came yesterday - and we chated about this last night. Well, so far, it came to "Lihat nanti aja, lah ya." Muhahahha.
Niway, I really hope the next graduation day will be mine ^^ Yeah, I will experience the whole hectic day by myself one day.
Wish me luck, guys.
{posted by Chibi on 10:28 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations