Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
My test is oveeerrrrr.... finally.
It means, I've finished all my study in this forsaken Uni, except my final assignment *___*
I wasn't in my good mood last night, and today's not much difference. Simple things can make me laugh, but within seconds, I could be pissed. O_O This morning I had my Economy test, without a single clue about what kind of crap I did. And after that, I went back home and continued my sleep again XD Until Wenda alled me, and said that she wanted to sleep in my room -_- But turned out she didn't show up until 1 p.m, my tutoring time. Bah.
And I went tutoring, but those kids were going lunch with their parents without telling me first. Myah.
That's why I decided to go online tonight. Since it's Minwoo's birthday, and I just felt that my online friends could be friendlier ^^
See, I knew I was right. Now my mood is back to ^____________^
Thanks to shugorei and lyds, I had my ability to eat again XDD
{posted by Chibi on 8:12 PM} +
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
I'm online again, for the second time today ^^I was online this afternoon, after I had my lunch with Dea in Sentra Kampus. It's been a while since the last time we ate there... And whaddayaknow.... That place was loaded, as usual. But we missed the food, so who cares.But the first thing that caught my sight was my three lecturers O_o sitting on the bar-side in the middle of the room. Guess who... One of them was the guy who just ruining my (and Dea's, and most of HI-ers') life with his stupid new campus rules. Gaahhh !!!I was so close to choke him XDD *thanks Dea for dragging me away before I spill some juice to his head *So me and Dea were sitting far far away from those musketeers, with a visible view - so we still could send our negative brainwave to them XDD *Die! DIE! DIE!*
Then I spilled my iced tea on the table -_- And it spilled over my cellphone. And now my cellphone is crazy. And now I'm going crazy too.
I spent my last 2 days with Dea mostly. Since Amechan came to Bandung, she (somehow) stayed in my room before finally took over my room O_o I mean, after her boyfriend came and wanted to stay in my room too, I thought it would be odd if we slept together in one room... I'm not saying I was unhappy. But I wasn't happy either O_oOh well. So then I moved to Dea's room, which we could discuss about our new fic project later on ^^ It brought my mood back, though.
The reason Amechan came was... Her engagement.
His boyfriend finally proposed her - in a very dramatic & romantic way, she said - yesterday at Cafe Halaman (well, I know the place is romantic for sure). Plok plok plok. Selamat ya, Me.... ^^I know she's been waiting for this all her life. Now all she has to do is just waiting for the wedding bell, as soon as her boyfriend return from his work in Japan. About 3 years from now. Wow.So she came home (I mean, to our house) last night with a ring on her finger and tears in her eyes. Everybody saluted them. Including me, of course.
After that kind of moment, do you really think I would just ruining it by staying in my room with them? I DON'T THINK SO. D-UH!
Well, anyway. She's back to Jakarta today.If you stop by to look into my room, you'll find a shelter camp. XDDAnd if you think I'd clean up the whole mess tonight, well, WRONG.Coz Wenda just told me that tonight she'll stay in my room after helping his boyfriend with the final assignment thing.
I really, really should start charging for my room.
Look, I just got back from teaching, went to see my doctor but couldn't find her coz I forgot to make an appointment - so I didn't get my medicine today, And my allergy is still kicking, and I still have to pick up my CDs at Aip's tonight. And I found my room in a total mess, and still can't get it back coz another company will come at midnite tonight.
And tomorrow morning I will have my Economy final test, and I haven't study any damn book.
And my cellphone is still broken.
And I haven't pay my tuition fee for next semester.
And I have to call my Grandma about it early morning tomorrow.
I'm so damn tired.
{posted by Chibi on 10:44 PM} +
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
MY LIFE - 23
This is me, I've been living my life for 23 years until this very day. I'm very thankful that I'm still alive, still breathing, as a normal human being, until now.
Whah. I barely even slept last night. As I watched the clock ticking last night, when it turned into 00:00, entering the 21st of July,... the first thing came into my mind was, "Whahh. I'm still alive. For a complete 23 years.... I'm 23!! Thankyou, God!!!" XDD *yea yea. Call me weirdo*
I prayed, thanked the Lord, and rethinked about my life so far.
Have I done anything that could make me proud of living for 23 years?
>_< Tough question. On a very wrong time +P
I made some failures, but hey, I've been through some succesfull times too.
Maybe it meant nothing for some people, but at least for myself, I'm proud of the fact that I can live by myself right now. I have my job, I earn my own money, I live by my own, I have a good social life - including love life and loads of friends, and still struggling to finish my study. Well, maybe that's one thing I still have to work out. I still haven't fulfill my parents' dream, to see their daughter get her butt out of the campus with honor :P But I will. Maybe not this soon - as I told them it supposed to be this month, but I will, at least this year *crosses fingers* >_< Then, I'll reach my dream^^
I received many birthday greetings from my friends and family today... It's amazing to notice that the first people who said "Happy birthday" to me were the people that mean so much to me, the people that give big influences in my life so far.
First, it's Arni (yes, babe, it's you^^ my friend 'Sungie's lover' in Yogya), then the second is Mon (my best pal ever, one of the greatest things ever happened to me last year), the third one was my Grandma (no doubt she's one of the biggest part of my life), then my Dad (yes, Dad!).
And after that, massive SMSes and phonecalls from everyone. And hugs and kisses too... Cakes, CDs, treats, ... And even my Mom haven't call me yet, but her present had already arrived. And that's the best present ever. **Yes, it was the one who made me finally cry today :P MOM YOU'RE THE BEST!!**
You guys don't know how much it means to me. How much it made me feel so alive.
Thank you. Zillion times thank you. From the deepest of my heart. If I could, I would hug you all and won't ever let go.
I've been through some good times, bad times, craziness, disasters, loneliness, loveliness,... and will still go on. And being 23, is like the new beginning for me, to do the best that I could to live my life till the end.
Lalala~ I've still got so much to say, yet don't know what to say XDDI'm high on sugar (too much sweets and cakes) and overloaded in happiness today ^^
Oh, I'm giving away chocolates and/or Teddy Bear cookies to everyone today ^^ *If you want, just come and ask XD The offer's still on until midnite!*
No doubt today is one of the happiest day for me... Maybe the best birthday ever ^^
It's like a turning point, the new day to continue my battle of life.Well, so I guess Kangta's right. Quoted from his song, Imma do that!
If the unbearable loneliness and the ordeals I felt until now was the beginning
I can do it.
I'm not afraid of the worldI, who I wanted earnestly, won't collapse in front of the world
Look at my strong self breathing inside of me
Even the saddess filled inside of me will become a memory
Don't misunderstand,
Remember that I'll be the one who will change the world
{posted by Chibi on 8:20 PM} +
Monday, July 19, 2004
I'm not saying I take this easily. No. This, is one of my biggest failure ever happen in my life. And I have to deal with this and all the chaos behind it (what, you think my parents will just accept it? Ha! I wish -_-) But that's just the way my world goes. I have to live with it, and do what I have to do. I tried the best I can, and will always be. There's no point of regretting, for it's already happen. As we all know, shit happens. So what? Just deal with it. :D
Now. Just hope I can finish this things as soon as possible, as smooth as possible. Smile. For I won't let my tears go down that easy.
I'm twisted coz one side of me tellin' me that I need to move on, but on the other side I wanna break down and cry...
{posted by Chibi on 10:25 PM} +
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
How to make a chibi
5 parts jealousy
1 part humour
3 parts beauty
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!
I wish I could make one "me" again, so share these busy days... -_-
Anyway, it's shugorei's birthday.... HAPPY BURFDAY, BEYB !!! *hugs*
Damn it, I wish I could send this package of your b-day gift to you now :E
{posted by Chibi on 9:31 PM} +
Friday, July 09, 2004
I had two classes since 7.30 this morning, then tried to finish up our group assignment for next Tuesday presentation, then tutoring at 3 pm... till 7. @_@ So many things to do +P
I skipped breakfast, I skipped lunch, and now I type this while I'm eating my nasi goreng, so-called dinner XDDD
As usual, it's kinda hard for me to arrange the time for my this-and-thats, so I need to write down all my daily activities on my organiser. Man!
Few friends came over and called, asking for my free time so I can meet and chatting up with. But I barely have enough time for myself -_- So I just put all on hold XD I guess I only have Saturday for my own... Means I can choose the things I want to do - or not :P kekeke.
Yeah, as you said, shugorei, gue masih sok laku XDD
Jovi came by yesterday before my tutoring time and she gave me BulSae VCD, eps. 23-26 !! ^o^ Thanks sooo much, beyb *hugs*
But since I got home about 9 p.m everynight, so I still have no time to watch it :E But I've watched eps. 23 last night - just before I slept - and this scene suddenly opened up my sleepy eyes again XD Shower scene !! Oh yea baby~ :P

Humm, maybe tomorrow I will watch the rest of the last episodes. Ohoho. Errr, or maybe tonite. Watching a sexy dude before go to sleep is always good ^^
Anyways I failed downloading How Do I Say MV -_- Uhu. But oh well, I got some new things here from shugorei ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:42 PM} +
Monday, July 05, 2004
What's not okay is this warnet.
Bah, the connection is so dodol, I can't even chat properly with Lydia O_o
Lyds, I think Imma go home now.
I hate election day :P
{posted by Chibi on 11:13 PM} +
Thursday, July 01, 2004
It's almost midnite here and I'm still online with Dea, who suddenly dragged me oiut of my room coz shge said she wants to search more data for her final assignment. Uh-huh. 30 minutes away and she was still searching for wallpapers XDD O-kay.
I'm back to my busy days... Sometimes I even couldn't have time for myself. The mid-test was over now, Thank God. But I still have my daily job, tutoring kids :P And with other to do-thing, I really have to write it down in my to do-list, or I'd forget it easily. Blah.
Ahm, my computer is working normally again, now, thanks to Camen and Ivan ^^ And even they gave me some programs and mp3s that I definitely need, and want ^o^
But the datas for my final assignment was all missing, so up till now I still have to search more and more and working on it... bah.
Well, related to the things I mention earlier, I'm quite busy lately (kalo kata shugorei, gue blagu, sok laku XDD) So... yeah. I don't even have my proper sleep O_o
Gosh how I need my beauty sleep XDDD
Euh, I really don't know what to write again, I'm so frikin' tired after this long day..
Oh, yeah, in case Wo2 read this entry... balik sini lu, I need more music, dude XD
{posted by Chibi on 10:55 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations