Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
:(( Ihiks. Tadi ke tempat Anita trus jaket gue ketinggalan... I just realized that I really attached to that coat :P Kekekeke.
{posted by Chibi on 9:29 PM} +
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Have you guys ever think about your ideal kind of guy? Well, since Mon did, I began too XD
Physical requirements :
+ Height: 165cm or above. (although I'm 151 cm, but I like tall guys. Hmm, mostly 180 cm guys O_o)
+ Weight: as long as not too skinny or too chubby. With good abs, but not too muscular.
+Hair: can be blonde, brown, black, blue, whatever. Short or long, even bald, as long as it matched his face, that's cool for me.
+ Shaven. Or he better has a good reason to keep that facial hair. But.. uh, no; shave.
+ White skin, but not pale skin. Or at least no darker than mine.
General requirements :
+ Age: older than me or equal.
+ Sex preference: Straight. No bisexuals.
+ Non-smoker, or at least not smoking if I'm around.
+ Manly.
+ Good kisser. But then again, it can be trained XD
+ Treat me gently. I don't like rough guys.
Personality requirements :
+ Funny! This is a must. I want a guy who can always make me laugh no matter what mood I am in.
+ Music lover, in general (means: not a fanatic hardcore fan or die-hard rapper +P). Can play an instrument/s would be better.
+ Romantic in some ways, but not sickeningly :P
+ Confident, but not cocky.
+ Has a good respect. Coz I hate being treated like a little child, even though I'm childish. Or guy who thought he's better than a girl O_o
+ Open minded.
+ A family man.
+ Enjoying his life.
+ Able to think up ahead.
+ Always be there for me when I need him (this is, of course, mutual LOL)
+ Patient. Coz I could be so frikin' childish; but doesn't mean he's lame O_o
+ Behaves himself when in public (ie: NO ball-scratching, nose-picking, farting, burping out loud, etc.)
+ Responsible.
+ Low profile.
+ Does not tell me what to do, but can give a hint of what I should do when I'm lost.
+ Decisive.
+ Unafraid to show his emotions.
+ Unafraid to show his opinions.
+ A gentleman.
+ Gives surprises, because I love surprises XD
+ Either smells nice, or wears nice perfume :P
+ Gives good hugs ^_^b
+ Loves me for who I am. A cliche, but important nonetheless.
But you know... Not every guy I went out with or I admire fitted those requirements. Mostly, I dated some guys who had the opposite XD Well, opposite attracts, what can I say.
And lookin' at my ideal type of guy... I can't think else but Eric O_o
Oi, Ric! Look! XDD
{posted by Chibi on 8:47 PM} +
Why I put that line as here, becoz I just went there last night. And yes, I past my hangover past this morning :P Woke up this morning afternoon with a headache and my hair smelt like ol' smokin' truck-driver, and my clothes smelt like shit -_- But I wasn't drunk, anyway. Well, I wasn't that drunk ^^ See, I still remembered what happened last night. So, yeah.
Yesterday one of my old pal from my old gang suddenly called and said that he was in town. Whahh whaahh!! It's been a while!! And directly, he asked us (us = the whole house) to go to the club at the moment. O_o I was like, Whoo-kay! *jumped and change clothes imediately* Kekeke.
We arrived at Fame Station in 11th floor Lippo Building at about 11. It was Friday night, and there were 3 bands that would perform live. And 2 of them were our favourite *yeayy yeayy* Can you imagine the hype. While we were in there, trying to find a table for seven that available, I saw some familiar people that I haven't seen for a while. (C'mon, it's like been ages since my last time in Fame :E) Singers, band managers, groupies,...
And there he was, making his way from the pool table past the bar to the table near ours, looked so fucking cool and as dark as he could be with his black rockstar oufits. (if you think Gackt is dark, think again). He walked straight to the table, didn't bother to look elsewhere with his sharp-looking eyes, and everyone seemed to clear the path as he walked in the crowds. Drunk as he was, but damn it, he. was. absolufuckingly. gorgeous. He was the main vocalist of my favourite band. And also, he went to the same campus as mine - but different faculty. He was like one of these coolest guys in campus. I've been fancy him since my fresmen years ^^
He lives for the sake of sex, booze, and rock n' roll (I dunno about drugs - at least I never saw him using it :P But I heard he got a treatment for that. He didn't get skinny for an anorexic reasons XD) He sings good, with great band, having a music life. Always has groupies everywhere. And so I saw him that night, with some girls around, but he just merely lived in his own drunken world :P I didn't dare to say hi to him, thought he must've forgotten me. (C'mon, how many girls do you think he saw? Plus, he was totally high - I don't think he would ever recognise anyone O_o)
He was so drunk I could tell, yet still so fucking gorgeous *_* I saw the waiter and his manager tried to sit him down when he was about to flip XD And he landed on my friend's arm when I passed him, and he looked at me and say "hi". I was like O_o "Hi..." but that's it. He was so high I didn't think he could stand properly if I asked him to dance XDD But still, it was fun to have him around until his manager and some girls dragged him out before he passed out :P
Well... I also met an old friend and he kindly treated me some drinks... Met some boys and danced (I almost forgot the fun of dancing so close to a stranger XD)... Some guy tried to make me drunk, some guy tried to get me down, but hey, I still have my "touch-and-die" rule :D (that is, touch me = you die) Kekekeke. On the last performer I ended up dancing with this whoever-the-name-is guy and moshing in front of the stage - near this guitarist that reminded me of Sung Si Kyung XD (I called him "Sung Si Kyung bergitar" Muhaha!). Man, I love the mosh pit.
We went home at about 3ish, and having a little meal at Cabe Rawit to get rid of this little nauseous feeling +P Thank goodness that cafe opens 24hr ^^ And after the meal, it was getting chill and our eyes got heavier... So we went home at about 5 in the morning...
It's fun to hang out with old friends... met some guys... And back to the ol' time club. Q-rul, last night was fun. Thanx a lot, dude!^^
And yes, margaritas plus Long Islands won't get me drunk. Wakaka!
Hm, wonder when I'll hit that club again. I wanna see that cool guy perform again...
...we are young, we run green,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights,
feel alright....
{Supergrass - Alright}
{posted by Chibi on 7:45 PM} +
I never love Hebal Essences as much as today XD
While the others are having a couple time with their loved ones tonite, or maybe get ready for a club time, well..., I'm here trying to get Shinhwa's Angel and I'll be waiting for my Dad, he said he'll come over my lace tonite O_o
Have a nice weekend!^^
{posted by Chibi on 7:06 PM} +
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I just don't feel to smile. And I tried to get rid of this upset feeling, I'm online now, hoping can find Mon who (usually) be the one who can magically lift my mood again. But can't open the YM. Bhahh. And Idon't have a phone credit to SMS her.
What is it tonight? O__________o
{posted by Chibi on 8:44 PM} +
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Eric died in there... YEAYYY YEAYY ERIC DIEESS!!! ^o^
Heran ga sih lo, gue malah ngarepin banget Eric mati XDD
Ric, mati aja deh lu....
{posted by Chibi on 10:50 PM} +
Yes, I'm recovered from my flu now ^o^ Kekekeke. Well, okay, maybe not fully recovered, 'coz I still have this funny voice - not as cool as my usual tone - which sounds pretty odd everytime I try to sing ^^;; But I'm sure I'll have my normal voice back soon. Lalalala~ *keeps on singing*
Last Saturday, Dea finally graduate with A point. *Wheeheee!!! Congrats, beyb!*Everyone were busy that day. I, became her chaperone - as her make-up artist+crazy assistant who carried lots of things such as tissues lipsticks mobile candies etc - ended up as exhausted as she did too. @_@ Seharian di kampus nunggin sidangnya Dea... Trus nonton sidang terbuka-nya Reggie (yang jadi tidak begitu menyenangkan karena pembantaian massal para dosen pengujinya O_o) ... Trs nungguin yudisiumnya... Praktis baru sekitar jam 6-an kita pada pulang. Dan saking capenya, semua udah pada teler sebelum kita sempet ngopi2 di Cabe. *dies*Rencana mau ke J-Music Night di Laga jadi batal, since semua jadi pegel2 dan pusing2...
Minggu, as usual gue bangun telat sebelum cabut ke BAIS buat babysitting XDD After that, Tina called me dan maksa2 buat dateng ke pesta ultahnya. Uhuhu. Akhirnya gue dan Lita cabut ke rumahnya sekitar jam 3-an. Jauuuu~~hh...!!! Lebih jauh dari rumah Wenda, loh O_o But it was fun ^^ Happy birthday ya, jeng XD
Then I just realized Mon's SMS, told me that she had the Shinhwa's new song ^^ Oh yeayy yeayy! Sebenernya udah rada cape... Tapi lewat jam 9 malem, perut gue udah keroncongan lagi XD Dan as usual, anak serumah mutusin untuk ngopi2 di Cabe...Akhirnya gue + Dea si Rakun murahan + Nita si Jeruk murahan + Lily si Beruang kutub murahan, ngegosip+ngocol2 ga jelas di Cabe ampe mitnait. Di rumah cuma ada si Andri, si tiang murahan yang asik pacaran di telpon dan sepenuh hati ngusir2 kita.Abis makan mi goreng, pas mitnait gue and Dea online bentar. Mon pasti sebel banget tuh liat gue mulai online pas jam bobo die XDD Huehehehe.
Akhirnya gue berhasil dapetin lagu "Malaikat Murahan"-nya si boyben murahan itu ("ANGEL"-nya Shinhwa XDD) yeayy yeayy makacih ya Mooonnn ^o^ Walopun tu lagu murahan yang suaranya rada2 kerendem aer ujan... tapi kedengerannya bagus kok...Sementara Dea si rakun murahan itu nyari2 poto Brian si pantat murahan... dan protes pas gue nyetel tu lagu lewat spiker murahan yang ngebikin suaranya jadi pecah ga jelas XD And kita pulang setelah Wenda si tukang kain murahan itu SMS bilangin kalo dia baru dari tempat cowonya, Rumbi si Bibir murahan, dan mo bobo di kamar gue...
Oh well :D
Kenapa semuanya jadi murahan??? Salahin Fandy, si bebek murahan itu, yang entah sejak kapan bikin tren celaan kata2 'murahan' ke segala hal. Dasar murahan. Wakakakakaka!
Ugh, gue kangen Eric... si rapper murahan itu akhirnya mencukur kumis murahannya... <333
{posted by Chibi on 10:24 PM} +
Sunday, August 15, 2004
This isn't that good. kekeke.
Well, but at least I have a reason to stay in bed... Although it's KILLING ME! I'M DYING!! AAARRGGHH!!!!
-_- Okay, that's too much XD
What's up this week? Hmmm... a lot. Some good things, bad things, funny things and annoying things happened.
My dear housemate Dea got some SMS threats that was kinda ridiculous and funy at first, but it became serious and totally NOT funny when it got to the part of harassment. O_o Not only her; her boyfriend, me and my other friend got pissed too. We almost call the cops before those bloody SMSes were finally reduced after we replied those harsh words with -ehm- some kinda harsh words too ^^ Guess that stupid bimbo finally lost her tongue when I told her to get her own life. Kekeke. It was ridiculous, though. Pretty entertaining XD But it made her change her mobile number. Hm.
My other housemate, Uli, finally ended her battle today, she graduate from our campus after today's final presentation. Whee!!^^ Congrats, baby! *hugs*
Dea will join her next week... And me next few months (I hope). Kekeke.
I'm still having my hostile moment with my family... But I guess things got better after my Grandma called me this afternoon, said that she's in Bandung right now for her social gathering or whatever. And she said she would invite me for lunch tomorrow. O_o Well, that's not bad. At least we talked, and furthermore, I want to know who/what really was the messy part of all this. So, yeah.
I haven't talked to my Mom about all this stuff. But I'm planning to. Oh, and I finally decided to join the Korean Embassy essay competition. I haven't call the Embassy yet, but I will this Monday, after I talk to my lecturer (becoz it said I have to get an assistance from my lecturer too. bah). Well.I'm sure my Mom will support me on this. Plus, the prize is good: a million and one week exchange study to South Korea. HUEHUEHEUHE. Yep, you know what I'm thinking XD So, yeah. I really hope I could win. Wait for me, Eric! ^o^
Okay, my back is killing me. And I barely can speak now. I think Imma go home before the fever strike again -_- *coughs* Wish me well, folks.
{posted by Chibi on 1:00 AM} +
Thursday, August 12, 2004
My poor throat +P
I think I'm about to get a fever... -_____-
{posted by Chibi on 10:04 PM} +
di LAGA : jl.asia afrika no 92
tiket nya Rp.20.000+soft drink
mulai nya jam 5 sore sampe selese,yg dateng dengan costum yg bagus dapet hadiah loh dan juga bisa ngejawab quiz dari MC dapat hadiah juga loh...band performance by:
dll, dll, dll, ......
CP yg bisa di hubungi :
andy : 08562387697
angga :08170270380
ziedrich : 081321104811
ryo : 081573113946
I think Imma go there ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:55 PM} +
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Yesterday shugorei SMSed me and told me that she already installed it for me, but I just didn't have a chance to online until now. So, yeah +P
Thanks soooo much, honey!! *hugggss*
*cenang cenang*
{posted by Chibi on 12:16 AM} +
So, yeah. I just gonna make this quick ^^
A new week. Whaw. Time went fast you just realize it, huh.^^
I noticed many things happened these past weeks... Not just for me. But for people around me too. Good things, bad things.
My two housemates finally finished their final assignments, so now they'll just have to wait for their final presentations - which will be this and next weekend. And after that, they can kiss this bloody campus goodbye for the next life waiting in front of them.
I knew how hard the road they've been through to get here... Coz I'm on that road now. With my own difficulties, of course. It's like I got some extra challenges till I finally can reach the finish line. Kekeke.
I still got this issue with my family, which I don't know when it will be settled, while I just have to prepare for continuing my battle here with my final assignment. Hm. Well, actually, that was the center of this whole mess. My final assignment. Geez, like it's not hard enough to make it done +P
My other housemate is in (other kind of) huge problem of finishing college right now. Unlike me who wanted so bad to get the hell out immediately, this dude got kicked out O_o His grades didn't pass the 4-semester students' evaluation. So he has to drop out from his law faculty. That's shitty, coz his parents are kinda blame things on him and his sister - for not taking good care of him O_o
And his sister, is my other housemate too, in a big depression too right now with her obligation-confused issue between her parents and brother. Whahh.
Talking about school, and family. Tsk tsk.
See, I'm not the only one who got problems with those two things here. I mean, at least in this house. Everybody has, in their own ways. But we're trying to work it out. And you know what, in time like this, we realize how much friends mean to us.
I know how sometimes we (and people too) recognize our house - this house me and my friends are living in - like some sort of "Friends" sitcom in reality - in a way. (Yeah, we even have Ross-Monica type here XDD But skip the romance part. We don't have it :P)
Well, it is XD
We did do crazy things, uhm, we're all crazy; having our own issues and everyday is a new episode for us.
But I never realize that our lives here, are not just about the fun of having great housemates and the ordeal of living together with it, but also settling the problems with the strength of friendship, until now.
I took some times to reminiscing the days we had. Four years of being under the same roof. 6 people in one house. Oh, and plus the boys next door. XDHow many times we fight, how many things we did together, trying to compromise, hate each other, dependant to each other,...
I'm so grateful to live in this house with such people like my housemates. maybe it isn't that great for other people. But for me, and I guess for us ( =6 poeple here), it is. It wasn't easy to blend in a new situation with new environment, with people with different characters. But we made this. We had this four years. *don't you think, guys?* :D
I remembered the day when I cried after I slammed down the phone and Dea held me so tight to let me cry out loud. I remembered when she suddenly stormed in my room and crying like hell after her papers being rejected. I remembered when N'Ta hugged me and sobbing after her fights. I remember our yelling and arguments in the living room. I remember our hostile moments. I remember our partying nights. And of course I remember our midnight coffees and lunch times too.
And things like that, I will treasure. Now when we're almost graduate, and soon one by one will leave this house. But I won't forget those days. And I want this friendship last forever too. I really hope so. Becoz we don't consider this is just a friendship, we're family.
And I love my family ^^
So you guys, if you read this, just so you know that I love you guys. *hugs*
Shuddup. XDDDDD
Look around you , who's your real partner and who's not ?
Who's gonna cry with you , who's gonna laugh with you when you happy ?
And who's not ...
{posted by Chibi on 12:06 AM} +
Friday, August 06, 2004
I'm baacckk !!!And alive ! ^o^
Muhahahaha. Yes, I've been a living dead for these couple of days. Got so many problems in my head... So many things happened in my life... Blahblahblah.
Hari Kamis kemaren adalah hari terakhir buat anak Fisip untuk ngumpulin draft skripsi. Well, gue sih nggak ngefek, since gue ngambil perpanjangan satu semester lagi to finish that goddamn crap :P Tapi Kamis itu juga hari terakhir gue musti daftar ulang skripsi gue, kalo ga mau dicoret sebagai makhluk Unpar. Myah.
Semua orang panik hari itu. Beneran.
Dea and Uli, my two housemates, jadi nyaris kaya orang gila setelah berhari-hari berusaha nyelesaiin skripsi sebelum tenggat waktu. Mereka ngetik kaya orang kesurupan day and night. Selama semingguan, seisi rumah pada sinting semua. Including me. Kekeke.
Walopun gue ga ikutan panik2 ngejar skripsi, but I got my own problem about daftar ulang. Turns out my family wasn't that supportive about this. They even told me to drop it off O_o Loco !? Si.
After serial fights with my family on the phone (I really, really hate fighting on the phone -_-), I've been crying like shit, and the thought of 'why do I have to live with this fucked up family' kept on coming in my mind.But hey, I have to live anyway. I've thought about all those things... and, yeah, gotta live with it. I love this fucked up family, what can I say. Although it hurts me, really, it hurts soooo bad, but I managed to handle it.
Ternyata emang semua-muanya tuh kembali ke diri kita sendiri. Ga ada gunanya nyeselin atau nyalahin siapapun (walaupun perasaan itu pasti ada), so what. Masalah ga akan selesai gitu aja kan. Siapa lagi kalau bukan kita sendiri yang berusaha nyelesainnya.
And well, so I tried. ^^ And hari puncaknya ya Kamis itu. Semenara Dea dan Uli berlari-lari ngejar dosen buat tanda tangan, ke tempat penjilidan skripsi, ngambil foto wisuda, bayar uang wisuda, daftar ke TU,...Gue juga berlari-lari nyari Ketua Jurusan, dilempar ke Pembantu Dekan I, bikin surat pernyataan, ke PD I lagi minta tanda tangan, ngurus ke PD II, ngurus ke TU, ngambil transkrip nilai and formulir, minta tanda tangan dosen, sampai akhirnya nyerahin lembar sialan itu ke loket registrasi yang antriannya sepanjang jalan kenangan +P Huahhh fuck! XDDD
Now things are pretty much in control, I just have to finish it next Monday. That's it. Oh, and about my family affair,... I dunno. Masih dalam suasana hostile XDD Wish me luck aja deh. Hmmm..., for everything. I need that ^^
Yeah !!!!!

{posted by Chibi on 10:39 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations