Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, March 29, 2004

My desktop, yang tiap bangun tidur dan mau tidur gue pelototin.. for this week. LOL!
Itu skins mp3 juga dari Mon. Perhatiin ikon My documents-nya ga? huahahaha!
J, are you happy now? ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:43 PM} +
Even though everyone who passed my room always stopped and yelled "Turn off that goddamn song!", but I still played it over and over again in my room XDD
Admit it, once you hear the song, you'll laugh your ass out.. And now everybody wants the copy. LMAO.
"Rock 'n Roll Music"
by Kasino - Warkop DKI
Just let me dance some of rock and roll music
any all where you use it
it's gotta best beat you can use it
any all time you use it
gotta be rock n roll music
if you wanna dance with me
if you wanna dance with me
tarian inggris namanya tango
bulet panjang banyak es mambo
di afrika ada negara namanya kongo
yang dipencet namanya piano....
... gotta be rock n roll music
if you wanna dance with me
if you wanna dance with me
... I guess the sake still strikes XDD I'm off drunk now. -_-
{posted by Chibi on 12:02 AM} +
Sunday, March 28, 2004
SOBER ? ::
Noo, I'm pretty sober. ^^ Just a bit hungry, I guess. LOL. I only ate dinner today, not becoz I don't want to, but becoz I forgot. Mon gave me that -_- look when I told her about this XDD
Last weekend we (me and sum friends) had a little party at Wenda's house. Well, it wasn't a party actually, just hang around and have sum sate kambing. LOL. But the fun and the noise was as loud as a big crazy party :P
Wenda was planning to have a barbecue night in her house since few weeks ago. But since everyone's busy, so the plan got cancelled and cancelled, until yesterday. Finally. LOL.
With Wenda's car and Rumbi's car, the 9 of us headed to far far Arcamanik (there is , Wenda's house. Whatta journey. Jauuu~~h! XD)
There, we had fun with loads of sate kambing, few shots of Japanese sake and few shots of Kahlua (oh, these drinks were exclusively served only for me, Romano, and Rumbi -a bit, he had to drive us home after party). While the other just don't drink alcohol, Wenda said she's not drinking anymore. LOL. Good, I brought the sake home ^O^ Now it stored in my Smirnoff bottle on my table. Saved. Kekeke.
Sate kambing + sake = not a good combination. it made my tummy hot. Well, I didn't feel any different at first. But this morning I felt a weird feeling in my tummy. XDDD Not hurt, just a bit hot and.. uhm, weird. LOL! Or was that maybe becoz I had another shot of sake?
Bangun tidur pagi-pagi minum sake.. Man, it's so not healthy. XDD
Last night was great. Wenda's mom cooked alot, the drinks were great (yeah, Kahlua roocckkss!! Even Dea tasted it and she liked it O_o She's not a drinker at all).
Cewek2 mulai semangat gelatakin isi wardrobe Wenda XDD She has some cute-and-a bit-weird clothes, hasil buruannya di Hongkong. And Wenda was all hype when she tried to dress me up with J-look.
Can you ever imagine me (J-look #1 : Harajuku's Schoolgirl) with high khaki boots, knee-high red long socks, white turtleneck top and a mini red Hyori-like skirt.. plus a brown frilly headcap? O____O
OR (J-look #2 : J-punk), me wearing high black ganguro-look boots, with black leather jacket and that mini red skirt -________- Add more accesories and dyed my hair purple, and I'm ready to hang out at Harajuku with sum J-rockers. XDDD
The boys said I looked like a manga came out from a book. LOL. I'll never wear that kinda clothes again!! Reminds me of those Clamp's character. Blahh. Even Rumbi said I should wear that for cosplay party. For cosplay, sure I wouldn't mind. But no-no for campus party. LMAO! I'm not that crazy.
But it was all fun^^ I want the boots - but then again, mo dipake kemana boot berhak setinggi guoblok itu?!? XDD And even though I'd never wear that Hyori-like kinda skirt again (unless somebody would pay me, perhaps), I must admit it's a cute skirt. And the long red socks, LOL, why in the world Wenda ever bought that stuff if she'd never use them. Such a Cardcaptor Sakura. XDD
Rumbi wore Wenda's long-red Japanese pants, made him look like penjual odeng. And with his pervert-look carrying a kendo sword, he insisted he looks like Aragorn. LMAO!! *jdigh*
And no, we weren't drunk at that moment. Itu sebelum kita buka botol sake. LOL.
And all of those craziness were saved in Wenda's cellphone. Kayanya memori HP dia langsung penuh deh ama foto-foto gila J-style kita. XDD
Next time we'll do this kinda party again ^^
And Wen, if ever you publish my pics to anyone without my permission, you're a dead girl. I'm not kidding.
{posted by Chibi on 11:59 PM} +
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
All thanks to Shinhwa and their performances XDD (nyalahin ginih) I was reading this fanfic while listening to Shinhwa's songs.. and suddenly it made me want to see their performances. Oh well, there you go. And that long fanfic kept me awake till I felt a terrible backpain, so I gave up and crawled to my bed +P Well I sat down for hours (since chatting with Mon, then continued facing my computer :P) and I have my PMS XD
And I couldn't sleep well too, coz I got my stomach cramped out again >_< and this bloody menstrual pain was killing me.
Trying so hard to sleep, but Wenda called me at 7.15 and was heading to my house to hijack my bed and continue her sleep. Kuliahnya dibatalkan. LOL. I let her sleep beside me as I tried to sleep too anyway. Damn the cramp just getting worse.
Wenda urged me to take some pill, but hell no I won't take any drug :P
Woke up finally at 9, when Wenda decided to go back to campus. (Thanks for the chocolate, Wen^^)
I thought about my eating habit lately, I don't think it has any different than the usual. I mean, I usually eat whenever I want to, and it means whenever I feel hungry. The problem is, I don't get hungry easily. LOL. And I'm too lazy to eat. Unless somebody drag me out, then I eat.
But why this cramp suddenly collapsed lately? It has been stopped for -what- a year? Why must it happen again.. now?
I guess I have to take my mom's advice, to take a choco-bar anywhere. (but Mom, too much chocolate can make me fat.. they said. XDD As I care!!)*rolls eyes*
Yeah.. I need to wath myself out. Wenda's right. Mon's right. Mom's right.
I'm too busy to get sick rite now.
Uh, no. I don't want to end up at the emergency room again.
Somebody wanna have dinner with me? :D
{posted by Chibi on 7:52 PM} +
Monday, March 22, 2004
{posted by Chibi on 10:16 PM} +
I enjoyed it, though. It's not like everyday I can take my mom shopping with my sis+bro. Although it means I have to max out my account limit +P But the smile on my mom's happy face, and my brother's laughter when he played with his new toys - it was a priceless moment ^_^ So I wouldn't mind doin it again someday (oh, but next time, with extra money XD).
Having a family time in the midde of my chaotic mind, made me realize that how much supporting they are in my life. I am blessed :)
A slight of guilty feeling appeared when my mom told me her fears and thoughts about me. I mean, I realize I might not care enough to my family like they do to me.And now I'm having my own life, but it doesn't mean I leave them behind.. And someday, when I graduate, I'll be living with my Gram (I think?) and for my mom, it means losing me. O_o How come?
If I could, I would love to live on my own, or stay with my mom. But I don't wanna think about it now. Let's just wait and see what God has planned for me.
Meanwhile, I have to struggle to finish this thesis and try to be more settled ^^
I'm back, world.
{posted by Chibi on 10:11 PM} +
Friday, March 19, 2004
Abis ujian -yang menyedihkan itu-, I decided to take a lil break for myself. I need to rest a while.. So I thought staying at home with nothing to do would be cool.
But then, yeah.. masih susah untuk istirahat ternyata :P Hahaha!
Well but good things happened, though.
After A Hyeon's family moved out to Batam last Saturday, I thought my job as an English course teacher is finally over. Uhm, but no XD
I got a morning call from Mr. Choi (Mrs. Shin gave him my number) and he wanted me to teach English to his sons ^^ I said okay and we'll starting next Monday. HUm!
Another good thing, Amechan came three days ago and she and her boyfriend stayed in my room till yesterday ^O^ I missed her alot <3
I also got Winamp 5 (oh! Finally +P) from Wo2 ^^ Seneng deh, dan begitu nyala di kompi gue, anak2 serumah langsung ikut menginstallnya. LOL.
Okay, bagian ga asiknya tuh pas mau brangkat ke Bogor.
Tadinya mau ikut Ame sekalian cabut.. but then karena mereka perginya pagi2, gue milih cabut siangan. Ternyata siang itu - setelah saying bye-bye ke Wenda yang sukses ngebajak kamar gue- ujan deres banget, and I got a bad feeling and akhirnya gue mutusin untuk batal cabut. Padahal udah bawa ransel dan naik angkot, tuh :P
Akhirnya balik, ujan2an, sempet kecemplung got pula *eh, serius, it's not funny for me* -_- I walked home in the rain and my jeans all wet, my mood was pissed.
Nyampe rumah, Wenda terbengong2 liat gue basah kuyup tampang jutek dan dia setengah ngikik nanyain kenapa batal cabut.. Huahh it's a long story, Wen XDD
Well, ternyata ada hikmahnya juga gue ga jadi balik. Pas sorenya after Wenda left, tiba2 maag gue kumat lagi.. So sambil nonton Guerilla Concert-nya Shinhwa, gue guling2 di kasur nahan perih perut gue.. +P Nyaris ga bisa gerak. Shoot.
I dunno, padahal beberapa bulan ini gue udah nyaris ga pernah kumat. Tapi minggu ini, 2 KALI kumat. O_o
Kayanya kondisi badan gue nurun lagi deh. I hate this.
Wenda yang tadinya mo ngajakin nongkrong ngopi langsung dateng ke rumah -pas gue lagi terkapar di kasur sambil melototin Eric ngerap di 1st Mythology Concert-, sambil bawa2 bakery dan *ergh* obat maag -_- She forced me to eat that crappy thing. Yuck. I always hate medicine, and this one made me wanna cry. Gue dipaksa ngunyah tablet geda itu sementara dia dengan tenangnya menyantap mie bakso sambil nongkrongin JunJin :P Dan ngancem siap nusuk pake dengan garpunya kalo gue berani2 ngelepeh itu obat. *evil nurse*
Tu anak sempet cabut bentar nemuin anak2 kendo di WindTunnel, trus balik lagi ke kamar gue sambil bawa sebungkus bubur dan seorang Edot.. Huah, tumben tu anak nongol XD
Dia nememin gue nonton konser Shinhwa sambil makan sate padang di sebelah gue, sementara gue dicekokin bubur. Sialan.
Oh well, but I'm so grateful having friends who care like them ^^ *hugs*
Lucky maag gue udah mendingan sekarang.. Kalo ga jadi2 juga balik, kayanya gue siap direbus ama nyokap deh XD Wenda pagi2 udah sms wanti2 gue bawa obat maag laknat itu +P
So yeah, gue sekarang berangkat ke Bogor. Beneran. :D
See you all in couple days^^
{posted by Chibi on 10:47 AM} +
Monday, March 15, 2004
Well, it really helped me back to alive again^^
And yesterday when I was browsing my computer folders (lots of important files were missing. Blah.), I just knew that I have the song. LOL!! Kemana aja gue selama ini :P
I instantly put it on my playlist, and now this song is one of my favourite :D
Today, just like yesterday, I decided to have my day. but since I went out shopping for these past 2 days, I chose to stay at home. Shopping is fun, but exhausting +P I think I need to give my legs a time to rest. LOL!
Tapi ternyata gue keluar rumah juga :P Ke kampus sih, cuma buat online. Kekeke.
I haven't online since I went to Jakarta, so I need to check my mailboxes. Blahh banyak banget XDD
Pas lagi online, di luar suara gluduk udah kenceng O_o;; Uh-oh, gue ga bawa payung. Hey, I bought an umbrella yesterday! *bangga* Walopun belinya juga pas keujanan pas lagi shopping ama Endah di King's +P It's small, and *cough* pink. LOL!
Bukan gue yang milih *sumpahh* But since Endah bilang it's cute, gue beli aja. Well, it is cute -anak2 serumah juga bilang gitu- tapi tetep aja pas make rada2 nyengir how girlie I am with pink umbrella. Oh, not just pink, tapi bermotif bunga2 kecil warna ungu. LMAO XD
Karena tadi gue ga bawa payung, gue udah memutuskan untuk ujan-ujanan aja. Tapi di depan gedung Fisip gue ketemu seorang bocah kecil yang ngojekin payung^^ Oh well, he saved me^^
I just realized udah lama gue ga berinteraksi dengan bocah2 yang sering jualan rokok ato ngojekin payung di kampus gue..
As usual I asked him namanya, sekolah ato nggak..
Kayanya Tuhan emang sengaja bikin gue ga bawa payung biar bisa ngebagi rejeki ke anak itu ^^
Everyone has their own stuff they're facing. And I'm glad I have people around me yang ngingetin kalo gue ga sendirian. Even so gue harus ngadepin semua masalah gue sendiri, but there's always encouragement for me to face it.
I just read Mon's blog, and she put another cool lyric from Tiffani Wood (yang ini, gue kaga punya lagunya :P). And what she wrote there is ampir sama ama apa yang gue alamin, apa yang gue pikirin. Hehe. Kok jadi ngerasa senasib. LOL.
But it just make me realize that I'm very grateful dengan hari2 yang gue jalanin ampe sekarang. HUahh!
Anywayz, I just watched Shinhwa's 2nd concert tadi sore (sambil tiduran meluk guling dan berselimut di kasur gue, dingin banget gitu!) sebelum Nita ngajakin makan malem bareng pas gue lagi nonton Endi joget ala Janet :P
Well, I watched the concert bcoz I (dunno why) remembered about the DVS Concert last weekend :P Nyehehe. And watching Eric's perf -singin' Make Money- with his pants down, mmm I fell in love with him all over again ^^
Hey, and I just realized... (setelah gue periksa poto2nya, dan melototin setiap performance dia) ..dunno if you guys realized it or not, but Eric's necklace is "R&Eric" ^O^
Ahahaha! Jadi ge-er. XDDDD
{posted by Chibi on 9:33 PM} +
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Well, she saw me carrying lots of white boxes lately As if I'm about to pack my stuffs and moving out. Ohoho. No I'm not going to move out from the house, but I am packing up my stuffs. There are so many stuffs in my room, so I decided to pack those things in boxes..
So yesterday I started to put my CDs, cassettes, mags, comics, papers, books, .. all in 4 white boxes. Oh, and two blue boxes :P
My room was such a disaster yesterday - everybody thought I was cracking up a ship :P Actually my beberes day yesterday was one of my stress-relieving therapy - after that gloomy thingie. Messing up my room with Aerosmith's album blasting from the speaker for hours - it surely worked ^^
Since I'm going to Jakarta today, so it's good to have my room already clean and tidy when I get back on Friday.
And, no, I'm not going to sell my CDs, comics and books anywhere. XDD
{posted by Chibi on 11:25 AM} +
I'm so excited at this moment I think I wanna hug and kiss everyone ^O^
Regarding my major problem yesterday (about my final thesis).. Thanx sooooo much for dear shugorei, she lifted my mood again in my worst part of the day. I finally can smile over it and tried to face it no matter what.
But then today, I decided to give one more shot to deal with it. After my SEI test, I went to Mr. Andre and talked about my problem, and voila, he finally put my final thesis in my credit registration for this semester.
Then I ran (yes, I ran) to Mr. Arie's office to confirm and beg for his assistance. Lucky he was in his good mood ^^ I was a bit nervous at first, but then I saw his reaction was so nice, he even told me to relax and enjoy my days before assistanting. And when I asked what should I prepare for that, he just smiled and said "Well, let's just start it with a little chat about your thesis, Okay? Don't take it so hard.. Make this comfortable for you."
OH how much I want to hug him!!! ^^(NO, of course I didn't do that :P *dang* I just said billion thankyous^^).
Well, this is the best thing happened today, I think^^ I don't even care about my SEI test anymore (the hell with that, it's multiple choice and I only studied 3 pages from Nia's papers and that was 5 minutes before the test began O_o). Although I'm not sure about the answers and how the result will be.
But the great news made me smile all day, and can't help to tell my friends about it. The first person I told about it was Bang Tian, my dear lecturer (a.k.a kepala jurusan, yang kemaren udah nakut2in gue ga bisa skripsi semester ini). I dropped by his office only to give him a big grin and V sign, and say "Bang Tian! Aku bole bimbingan skripsi loh semester ini!" V^O^m OHOHOHO!
Then I told Ade too, I even treated him a cup of cappuccino ^^
Oh, I haven't told Wenda about this.. She was running for her test this morning after gave me a cute yellow box containing my papers for OI test. LOL!
Nice box, I feel like having a birthday today :P
Yes, I feel like having a birthday today^^ Everything's going so well, even I met Nisya and she gave me H.O.T CDs from Paulin ^O^
Huaaahhhhhh Thankyou God for today.. And 'm so thankful to have such great friends, like Mon and Wenda, who support me and didn't judge me for what happened^^ *hugs* I love you, guys^^
Next... I'm going to Jakarta today !!!!!
{posted by Chibi on 10:22 AM} +
Monday, March 08, 2004
{posted by Chibi on 9:12 PM} +
Well, the problem is about my final thesis.
This morning I went to the Administration office to confirm my payment, and I was so shocked when I found that they didn't register my FINAL THESIS for this semester.
This. is. BAD.
Instead of panic and start to cry, I tried to stay calm and find Mr. Andre who supposed to be responsible for the administration and registration. But that man weren't there at the moment. Dang it. I met Rizka and told him about that super-shocking problem, and he told me to find Mbak Is first coz she's the one who wrote my name on her thesis lists at the beginning of this semester, months ago. So I supposed to be registered already, right? Right.
But why the hell I couldn't find that freakin' subject on my credit list ???!!?!?!
I have to find Mr. Andre and Mbak Is ASAP tomorrow, after my test -_- And I think I have to see my dear lecturer too, Mr. Arie. Oh man, it's gonna be a f*cking long day...
I hope everything will be alright. Rizka said Tetsu had a same problem too weeks ago, so got a little hope for this. **prays**
I mean, this is my goddamn life. If I can't deal this out, I dun think I'll remember how to breathe >_<
Oh, and I hope none of my family read this entry :P (I dun think so, sih )
{posted by Chibi on 3:07 PM} +
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Dan gue udah berencana bakal KE JAKARTA besok Rabu, abis selesai ujian SEI. Huummm.... Abis diomelin, kayanya emang gue musti buru2 cabut ke Jakarta deh XDD
Walopun cuma tiga hari, tapi gue pengenketemu ama anak2 blog..
oh man, I really need to study.
{posted by Chibi on 8:10 PM} +
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Look at this pic. PENGEN NABOKIN GA SIIIHHH ^^

{posted by Chibi on 2:58 PM} +
Well, in my busiest days, it's kinda surprising that I still got time to thing about new idea for a new script O_o Oh Well, the main idea was from Dea. She was into this Gackt thing, makes her wanna do a fanfic :P Ahahahha!
A few nights typing the outline whle searching the matching theme songs, so now the story's outline is completed. :D
It's kinda dark story, but for those who loves psycho story might like it XDDD And for those who loves Gackt desperately might wanna kill me :P (<-- glares to Wenda)
But hey, I love Gackt too, and that's why I found the perfect girl for the story!
Well last night me and Dea were trying so hard to find the perfect theme song for their first meeting. Huaaahhh -_-
This Satrday night, well actually I don't wanna go anywhere.. I just want to sit back and relax at home, maybe trying to write sum of the scenes.. But I guess Wenda wants me to company her to the movie :P HUmm I duno bout that, we'll see. I don't fell like go to the cinema, I just want a cup of coffee :P
Maybe I can persuade her to hang out in a cafe instead of go to the cinema.
It's ironic when you want to just stay at home, but people ask you to go out. And when you want to go out, no one ask you. Ahaha!
{posted by Chibi on 1:42 PM} +
Friday, March 05, 2004
I decided to go to campus and online at the Fisip Net coz I haven't check my mail and do other stuffs since.. er.., Tuesday?
My days were pretty hectic, yet my mood didn't support me at all. I was still kinda disturbed about what happened few days ago. Although I told my self to calm down and just forget about that shitty thing, and my friends also said "Just don't give a damn shit about it" , ... well, it's easier to say that to somebody else, but it's hard to do it yourself.
But that's okay now, a lil girl-talk with my housemates (oh, I forgot to mention Amechan's coming yesterday Yeayy noona's here^^ ) and finally I can sleep without that stupid nightmares again :P
I'm good now ^^
I want to spend my day today... Just doing my stuff. I'll do what I want to do. The ironic thing is, today I have a lunch appointment with Wenda, while normally we never planned to go lunch together - but we're always ended up having our cup of vanilla lattes at any cafe :P
Everybody who knows me must have realize that I forgot things easily. Wether it's important thing (such as my class, my room keys, my assignment dateline :P) or just even just a daily thing ( like where I put my cellphone, friend's name, even my own phone number +P). So.. please have a little mercy if I forgot about the thing I shouldn't ^^;;;
Like Von's birthday, I thought her birthday was today. Turnes out it was yesterday O_O
Actually I wanted to SMS her, but I'm already running out of phone credit >_<
Anywayz, have a nice day, y'all ^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:35 AM} +
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I was planning to go to Jakarta as soon as possible, to bring my comp back and meet sum friends there.. *hugs* (guys, it's YOU).. And actually a plan to go to CSIS too (for mu thesis sake +P) And MTV office.
But the helllllll.....
I just dun have the frikin' time :P I mean, look at my schedule this week :
Monday : to the office
Tuesday : SPI and OI class
Wednesday : SEI class
Thursday : to the office
Friday : no particular activity
Saturday : teaching English to A Hyeon
Sunday : babysitting at BAIS
And for next week :
Monday : to the office, and my sister will visit me O_O
Tuesday : SPI mid-term test
Wednesday : SEI mid-term test
Thursday : to the office
Friday : no particular activity
Saturday : teaching English to A Hyeon
Sunday : babysitting at BAIS
XDDD Not much change, huh. Dang it.
I thought I'd have more time after my teaching contract with Taek Jun's over.. but turns out, no. Mid-term test is about to begin.. next week. And I just have no clue what should I study X_x
And another info... I'm running out of my phone credits again :P Hahaha. I know.. I have a crazy finger that sends SMSes to everyone almost everyday, so the credit's running out so quickly :P Shit.
That's another reason why I have to go to JAkarta ASAP. I need more phone credit :P
gaahhh I'm so f**kin tired.
{posted by Chibi on 9:59 PM} +
in my hand : strawberry milk
listening to : madonna's old album from the main server
Okay, I tried to be a good girl today. Attending my class, meet Nindi at Gonzo, and that super sucker was just pissing me off.
And when I tried to calm myself down at home, I COULDN'T FIND MY KEYS.
Wenda was sleeping in my room when I left, And I told her to leave my keys to Dea. WhenI got home, Dea left and gave my keys to Lily. And Lily's gone.
So I couldn't get in my own room. GREAATT.
I'm online now, trying to find anything that can bring my mood up again. And Mon's not online T_T She's the one who usually cheers me up in time like this.
Aaaiigoo Mon where are u -_-;;
Well, the only thing that's good.. Mon told me that Eric won't be in the new drama with Hee Sun. Good. ^^
He's still mine. Huehuehue.
Oh. And I just knew that Andy don't like strawberry milk. XDD I'm drinking it now.
{posted by Chibi on 9:18 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations