Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Beberapa udah, beberapa ngambang, dan beberapa masih sama skali belum gue usahain. XD
Well, the most important is, I already went to see my doctor to get some medicine for my allergy. Yeap..., alergi gue kumat. Gara-gara stress kemaren ini nih. Payah, badan gue cepet bereaksi terhadap suasana hati >_<
Itu makanya gue paling menghindari yang namanya stress. Soalnya kalo udah stress, gue sih bisa aja sok-sok cool, tenang ngadepinnya. Lha tapi badan gue ga bisa boong XDD
Rambut gue rontok, trus tiba-tiba nongol ketombe O_O (Oh, masalah yang satu ini udah langsung gue tanganin secepetnya. I can't stand if sumthin' happen to my hair). Trus tadi tiba-tiba Nita nemu satu helai uban di kepala gue. Hiiihh!!!
Yang paling nyebelin, alergi gue langsung kumat kalo gue stress. Bah. Gatel-gatel deh gue. Makanya kemaren gue langsung ke dokter langganan pas sempet. Dokter gue tuh udah lama banget ga ketemu gue, makanya kemaren beliau rada heran juga liat gue nongol XDD Dia bisa langsung nebak, "Kamu lagi stress lagi yaa?" Huahahahha!
She knows me too well :P Makanya dia langsung tau obat apa yang gue biasa pake. I'm a druggie now :P
Misi yang belom selesai skarang, ngeganti antena tipi gue :P
Emang selama beberapa minggu ini gue sama sekali ga nyentuh TV at all (O_o can you believe that). First, karena gue lagi males nonton MTV (Since gue jarang2 nyetel saluran laen kecuali MTV, tapi kalo nonton MTV jadi keinget ama skripsi, bawaannya jadi bete XDD). Kedua, karena antena gue patah so gambarnya jelek nian.
Tapi berhubung niat untuk nyelesaiin skripsi gue udah bangkit kembali, jadi niat untuk nonton tipi juga muncul lagi. Masalahnya tinggal nih antena gue beresin. Atau at least beli kabel buat nyambung ke antena laen. Well itu yang disaranin ama Bapak kos gue sih. Kan die yang bakal masangin, gue sih nurut2 aja XD
Tadi gue udah nyari2 kabel/antena ama Anita. Tapi begonya, ini kan hari Minggu. Jarang-jarang ada toko elektronik buka XDD Setelah muter2 dari Gandok, Sultan, sampe ke ITB, gue ga dapet antena maupun kabel, si Nita malah dapet buah-buahan ama sendal baru. Bhahh. Dan dia nyalahin gue karena akhirnya kita malah shopping. Huahahaha!!
Ehm, kemaren2 telepon di rumah sempet rusak. Ngadat, bunyi kresek-kresek dan akhirnya ga bunyi sama sekali XDD Jadi buat yang udah nelpon ke rumah tapi ga nyambung, maap maap aja ya. Teleponlah ke HP. Or, kalo ke HP gue juga ga nyambung, ya maap, Anda belum beruntung XDD Gue emang suka lupa recharge batere :P
Gue ama Dea udah berencana buat beli pesawat telepon baru. But then kemaren, gue ama Nita yang penasaran akhirnya ngebongkar tu telepon... and voila!! Udah gue benerin dan sekarang telepon rumah udah normal kembali ^^ Yeayyy!! Hidup Chibiii!! XDD
Emang selama ini kalo di rumah (kos, bukan rumah Jakarta) suka ada masalah telepon, listrik, entah kenapa gue selalu bisa ngebenerin loh O_O Awalnya cuma sok yakin sih - berhubung gue tinggal di kos cewek yang bapak kosnya suka cuek - dan walopun ada satu cowok di rumah tapi ngga guna lha wong pergi mulu.
Which makes me realize, gue punya beberapa bakat tersembunyi yang (menurut Dea) bisa gue jadiin pekerjaan sampingan XD
Pertama, jadi tukang pijat XDD
Soalnya kalo anak2 di rumah masuk angin ato pusing2, pasti minta gue pijitin ato kerokin. And they like it O_o Lahh... Padahal gue sendiri ga suka dipijat. Gue juga ngga tau kenapa gue bisa mijitin +P Nyeh.
Kedua, jadi suster :E
Soalnya kalo ada yang sakit, gue suka ngurusin dan kecerewetan gue terbukti ampuh. Pasti saking sebelnya gue cerewetin, akhirnya nurut dan sembuh XDD
Ketiga, jadi guru TK.
Kata anak2 rumah, gue punya daya tarik tersendiri buat cowok2... di bawah 10 taun :P Ini sih karena gue udah terbiasa berurusan ama balita2 bule & Korea itu kali ya. So far, cuma kerjaan ini yang bener2 udah gue jalanin XD
Keempat, jadi tukang reparasi.
Udah terbukti dengan urusan bener2in telpon, lampu, dll di rumah, walopun awalnya cuma modal sok yakin, ternyata beres juga gue benerin XDD Mungkin gue bisa ngelamar kerja sambilan di Telkom ato PLN. Hm.
Mungkin kalo gue udah lulus kuliah dan belom dapet kerjaan tetap yang gue pengenin, gue bisa buka usaha itu kali ya? humm.. XDD
Tapi kok rasanya ga sreg ya, ama papan nama yang bakal dipasang di depan rumah :
"Chibi - Tukang pijat amatir"...
atau "Chibi - Reparasi - Terima bongkar, tidak terima pasang"
... O______o
{posted by Chibi on 8:57 PM} +
Thursday, May 27, 2004
I'd give you all I have you know
I need you next to me
Like the touch of a star
You came to my life
Giving me happiness
With the warmth of the sun
You blessed me inside
Giving me radiance
You know it's true
My miracle is you
I love you more than life
I'd give you all I have you know
I need you next to me
You always give me love
You're sent from up above you know
I need you next to me
Like a rainbow of light
You've opened my dreams
Filling my emptiness
When I'm deep in your arms
I feel what love means
Just with a simple kiss
You know it's true
My miracle is you
You give me more than anybody could conceive
So pure and special
Your love is the key
I will be sure to have you always next to me
You've given me the reason
The reason to live
I love you more than life
I'd give you all I have you know
I need you next to me
I love to see you smile
I loved you all the while you know
I need you next me
{Nadine Renee - Next To Me)
... yeah, cheesy old song. But I love it :)
{posted by Chibi on 11:45 PM} +
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Can anybody help me find anything related to Pop Culture and the music video Industry in Indonesia ????? PUHLEEEAAASSSZZZEEE ???!!?!?!? >_<
{posted by Chibi on 8:26 PM} +
Some knew that I often left my mobile anywhere, or forgot to recharge the battery - so when they called me suddenly 'pip!' - dead. XD Or, left the credit empty, so when people SMSed/called me and asked me to call/sms them back, I just ignored them :P I'm so not responsible to my phone, ya? Hehehe.
Yeah, and some people said that I'm a phone-person O_o - can't live without my phone - OH REALLLLYY?? ... Okay, perhaps so. They said most women are like that. Ha! *rolles eyes*
I read sum issues of Cosmo, and look what I've found.
So who relies on their mobile phone more?
Men. surprised? Check out these statistics.
+ 25.4% of men need a mobile to help juggle their work and personal life, compared to 18.2% of women.
+ 17.7% of men rely on a mobile to help coordinate their social life, compared to 15.8% of women.
+ 33.3% of men prefer using a mobile so they can screen calls. Only 30.8% of women think caller ID is important.
What you can tell from the type of mobile he has:
- A flip phone :
The extra motion of these models spells "showy". However, they do conceal callers' numbers, so he could be someone who protects privacy.
(Uhm, but I don't think all Korean men are like that. I mean, most Korean mobile phones are flip phones, right? Are they all showy? XDD
BUT, these guys definitely demand privacy... and yeah, they are showy :P)

.... O_o I don't know what kind of mobile Andy's using (!)
-The latest lightweight model :
Generally, the smaller the phone, the bigger the price - he may be vain, especially if he's eager to show off his trendy toy.
-A funky or colourful phone face :
This guy definitely wants to be noticed. Chances are he's trendy, outgoing and assertive.
-Crammed with games :
He's a boy at heart and looking for fun. He's also an organiser - he likes to consolidate his gadgets.
-An older, clunky model :
This guy is sweetly clueless when it comes to current fads. He's most likely set in his ways and somewhat conservative.
{posted by Chibi on 8:17 PM} +
Saturday, May 22, 2004
I love the song "Burn". It's so sexy. Well, not as sexy as my favourite sexual-song of all time (really, it's a love-making theme song, I think. Check out the lyrics XD) - "Nice And Slow" - but still, Usher is sexy. That's why all of his songs is sexy. Maksa ya? Biarin. Kekekeke.
And believe it or not, it gives me a soothing sensation while listening. And while that sexy songs blasting from the speaker, I lay down in my bed, got Cosmo in my hand, choco teddy bear cookies in my mouth, ... this is what I call "chill". Man, it feels so good. All I need to add is Eric beside me XDD
No wonder Minwoo loves this album so much.
So if you come to my room and found me singing Nice And Slow and Burn, give me a break. It'll change for a couple of days XDD Aacck can't get this song out of my head.
Let it burn..........
{posted by Chibi on 10:02 PM} +
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
My sis SMSed me yesterday and told me that she and Mom cancelled their visit to Bandung. I'm not sure I should be happy hearing this, or I should be sad *_*
What's not so good happening here, is Dea. She's sick. She came to me and told me that she had 'feverish' feeling XDD (feverish? Is there even a word?LOL)
But truly, she had fever. So she asked me to doing a massage and stuffs. I dunno why people often asked me to do a massage, although me myself don't think I'm a good at it O_o The worst part was when she moaned and calling me 'baby' O_____o;;;; It's freaky. Really is. XDD
She stayed in my room last night, in case she wanted to puke in the middle of the night, I could take her to the bathroom. So I became a nurse to her.
And apparently today, she still have that fever. I already feed her, and gave her my blanket, and my sweater, and the medicine, and I guess she'll sleep in my room again tonite. Well well. Call me Nurse Chibi XDD I play a good nurse here. And indeed, she couldn't stop calling me 'nurse' -_- She could be verrry spoil when she's sick XDD Reminds me so much of... me! LOL! BUt that's fine for me, for I'm such a good nurse ^^
.. Euh, but still, it's kinda annoying when she yelled 'OH NUUURRSSEE!!' and tried to seduce me with the 'can I kiss you?' line all the time >_< (Before you think that we're lesbians, stop right there. We're straight, just a bit crazy that's all XDD)
Oh well. Hope she's getting better. If not, then Imma drag her to the hospital tomorrow. Hum.
Oh, I just watched "A Date With Tad Hamilton" DVD today, and read some Cosmo. Hummmm, too many great abs *__*
And FYI, I realized that stress could trigger any kind of annoying things. For example, MY HAIR. Rontok dan mulai berketombe >.< I hate Pantene. Liar.I miss my Herbal Essence.
{posted by Chibi on 11:01 PM} +
Is it any wonder now
the stars around me
are not the brightest of them all
From standing proud,
to falling like a domino down
and out somehow
It'll hit you with a power
at any time, at any hour
Let it be a lesson to you all
Your crying doesn't matter
We're just human after all...
{posted by Chibi on 10:27 PM} +
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I just realize, that this means I finished all of my classes. Well, disamping yang harus gue ulang ya, tapi paling nggak udah pernah gue tempuh :P
Whaw. Harusnya udah lulus ya gue. XDDDDDDDD
Oh well, but it doesn't matter. Kalo harus ngulang ya ngulang.. Not everything in this world harus berjalan sesuai yang gue pengenin kan ^^
I had a horrible talk on the phone with my grams last night. It was hell. I cried again for the 1000th times. Abisnya gue kesel banget.. Ya iyalah, siapa sih yang kesel kalo diomelin. Huehuehehehe. But it's okay though. My dad took over the phone and he calmed me down. Glad he was in his 'nice mood' XDD But at least my problem had solved. They told me to register for the next class. Good. Well that's the only way sih, toh mau gimana lagi kan. ^^Even the scolding was like forever, at least they allowed me to use their money to pay my tuition fee. Uh-hum. Well thankyou Lord ^^
But the rest of the evening was getting better.
Wo2 came, with Good Time Teddy Bear cookies and moccha milk (whahhh just right as I need it XDD My body screamed CALSIUM! ENDORPHIN!) XD
And forget about studying XDD
*Thanks for les potosyopnya, dude :D Oh and for those foods and 'maenan' baru di kompi gue* XD
Ahem, gue lagi di FasNet kampus nih. And about to get kicked away XD Okay, I'm hungry anyway. Wanna go home and grab some food.. then off to Paul's house for tutoring.
I'm smiling today :D
{posted by Chibi on 2:11 PM} +
Monday, May 17, 2004
Anggie came today and dia sempet bikin gue jantungan dengan bilang : ".. kalo SP itu cuma boleh ngambil mata kuliah yang pernah ditempuh, alias ngulang. Jadi kalo blom ngambil sama skali lu ngga boleh.. Bukannya lu SEI blom pernah ngambil ?"
IYA GITU??? O MAI GATT gue lupa gue udah pernah ngambil kuliah sialan itu ato belom. Dueeenkk.. panik lagi deh gue. Hampir masuk fase 1 & 2 lagi XDD But then gue cek di lembar studi gue, HUAHHH gue udah pernah ngambil dan dapet D :P That means gue bisa ngambil tu kelas pas SP nanti. Uhuhuy ^^
Okay, now me must call Jkat again and *sigh* tell the whole truth about the registeration. Do you think they'll kill me if I told them that the deadline is Thursday? It's already Tuesday now :P
Wish me luck, y'all. ^^;
{posted by Chibi on 3:04 PM} +
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Just becoz I have anot-so-good mood and I supposed to do my Int'l Orgns assignment tonite. Blah. *nunggu niat....*
Frequently visited sites
[excluding your own and all blogs/xangas/LJs/etc.]
1. Forum Indosiar
2. Yahoo
3. GayoNews
Current songs on playlist
1. 112 - Crazy Over You
2. M22N - Love Song
3. Akanishi Jin - Kimi No Mootoki (from KAT-TUN Concert performance)
Food1. Chocolate pudding
2. Any kind of vegetables, as long as it's not spicy
3. .... I don't really like to eat :P
1. Mocchachinno
2. Iced tea
3. Fresh water
1. Good Time Teddy Bear Cookies
2. Toblerone's White Chocolate
3. Snack-it choco flavour
Indoor activities
1. Watch movies/concert/MVs CDs
2. Sleep
3. TV
Outdoor activities
1. Tutoring English for Korean kids
2. Online in the internet cafe
3. Window shop
Accessories (that you own)
1. Colorful wristbands (various, depends on my mood and dresscode)
2. Red beads necklace
3. Blak hair pins
Major expenses
1. House bills
2. Food
3. Internet cafe
Personalities of your own
1. Annoying
2. Laughable
3. Careless
{posted by Chibi on 10:50 PM} +
... RESAH....
Lately Bandung get sooo frikin' hot, I'm almost melting +P Never thought I would do my 'water fetish' here in Bandung XD I ususlly did in Jakarta.
And by the way, shower is a good way to freshen up your body and mind. I did that coz I need to.
I just called Jakarta an hour ago. Tell them about yesterday's incident. I know.. I know... gue baru punya keberanian ngaku sekarang. Whatta coward, eh?
Well, seperti yang udah diduga, yappiyappiyapping all the way >_<
I didn't tell the whole story though. She wouldn't understand anyway. And that's what made me feel bad now.
Grams told me to quit my job. Bah. If i did, then how am I suppose to live here :P I quit one already. I know she cares, but in another way I just have to do things for myself.
Argh I hate myself right now. I hate to make other people sad. Coz it will hurt me too. And now I really, really want to tell my mom about this, but I just don't want to make her sad. I know she'll be verrry dissapointed. Just like my grandma was. And it's breaking my heart.
What am I suppose to do? *sobs*
{posted by Chibi on 10:14 PM} +
Saturday, May 15, 2004
... And I lose some weight.
{posted by Chibi on 2:37 AM} +
... And I lose some weight.
{posted by Chibi on 12:09 AM} +
Friday, May 14, 2004
I went to some malls for these couple of days - before my tutoring time. Yesterday I was buying books for my tutoring kids, and helped Anggie to find her printer cartridge. No, we didn't get the cartridge, but we almost fought for the last bottle of Armani's Aqua Di Gio - and she got it >.< Uhu. Me want too.
So today I went to that place again - the shopkeeper said there will be another stock for that perfume - but turned out they were running out of Armani. AAAAAACCCKK.
I hopped on to another mall :P I need a solution for my contact lenses, so I had to find an optical store. Well well, whaddayaknow. Not only soft lenses solution, I also got (in another store, of course) a Bulgari's Blv for a very good price ^o^ They cut the price, why would I miss it.
I know I need a new pants, but I didn't get it. I got accessories ;P I thought I might need some for Liza's wedding next month. Humm, come to think of it, I need a dress. And shoes. And of course the purse... O_o My my. Kok banyak jadinya *bingung sendiri* XDD
Unfortunately (or should I say, fortunately ?) I didn't have much time to browse the mall. But I was pretty satisfied wih my window shopping this time (.. euh, I can say it's window shopping, rite?)
And to consider not being a shopaholic, here's a good advice.
Leave your cards at home (debit card, credit card, anything that makes you buy things), and don't bring too much money. Just as much as you need it. I did it, and voila :D *Thank you, Cosmo* ^^
Well, anyway, it cheered me up so ^^ And Mrs. Kim made me some delicious toasts today :) And a glass of fresh milk (milk = calsium = good for relieving bad mood) *oho Dea, untung gue ga kaya elu ya, milk-hater* Tanti gave me a big poster of Won Bin. Kekeke. I bought IM-3 phonecard for Inge, and she gave me 34-pages Int'l Commerce essay for our Int'l Organisations group assignment >__< Ahahaha! (Should I say 'thanks' or 'shoot' ?)
Mmm, I still want that Aqua Di Gio XDD Anyone wants to buy me one? :D
{posted by Chibi on 11:46 PM} +
XDDD Some of you might think that I'd already kill myself :P Na-ah, Come on, y'all.
Yes, this final test thingie was disaster. But I finally managed myself to pass the 4 phases of accepting bad news ^^ Ehm, or kind of *cough*
Phase 1, shocked.
Who wouldn't have, if out of nowhere, you got rejected for your final test. I couldn't believe it. I felt so sad, and scared, and damn confused.
But then, I entered Phase 2.
I thought it was okay. Oh well, it was bad, but there's always a second chance. And I think my mum would understand. Fine for me. ...Errr, but turns out NOT. I denied the fact that I was screwed. I even acted cool as if nothing happened. Or if someone asked me about the accident, I just smiled and said it wasn't such a big deal. Such a denial.
Until I reached phase 3.
Realized that it WAS a big deal. I couldn't believe that I cried while watching Lizzie McGuire during lunch +P It wasn't the movie scene or my lunch. But it's that bloody test accident haunted me. O my gawd I started to cried out and bitching about it XDD I even cried (again) while making a wallpaper O_o (what's so sad about BoA?)
But thank God I have such good friends like Dea (yang juga lagi sibuk ama skripsinya) and Mon (yang juga sibuk ama assignments2nya), who were willing and ready to hug-scold-mock-comfort-annoy me in order to get rid of those hysterical moments immediately ^^
And for my housemates, my friends, those who sent me SMSes for encouraging, or even late night phone calls, stupid jokes, free-porns (!? XD), ...
Thanks so much, guys, it means a lot to me *hugs*
So then I felt a bit numb about the accident. This is phase 4. I don't give a damn about it anymore. I'm not saying it's okay, but hey, shit happens. :]
And all I have to do now is just face it and try to make it up. I have to register for next class (Tanti said there will be SEI class during SP - thank God), and doing the this-and-that thingie. Huahh. And prepare for the scolding from my family. ...*sigh* OH WELL.
Lalalalala~, they said life's a bitch. Just enjoy it ^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:29 PM} +
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
A very bad way to start my day. I woke up late - yes, I supposed to have my SEI test at 8, but I woke up at 7.40 - which made me rushing to the bathroom then to my campus. I had not study at all. So I read that stupid papers on my way to campus.
In the test room, apparently they (the Administration) forgot to put our test number tags so we had to search for our own seat -_- Plus, I think the watcher is a newbie - definitely not a lecturer - she's so clumsy and yappiyappiyapping about put our bags in front of the class, blahblah (oh puh-lease, we're not in junior high). How irritating, yet pathetic ^^
Okay. That was fine for me. Then she gave the paper test and presence list.
.. There's a mark on my list.
I asked her "What's this?"
She asked me back, "Where's your MOU ?"
O_o I got confused. "What MOU ? I don't have any problem, as I recall."
She said "Well, you got a mark in her, means you do have a problem. Your absence? Why don't you go to the Admin office downstair and ask for the Memo. Now."
O_____________o I, need a Memo of Understanding ?
THIS is SO WRONG. But I did what she told me. I ran downstair to 2nd floor (my test room is on 4th floor) and demanded any explanation from whoever in that office.
I must say, I was furious, yet a bit frightened. What if I do have a problem with my absence. What should I do.
And so there goes my disaster.
Mr. Jon said that my absence was less than 80%. And for that case, they wouldn't allow me to join the test.
I begged him. (Fuck my pride, I need this test >.<)
But even though I know he felt sorry for me too, he couldn't do anything about it. It's the damn rule.
My head was empty. *____________* But what else could I say. I know it's my own fault. But the thing is, my absence was only 2 out from the limit. 2, people. Bhahh.
So I had no choice, but walked in to the test room again to pick up my bag and I told the watcher to cancel my presence. I cancelled it, so they consider me not taking that class. Means I have to register for next semester.
..... Do I have my next semester -__-
It's surprising that I could be very calm. (Err, second thought, not calm, but depressed XD) I walked to 7-11 and grabbed anything that I thought would ease my mind. And I bumped to this guy with his cigarette burned my hand O_o I gave him my deadliest glare but before I had a chance to crack his bones, he already ran -_-
I didn't wanna go home. ...Yet. My brain told me not to.
My god, how am I gonna tell my family about this?? Not like I never did this before (cancel my class), but this supposed to be my final class. My final semester. With this accident that means I have to register again next semester. Will this class available next semester? What if it's not?? OKAY I'M PANIC NOW.
Now me online here trying to find anything, ANYTHING to calm me down. I need Mon. She's not online -_- So I take my time to browse and downloading songs.. and (gosh) log in to Friendster >_< I know. See how depressed I am.
I really want to cry. Fuck. And come to think of it again, no, I'm not okay. I'M PANIC.
{posted by Chibi on 8:37 AM} +
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
I slept at 3.30 this morning, after reading 2 paragraphs of Gus Dur Political System. Didn't help at all XDD
But I always take things easily, rite? So I woke up at 7.30 this morning, taking a bath then hopped to campus, reading sum material while walking to my test room. The only thing I didn't expect - test nya PILIHAN GANDA !! I thought it would be an essay. I didn't bring any pencil. Panic, almost ran downstair but then I bumped into Leon and he finally borrowed me a pencil XD *thanks dude*
o___O Since when politic is an option ?? XDDDD Guess Mas Adri udah males banget bikin soal. Semua soal diambil dari presentasi. Cuma 30 biji pula. Dan di akhir soal, sempet2nya ditulis "Selamat Berlibur" segala. Wahaha!! Dasar kelas buangan. If I got C again, Imma blame Brian and Fany for this :P
Now me blogging from FasNet fakultas Hukum. Just realize I haven't hanging around in my campus lately. Hummm. I even missed the International Relation Expo last week O_o;; Where was I ???
Tomorrow I got my SEI test. While I still have no clue about my group assignment for the Int'l Organisation class. Humm, better contact Viki or Inge ASAP.
Other thing, my sister said she has a week off. And she's planning to go to Bandung. Well well. Wonder if mum will come along too. Wait, if she come, that means I havta cut my shopping budget again +P Kekekeke.
Oh well. Imma go home and take a nap. I miss my beauty sleep ^^ Tonite Imma study for tomorrow's test...maybe. LOL!!
{posted by Chibi on 10:36 AM} +
Monday, May 10, 2004
But can't help it. Why am I still here, wrote sum crap about vampires and downloading sum FTTS songs ?
.. Just because. Muhahaha.
{posted by Chibi on 10:53 PM} +
I'm not saying the movie sucks, but it's just not as good as I expected.
Well this movie makes us wondering, does vampire really exist?
There are some people believes that vampire does exist, especially in European country like Hungary and Rumania - who lives in some old castles till now. Maybe it's because there are still many of old ancient castles in Europe. Hm. That makes sense.
A few theories I know about vampires. One said that vampire is a devil's slave. So basically not a mortal. It's kinda like devil's transformation.
But also there's a theory that vampires were supposed to be a king and his queen who got cursed and they became the first vampire. This theory taken by Anne Rice which then made an amazing story of the Queen Of The Damned.
And the other theory said that vampire was a mortal (in fact, a prince) who became a bloodsucker immortal becoz he held a grudge after his wife's death (this theory was taken by Bram Stoker, which became my favourite movie).
I'm pretty sure there are lots of other theories about this. Some stories connected them with "Chupacabras", the bloodsucker animal in South America. Hm. maybe that's why some story believes that vampire can transforms into a bat (bat?? What are they, bloodsucking Batman? XD)
I myself (and Dea, I think) believe that vampire does exist. I hold that Bram Stoker's theory. And Dea is more into Anne Rice. XDD Whatever, the thing is we really curious about vampire and makes us want to go to Hungary someday. LOL. We even make plans that we might want to interview one if we can catch them (OR if THE VAMPIRE catches us) :P Nyehahaha.
If any of you know any kind of theories about it, please let me know. Mail me ^^
So, what do you think. Does vampire really exist ?
{posted by Chibi on 10:32 PM} +
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Woke up this morning, and I couldn't help it, just gotta see him again ^^
Gawat. I think I fell in love O____o;;
Ehehe. It's not like I don't love him before. But never thought I would like his drama very much. I mean, even though my Eric was in there, but I barely could understand what the hell he was saying. No subtitle >.<
Plus, I don't watch drama much. I thought it would be boring. Weellll..., what do you expect. Drama, gitu lho.
But after watching episode 4, ... *Honey, I never thought you could act so cool like that XD* He's irresistable. That makes me love him even more.
Jovi, I love you for giving me the CDs *hugs* :D But now I need a translator XDDD
I'm waiting for the next episodes ^^
Eric, look what you've done to me -__-
{posted by Chibi on 12:27 AM} +
Thursday, May 06, 2004

{posted by Chibi on 10:22 PM} +
It's a mood turbulence. But hey, men has that kind of time too, rite? Although, okay - I must check on Cosmo first to make sure about it XDD
But for sure, even though my mood is easily changed, how bad it was, there's always two things that can lift it up again. One is shugorei, and the other one is this smile.

That's why I love them both ^^ (*cough* in a different way, of course *cough* T_T)
Mon, you're an angel *hugs* >:D<
Eric, aishitemasu.
{posted by Chibi on 10:18 PM} +
Although it wasn't me who search high and low for it, but still, my legs were killing me -_-
It was my idea to go shopping (note: window shopping, since I haven't got my paycheck, me still broke +P) and find some gifts for the Korean kids I teach (apparently May 5th is Children's Day, and they want gifts from me. Hm). But never thought we hopped to another mall to find it XDD Coz Mechan wanted to find shoes - so we spent hours and hours and tried hundreds of shoes until she decided to buy 2 white shoes (almost the same, since we couldn't decide which one is better :P) I was about to buy this shoes too, but luckily me couldn't decide which one is the best :P Oh thank God, coz I still have another things to buy. And shoes is not in my shopping list :D
Well, instead of the gifts, the first item I bought is a simple-and-cute white t-shirt.. for myself +P Nyehahaha. No, it's not in my agenda. Purely accident, coz Dea showed me this cute tee she suddenly wanted, and me wanted it too ;P Those tees were so irresistable. Don't shoot me.
And I also found a cool pants - just like I wanted, a brown 3/4 cargo like the one Eric wore in his Japan photoshoot pic - but no no, I didn't buy it. ..Yet. I told you I'm still broke and I already has a plan for buy this super-cool watch - like the one Minwoo has - next weekend. So now just focus on the gifts. The gifts.. (I brainwashed myself)...
..And I was this close to grab that mascara - if only the beautician didn't tell me that the they're running out of the light black one >_< God saved me XDD
Found the gifts (finally), and after hyped up in the shoe store where I was about to broke my legs with those shoes, we ended up at Oh La La Cafe half fainted. Dea screamed for cheese cake. And Mechan grabbed the last Zuppa Soup I wanted -_- I just had to satisfied with my orange juice :( Uhu.
I must say I'm proud of myself yesterday :D I didn't buy the thing I wanted - although I reeeaally want it - and I got the gifts just like I planned it. Although - okay, the tee is an accident! - and it took me almost forever to find the gifts. I think the girls were about to choke me if I didn't decide it quickly XDD
I already made list of the things I want - and need, such as the watch, pants, contact lenses, CDs .. and I told myself to put the list first before I scream for another items :P And, oh wait, put the bills first - telephone bills, water and electricity, laundry.. -_- (Why oh why they have to come in the beginning of the month *sigh*)
So, I don't consider myself as a shopaholic. Nope, I make plans :D
So Dea, wipe that silly smirk off XDD
But *sigh* I must say it's easy to say, but pretty hard to do it. Hehe. Let's cross our fingers, 'kay?
Now, me must be smart dealing with my money. Paycheck where the hell are youuuu !?!? *despret* People throw me money will ya ! Kekeke :P
{posted by Chibi on 10:13 PM} +
Monday, May 03, 2004
Well I woke up fully 10 minutes later :D
Last night me and Dea were watching Arashi's Ho's It Going Concert. Yesterday Vicky brought it for me. Oh yeaayyy !!!!!
Vicky me lub u <333
And that concert was great. Just realized that Ninomiya is a camera bitch XDD He's so adorable yet hilarious there XD
Before that concert, I saw the news report on Shinhwa's Japan Winter Story Tour :D Oh yeayy !!!! I really really wanna see that concert (fully, not just a report like that -_-) Hixx. They're great, and Eric sang that Wheesung's song again <33 You're doing better, baby XDD
Now me here with Anita online, eating my fried-rice (spicy -_-) And shugorei left me for the TV show T_T But this is a fun day, me enjoy it very much. Now me wanna go home and watch sum k-pop again ^O^
{posted by Chibi on 6:38 PM} +
Saturday, May 01, 2004
It's just becoz lately I didn't watch TV much, so I turned on my TV and voila, there there (not MTV, coz y'know *shrugs*)
I must admit that I don't like this show. But even though the remote control was right next to my keyboard, I had no intention to change the channel XD
The judges were - ack, I don't wanna say anything about them - it's just, well, like that.
Not entirely their fault actually, if you see the performances of the contestants.
One word, HILARIOUS.
Some of them were good, some of them just plain suck, and some of them were incredibly crazy. Pressure on both side I guess - the judges and the contestants. Just ganbatte, y'all ^^;;
But whatever the thing is, I still can't figured out how the winner of this Idol thingie would perform in World Idol someday. Wow.
Oh, just a comment for Indra Lesmana - one of the judge.
*pat pat* Man, I dunno wether you're trying to be Simon or it's just you, but I'm sorry for the curses the contestants threw to you, Sir. There are thousands of people might want to kill you, so I think you'd better be careful. Keekekeke. Congratulation for your new enemies ^^
Huahhhh, nice entertainment for my simple weekend ^^
I still have Lizzie McGuire The Movie to watch now. Hehe. It's a long weekend - even maybe I could go shopping on Monday (isn't that fun!), still got plenty time to do whatever I want (... right? I hope so). While Dea now hijacking my "Theories of Popular Culture" book, so I guess I have my free time to read/do.. anything. Whatever. Throw me books, people. Or fanfic. Or a hulahoop - I dun care :D
Oh look my insanity is back.
Have a nice long weekend, y'all.
[edited:] just an addition, I put Narno's blog on my friends links ^^ There you go, dude. Link me +p
{posted by Chibi on 10:17 PM} +
Minggu, 2 Mei 2004
08.00 pagi sampai selesai
JLCC, Jln. Sabang no.19 Bandung
- Chanoyu
- Seni Sunda
- Mochi Tsuki
- Aikido
- Mecha
- Anime
- Dorama
- Igo
- Minum teh Jepang
- Bon Odori
- Band: (Shiroihana, Perfect Blue, Spica, Lastifer)
It`s Free guys...!!!!!!!
{posted by Chibi on 12:11 AM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations