Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Saturday, June 26, 2004
{posted by Chibi on 8:21 PM} +
Yeayy! I never thought I would miss this city sooo much :P It's not that I don't like being in Jakarta, but at home there was just... too much pressure.
Yep, I mean it, too much pressure. The main topic was always none other than my final assignment, and my Grandma just made it worst. Oh well.But my Mom and Dad already told me to chill it out, so yeah. I tried my best to just keep on focus and didn't care to what other might say :P
And so I tried to have my own good time while in Jakarta ^^ Although my main reason went there was "to sum up more datas in CSIS", and also doing my Regionalism assignment, but the main fun was when I met my friends :D
I met Marin on Bintaro Plaza, to gave her my Bulsae CDs since i didn't have a time to copy it for her :P Whahh too badI couldn't meet anyone else like Ita, Usagi, dll,dll,...
But I finally met Shugorei, in Bintaro Plaza too.We were waiting for Marin at Oh La LA *ihiks, it's been along time sincemy last time hanging out at Oh La La, I even forgot the place till Mon pointed the caferight behind me XDD*
Since shugorei is in Jakarta, so we made plan to meet and we turned to having good times together :D I even stayed at Mon's place for a night, after me, Mon, and Amonk wandered around at TA XD That's the other way to avoid annoying craps at home XDD
And beside, I had a little sport too at Mon's house XD Her dogs were great and super-friendly, made me creepin' at the wall into the house at first (baca= melipir tembok, tepatnya). LOL! And I just sit still on the chair while Mon and Amonk were cuddling that big dog the next morning XD Oh my poor dog-phobia :P
But I wouldn't mind being there again, as long as Mon or Amonk or anyone could cover for distraction to those big big dogs ^^
Well, we (Mon, Amonk, and me, not with the dogs :P) watched Shinhwa Winter Story Concert together and also Shrek 2 in one night, which caused us constant laughing till 4 in the morning XDD
I love Puss!! We love Puss!! XDDDD
Too bad I had to leave soon, and I couldn't drag Mon and Amonk too with me here XD The next morning I had two classes, and my daily activities began again. Start busy again ^^
Now me here at Blumen, waiting for Camen to call me to pick up mu CPU. Yesterday I had no time, this morning I worked on my Regionalism assignment, so now I really really hope Camen could bring my baby back (my baby = my CPU XD) I need to finish that bloody assignment -_- Oh, I just got a news flash - he couldn't make it tonite. So I have to wait till tomorrow *sigh* I guess I'll do the assignment at Tanti's place :P Bhah.
It's 2 days before my mid semester test.... And bunches of assignments are waiting to be done. And not to mention my final assignment. Hmmm..., have to support myself XD *play on encouraging songs*
Go, Chibi !!! :D
p.s:Marin,I've edited this entry *winks*
{posted by Chibi on 5:26 PM} +
Monday, June 14, 2004
Right after my Economy class. Err, okay, after my Economy class and cake-shopping XD
I hope my computer is fixed soon, before I'm leaving. For those who wants me to bring CDs and K-pop stuffs, I will, but sorry for the lost files :(
For those who wants to meet me in Jakarta, LET'S MEET! :D
I'll stay in Jakarta until Thursday.
shugorei, prepare your CDs. Here comes your brownies XDD
{posted by Chibi on 11:49 PM} +
My computer is breaking down O_o Yes, me not kidding. And that caused me panic coz it contains all my data for final assignment >_< And yes, of course some of my K-Pop thingies are all gone too. I feel like become Mai #2. *Yes, Mai, I understand how you felt*
My hardisk was suddenly collapsed last Saturday (I cursed that day T_T) ... And yeah... the rest is history. I contacted almost everyone I know - from Wo2 to Jimmy - and finally Camen came to the rescue :P *Camski, Ivan, please save my baby.. +P*
Now since I lost all the data, the downloads, the movie scripts, all the things I've done for years,... the least I could hope is my computer saved.
I need to do my final assignment, damn it. And the time is ticking....
Pray for me, people... *desperate*
{posted by Chibi on 9:39 PM} +
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Trutama anak2 99 yang found out thatternyata gosip ""Pemutihan" itu benar-benar nyata. O_o Lebih dari 2 semester ga selesaiin skripsi, you're back to the core. And that frikin rule is officially came from Mr. Banyu himself. Bapet.
We only got - what - a month to finish it all. Well, mungkin gue harus bersyukur karena gue baru ngejalanin satu semester, tapi tetep aja. My target is this semester. Mikirin hal itu rasanya miris banget, dan ngeliatin tampang sang decision maker itu jadi serasa lebih bikin mual daripada memvisualkan cerita Robin Williams di standing comedy-nya about Minnie Mouse dengan tank top dan cerutu di tangan - dengan bulu ketek kemana-mana dan ngoceh dengan aksen Francaise-nya, "I never realy loved Mickey, anyway." Ewh. (Buat yang ngga nyambung dengan ocehan gue ini, just watch the DVD "Robin Williams live in Broadway". You'll see XDD)
Well, anyway. Even though it's been a bad bad week, but gladly we still can managed ourselves to stay cool and get on with it. Yeah, kata-kata mutiara "life sucks, just enjoy it" bener-bener diterapkan secara sempurna XD
Ehm... Mon's back to Indo today... And I really really want to meet her in Jkt. That's why I'm planning to go back to Jkt next week. Well, beside the main reason of "go to CSIS". But the thought of meeting her is making me more enthusiastic than the thought of wandering around in a room full of books and files and a chance to burry myself in it :P
But the problem is, I dunno how to contact that girl. Last time I contacted her was yesterday, and she was in a bad mood too (well, I responsible for dat, coz me made her wasting her time -_- I feel bad bout that too. Mianhe, Mon..) Maybe she'll activate her old cell number O_o;; While she'll be in Semarang for dunno how long, and my plan to Jkt is waiting for her go back to Jakarta also.
So, Mon, if you read this entry, contact me , 'kay? And think about which kind of brownies you would like XDD (Chocolate chhese? Raisin? Almond? Cashew? else?) Let me know before I hit that cakeshop *grins*
Ahm, I have to go teaching English for Koreans now. Oh, oh, John made me a rainbow circle from coloured papers yesterday ^^ Little things I like that lifted up my mood :)
Friends..... what am I gonna do without them. *hugs all* ^_____^
{posted by Chibi on 2:48 PM} +
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
And I never thought that my topic would be so popular among the lecturers in my campus O_o If only that could give me any advantage... But no. Na-ah. Just give me more headache XDD
If you see my ste list, I put some new links there. And voila, it's all about Popular Culture XDD
If anyone could help me out to do this shitty crap about MTV and popculture stuffs, please let me know -_-
{posted by Chibi on 11:05 PM} +
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Many things happened this week, some good and some bad - well, okay, mostly bad. Short semester is already began... I got 2 classes with 2 incredibly hysterical lecturers.. in a same day XDD Whaww. I can't say it's a good, or bad thing XDD
I've been told about some facts that might be disaster for my thesis. And yes, it real sucks. I was pissed, dazed, confused, cried, and still don't know which way to go. Seriously. I hate the fact that I'm still a bit clueless about this thesis thingie, while the clock is ticking, and I'm running out of time. It's like being in a game show and you still have to find the answer, while the other contestants have done it. Except this kind of game has no bonus time or score even if you made it :P
Realize that I'm still in the middle of nowhere here, and with no one can help but myself, ... Somehow I can feel the loneliness.
I know that people has their own war they have to win, and my war is on. But I feel like a third world country that has no decent army and weapons *_* While no other country could help and no UN to negociate with. Man, that's pathetic XDD (ironically, I live in that kind of country... -_-)
The thing that keeps me alive till now is my supporting system :) I know there's no way to run or hide, coz it's already about to explode and I have to do is find the way to turn it off as soon as possible.
.... But I need something real to hold on to. And I still don't have it.
Eehhmmmmm....... what am I talking about.
Anyways, I had good times this weekend. Tried to ease my mind from the campus madness, lucky I have friends that can always make my day. I watched Shinhwa Winter Story Concert yesterday, which Tina just bought ^^ Can't say it's better than the 2nd Concet, but it's nice to hear them sing live XD And I can feel the comfy air in this concert. They look like a happy family *snif* Oh, a happy crazy family XDD Endi's the bomb XDD
And today I spent the day with BAIS girls after Sunday School (with only Ethan, Cameron, and Kelsey to babysit O_o It's summer holiday, not much kids around here) And after that we had lunch at Imam Bonjol (new food place! Yeay!^o^), looking sum goodies for Berta's boyfriend at Grow, hang out at Cisangkuy (ehm - for me it's my first time ever there +P), and took a little walk to Museum Geologi (O_o purely accidental, just curious and we took sum pics there ^^). Kekekeke.
By 5, I already made myself comfortable after having a nice bodyscrubbing and my 2-hours bath :D (Yes, people, it took me that long.)
Turns out that my TV antenna hasn't been fixed yet :P Me still can't watch TV. Buhu T_T
But at least it gives me more time to read more articles for my thesis - ehm, my weapons :D
My brain is still scattered, but I hope I can manage it into a piece of something later :P It's time to keep it cool and think about the strategies. Focus, Chibi, focus... *brainwashes myself*
Euh, I need my support system.
{posted by Chibi on 10:30 PM} +
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Bandung today is SO COLD. I'm not joking, I think Bandung has return to the old Bandung they used to know :P
Semalem aja gue udah beranjing-anjing ria kedinginan pas mo pipis >.< Ternyata pagi ini kondisinya ga jauh beda.
Since ari ini gue dapet jadwal kelas Regionalism jam 7.30 (O_o pagi2 buta, maksud gue), setengah mati gue berusaha bangun setelah alarm gue bunyi jam 6... dan akhirnya Dea ngegedor kamar ngebangunin buat minjem pengapus (O_o dalam kondisi normal, gue bakal cekek Dea yang tega2nya ngebangunin cuma demi sepotong setip. Tapi berhubung gue juga musti kuliah pagi, jadi gue maapin XD)
Akhirnya setelah memberanikan diri cuci muka sikat gigi di kamar mandi (gue ga brani mandi, gila!) dan pake parfum sebanyak-banyaknya, gue ikutan juga kelas Regionalism pagi... bareng Birdie. Whoohoo seneng punya satu makhluk yang dikenal di kelasnya Mas Banyu nan jijai ituw... ^^
Gue ama Birdie udah menggigil, kata Birdie sih pagi ini Bandung 18 derajat O_o Dan setau gue makhluk2 di sekitar gue juga pada ngomel kedinginan. Yang suka ama kondisi dingin ini cuma Shugorei doang kali yak, kalo dia di sini ^^ (lu tinggal di mana sih, igloo? XDD)
Udah lama gue ga bangun pagi demi kuliah... I'm not a morning person, so when I woke up this morning and prepare to go to uni, I felt like being a newbie again :P So this short semester I got 2 classes, Regionalism and that bloody Indonesian Economic :E And both are in the same days, at 7.30 and 10. Great, isn't it?
Oh by the way I took a shower as soon as I got out from Regionalism class and ran back home XDD It's still cold as shit, but I had to!!
Uhm, this Economic class is (as usual) so boring. Glad I have Tanti who took the same class too. Kayanya gue emang ga jodoh banget ama kelas ekonomi yak XDD Sepanjang kuliah tadi gue setengah mati berusaha ngilangin rasa dingin, sementara Tanti udah tidur dengan suksesnya di sebelah gue. Itu Oma Tien ngoceh juga cuek aja XD (seriously Oma, she's older than my Grams)..
I think Imma work hard on these two bloddy class.. I dun wanna fail again :P
Now I'm still freezing karena dalem lab ini AC-nya disetel kenceng sebelah gue... Damn I miss the sun soo much...
Oh, I got something from Mai's Xanga... Ternyata gue dikategorikan mengandung "explicit contents". XDDDD
From Go-Quiz.com
{posted by Chibi on 12:09 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations