Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, February 27, 2004
Anyway, for those who still curious, yes I finally fill my cellphone credit now :D Gyahahaha!!
And tomorrow is a great weekend, I already have a pland with Wenda and Rumbi to come to Bazar SMU 5 (ih, masih ngecengin anak SMA XDD tuolong)..
There will be Too Phat, Rio Febrian, Kremlin, Inerself G, etc etc performing !! And the ticket costs only Rp 15,000 !!
So you all who doesn't have any idea where to go n Saturday night, I recommend this event. ^^ Meet me there !
Oh, I need to go shopping first... I need a new shoes :P So tomorrow, Imma hit the mall first then go to Bazar 5. Oh whatta good weekend.
Don't jinxed it.
{posted by Chibi on 11:28 PM} +
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
First, fighting with my pillow and blanket so get the hell up from my bed and drag myself to the bathroom +P It was sooo hard to do coz the wather was sooo cold and I need more sleep (lack of good sleep lately). Well it made me late to Taek Jun's house, and I met his dad (Mr. Nam) on the way,and I dun think he like me being late T_T;;; I said sorry to him (with bows) but still I felt bad about it.
Second, a fight with Taek Jun. O_o I know, fighting with a 12 year-old boy (and he's a retarded one), and I'm not proud of it. It happened because Taek Jun wasn't on his studying-mood today (well, just like the other days :P) And he kept on playing with his box and scissor and stuffs, and left me dry with my book on the table. Okay, that's it - I thought - Mr. Nam already told me that I had to be more strict to him. So I told him to sit down and start studying, but he refused. And he started to throwing anything he could reach and I was trying to save the books. He tried to grab the book from my hand. He punched, he kicked, etc. And so did I. +P Until I finally managed to sit him down on a chair, he still angry at me and facing a book. Then I calmed him down with the videos ^^ As usual, I played sum Korean MVs like SM Town or BoA on his laptop XDD And it always works to build his mood :P After that, we strated to study again. Good. ^^;;
But that fight thing still bothering me.. I mean, yeah.. I feel like teaching Taek Jun is my failure. I don't get any difficulties with his dongsaengs Taek Bin and Taek Soo, and even with Mrs. Shin's kids, A Hyeon(lil cutie^^) and Shi Hyeon (maybe because they're normal kid, not special like Jun ah). But Jun.. I must say I have NO idea how to handle him. He frustrated me +P
Nita asked me to go to Flashy today with her and Uli.. but I don't feel to. It's not because I supposed to have a class today (oh, wait.., this hour, I mean :P) But my mood isn't really great today. I feel kinda tired. Body and mind. Even I slept in Nita's room after our lunch. :P
And now, I'm not in my class, but online in warnet Fisip. Gahh it's not my best day, but not so bad either.
I received sum goodies from my friends these days ^^ Wallpapers! Oh yeayyy I just luv the Eric's one (with MY NAME on his underwear :P) I lop yu, mon **hugs** Thankyou so maaaaaaaatttt!!
And also Minu's from Usagi ^^ Oh yeayy!
Oh, speaking about Minwoo, I told Nindi about Minwoo's girlfriend thing yesterday at Gonzo's. And ger reaction was - as I thought - screaming hysterically and started to burst into tears.. LOL.. I felt kinda guilty to her, but *sigh* that's the truth, babe.. I think you just have to deal with it *pat pat*
Oh, she gave me Minwoo's new MV, Bi Ya. I haven't watch it till now.
Okay, Imma go home and watch it now.
{posted by Chibi on 3:43 PM} +
Sunday, February 22, 2004
.. I think this is what suits my mood best yesterday. I played it on and on and on.
{posted by Chibi on 7:48 PM} +
Sometimes you feel like all you do was just makes other people happy. And you just don't realize how exactly how you feel. And you feel like living in a fragile transparent bubble that sinked down to the mud, and it could just blows up anytime, and you could drown in that mud anytime.
I was scared. I was depressed. I felt totally screwed up. I was crying.
That moment I felt like I need someone to slap me and wake me up and hold me, tell me everything's okay and I'm just being a bit crazy.m That moment I realized that I miss having someone who can hold me and ease my mind. Having someone you love not only for passionate love, but also good for your mental health :P
It doesn't mean I hate all my dates - no, thankyou for those who already made my day. I really appreciated it - but I think I need more than just a date.
And that moment, I just could feel my brain was going ballistic. I started to going nutz.
Okay. I was so close to run out of the house and find someone I could talk to. But it was already midnite, and me in my PJ, and it was raining. if I did that, then I'd be real nutz. So I took a deep breath, and start to played sum music pretty loud (okay, first I put my headphones on, but then, I didn't give a damn) And started to sing loudly XDD
And rethinking (and praying)... I dun wanna get nutz.
I slept at 4, and woke up at 8, went to BAIS and babysitting there, playing with Yanessa.. She's smiling! Can't believe that, huh. She was always frowning weverytime her mother left her in my class. But today, she stucked with me and I think she liked it! She took me to the playground and asked me to push her on the swing.. she was smiling all the time !! O_O You have no idea how happy I was. Even when she fell , she didn't cry. And when I took her to wash her hands, she didn't complain at all. Wow. She likes me ^^
And that's enough to restrore my mood back. Eventhough my jeans got all dirty with muds from her shoes, sands, and even my white t-shirt got the dirt (yea everyone was like "Whatta..? What the heck are you doin.. look at those dirt on your clothes!" LOL) But I felt pretty fine with it ^^ Even when Wenda SMSed me and told me that the deadline is re-scheduled from Monday to this Sunday afternoon, I wasn't complaining ^^
I went home and go to the internet cafe to find sum article, and got a mail from Ce-Ce ^^ It just made mer feel happier.
No, not just happy, but peaceful.
Now I've done my article, sent it to my boss, and with Wenda beside me. And about to go to Rumbi's place ^^
Me in my peaceful mode.
(but still missing alot of people)
{posted by Chibi on 7:44 PM} +
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Yesterday Wenda asked me to come to her old school bazzar, the famous Bazaar St. Angela. Her friends will perform there with the band Lunatic Tokyo, who will sing Luna Sea's and other Japanese songs.. Humm.., for a J-rocker like Wenda, it'll be sumthin fantastic. And The other performers are Nine Ball (kyyaa kyyaa Ivaan! ^O^) And there are also Astrid (the singer of OST. Tusuk Jelangkung).. and whoever yang gue ga tertarik sama skali :P
Meanwhile, I just knew last night, that Eksistensi Hukum '03 bakal digelar Sabtu ini juga O_o (that is, the annual event bikinan anak2 fakultas Hukum semacem pensi juga). Dan bintang tamunya ada Serieus Band, Nia Violin (oohh must see! Must see!) dan yang paling penting, gratisan :P
Ookay, I'm confused. Which one yang bakal gue datengin? O_o Wenda insisted that I must see Lunatic Tokyo (especially the gorgeous guitarist +P) and today I met Rumbi and Donny, and they said they'll be there too.
But I also want to see Nia with her outstanding violin performance, and the crazy Serieus Band :D
Dilemma oh dilemma... LOL
Yeah well, I guess gue bakal dateng ke dua-duanya. Wenda will pick me up this afternoon and we're off to Bazzar Angela, then we'll go back to Unpar after Lunatic Tokyo manggung. Sheesshh kok jadi ribet ya? LOL!
Oh well. Have a nice weekend, y'all! ^^
{posted by Chibi on 3:39 PM} +
Friday, February 20, 2004
Rencana gue mo ngimel dari tadi ga jadi2. Ya ampuuunn...
And Wallace Huo on SCTV tonight **thanx for the sms, Ugichan^^** Imma go home now :P
{posted by Chibi on 9:18 PM} +
I've been so busy lately, I hardly ever got home before night... And today, I decided to take a day off and spent my day at home.. just being lazy :P
After teaching English @ Taek Jun's, I went home and ate, then watched Amechan beberes pindahan.. She's leaving the house today... :(
All of the Jinxed ones felt so saadddd she's movin' out from this house. Well, we've been living together for years.. and now she has to go back to Jakarta and moving on with her life.. Probably go to Argentina soon.. O_o Whaahh I'm gonna miss her soooo muuucchh!!!
As the noona of the house, she's always be the person I talked to everytime I got good or bad news. And she always comforted me in her way.. I must admit, she's good at making people happy ^^ Maybe I felt closer to her becoz her room was next to mine. We sumtimes chatted by knocking eachother's wall :P and yelled everytime we saw good MV on the TV.
She's always the one who can be easily asked to go out in the middle of the night to find sum food.. :P heuheuhue.. Berkat Mechan, kita jadi member tetap Gemboel's neh :P (You know what, 'Me, you'll never find a place like Gemboel's in Jakarta or Argentina. You'll miss it soon!)
Well, it was a very touching moment when we hugged in front of the door and said goodbye. Aaw tu kan gue jadi terharu lagi :( Yeah we still can keep in touch and we'll see eachother soon in Jakarta, but still... The room next to mine is empty now. There won't be her in the house..
Onechan, we'll miss you!^^ *hugs*
{posted by Chibi on 9:15 PM} +
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Hummm. ^^
{posted by Chibi on 7:00 PM} +
Oh Rainy Day ^^ ::
Bener2 rainy day ari ini. Well, it made me feel so hard to leave my bed today.. and so I didn't go to Taek Jun's house to teach this morning +P Sorry Taek Jun, guess you got a day off today ^^;;;
So then I took a shower (oh what a nice cold weather) and off to campus, coz Lala said we'll off to the office at 10:30. It was rainy, and I didn't brimng any umbrella. Oh wait, I mean, I don't have an umbrella +P LOL! We've got sum diificulties to get the car out from the parking lot, coz there were zillions of cars blocking Wenda's car, and plus, Wenda forgot where she put the key O_O LMAO!! Jadi kita sempet ribut2 nyari kunci mobil (padahal kita udah di dalem nih) sampe bela2in ujan2an nyari ke kolong2 mobil.. ternyata kuncinya di box pintu **jdigh**
Sampe kantor, baru nyadar.. it was so damn cold !! Wenda put her sweater on and me with my favourite black coat, but still I could feel the cold breeze on my skin. And I wanted a cup of hot coffee so badd..
Pulang kantor Wenda nganterin kita (me and Mike) ke Ciumbuleuit, and jadi tergoda untuk ngopi di "Cabe Rawit" (that is, a new cafe at Blumen's front garden. Nice place, good food ^^ Tempat nongkrong baru neh!) I was so damn hungry, so I ordered a fried rice beside my usual vanilla latte ^^
Nongkrong disitu ampe jam tiga, trus gue nebeng Wenda turun sampe Gramedia, coz Nindi and her school friend Rina wanted to meet me there, to help her English assignment :P
Even in the car, me and Wenda still felt the cold weather. Shoot! Gue jadi penasaran berapa derajat sih cuaca ari ini. And the rain is still pouring like it's never end. It was so cold makes us wanna pee +P LOL!! Well that's the first thing I did when I jumped out of the car in Gramedia. Find a toilet :P
We decided to hangout at McD's.. And oh mai gat, ternyata ringtone HP kita bertiga sama donk.. Young Gunz-nya Shinhwa !! LMAO !!!
Rencana mo potobox ga jadi karena Nindi udah dijemput and Rina harus les. Gue tadinya pengen jalan2 bentar.. tapi jadi agak males karena dingin :P I miss my bed..
And pas di jalan, Ugi-chan SMSed me and she said she sent sumthin to my email. So here I am at Naja^^ Oh yeayy she sent me "Make It Big" soundtracks!! ^0^
It's a rainy day.. but it's still a good day ^^
p.s : I really have to buy an umbrella T_T;;
{posted by Chibi on 6:54 PM} +
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Thanx to dian yang udah rela bersabar ngajarin gue step by step..
I made this yesterday onEric's b-day, pas gue lagi iseng nongkrong di depan kompinya Dea sepulang kantor.. Can you believe I made this graphic only in a few minutes? O_O Padahal biasanya gue lemot abis kalo berhadapan ama Adobe :P HUehuheue.
Kemaren ga jadi gue aplod karena gue ga bisa, and lagian tadinya berencana cuma untuk konsumsi sendiri +P
Oh well, I put it here now, walopun maybe a little bit late ^^
Lookie Eric, I made this one for you^^
{posted by Chibi on 2:15 PM} +
Turns out kemaren adalah hari nyebelin buat banyak orang :P I mean, ternyata gue bukan satu-satunya.
Emang sih, gue ga bisa ngumpetin tampang gue yang kusut and I dun even want to smile (that's so not me O_o) But at least gue masih bisa nahan diri untuk ga nyolot (yeah, walopun sumpahh gue udah ampir ngegebrak nggebrak itu mobil Panther yang parkir seenaknya di depan gue +P)... Hehehe.
Tapi setelah nyampe rumah, I tried to breathe and calm myself down.. and when I layed on Uli's bed and watched the TV I saw the news, I realized.. A lot of people ngalamin hal-hal yang jaauuhh lebih nyebelin dari yang gue alamin hari itu.
Harusnya gue masih bersyukur, gue ga sesial mereka yang kebanjiran.., yang kena wabah demam berdarah.., yang keilangan rumah.., yang nyaris mati karena ga bisa berobat.., yang masih musti mikir gimana besok hidup.., keilangan pekerjaan, keilangan rumah, ..
Gue cuma diem.. (well, okay, I almost cried. Gue lemah ama hal2 kaya gitu :P) And I started to pray. I'm a damn lucky human. God gave me such a beautiful life, kenapa gue musti nganggep itu semua sucks just because I lost my money, and then got annoyed by a little Korean brat, late for my class, got a last presentation group, and being scolded by my lecturer, and it's all happened in one cold rainy day..?
Harusnya gue bersyukur gue masih bisa idup, kuliah, masih punya kesempatan buat nyelesaiin skripsi, punya temen-temen yang care dan sayang ama gue, bisa dapet duit sendiri dari kerja sambilan (not just one, but three part-time jobs), bisa beli barang-barang yang gue pengen, bisa bobo tenang tanpa perlu takut kebanjiran, ... and banyak hal nyenengin di hidup gue.
Betapa kurang bersyukurnya gue, ya. And after thought about all that, I sart to sighed and smile. Thank you God for giving me such a good life. Gue bersyukur banget atas apa yang udah dikasih ama Tuhan. Even that bad day, giving me so much to think and made my life better ^^
I enjoy my days - wether it's good, or bad.
{posted by Chibi on 1:34 PM} +
Monday, February 16, 2004
Happy birthday, honey. I love you.
{posted by Chibi on 3:47 PM} +
Well, buat gue sih sama aja Valentine ato bukan. Yang ngebedain cuma banjir warna pink dimana-mana X_x Plus I got extra chocolates from everyone ^^
Untungnya, Sabtu kemaren ada Cupid Bego di kampus. Oh yeayy, I always luv that event. Jomblo ato ngga jomblo, gue selalu dateng ke sana. The air is great.
Well, taun in igue dateng ke Cupid Bego bareng Wenda. And pas mo brangkat, tiba2 Nita ngikut. So she tagged along with us. And we sat on the table near the stage, so we can see clear enough the people and the performers. And we were like Whahh look who's there.. oh, that's my ex.., and there's my ex's ex-girlfriend.., and there's my crush.., my ex-crush.. XDDDD c'mon, y'all, it's Valentine's, what do you expect :P
Anyway I was having a good time there. Wenda went home by midnite, and me stayed there until 1 a.m. Amechan showed up too (I thought she'd spent the rest of the night with her boyfriend, ternyata nggak O_o) And DiDi joined us in our table.. and somehow he attached to me until we got home XDDD
Well, my date it is. XDDD
We decided to go to Gemboel's coz we were starving :P (with DiDi, also). And we finally went home by 2. Oh wow, that was a great night^^
Cuman trus gue ga bisa bobo ampe jam 4 >.< Padahal gue musti ke BAIS jam 9. Oh well, it happened again.. Nyaris telat lagi ke BAIS, so ngga pake mandi langsung cabut :P Nyehehehe.
But I really really enjoy my days ^^
Oh, yea, btw... I'm not celebrating Valentine's day.. I'm celebrating February 14th. +P
{posted by Chibi on 3:38 PM} +
Friday, February 13, 2004
Yeah.. walopun gue tetep ga bisa ngilangin kebiasaan bobo tengah malem gue.. Jadi bangun paginya rada2 ga rela +P Just like this morning. Semalem gue bobo jam 2 (pagi ding, ya).. dan alarm HP gue nyala jam 6.30. But still, gue cuma mencet off trus molor lagi.. ampe jam 7.30 :P Ehuehue. Sama aja. I dragged myself to the bathroom and forced my brain to start working. Hasilnya, gue nyampe di rumah Mrs. Kim jam 8.15 (that's 15 minutes late) and I taught little Taek Jun with sleepy eyes and yawned every 5 minutes O_* kekeke.
One thing I realized, minggu ini jadwal hidup gue cukup ngaco. Well, biasanya walopun gue banyak kerjaan, tapi gue udah punya waktu2 yang tepat untuk ngelakuin apa-apa aja yang harus gue lakuin. But this week, humm..
I skipped all of my classes his week. O_o;; First, it wasn't becoz I forgot the time (well, minggu lalu emang gue ga kuliah gara2 gue lupa jadwal kuliah gue hari apa dan jam berapa >_< Tapi gue masih inget kuliah SEI^^) It's becoz : 1. I had an interview with Mrs. Shin about the English teaching job on Tuesday, pas di jam kuliah Int'l Organisation gue. I couldn't miss the interview, so I chose to skipped the class. And 2. After that, I had to find sum pics for Mr. Hank yang ngasih deadline besoknya -_- Bikin gue mnyaris panik ngoprek internet dan semua files yang gue punya. GUe bahkan nolak ikut anak2 serumah buat makan di Papa Ron's (uuhh pizzzaaa I miss uuu!!)
And besoknya,3. I was exhausting after my first day teaching those kids (on Wednesday), and didn't have any srength to walk to the campus. X_x Plus, SEI is a total draaaggg. Gue lebih milih boboan di kamar daripada molor and drooling in that super-boring class in front of my lecturer.
And kebiasaan gue sibuk2 ampe malem itu, ditambah dengan kebiasaan laper tengah malem... jadi kita sering banget ke Gemboel's tengah malem demi sepotong roti bakar/bubur ayam/indomi panas/cappucinno anget. Dang.
While kerjaan gue bertambah banyak, gue masih pontang-panting ngatur waktunya. Shit, I really have to work these things out. Banyak kerjaan gue yang akhirnya jadi keteter, padahal gue udah berusaha maksimalin waktu. Padahal gue udah bangun pagi, bobo menjelang pagi, tapi kok ada aja ya kerjaan yang blom selesai? O_o;; I wish one day is 36 hours.
Just like now.., gue di warnet demi ngirim artikel tambahan yang mendadak musti gue kerjain and selesai sebelum jam 3. Okay. That means I have to work it fast now ^^;;
And for some people yang mungkin nungguin janji2 gue, I'm really really sorry to keep you guys waiting. Gue janji gue urus secepatnya. As soon as this crazy schedule done. O_o
Say it.., after Valentine's day? Good.
{posted by Chibi on 1:24 PM} +
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
But I like him^^

Ohohoho. Hottie.
{posted by Chibi on 7:18 PM} +
It's Mrs. Shin's friend, Mrs. Kim, who wants me to teach english to her kids.. Becoz they will move to Malaysia next month, so they expect me to improve their english in 3 weeks O_o;;; Oookay.
They are Taek Jun, Taek Bin, and Taek Soo ^^ Three boys. My oh my. And all of them are 9 to 12 year-old. LOL!
And on Saturday, I'll teach Mrs. Shin's daughter too, A Hyeon (6 year old).
Oke deehh !!!
{posted by Chibi on 6:46 PM} +
By the way he didn't contact me yet. Humm.
Kok rambut gue susah diatur ya? Lahh... i think I need a new hat. +P
Oh, I met Wenda today, and gue bujukin dia untuk dateng ke acara Cupid Bego besok sabtu. Dia sebenernya pengen nonton The Groove di acaranya anak SMU 2, ... tapi pliss dong, acara anak SMU, gituuu.. Dan lagian, The Groove doank. :P Gue pernah nyanyi bareng di panggung Exwel '99 ama mereka. Not so special. LOL!
Well.., kayanya sih Wenda jadi tertarik ke Cupid Bego. Soalnya gratisan dan suasananya bakal dibikin kaya cafe.. lengkap dengan liquors2nya (walopun Wenda bilang, dia udah berenti minum2 kaya gituan. Cih. We'll see.)
Guud.. guud... Dua cewe jomblo di hari Valentine... XDDDD
Aahhh... still got to work on this thing. Siyal ini warnet lemot bener sih koneksi nya.
{posted by Chibi on 6:41 PM} +
Monday, February 09, 2004
I woke up this morning when my cellphone rang.. it was from Mrs. Shin. She's the Korean lady I met at BAIS yesterday. She wants me to give an English lesson to her kids ^^ Oh yeayy! Well, we made an appointment tomorrow at 1 (Actually it supposed to be today, but I couldn't, must go to the office). I really hope I get the job ^^
Well, it was all started with my kinda-hectic-weekend ^^;;
My 8-pages article haunted me since Friday.. Sabtu kemarin sih udah selesai 60 %, and sorenya gue udah bener-bener mentok ga tau musti nulis apa lagi :P And begitu balik ke rumah, Amechan ngerayu2 gue jalan2 ke BTC. Well, I was so damn hungry dan Mechan ngiming-imingin Papa Ron's pizza (yang 10 rebu all you can eat, oh heaven! ^^) Well, since gue emang lagi laper, plus sebelumnya Mon sempet biin mupeng dengan pizzanya +P So Yeah the hell with the article XDD We're off to the mall :D
Muter2 di BTC nemenin Amechan yang mupeng ama rok kotak2 (tapi ga jadi dibeli gara2 gue komentar "mirip Agnes Monica" >_<).. trus akhirnya malah beli atasan item.. We really, really had a great time at the mall. Huahh what a stress reliever!
Sebenernya gue juga berencana mo beli baju item sih.. buat Valentine-an :P Ohoho, I never wear pink on Valentine's day. Tradisi gue dari taun ke taun (with or without boyfriend), is a Black valentine ^^
And this year, I'll stick to it.
Di kampus gue, tiap taun ada acara annual yang judulnya "Cupid Bego". It's a small Valentine's party.. gedung serbaguna kampus gue disulap jadi cafe with candlelights and lots of stands (dari stand makanan, liquors, sampe ramalan).. And ada performances dari band2 bintang tamu, baca puisi, drama, .. you know, things like that. (It's a really good event, recommended!)
Okay, anyway,
malem itu kita balik dari BTC jam 10 malem.. dan akhirnya gue mulai ngerjain lanjutan artikel gue ampe jam 4 pagi X_x Itupun gue paksain bobo, soalnya gue musti ke BAIS jam 9 paginya.
Baru bobo satu setengah jam, Eyang nelpon just to say hi O_*
Abis nerima telpon, gue ketiduran lagi.. and woke up at 8:55.
Jump off of my bed and ran to the bathroom like crazy.. Cuma sempet cuci muka-sikat gigi-ganti baju-pake parfum, dan lari ke BAIS.
I was so late, the mass already started and everyone could see the nanny's late >.<
Dan sebelnya, begitu gue nyampe di Sunday School, ternyata anak2 itu blom pada dateng.. *toeng*
Well, akhirnya dateng Christopher, then Ken, then Rebecca (or I prefer to call her Ha Eun) and her mother, Mrs. Lee. Then Mrs. Shin came and chatted with Mrs. Lee. Lumayan lama sih mereka ngobrol, and since mereka pake bahasa Korea yang super cepet, gue sama skali ga nangkep omongan mereka. LOL!
Pas udah hampir bubaran misa, Mrs. Shin ngajak ngomong gue. Surprise surprise, ternyata dia bisa bahasa Indonesia O_o;;
Dia nanya about my part-time job there (she was confused am I a teacher or a nanny. Well, both. Haha!) And I told her that I really want to go to Seoul someday (Well, gue ga bilang kalo gue setengah mati pengen kesana XDD) And I want to learn some Korean. And there it goes, she asked if I would teach some English to her kids - and some Korean kids. Of course I said I'd love to (and berusaha menahan diri untuk ga lompat2 kegirangan). She asked for my number, and she said she'd call me. Well, she did this morning ^^
There was another good thing happened that day. Malemnya, waktu gue keluar makan ama Nita + Mechan, kita mampir ke 7-11 to buy sum stuff..
And guess who I met there..
Cowo yang dulu setengah mampus gue taksir :P Gue ampe bengong and gasped when I saw him, and he seemed surprised too. The next thing was we shaked hands and berbasa-basi. OMG he still so nice and cute.. Udah 2 taun (ato lebih ya?) kita ga ketemu. He's working now in Jakarta, and dia nyemangatin gue buat nyelesaiin kuliah gue ^^
We were pretty close back there..I think everyone knew that I like him A LOT +P And I'm sure he knew it too. But nothing happened between us, just friends, nothing's more than that. I dunno why *shrugs* (eh, jadi inget, kenapa ya?..hm.)
Well, abis berbasa-basi bentar, kita misah cuz dia udah di kasir. And gue sempet nyesel kenapa gue ga minta contact number.. but then I saw him with a girl. His girlfriend. Oh well.
A little bit kecewa dalem ati, tapi gue masih ngerasa excited banget gara2 pertemuan itu.
Ampe gue nulis entri ini, gue masih deg-degan lho ^^;;
Well, I guess from a good weekend, could continue to a good week, isn't it?
At least I had a good start ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:09 PM} +
Friday, February 06, 2004
I just knew this song when Dea played it. And we suddenly choose this one for the soundtrack of our new script project ^^
When You Say You Love Me
by Josh Groban
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I'm falling, lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that comes over me?
At times I can't move.
At times I can hardly breath.
When you say you love me,
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me,
For a moment, there's no one else alive.
You're the one I've always thought of.
I don't know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You're where I belong.
And when you're with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment there's no one else alive.
And this journey that we're on.
How far we've come and I celebrate every moment.
And when you say you love me,
That's all you have to say.
I'll always feel this way.
When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment I know why I'm alive.
When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?
... *sigh*
{posted by Chibi on 3:06 PM} +
Well, it was unplanned - we were just talking about this movie while we were hangin out @ Gemboel's (someone was starving - not I :D - me full of pizza already), and we haven't seen it yet. Dea got the DVD, and we've got nothing else to do :D
It's a story about vampires and werewolves (me and Dea love this kind of story :D We're the Jinxed Ones, what can I say) in a modern way. Well, for you guys who already watch this movie must have known the storyline. And for those who haven't, sorry but I'm not going to tell the storyline, just a few opinions about it (me, Dea and Mechan's opinions, i mean).
Well it might be a little silly so I warn you, if you wanna enjoy the movie, perhaps you shouldnt read this.. it might spoil the fun XDD Coz until now, my housemates believe that no one's better than me in order to make people ilfil. (What's ilfil in English? LOL!) Kekekke.
This movie's good, although for Anne Rice's fan might be there's sum things buggin :P
The vampires are so cool, very classy (with their long coats, elegant dresses and grande chateau.. wow).
Compares to the Lycans (werewolves), who live in a dark hiding place in a.. sewer? O_o Ewh.
Well you can't fight the fact that vampire is the highest clan, and werewolf is just a slave for them.
few things we noticed in this movie are :
She's so cool (well, she's a Death Dealer!) And with those hair covering her eyes, she still can shoot the right target.
But this girl has a problem with entrance XDD Everytime she opens the door, why must she slam it? Or kick it?
I know, it makes her looks cool, but can't help not to say : "Please deh, biasa aja dong buka pintunya!" XDDDD
2. I thought vampires (like Lestat or Marius) can do things like disappearing, flying or moving so fast.. you know. But in this movie, those vampires are pretty slow. They run (like mortal) and fight with guns and machines (cars - breathtaking Aston Martin O_o, laptops, .. even the coffin is very futuristic :P)
Old vampires (like Aqasha) could kill the enemies just with a swift of a hand - then burns.
*sigh* I guess they have to workout more.. Too many technologies make them lazy :P
They don't even have to kill someone to get their food, they have their own company to provide bloods. Tsch. Too much fasfood.
XDDD Junk-blood? LOL! (I said junk-food, Dea said :"No, Junk-blood.". LMAO.
3. That cute guy, Michael Corvin - what a poor guy.
He didn't know anything, then suddenly the Lycans hunt him and he was saved by a vampire chick. And got so many troubles from this girl. A werewolf bit him, and he kissed a vampire, and the he transformed into a vampire-lycan X_x
Oh great. Can't you just choose a normal life? XDDD I guess not.
4. The elderly, Amelia, well we thought she could be more powerful than that. How come a high-level vampire could be killed by some werewolves?
Dea said : "Well perhaps she was so shocked when suddenly those Lycans roared.. and so.. yeah."
Me said : "..Uhm.. and she wore gown. Couldn't move freely or faster than that."
Ame said : "... OR.. She's allergic to dogs."
XDDD I like the last reason best. XDDDD !!!
5. I couldn't see the climax. Was it when Selene killed Viktor? I thought it would be more dramatic than that *shrugs*
Our comment : ".. That's it? He's dead?... Oh."
6. The werewolves are pretty scarie.
Me said : "Yea.. that's why I hate dogs."
Amechan : "O_o NOOO.. Dogs are cuuuttee!! And those are not dogs, they're wolves!!"
Me : "... (paused).. Yeah whatever."
Dea : (Kept on staring to the screen).
7. This is a dark movie. From the beginning until the end, DARK. No proper lights T_T;;;;
We got sum difficulties to watch they move or which one is the vampire or the Lycan.
O_o Not healthy for eyes +P
(Of course it's dark, it's the Underworld, silly. Don't expect any sunshine or beach in this movie) XDDD
Well, those are our little comments :D
When the movie ended, we still talked about it and created sum bloopers of the scenes (as usual, kekeke...) So many"what if"s, it's too hilarious to mentioned them here XDDDD
The movie's good. Well if you don't mind with the different idea of vampires, you can pick this DVD for spending your free time with your friends or maybe lover (playing scared, heyy that'll be good! XDD)
P.S :
I guess there's gonna be "Underworld 2", coz at the end of the movie, Selene escaped and Marcus is accidentally awaken by the Lycan's blood that drippin into his coffin. Although it's not a proper blood for a high vampire like him. And plus, no one's open his coffin's lock yet. So I guess Marcus will be very pissed when he finally managed to get out from his coffin. XDDD
{posted by Chibi on 1:44 PM} +
OOOOookay. That means bye-bye weekend.
Well there supposed to be a kendo join-pcatice with Maranatha Kendo Club - coz Sensei will come from Japan - this Saturday. >_< Shoot, I'm gonna miss the after party (*Sigh* I guess it's not the right time to partying and get drunk yet)..
And also, there's bazzaar at Nindi's school, and Glenn Fredly will perform too. This Saturday too.
But these documents are already scattered in my room and yelling to be finished before Mr. Hank call me.
And why the hell am I still blogging here, while I need to search more infos for this damn 8 pages article?
... Because I'm stuck. XDDDDDD.
{posted by Chibi on 12:43 PM} +
Thursday, February 05, 2004
I just hear this song this morning... and just like the other days (or just like that night when Mon played it on her mp3 list :P), this old song reminds me to...emh, Eric.
Oh ya, I miss Mon. I hope she likes the book ^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:11 AM} +
I haven't online lately.. yesterday supposed to, but the internet connection in my campus was such a hell T_T And I had a class at 3.30, so I decided to just stay at home and read, and wit for my class... but then an idea came up, to visit Tanti ^^ haven't see her for a while.
The reason that urge me to visit her was *sigh* .. I wanted to see Energy's new MV (yes, true) and I wanna hear Energy's song. Wait.. wait.. I know it's kinda like suicide +P Well I told Tanti : "Okay, I'm ready to die now.. gimme the "Missing You" MV Energy's version!" XDDD
But too bad (or thank God ?) she didn't have the MV yet ^^;;; Inge was there, and she said "Don't hurt yourself, dear.. I know you hate when Mandarin people sings K-pop." XDD I know, but can't help my curiosity and the urge to curse them :P
Oh well, then we watch Jay Chou's MVs then ^^ HUAAA ME WANT ITT!! *hugs Dewi and beg* :D
Okay, then me went to SEI class.. it was so damn boring >_<;; Me and Inda were just sitting in the corner of the class.. She was busy with her cellphone +P, and I decided to draw sum cartoon in my book :P I tought it would be better than just fall asleep in front of my lecturer :D Actually the voices in my head told me to just run out from the class and grab a cup of coffee^^ But, neahh.. And then I tooke over Inda's phone and she took my cartoon book :D I SMSed Mon and Von.. try to destroy her phone.. LOL! And the class was over at 6.10 O_O;;; Geezz I thought we're going to sleep over in the campus XDD
I went home, and I barely can walk since my damn new shoes got me hurt so baaaddd >_< (Attention people! Make sure your shoes are pretty comfy before you decided to buy it.. not just because it looks so damn cute.) I dun think I would wear that shoes again T_T
Gahhh my feet got sum bruises.. Until now when I wrote this entry, the bruises are still hurt -_- And whaddayaknow.. on my way here, I got new scar again +P I almost slipped on tangga aborsi (yeah, itu sebutan buat tangga yang curam mampus di kampus gue.. yang katanye kalo ada ibu-ibu hamil lewat situh, bisa aborsi saking seremnya) O_o That was scarie.. But the stair hit my left ankle *oouucchh!* and *sigh* tear my skin.. a slight of blood came out >_<;;
Lots of bruises T_T
Me hate my feet now. I WANT MY BEUTIFUL FEET BAAACCKK !!!!
I think I need an emergency pedicure.. *sobs*
{posted by Chibi on 10:53 AM} +
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
[Describe your..]
1. [wallet]
Brown Mango's leather wallet
2. [hairbrush]
medium, brown handle
3. [toothbrush]
Oral B! XD White handle with blue parts.
4. [jewelery worn daily]
none. But when going out, wear wristband/bracelet on left wrist and watch on the right.
5. [pillow cover]
blue Hello Kitty prints XDD
6. [blanket]
light blue with Winnie The Pooh prints +P
7. [coffee cup]
i use all mugs available. the one I use the most is the big brown with "COOKIE" prints on it
8. [sunglasses]
..forgot the brand. But I have the dark brown and dark blue one
9. [underwear]
black lacey Wacoal
10. [cologne / perfume]
cologne : Belia floral XDD perfume : Versace's Red Jeans and Oriflame's Delice
11. [CD in stereo right now]
none. is using mp3 player.
12. [tattoos]
not existed.
13. [piercings]
ears, 2 in my left ear and 1 in my right ear.
14. [what you are wearing now]
white Levi's baby-t and a black jeans, and a black long coat
15. [in my mouth]
16. [in my head]
Let's Make Night To Remember - Bryan Adams's song +P
17. [wishing]
all my wishes come true. Cliche, but yeah.
18. [after this]
eat my dinner
19. [fetishes]
20. [if you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what]
.... my dad? O_o;;; I guess
21. [person you wish you could see right now?]
Mon :D
22. [is next to you]
Dewi (just came in)
23. [some of your favorite movies]
Romeo And Juliet, Bram Stoker's Dracula,...
24. [something you're looking forward to]
having enough money to go to places that I want to go.
25. [the last thing you ate]
Twister minis
26. [something that you are deathly afraid of]
27. [do you like candles]
Not really, no.
28. [do you like incense]
No! x_x
29. [do you like the taste of blood]
No. Ewh.
30. [do you believe in love]
31. [do you believe in soul mates]
.. I don't know what I believe.
32. [do you believe in love at first sight]
No. But I do very much believe in lust at first sight :)
33. [can you eat with chopsticks]
34. [what are some of your favorite candies]
chupachups - strawberry and cream XD
35. [what's something that you wish people would understand]
that I eat slowly and I'm afraid of dogs.. and can't cross the street alone. no.
{posted by Chibi on 9:41 PM} +
Last weekend, me and Dea were having these times together.. We were just hangin around the house.., listening to sum music while talking about anything. Well, mostly about those gasoos and K-stuffs XDD
She's in love with Song Seung Hun rite now.. so yeah.. we talked about him mostly. Huehuehue.
And we also analyzing sum K-pop songs.. (mostly FTTS), cuz she just realized that Brian's rap lyrics are so.. sexual. XDDD I'm not kidding.
And while listening to their songs, watching Seung Hun's pics.. OH YEAH it's a sexual thing XDDD LOL!!
Well we ended up making a good fanfic though ^^;;; And we're about to make a script on it. Ahaha!
Today we're talking about our project again.. while listening to Dea's list. So my head still full of sexy songs, like :
Bryan Adams - Let's Make Night To Remember
New Edition - I'm Still In Love With You
Boys II Men - I'll Make Love To You
Sexual Healing
Ahahahhahaa!! And with those songs, lookin at Seung Hun's pics.. and Eric's pics... HUMMMMMM!!
It's a really really nice fantasy^^
{posted by Chibi on 8:45 PM} +
So... banyak orang yang nanyain kemana aja gue selama long wiken ini.
Humm.. Let see.
Last saturday, gue bangun gara2 Riga nelpon gue nanyain kapan Amechan kelar acara wisudaannya. Abis itu, ternyata kita semua udah ditungguin ama Mechan (selesai acara wisudaan) buat poto2 bareng and makan2 ama bokap+nyokap+kakanya. huhuhuhu.. Actually gue baru tau kalo kita mau poto2an segala di studio. Tau gitu kan gue dandan lebih heboh lagi. XDDD
Well, we went to Jonas studio.. ngantri banget, isinya anak2 Unpar yang pada kelar wisudaan >.< Semua orang pada mau poto2. Siyal. It's a pretty depressing scene buat gue+Dea+uli yang belom lulus2 ampe skarang. Huehuehehe. But gue sih ga peduli, I'll graduate whenever I want to :P
I met lots of my friends there.. berkebaya dan toga.. dengan mami papi masing2.. wahh..
Then I started to imagine my graduation day.. ama siapa ya? Mom? Eyang ? BOTH ???? O_o ;;;; OMG IT'S GONNA BE HILARIOUS!! XDD
GUe ampe ketawa sendiri ngebayanginnya. Geli, campur bingung juga. Iya ya... blom pernah thinkin about it... hummm...
Well, anyway, sebelom poto2, kita lunch bareng2 dulu di Banda. Gile perut udah full mampus gituh jadinya :D And selesai poto2, sekitar jam 4 sorean, kita balik.. ujan pula. Mechan udah pesen kita siap2 untuk dijemput buat dinner party ntar malemnya. Whoohoo!! Makan lagi!! :P
Well, kita cuma istirahat bentar di rumah.. me in Dea's room talking about those Shinhwa thingie (the things never die) :P And tau2 Mechan udah nelpon ngejemput kita.
Kita cabut bareng naik mobil Mechan.. (she's driving), berisik banget di mobil.. Whahahaaa.. udah lama kita ga ribut2 bareng.. Mechanmusti ngejemput banyak manusia lagi,so sepanjang jalan laughters never end :)
Oh well... selamet ya Mechan... Kalo jadi ke Argentina, jangan lupa sering2 telpon.. ^^*hugs*
{posted by Chibi on 3:44 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations