Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, April 30, 2004
kitten sneaking in her room. It was so cute! And I mean cute, bulunya warna abu-abu belang putih dan bersih. Pake kalung. So definitely punya seseorang kan. Ga mungkin kucing liar sekeren itu :P Dan jinak banget (ato lebih tepat dibilang manja). Saking imutnya dan tampangnya waktu ngusap-ngusap muka miriiiip banget ama Hyesung, so we called it Sungie :P Abis ga ketauan siapa nama aslinya sih. *Mianhe Sungie oppa, but you're cute
too though* XD
And that little cat came in again - even though we already put it outside - and snuggled in my lap -_- Then Dea's lap. Then entered Nita's room, and Nita screamed XDDDD Bhuahahaha!
Tapi anehnya tu kucing kayanya betah banget di rumah ini. Buktinya udah berkali-kali kita taruh di luar, dia tetep masuk. And maybe as Dea said, I attracted cats, Sungie followed me everywhere I go -_- He likes me.
I'm still thinking about that kitten now. Is it okay to leave him outside like that? Tapi ga mungkin melihara dia di rumah, since somebody might looking for him. Besides, although Dea is a cat-person, but not me. Apalagi Nita. LOL.
Bagi yang ngerasa kehilangan kucing, maybe it's yours.
By the way this internet connection is really suck. Me and Wo2 here nearly dying waiting the downloaded song -_-
And my migrain is killing me >.<
{posted by Chibi on 11:24 PM} +
Quite hectic week, but I managed it cool anyway :P
I finished few of my tasks and few things that should be done months ago. LOL.
Huahh, but I'm glad most of my tasks is done now ^o^v So I can concentrate to my other tasks. XD *not very relieving, ya*
What made it not cool was the rumors about thesis. Few days ago Dea told me about the new policy in our campus, it's about 'pemutihan'. That is, kalau dua semester belom nyelesaiin skripsi, musti ngulang dari rancangan seminar. Or, in other word, restart.
And they said the June Graduation will be delayed until September.
That was scary, people. Walaupun buat gue mungkin ga begitu kerasa efeknya, since ini semester pertama gue ngambil skripsi. Tapi buat Dea dan anak-anak lain, it's doom. Apalagi batas akhir ngumpulin draft untuk yang ngejar wisuda Juni adalah May 29. Hyaa~~hh~!! It caused panic in the house, and Dea typed her schemes like a lunatic every night and couldn't stop bitching about it +P
But luckily, those all were just gossips. Pure damn gossip.
Dea went to our Head Department today and he gave the clarification. There's no such thing as 'pemutihan'!! And there still will be June Graduation. HAH !
She was crying for nothing :P
Well me?
I'm glad to hear those crap were just gossip. Although I'm not chasing after June Graduation, but I should prepare for September graduation. Cuma beda beberapa bulan, gitu :P Dan walaupun gue udah niatin sejak bulan-bulan lalu, tapi nyatanya ampe skarang gue masih belum ngerti skema gue. Oh, wait, I mean teori-teori gue. O_o
I was too confuse to type it. My head was so full, but I think my brain is like an empty bottle *_* That blank area in my brain suppose to be filled with theories and anything related to MTV and it Pop-culture thingies, but nah. Not a single word came out. And even worse, I just realized, I didn't even dare to turn on my TV because I always click on MTV channel, and that would remind me of my damn thesis. I told you this is scary.
Gue ngerti kepanikan Dea, well gue juga ikutan was-was sih. Apalagi karena kita ngambil bahasan yang hampir sama - pop culture juga, cuma dia about South Park and me about MTV. Even semalem gue bantuin dia nyusun skema and I found some ridiculous things yang bakal gue temuin juga kalo gue nyusun skema gue XDD
Ternyata bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris kita sama-sama sucks, dan bahasa Indonesianya malah lebih parah. LMAO!
I mean, for example, semalem kita setengah mati nyari kata-kata Indonesia yang baik dan benar buat nerjemahin 'dry-humor' (masa 'humor kering'? Garing? APAAN TUH!) XDD
Sampe gue berniat ngirim email ke Bapak J.S Badudu, untuk masukkin kata-kata yang umum walaupun nggak baku (seperti : garing dan nyolot) ke dalam Kamus Besar bahasa Indonesia. Bhuahaha.
Ehm, random :
I need to go out more :P Rencana shopping gue ampe skarang belom terlaksana (karena minggu lalu duit gue sempet ilang -_- dan sibuk sana sini). So I'm still wearing my ripped old jeans.
Coz tomorrow is a long weekend, i hope I can go and have sum fun.
I went to Gramedia today, with Nindi and Feb, we took sum pics together at PhotoBox XDD Hahaha udah lama banget ga potobox.
Oh, and starting this week, I have a new student, Kuang Hyeon (he's Ye Chan's schoolmate). Apparently those Korean mothers spread the news about the English tutor. Good for me then XD Spread the words, people ^^
I need to raise my endorphin hormone *grabs choco-bars*
{posted by Chibi on 10:51 PM} +
Sunday, April 25, 2004
It's not that I don't like pink. Just no special feeling.
But I rarely use that color, coz it's too girly (I think). Even though I have a pink umbrella, and a matched pink sling bag(yeah yeah. Laugh.)
But I think I got too much pink lately. Even my dad told me that my room in Jakarta is already painted pink! O_o
And the worst part is, I think I start to like that pink. ^^
Oh c'mon y'all. I'm a girl. XDD
{posted by Chibi on 1:31 AM} +
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Knowing that my dear shugorei already finished making a super cool layout for my blog, I jumped in hyped wanting to hug her ^o^
Thank you soooo much honey, you rooocckkk !!!! <333
LOOK PEOPLE LOOK! XD Me myself still stunned admiring this ;P
Feeling so great after sleeping for about 4 hours :P Wo2 called me at midnite last night, and we ended our conversation at 7 a.m this morning XDD *It's always a long chat, huh*
Yesterday I spent the day reading those hilarious fanfics (hilarious, means HILARIOUS. Believe me, couldn't stop laughing while reading it, Nita thought I became a lunatic in front of my comp +P)
And now I spend the day watching VH1 with Dea *LOL that re-run of Big In 03 is hilarious XD*
And then we watched Taegukgi (a Korean movie by Won Bin and Jang Dong Gun), film yang direkomendasiin oleh John & Paul, my two students :D
The movie's good, but it made me and Dea sobbing all the way XD
I never like war movie. But this is not just about war, but also about brotherhood and that's what made us cry like baby and screamed "I HATE THIS MOVIE!" all the time :P
Despite the dirts and brutally-slaughters troops, one good thing is Won Bin is so cute in there ^^ *ga nyambung ya. Bodo*
Oh, and one more thing I must admit, Ashton Kutcher is HOT <33
Aahahahhahahahaa. But I still think Eric's the best kok :P
Today feels so good !! ^^
{posted by Chibi on 10:04 PM} +
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Now I ruled my own room.. LOL !!
Been trying to take sum rest, but well yeah not totally :P Well at least I could enjoy it..
Spent this week with friends and lots of CDs. Dramas *_* Thanx to Dea, she succeded poisoning me with those J-Dorama. LOL!
Watched Gakusen yesterdays.. And yeah it's hilarious XD Me and Amechan laughed like crazy when we watched it in my room in the middle of the nightttt!!!
Ohh my poor tummy XDD
Oneechan left Bandung (my room) last Monday without any notification.O_o
I woke up in the morning and found the empty bed beside me O_o Her bags were gone, and my sandal too XD Note even a note. Duduls. And yesterday when Ita sleptover in my room, she did the same thing too *gubraks*
What's with people in my room.
HUmmm.. me was thinking about looking for a new pants (since my old jeans was *cough* ripped).. So last weekend I went shopping with Mechan to the mall.. and found nothing +P
Typical me, huh? :D
I'm a (kinda) picky person, so I just can't buy something without search for the other options first. And too much options makes me dizzy. LOL.
Mechan got two new skirts and a shirt. *sigh* Looks who's shopping XDD
Oh, and I found a cute sneakers.. BLUE STRIPES!! But Mechan said it's for kids, not for me *pouts* Oh, come on y'all *rolls eyes* She said she'd burn my old Bubble Gummers shoes if I buy that stripe one O_o;;; Ookay, I didn't buy it then. >_>
I need to go shopping again. But next time, maybe I just go by myself. Err.., is that a good idea??
**thinks** (..Buying things I don't need.. can't choose the item quickly.. spending money for other stuffs instead of my necessity.. euh -_-)
Okay, somebody wants to company me? :D
{posted by Chibi on 9:22 PM} +
Friday, April 16, 2004
Too much crowds. Can't even sleep peacefully. -_-
Need space. Need my time. Need comfort.
What the heck am I writing here..
{posted by Chibi on 10:27 PM} +
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
But I can't. Mechan's here and she's staying till Thursday (I think). Oh well, I missed her company though ^^
Having a big burden left out of my back, I think I can breathe again now ^^
Thanks to all who helped me through these hard times. The phone calls, the SMSes, the chats, the jokes, the fights, the parties, the stupid winamps, the vids, the pics, the annoying boys, the late-night coffee... ^_^
Glad I have my friends who giving me those. And especially my mood-lifter, Mon, you're an angel **hugs**
Now, me wanna enjoy my time ^^ Before that skripsi thing ruin it all again :P
Maap ya skripsiiii... rada2 dicuekin duluuuuu !!!! XDDD
{posted by Chibi on 10:01 PM} +
Monday, April 12, 2004
Thank you for everything you've done in my life.
I love you, Mom, and always will.

{posted by Chibi on 11:18 PM} +
It's just a perfect lists of the thing I did - and do ^^
Well, few things may different, but whaddayaknow, ga jauh2 beda amat :P So here I copy it and adjust points that I did ^^. Oh, there goes my assignment.
1. Prepare all the books and articles needed as reference.
2. Open up Microsoft Word.
3. Check your song list (I cannot do without music).
4. Read the assignment carefully, to make certain that you understand it.
5. Grab a jacket and go to the nearest internet cafe
6. Log in to Yahoo Messenger.
7. Search for the articles taht related to your assignment.
8. Open up Microsoft Word.
9. Read over the assignment question again, to make absolutely certain you understand it.
10. Check your emails.
11. Order some snacks and drink to make you comfortable.
12. Write some reply to the mails and that's it, seriously, as soon as it's finish you are going to start that assignment.
13. Browse the forums for more files/pictures to download.
14. Blog about your assignment progress so far.
15. Search for another articles again.
16. SMS your friends to check on what they are doing.
17. Stare at Microsoft Word.
18. Read over the assignment question again, and while you're at it, why don't you read through the assignment criteria too.
19. Chat with your friends in YM and tell them about the assignment.
20. Talk about anything.
21. Search for some cool pics of your favourite artists.
22. Chat with your friends to see if she has more stuffs.
23. Check your emails.
24. Browse the forums.
25. Go home and start to think about starting your assignment.
26. Turn on your PC and play on your winamp.
27. Open up Microsoft Word.
28. Read over the assignment one more time, just for heck of it.
29. Arrange the articles you got from the internet - just in case you need it.
30. Read some fanfics.
31. Watch that CDs that you've been wanting to watch but haven't got the time.
32. Stretch, and start typing that assignment.
33. Type the paper, and while you're at it, make some caps from the movie/clips.
34. Lie face down on the floor and moan.
35. Go to Uni half dead because you didn't get any sleep since you had to write that darn paper.
LOL! And those are exactly what I'm doing right now.
{posted by Chibi on 10:44 PM} +
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Good meal, great place (wahh whatta great villa! Me lovin' it instantly. Gile tu istana keren mampus)...
Practically nice day ^^ Asal ga masalahin umur ye. Well, since banyak banget anak SMA yang dateng, gue dan anak2 jadi agak2 merasa tuir :P Kekeke. **cuci mata cuci mata** XDDD
Me realllly have to re-arrange my life deh XDD Skarang jadwal idup gue rada ngaco, begadang mulu ampe pagi.. bobo pagi bangun siang, makan kalo inget, trus ngelesin, bikin tugas and balik lagi kaya gitu besoknya. Huaahh.Cape -__-
But maybe gue masih harus kaya gini kalo inget tugas2 gue yang setumpuk,plus belom lagi skripsi yang masih keteter *ihiks* Oh cedihnyaaaaaaaaaa........
Anyway, last night I was kinda bete dengan tugas2 dan janji-janji madu anak2 yang ngerjain tugas bareng2 gue XDD
And so I spent the entire night ngomel2 sambil ngabisin sake di depan kompi gue, berusaha ngertiin curhatannya Megawati, sambil curhat di telpon ama Wo2 XDDD Hasilnya no sign of tambahan halaman di makalah gue, malah ngakak2 dan hangover abis telpon2an ampe jam 6 pagi. Bhuahahaha!
Well but lucky akhirnya gue berhasil dapetin sebagian hasil bahasan. Eerrm, that means gue masih musti nambahin banyak sih -__-
Oh well.
I'm in a good mood tonight. Kayanya sate kambing itu bawa pengaruh bagus buat mood gue. Hihihi. That's good, gue perlu mood bagus buat (maybe bakal begadang lagi) nyelesein tugas2 gue besok. Humm.
Imma go to bed now. Ta-ta.
{posted by Chibi on 12:56 AM} +
Friday, April 09, 2004
It was, if only gue berhasil dapetin tugas presentasi dari Dios, and dapet bahasan lebih dari 1 halaman XD
And if only gue bisa bobo lebih dari 4 jam.
And if only sake gue masih banyak.
Oh well.
Tomorroow will be a better day, right? *convincing myself* It's Wenda's cousin's birthday and we all will go to her villa for the party.
I wanna make myself drunk. LOL.
Man, I need sum distraction. *grabs Eric*
{posted by Chibi on 11:37 PM} +
I always slept at 5 or 6 in the morning, and woke up at 9 or 10.
Padahal gue ngga mengkonsumsi kopi (since akhir2 ini maag gue suka rese, sementara no caffeine for me *hiks* Nyebelin) huehh whatta bad mood +P Bobonya ga tenang. Hyaahh~~
Sebelnya lagi, kalo ada hal-hal yang bikin mood gue jelek di pagi2 buta. Bawaannya nyolot XDD
I already had enough dengan skema skripsi dan bahan presentasi analisa sistem politik Megawati. Makasih buat ekstra gangguan lainnya (i.e: annoying strangers in the house.. stupid phonecalls.. lame jokes..)
Jangan heran kalo gue jadi jutek dan mo makan orang.
Siapa suruh cari masalah jam 2 pagi.
{posted by Chibi on 12:23 AM} +
C.L.B.K ::
Hihihi, norak banget ya :P
Oh well, that's what I felt when I saw Jay Zhou's MVs yesterday. I know.., telat banget ya. Itu MV album ke-4 udah dari jaman kapan keluarnya, dan gue baru nontonnya kemaren +P
Jay was the first Asian artist yang gue cinta, yang bikin gue 'merambah' lagu2 Asia lainnya. Hehe. No, it wasn't that Meteor Garden fever that hit me at the first place ^^
Yes, it's the rapper yang (kata temen2 gue) bertampang tengil dan minta ditabok. LOL!
*sigh* What can I say, I like cowok2 tengil bertampang nyolot :P Apalagi yang bisa ngerap. Kekeke ^^ **glomps to Jay and Eric**
MV Jay Zhou selalu keren mampus (well, album pertama sih maklum lah. Masih rada kampring XD), makanya gue cinta. Huhuhu.
Maybe he's the only mandarin artist that I like so much. Oh, wait, I like Leehom and David Tao also. The other..., err, maybe Elva and Landy, since Jay made the songs for them. LOL. I don't listen to Mandarin songs much. But I do like some of them.
And the MVs I saw yesterday just made me screaming again. Kyaa kyaaa !!! ^O^
Korean, why don't you make the videos like that !! **glares to KangTa and the lame "S" videos** XDD
The other love, is Sailormoon.
Everyone who knows me from high school knows that I'm a big fan of those Pretty Soldiers :P
Few days ago I borrowed some Cds from Tanti, and those were "Sailormoon live action" CDs XDD
I was about to puke at first, it was such a lame-o movie *ngakak mampus*
Gayanya sumpah jijai mampus, makanya gue suka sebel kalo kartun/anime dijadiin film. Suka maksa. LOL.
But since I love this Sailormoon, jadi walopun ngakaknya udah ga sopan tapi tetep aja ni pilem gue tonton ampe sekian episode. Lagian yang jadi Ami (Sailor Mercury) kawaaaiiii ^^

And tokoh favorit gue, Rei, juga ga begitu ngecewain kok. Even I like her style :D Baju-bajunya keren.

Sayangnya yang jadi Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) yang se-cool yang di komik. Hihihi.
Anyway, gue cukup puas dengan CLBK gue. ^^
Zhou Jie Lun, wo ai.
{posted by Chibi on 12:01 AM} +
Monday, April 05, 2004
Gara-gara hari ini Pemilu, menimbulkan gejala kelaparan di daerah Ciumbuleuit (that is, my place XD)
Gue ama Dea bener2 bingung mo cari makan kemana, since ampir semua kantin dan resto tutup. And kalopun ada yang buka, itu di Sentra kampus, which is tempat parkirnya dijadiin TPS. Hih, males banget ga sih XDD
Oh yea, me and Dea nggak ikut Pemilu. Yea yea, call me apatis ato nggak care ama negara, ato whatever. Shut up.
Itu kan hak pilih, bukan wajib pilih. So I'm using my right :D
Okay, akhirnya masalah cari makanan buat lunch tadi terselesaikan karena ternyata Ibu kantin 92 tetep buka *yeayy*
Walopun gue ga tau kenapa - I think it's just not my day - si Ibu bisa2nya bikinin gue es teh asin, bukan es teh manis kaya yang gue pesen. LOL.
Well, if you think it's ngeselin enough, well masih ada yang ngeselin lagi.
Sorenya gue seperti biasa musti ngelesin Ye Bin & Ye Chan. But di tengah jalan, tiba2 maag gue kumat. Sakit mampus. O_o
I thought sampe rumahnya, gue bakal minta teh panas or else dulu... But then ternyata, mereka pergi. YEYY -_-
Gue emang ga nelpon dulu sih. Maybe they thought gue ikut Pemilu.
Gue langsung balik (naik ojek, since gue ga sanggup jalan lagi), dan begitu masuk rumah, ga mampu jalan ke kamar gue sendiri.. So tewas di kamar Dea XDD Pasangan Rumbi&Wenda langsung semangat ngegotong gue. LOL.
And Wenda sukses menjejalkan obat maag itu ke mulut gue (beneran dijejelin -_-) Gile, reaksi mereka cepet banget ye. Kekeke.
And buat semua kesialan gue ari ini, gue tetep nyalahin Pemilu. XDD
And right now gue online, coz Mon sms me and told me about Eric's pic. the only things that makes me feel better ^^
Oh well, walopun skarang justru gue sakaw di warnet - ga bisa gerak coz kolaps lagi ni perut - but Eric always makes my day :D
Arigato, Mon <33
Just a little hint, here it is.

Lub you, Ric ^^
[edited:] Gue nemu satu alesan lagi kenapa gue ga ikut Pemilu. Gue ga mau salah satu jari gue jadi item kena tinta tanda pemilih. XDD
{posted by Chibi on 9:58 PM} +
Friday, April 02, 2004
Pengen. -_-
{posted by Chibi on 10:18 PM} +
Walopun minggu depan ada libur Paskah, but I don't think I'll go anywhere. I need to put my life back in order XDD It's quite messy.
And the last thing I need is anything annoying. Like, people who annoyingly asked me about how and told me to register for the election. Well, sorry I'm not a nationalist. Call me world citizen :P Besides, it's way complicated. Bah. Count me out.
Or, broken floppy disks.
Or, immature attitude like those stupid couple's denial.
Or, 8 missed-calls/hour. Or, the fact that you have no way out beside your window +P
There were 3 things (so far) which made me jump out from my window :
1. Broken keys. And I desperately needed to pee at 6 a.m. The bad thing was pas ada tukang roti lewat dan dia cukup syok ngeliat gue manjat jendela, dan mungkin dia ngira gue maling. LMAO.
2. When Lily got my keys and forgot to give it to me when she left. So I had to jump into my own room from my own window. Aaissh.
3. When I found a disturbing thing outside my room, so I couldn't step out. So my window was the only exit way to escape.
I never thought I'd ever jump out from my window because reason #3. But I did -_-
Maybe I need to put a "Do Not Disturb" tag on my forehead, just in case sum people can't tell it from my face.
But sum distraction was really helping. I had no hesitation to answer Wo2's phone call. Puhaha! Your "hi" was quite long, ya? XDD Never thought it would became a long talk on the phone. Makasih kursus kilat komputernya ^^ Gangguan yang cukup menyenangkan. LOL.
Well, in sum case, disturbance might be fun ^^ But no-no for particular reasons.
Oh, and I'm running out of Herbal Essence right now. That's pretty disturbing too XDD
{posted by Chibi on 9:23 PM} +
Mungkin lain kali gue musti nyari poto2 dia yang lagi gigit-gigit kuku. Huahaha!

.. that's why I lub him somats^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:19 PM} +
Yes, people. 3 frikin' hours. Sistem Ekonomi Indonesia. I'm proud of that. Don't laugh -__-;;
Makasih Monic buat bukunya, Yudhis buat fotokopian bahannya, Yute buat kerelaannya ngumpulin tugas gue dan (yang kalo inget) ngabsenin gue..
.. Dan makasih buat semua anak kelas SEI yang sama sekali nggak ngasih tau gue deadline sebenernya buat tugas sialan itu.
Oh well, I'm good at last fucking minutes deadline ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:18 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations