Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Friday, January 30, 2004
P E R S O N A L . . .
[my name is]: chibi
[in the morning i am]: blank, very moody, easily get happy/sad/angry.
[all i need is]: love and money :D
[love is]: what makes the world go round ^^
[if i could see one person right now]: mom
[im afraid of]: loneliness and hatred
[i dream about]: being with my nice family and having all the things i want in this world +P
H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: oho, yes.
[actually seen ur crush naked]: well, yea. XDD
[been in love]: about a billion times? ^^;; yes of course.
[cried when someone died]: yes.
[drank alcohol]: yes.
[lied]: OHOHOHO, yes.
[coke or pepsi]: i don't like soda actually, so yea whatever.
[flowers or candy]: .. both? :D okay, candy!
W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . .
[what do u notice first?]: eyes, smile, the way he talk.
[last person u slow danced with]: .. forgot who O_o
[worst thing to say]: curse words.. lots.
[tall or short]: taller.
W H O . . .
[makes u laugh the most?]: the Jinxed ones, Nindi, Mon,.. I laugh so easily :D
[makes you smile]: Mum, Shinhwa, anyone who gives me nice attention.
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them]: ...Eric..
[has a crush on u?]: uhm.., I guess.. there is this guy..
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: boys. but for a deep emotional advices, girls.
D O Y O U E V E R . . .
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: All day? No. A couple of hours, yes.
[save aol/aim conversations]: nope. unless it's so damn important.
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: yeah..
H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .
[fallen for ur best friend]: yes.., couple times.
[been rejected]: .. i don't think so.
[rejected someone]: yes.
[used someone]: only when they agreed to be used, and
when he/she used me too.
[been cheated on]: oh yes T_T
[done something u regret]: yes.
W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .
[u talked to]: Lily
[hugged]: Ame-chan (this morning)
[u instant messaged]: Usagi
[u laughed with]: Dea-chan & Julia.. and Mon (few minutes ago)
D O Y O U . . .
[color your hair]: no
[habla espanol]: no
H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U[smoke]: sometimes.. when I got crazy O_o;; but only inhales 2-3 times, then throw it away (me hate smokes +P)
[obsessive]: yea kinda XDD
[could u live without the computer?]: i think so..
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: I don't count.
[what's your favorite food?]: chocolate pudding^^
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: apple, grapes, watermelon
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional.
[trust others way too easily?]: not really.
F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .
[i want]: lots of money XDDD And ERIC
[i wish]: i could fix all my problems rite now
[i love]: my life, my family, my friends, .. Eric.
[i miss]: my mom + sis, and having a boyfriend..
[i fear]: no one loves me
[i hear]: F-IV's "Girl" mp3 now :P
[i wonder]: what my life would be if I'm not in Bandung..
{posted by Chibi on 9:09 PM} +
I mean, today's pretty freaky for me. Hehehe.
Hari ini aer di rumah mati lagi O_o;; Sampe2 gue akhirnya mandi di kamar Uli this morning. Sebel. Knapa sih aer musti mati? Padahal di rumah tetangga ngga.
Well, abis itu gue makan.. trus ke Tiki buat ngirimin paket fur Mon. Huehue. Moga2 besok udah nyampe yah >_<
Gue cabut ke Tiki lewat kampus ama Amechan.. Dia musti ambil toga and ikut gladi bersih buat acara wisudaan besok.
And i tell ya, this was a frealky thing for me. Whohoho.
My campus full of graduate people.., while me? I dunno when will I graduate from this place.
And the people I met today, always asked me the same thing.
It's a really depressing moments ^^;;;;
Oh, by the way, ga tau kenapa.. hari ini gue ngga ngerasa kenapa2. Tapi kok tiba2 agak sedih ya? Gue sendiri juga ga tau kenapa O_o
I need someone.
{posted by Chibi on 3:27 PM} +
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I was in my highschool (<-- strange no.1 : Hischool?!), and my teacher told us to cook (okay, strange no.2 : I never cook at school) dan gue harus ngiris ikan buat dimasak. Dan ikannya tuh a baby dolphin!! (<-- strange no.3 :dolphin -_-)
O_o ;;;
I was a vegetarian, and sampe sekarang gue masih ga mampu ngeliat hewan2 dibantai (even buat dimasak, so you guys jangan pernah ajak gue ke pasar daging kalo ga mau liat gue pingsan ato nangis mendadak)..
So when I had to cut the fish, I cried .. that's when I woke up. With tears.
... What the heck was that ??!?
{posted by Chibi on 2:02 PM} +
Do you cry when you watch "Tigger - The Movie"?
And how about "Pokemon - The Movie"?
Well, I did. ^^;;
Hey it's a real touching scene when Tigger tried to search his family, and when Pikachu tought Ash die *I thought Ash died too*
My housemates teased me coz I easily cried when watching dramatic scene/movie. Does that mean I'm a crybaby? O_o
(by the way, I want the answers from the question above - all of you who read this entry!! Post it on my comment box!)
{posted by Chibi on 1:27 PM} +
Well gue ga tau lagi nasib listrik di rumah.. Untungnya kampus gue ga ikutan mati listrik (iyalah, kampus gitu!! O_o XDD) So now I'm blogging here in my campus - as usual - nunggu kuliah ntar sore jam setengah empat. SEI. -_-;; Bakalan bored mampus, I know. Minggu lalu aja yang nongol cuma 6 orang.. dari yang seharusnya 37 makhluk di daftar absen. LMAO. And dosen gue tetep semangat ngajar 6 anak ini sampe jam setengah tujuh malem O_O !!!!!
Stress ga sih...
Hei,anyway, a lil story about my yesterday. I was pretty bete kemaren.. Sampe akhirnya gue bolos kuliah dan Amechan nyulik gue buat jalan2. tapi tetep aja mood gue jelek. Dan tambah parah pas gue pulang. Akhirnya gue ambil CD2 gue, ambil jaket, and gue cabut lagi keluar rumah. Destination : anywhere. Well, akhirnya I crashed at Jimmy's ^^ Oh, sempet online bentar pas nungguin Jimmy yang lagi cabut bentar.. Found Mon.. she gave me this cheering-up-e-card ^^ and akhirnya gue sempet curhat dadakan ke die. Huehue *thanx Mon* <333
Abis itu, gue goler2an di kamar Jimmy.. ngembat sekantong cemilannya dan sate ayamnya (ngerampok ga sih tu namanya^^;;).. Tipi kabelnya lagi dudul O_o Arirangnya ngilang. Lhahh.. ?
yah, akhirnya ngoprek komputernya aja.. sambil ngopi2 beberapa CD.. It made me feel lot better. Perasaan gue jadi nyaman lagi.ga tau karena makanannya, kasurnya, ato CD2nya +P LOL.
Well, dari tempat Jimmy jam setengah sembilan.. Di rumah nemu Nita yang ngomel2 nyariin gue yang ga pulang2^^ Huhuhu so glad having someone misses you at home^^ And things just getting better after watching The Golden Globe Awards bareng2 di kamar Nita ama Nita and Mechan.
Pretty tired, but at least I got my good mood back^^
{posted by Chibi on 1:07 PM} +
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Perhaps a little numb.
I'm at my campus rite now - sebenernya pengen online sebelum kuliah - and my mood was OK sejak pagi tadi. And yea walopun gue sedikit berniat untuk bolos kuliah, but I dressed up and prepared the stuff.
but after I received the sms from my aunt just few minutes ago...
I need a distraction.
Somebody please hug me and give me something i dunno for distraction.. My tear is about to fall, and I dun want to ended up crying here at the warnet >_<
{posted by Chibi on 12:57 PM} +
I went to my office yesterday. Tapi sebelum brangkat, sendal gue PUTUS and I ended up nyulik sendal jepit punya Jimmy buat pulang dulu ganti sepatu. LOL!
Rencana attacking part 2 a lil bit gagal.. Since there was a small acara makan-makan di kantor <3 Pass banget pas gue lagi kelaperan. Huehehe.
Well, the meeting went pretty smooth.. I brought Junior magazine home with me (^O^ Kyaa Kyaa!!) And preparing the article for next edition.
After the meeting, me, Wenda & Mike went to BTC ^^ No plan for shopping actually, but akhirnya I bought a pair of new sandals and a black velvet necklace >.< Daaayymm padahal gue BOKEK MAMPUZ, tapi sempet-sempetnya beli barang2 gituan. Shoot -_-;;
And Wenda yang tadinya cuma mo beli CD, ended up ngambil duit lagi ke ATM and she bought this super cool pants XDD It's black, and modelnya mirip2 celananya anak-anak Shinhwa di MV Deep Sorrow - with Japanese prints ^^ Y'all know she's crazy about anything japanese ^^
gue yakin kalo gue ga lagi bokek - and itu celana ga kedodoran di gue - pasti gue juga udah ikutan beli dah XDD *mupeng alert*
Then.. went home, beli batagor dulu di depan kampus (gile, gue ngidam batagor dari minggu lalu +P).. Nonton Westside Story ampe ketiduran O_o Lhahh.. bangun2 udah jam 7 malem lewat. Pas keluar kamar, Nita was about to go out, so I decided to go out too since di rumah sepi banget. Akhirnya I crashed at Blumen and online.Yeh with lemot mode karena baru bangun tidur LOL!
Renha was online too, damn that girl, she found a Korean guy! And I happily brainwashed her with K-Pop ^^ Eh dia yang minta lho! Hohoho.. and she instantly fell in love with Minwoo after I sent her "Just One Night" MV and MP3. HUAHAHAHA! *evil laugh*
Welcome to the club, Nha ^^
Well.., I went home about half an hour after Mon slept, and then watched Ally McBeal... I tried to read the Junior magz before I sleep, but it was all in Hangeul LOL.. Can't sleep for few hours >.< So I just hummed and kept my eyes closed until I finally fell asleep.
Nice Monday, though ^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:37 PM} +
Thanx to Mon yang udah masukinnya (well, karena gue ga tau caranya XDDD)
{posted by Chibi on 12:21 PM} +
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Jadiin hak milik, kira gue bakal dibunuh ga ya?
{posted by Chibi on 7:54 PM} +
ME here at Blue with Nita.. Today both of us ga ada kerjaan. LOL!
Tadi siang, sepulang gue dari BAIS, gue ama Nita lunch bareng di BuGar bedua.. Since semua penghuni rumah pada ngumpet di kamar masing2 dengan pacar masing2 T_T (oh, kecuali Lily, dia "ngilang" ga tau kemana). Abis makan, trus gue bobo. LOL! Ga tahan sumpahh ngantuk banget.. semalem bobo jam dua dan tadi pagi bangun jam 8. Ahemm. Maklum gue kan termasuk kebo :P
SO I spent this day with Nita. Udah tau ujan2 gini, kita bedua malah pergi keluar rumah. XDD
Kayanya semua orang lebih milih diem di rumah deh di cuaca kaya gini. Well not us, kita malah nekat menembus hujan demi nongkrong dan ngemil. HUahahha!
Bosen banget di rumah, so we decided to nongkrong di Sentra, dia pengen ngerokok sambil ngemil ^^;; Dan gue pengen makan apa aja (O_o tumben banget kan gue laper)
We talked about anything.. You know, it's great to have time like this with your friend ^^
Walopun kita udah tinggal serumah for, what, 4 years? Humm.. but there's always someting new about your housemate ^^ And in times like this, we could know each other lot more deeper.
Aahh I'm blessed to have such great housemates^^
{posted by Chibi on 7:49 PM} +
Friday, January 23, 2004
Oh gosh look what I found, a quiz about J-Rock XDDD
Wenda and Lala should see this :P

Atleast you know what Jrock is.
J-rock quiz - Are you Jrock?
brought to you by Quizilla
And this one, Whoohoo I never thought I'd be this one :

Sensual, classic, artistic. You are Gackt.
Which J-rocker are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wenda would kill me for sure +P Hahaha! HeyyI luv GAckt too, Wen! <333
{posted by Chibi on 3:38 PM} +
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Hohoho! ^0^
{posted by Chibi on 8:47 PM} +
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
{posted by Chibi on 3:29 PM} +
And I found lots of surprising news (oh, Julia's news also counted).
What I get today just make me feel a bit annoyed.. it's about Energy, the Taiwanese boyband..
Ugh, why must they copy Koreans? *sad*
I'm sorry, Tanti (and all of Energy fans). But I think I'm sick of them now.
Another news, it's about Andy saying that he loves this girl.. who.. Kim Yumi? O_o I dunno if it's true or not, but it's a surprise to me.
I miss Mon. I wish she's online rite now, so I can shot her with lots lots of questions and screams. LOL!
Oh yea, btw, guys, since I'm a bit broke (a bit? no, I AM broke) and kinda busy doing my scripts and skripsi :P, so I don't think I can online at night for these few weeks. But I (guess) always online at daytime.^^ Sekitar jam 11/12 sampe jam 4 sorean lah. (Indonesian time). Memanfaatkan warnet kampus yang gratisan :P LOL!
So, yeah, online siang2 dong! *nudges everyone, esp. Mon, it's not so late rite?*
{posted by Chibi on 3:28 PM} +
I was a bit surprised, coz I thought I didn't turn the alarm on last night. When I checked it out, turns out it was my reminder..
"Andy's Birthday!"
Yess I put Andy's birthday on my reminder, also the other Shinhwa guys' birthdays too :P
Well, since I don't have any activity this morning (but I do have a class today at 4 pm), so I continued to sleep again.. until 11 am. Hehhehe.
Then I remembered that I have to go to the administration office to get my new student's card O_o
So I ran to the bathroom, and get ready before 12 (the office closed at 12).
Went back from campus, I bought a lunch for myself, and it's raining. T_T;;
I ran back home, but i got wet already. And by the time I finished my lunch, the rain's gone. T_T
I ran back to the campus again. And here I am, online at the campus lab. Waiting for my class.. ? .. NAAHH I don't think I'd get in later. LOL!
Oh, I met Julia earlier today.. And she told me something surprised me.
Julia : "You lucky bastard! I saw your name on the winner list on the magazine!"
me : O_o "What? Oh.. you mean.. Bintang Asia?" (Yea they put my name there as a winner, padahal itu freebies from my company XDD)
Julia : "Bukaan.. di On dot Com! Yea, yang menangin VCD konser Shinhwa Japan live!"
me : O_O "WHAATT??!?? Serius loohh !?" (<-- kaget beneran)
Julia : "Yea I think it's your name and address! Inget ga lo dulu pernah ngirim kupon undian yang tiga edisi itu?"
me : ".... nggak."
Julia : *gubraks* LOL!!! "You DID!"
me : "did I ? DID I??" (<-- lupa)
Well, gue sendiri masih ngga yakin apa bener gue menang ato ngga. So I'll dropped by Julia's place this afternoon to check up the magz.. And if I am one of the winner, well I gues Julia's right.
I am a lucky bastard. ^^
{posted by Chibi on 3:16 PM} +
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
The telephone bill, electricity, and water bills. Plus Taxes. T___T ;;;
So I'm penniless now. While it's Jan 20, which means 10 days before I could get my monthly money X_x
Coz I have to paid Andri's bills too, since I couldn't find that guy anywhere today while this is the last day to pay those bills.
So if he didn't show up today and give my money back, I guess I have to stick with Indomi tomorrow >_<
And surprise surprise, ternyata yang bokek bukan cuma gue.. tapi juga seluruh penghuni rumah. Huahahaha!!!
Damn bills !! *nyalahin tagihan*
Hx hix. *derita anak kos*
{posted by Chibi on 3:30 PM} +
It's nice to have such wonderful housemates like them.
I just wanna put something here, that I think I must remember it.
When I walked home from Gemboel's with Amechan and Lily, we were talking about the sweet episode of Ally McBeal (it's when Ally's birthday and Robert Downey Jr. brought Sting to the cafe and sang to her). We just love that episode and start imagining having a great birthday like that :P
Anyway the topic then changed, and it's about the movie they were watching last Sunday.
I wrote it as a conversation to make it easier (oh, btw, yes we were talking in English and Indonesian, so I'm not going to translate anything here).
Ame : "Yea.. deg-degan deh kalo ditongkrongin ama cowo seseksi itu pas ulang taun.."
Lily : "Sexy kaya yang di pilem kemaren, Me? *chuckles* Oh Iwant that guy!"
Me : "Pilem? Which one?" <-- *me lost here*
Ame : "Errmm... the bokep one yang kita tonton rame-rame kemaren Minggu. Haha."
Me : ".. O_o You guys were watching porn? Where was I ??"
Lily : "..?? Yea, where were you?" <-- *ini anak lemot baru nyadar kalo gue ga ikut nonton XDD*
Ame : "Uhm.. you were... busy with your Bada thingie? Your deadline, remember? So we just didn't wanna disturb you."
Me : "... O_o Oh.. So you guys were watching porn while I was dying try to write a piece of bullsh*t about Bada.. That's not faaiiirr.. !!" >_<
Ame : "Hey, life's not fair, honey! Hueheue!"
Well we were laughing all the way to the house then and still talking about the unfair world XDD
But Ame's last sentence just hit me. I forgot about that line.
Yeah.. life's not fair. Just deal with it. Hahahaha.
{posted by Chibi on 3:12 PM} +
The Cover Story ::
So then I was ranting about it yesterday, in my weekly meeting. And more thing came up and hit my nerve. It's the article inside. He (ugh, I wanna put my claws in his throat! >.<) he wrote an article with the interviews that clearly taken from the net! And without credit! While I already warn him about it for, what, a billion times !??!
Can't believe he did that. Plus, there are some false infos in the article. Well I yelled and complaining (with a little bangs on the table and a thwack on his arm), but his reaction just made me pissed even more T_T ;;;
Aaacckk it sucks when you can't argue with your Boss -_-
Well I can't totally blame him for all of these things, I know the problem wasn't just from him, but the management too. That's why I hate double management.
I went back from the office with grumbles, even when me, Wenda, and Mike having our lunch @ KFC. But then I realized it's pretty useless to rant about it now, so I guess I just had to calm myself down.
Lucky we were at the mall, so lots of good things can cheer me up. I spent an hour at the cosmetic store and I bought a new black eyeliner to make myself feel better. Well it did make me feel better then ^^
I was pretty tired when I got home, so I decided to stay at home when Ame and Uli asked me to have dinner together. I stayed at Uli's room, trying to restore my mood, played the music on...
"Young Gunz" and "Just One Night" never failed me ^^It just built my mood again. I even got the inspiration to start doin' my Jun story^^
Things got even better when Wenda called and told me that she already talked to Mr. Tommy (the BIG Boss) about the cover story. *har har* Yes thankyou, it did make me feel happier. When you can't hit the mice, make the rat hit it XDD
I wrapped my day with Ame and Lily, we were watching a sweet episode of "Friends" and "Ally McBeal" together, then outting to Gemboel's coz I was starving.. at 11.30 pm +P
Went home at 1 am, put on my night mask on my face and watched sum MVs while waiting till it dry.. Wiped it off.. then off to bed.
I slept with a smile again^^
{posted by Chibi on 2:49 PM} +
I just luv "Young Gunz".
Can't get the son out of my head, and my mood just easily flipped from bad to good just with this ONE song ^^
{posted by Chibi on 2:30 PM} +
Sunday, January 18, 2004
I had 2 korean kids today.. And walopun masih susah juga communicate with them (since they hardly speak indonesian or english O_o), but we got sume improvement today... Well, at least Rebecca said "unni" to me ^^ Waw.
I felt so tired at BAIS.. X_x Me still sleepy, and those kids were pretty annoying :P I had to calm my head down cuz every 5 minutes Kelsey said "I want mommy...!!" Huahh lucky she's so cute! XDD
Back from BAIS, I already promised Amechan to company her to the photo studio, cuz she wanted to order sum photo session for her graduation day. But it was so hot this afternoon, and I fell asleep while I was reading Conan after lunch >.<;;
Sorry, onechaaannn!!!!
Well, lucky she's fine with it. :D
I just had my dinner with the jinxed ones (that are my housemates if u confuse :P) And I'm still complaining about my deadline tomorrow. My boss told me to make an article about BAda for the next issue.
O_o I mean, why must Bada? Geezz.. Why don't he pick another gassoo???
Oh, speaking about the magazine, I found the newest issue's cover is quite disturbing.
It's about "S", and lots lots of my friends are complaining about the cover title. Tsk.
I'm planning to kill my boss tomorrow, so don't worry guys *har har*
Well now, I guess I have to back to my article, while my housemates probably screaming in the house rite now.
The time I left them, they were arguing about which DVD they should watch tonite, "Ju-On 3" or "Basic Instinct". LOL!!
Aaaaccckkk deadline!! -_-
{posted by Chibi on 10:44 PM} +
Well, pretty hectic, but niccceee...
I woke up at 9.30 in the morning, cuz I slept at 3 the night before *thanx to YM, I chatted with someone til morning*cough* LOL!!
Well, padahal gue ada forum mahasishwa-dosen about skripsi.. di reminder gue sih jam 10. Biasanya, gue selalu pasang reminder 1 JAM SEBELUMNYA. So itu berarti meetingnya jam 11, right? Right. I thought so.
TERNYATAAAA... pas jam 11 kurang 5 gue dan Uli nyampe kampus, UDAH MULAI DONG !!! DARI JAM 10 !!
Untung masih boleh masuk. Yeah walopun nyaris ga dapet tempat duduk, dan dipelototin sekian puluh pasang mata :P
Abis meeting, kita serumah lunch bareng di Mie Jakarta^^. Trus sorenya, as I promised Liza, gue ke SKY FM to pick up my CDs... I dragged Amechan and Lily with me. Dea couldn't go, she had a boyfriend to date. Tsk +P
And guess what, gue siaran dadakan loh! LOL!
They were talking about korean food.. and sum korean artist. So the dragged me to the studfio and made me blabbing about K-Pop. LOL! I was like O_o what? I didn't prepare anything for that! But the next thing was I put the headphone and we were all chatted in front of the mics ^^
Well, I got sum free CDs from her after the radio show ^^ *Whaahh I got lots of free stuffs lately yah?^^ Well that's becuz I'm nice and pretty *tabok* ) :P
From Sky FM, we went to Gasibu and ate sate there. I'm tellin ya, this is my first time hangin out in Gasibu at weekend. Bandung was so crowdy ^^ I thought cuma Dago yang heboh kalo malem minggu. Ternyata Gasibu itu surga makanan juga! LOL! *kemana aja ya gue selama ini*
Pulang ke rumah, semua orang "memaksa" gue buat nonton Ju-On O_o Ohohoh, no way!! GUe paling ANTI ama pilem horor O_o;;;
So I decided to sleep. Lagian gue musti ke BAIS minggu pagi.
Ahh.. I slept with a smile in my face ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 9:41 PM} +
Friday, January 16, 2004
Busy Chi-Bee
I'm back to my old me, busy and going everywhere everyday. LOL!
At first I felt a bit lonely at home cuz no one's there, but now everyone's home - almost, except Nita - tapi malah guenya yang ngilang mulu.. nyaris ga pernah di rumah.
Kaya sekarang nih, gue belom pulang dari tadi siang XDDD
Kemaren gue ke kantor, trus jalan-jalan ke BTC ama Wenda cs.. having a lunch (i had a big portion of bulgogi O_o couldn't finish it all).. trus balik ke kampus, ketemu Amechan.. ^^ Trus spending the night at Uli's.
And for tomorrow, I already have a plan with Wenda cs. Including a visit to Sky FM. Oh shoot, I have a deadline.. but ...
Nah kan. Sekarang gue bingung deh ngatur waktu. Sial. Hahaha!!
{posted by Chibi on 11:48 PM} +
I need a black eyeliner. I left my old one in Jakarta, and the only eyeliner I have here is the brown one. It doesn't match with lots of my clothes!
I need a mascara. And I still can't find my eyelash curler. I think it's in Amechan's room. Believe me, eyelash curler is a must.
I know I may sound ganjen :P
But believe me, i'm not the kind of "dandan person". But I'm a girl, what can I say. And those things I mentioned above, are pretty important for a girl's daily make-up.
Oh, and I also want a pair of new jeans. But I'm broke now. LMAO !!!
{posted by Chibi on 11:41 PM} +
Sebel deh. Gue ampe males ngapa-ngapain ari ini. Well walopun akhirnya pergi juga sih.. ke tempat Jimmy. Huahahaha! Itu juga pas mo pergi udah setengah mati perjuangannya :P
As usual, gue bajak remote tipi and tempat tidur dia... while he was busy with his computer. And he got flu XDDD Poor Jimboy, antian nih skarang virusnya.
Oh ya by the way flu gue udah nyaris sembuh total kok. Don't worry :D
Gara2 di rumah lagi direnovasi oleh ibu kos tercinta, gue jadi males di kos.. Berisik banget sih. ALgian emang kebetulan gue musti kesana kemari. HUhuhu. Chibi's back to busy again!
And berhubung hari ini batre HP gue abis, so I turned off my cell. Sorry for those who cannot reach me today.
William gave me this assignment about Bada O_o which made me confuse. Deadline-nya Senin, gitu!! Lahh.. gue mo nulis apa about Bada?? Ngefans juga kaga. Paling2 MV doang yang gue punya.
Duh, gue jadi ngomel gini. HUehehe. Padahal bete juga nggak sih... Cuma bingung doang. Soalnya besok rencana wiken gue padet, trus kapan gue ngerjain artikelnyaa??!?!?
{posted by Chibi on 11:29 PM} +
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
HUehehe. Iya sih.. Come to think of it, gue baru menyadari..
Iya ya. Kenapa sih gue bisa boros banget pake pulsa HP gue?? O_o;;
KAlo gue ngisi pulsa yang 50.000 (gue pake Simpati, prabayar), itu pulsa cuma bertahan 4 hari >.< maksimal seminggu.
And kalo diisi yang 100.000, bisa sih bertahan sebulan... tapi 2 minggu juga udah tinggal seribu. LOL!!
I dunno why gue bisa segahar itu kalo pake pulsa. Padahal ga nelpon loh.. well, jarang sih. tapi SMS.. OH MAI GAATTT.. Gue kalo udah SMS-an ama orang.. ga brenti2 >_< ;;;Soalnya sekali SMS gue bisa langsung 2-3 messages, so yeah.. Apalagi kalo SMS-nya udah ke luar.. ke Sydney, misalnya XDDD *nudges Mon* Suka ga berasa udah ngabisin pulsa berapa dalam sehari.
So, guys... maap ya kalo tiba2 gue ga bales SMS ato telponnya.. itu berarti pulsa gue udah mampus. Dan belom mampu untuk reload lagi. LMAO.
Kaya sekarang ini... Ada yang mau berbaik hati isiin pulsa gue ga? :P
{posted by Chibi on 10:54 PM} +
I finally got a chance to relax today.. After a serial trip with my friends since Monday XDDD
I haven't been home until today, since I went to Wenda's last Monday. Well, I got back home for only few hours yesterday, before Renha came and dragged me to her aunt's house in Kiara Condong (that's faar faar awaay), and made me stay there last night >.<
This morning Renha dragged me here and there until I finnally got back to my place at 1 p.m. I spent half of this day on the street, so yeah you can imagine me exhausted and almost melting -_-;;
After saying bye-bye to Renha (she must go back to Jakarta ASAP), I rushed back to the house while imagining a nice cold shower on the way :P
As I thought, nobody's home when I got in the house. Well except my landlady and some repairmen doin' some house renovation on the back (but I chose to ignore them +P)
I finally got time of my own, so I tried to (or pretend to) not hearing the noise of those repairmen thwacking or maybe destroyed the house :P At least I'm save in my room +P
So after that long nice cold shower (like I'd never want to get out from that bathroom), I ate my lunch in my room, and made a big glass of iced chocomilk.. Turned on my TV and watched Midweek Madness.. while I was reading my ChickLit till I got slepy ^^ Oh, then Nindi called and we laughed and chatted for about a half an hour.. And then I continued to lay back on my bed, hope I could take a nap before Westside Story is on :P
And yes, I woke up when Westside is on XDD *Aahh Wallace Huo <33* (<-- the only reason I watched that serial) LOL!
After that, I noticed the sound of door clicking O_o Somebody's hooommee !! I looked out my door, and yesss sodara-sodara, Lily's home !! :D And 5 seconds after I screamed and hugged her, Dea's hoommee !!!
Ahh so glad having my housemates back in the house ! ^^ *sniff*
So rite now I'm online with Dea, and chat with Mon happily ^^
Geezz I dunno what to do again *LOL* I'm hype on happiness today ^^
{posted by Chibi on 9:44 PM} +
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Oh yeayy I always knew I'm Shinhwa's no. 1 fan +P
And this quiz just prove it :P

No. 1 fan!! You are a REAL Shinhwa fan!! =)=)
Shinhwa is everything in your life!
Are You A REAL Shinhwa fan?
by xx-blue-xx.
Hahaha. Gue serasa anak SMU +P *maluw*
{posted by Chibi on 10:28 PM} +
Karena rumah kosong (nearly sih, walopun Dea masih ada and Andri kadang2 nongol) so I decided to sleep over at Wenda's. Besides I already promised her to do that while ago.
So yesterday I spent my night in her house.. We talked about the Vanilla Priject all night. XDDD
I went home this afternoon cuz Renha is coming to Bandung today.
Yeapp, and guess where I am rite now.
Renha kidnapped me to her relative's place, and she made me to stay there tonight. *sigh* And this place called Kiara Condong, is faaarrrr awaaaaayyy from my place. O_O;;
So I'm not home again tonight.
Renha is getting married next month, so she's kinda busy preparing things for the big day. Waw.
Anyway, rite now I'm blogging from a warnet we found in Buah Batu, cuz I want to online so bad (especially after Mon SMSed me). And yes she gave me lots of nice things that makes me hype here XDD
See, it's amazing how she always makes my day^^
Tomorrow, I'll be home and I want to spend my day in my bed XDDD Me want to rest.
And I want to finish my storylines...
{posted by Chibi on 8:44 PM} +
Monday, January 12, 2004
Cuma masalahnya gue ngga berpulsa, ga bisa kluar rumah karena pilek, apalagi online. <-- penekanan di sini nihhh :P
So you all can always SMS me, or call me, or maybe come to visit me and bring me some food. That would be good ^^
And now I'm alone in the house, cuz everybody left to JAkarta. T_T ;; And Dea is busy with her job and her boyfriend.
{posted by Chibi on 12:24 AM} +
Sunday, January 11, 2004
That's the reason I didn't go out from my house for the last 2 days. My nose is wet, and tissues all over my room, so yeah you can say it's hell in here. XDD
But everything's got better now.
I start my activities today.
I went to BAIS this morning, as usual, to babysit in the sunday school ^^
Pretty fun, there are 2 new girls in my class. Korean girls XDD And none of them speak English or Indonesian. Isn't that great! *LOL*
So I SMSed Mon for an emergency help, but she wasn't even awake yet *tabok* And her reply just ain't helping much XDDDD So yeah I finally could handle that with alot of effort ^^;;
After from BAIS, i went to Nindi's. Her brother got married today. So I promised her mother to come to the party, while actually I got another plan to go to the movie with Kendo guys.
But since I promised her mother first, so I chose to go to Nindi's.
Sorry for breaking the plan, guys :( I'm soooo soooo soorrreeeeyyy..... >.<;;
I promise I won't miss another movie. Kay?
And Wen, yes, I'll sleep over your house tomorrow.^^
So, anyway, I'm going to have a busy week ahead. So I think I'll save more energy for tomorrow. Even though my nose is getting better, but my voice is still funny *LOL* I dun wanna make it worse :P
{posted by Chibi on 10:42 PM} +
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Ericcc Eriiccc !

Udah lumayan lama sih. Tapi yang penting Eric. Masih tetep bikin gue deg-degan XDDD
Najong ya gue +P
{posted by Chibi on 6:09 PM} +
Hormus lulus !!!
I went to the campus today for registration, but turns out i was late XDD So I just roaming aroung my campus, and met those boys.
Gue baru tau kalo ternyata Hormus sidang hari ini O_o And dai akhirnya lulus, walopun dengan nilai yang ngga sesuai harapan dia. Hey but that's OK, Mus, at least lo udah lulus dengan IP tinggi.. and udah bergelar sarjana! (ciieehhh!!) And yang paling penting, udah bisa nyumpah-nyumpahin kampus dudul ini XDDDD *LOL*
So then we had our drinks at Sentra.. Talking about fun stuffs - banyakan ngegosip sih :P - celebrating kelulusan si Hormy. And besok giliran si Freddy Sungie yang sidang. Katanya dia bakal dapet penyidang yang super membetekan, so let's pray for him, yah! XDDD *Go Sungie Go Sungie!*
And it makes me wondering, kapan ya giliran gue sidang...? Thinking about it, tiba2 gue jadi mules. Hehehe. I know I'm not ready for that now. Gue baru aja memulai, dan I dunno what the hell am I going to do about the topic >_< *hikkss*
But I hope sih semester ini gue bisa nyelesaiinnya. Iyalah, harus! Everybody's waiting for me to do that.
Meanwhile, skarang gue sentrup-sentrup ga jelas, idung gue bindeng, tenggorokan gue sakit. Makasih buat Nita dan Dea atas hibah virus flu-nya. Nyah. T_T ;; Gini nih sambutan "welcome home" nya.
{posted by Chibi on 5:23 PM} +
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Se7en's article
Thanx shugorei yang udah rela meng-upload-ken buat sayah. <333
OMG gue ga bisa ngilangin suara Eric nyanyi InHyoung dari kepala gue >_<
Btw, penyakit lupa gue kayanya tambah parah XDD
Tadi pagi gue bangun tidur dan lupa mo ngapain. Yang gue inget malah kuliahnya si Mon XDD Padahal harusnya gue ke bank buat ngurusin daftar ulang kuliah dll. Shoot.
Pas gue balik dari Jakarta juga, beberapa barang gue ketinggalan, and those are pretty important to me.
I forgot to bring my tooth brush, my eyeliner, and Dea's birthday present.
{posted by Chibi on 11:05 PM} +
Holiday thingie
(thanx sooo much, shugorei!)
Whah whah.. today's a fine daaayyyy !!! :D
I woke up at 9 this morning, and dunno what to do LOL I took a shower at 11, and heading to Dea's room to execute the CDs from Mon and Ugi^^ *hugs Mon & Ugi
I was so tired yesterday.. Got back from Bogor, then go to the office, then online.. :P
I can't say my holiday in Jakarta was awful. But I can't say it's good either +P
Too many foods, I almost puke everytime my grandma told me to eat those things >_< And I barely get out from the house without my grandma >.< Sekalinya gue keluar, diomelinnya semaleman +P
Tapi senengnyaaa.. I finally bisa ketemuan ama Marin, Ugi, Tina...^^
Tanggal 3 JAnuari kemaren, kita FINALLY ketemuan :P Di Plaza Indonesia. MArin langsung dateng walopun abis dari kroskantri XD Abis muter2 di Kinokuniya, gue malah sempet ketemu nyokap segala +P , akhirnya kita lunch di Red Pepper. Marin akhirnya bisa bertemu dengan yangnamanya kimchi XDD Walopun gue yakin she's not that excited about it now :P *nudges Marin*
After that, I ran to my cousin Kevin's birthday at Godeliva, Kemang. Again, food T_T;; But I was a bit relieve, cuz I could avoid sum of it with KARAOKE XDDD
We stayed there until midnite. I was exhausted, while my mom told me to go to Bogor early on the next day O_o Whaahhhh no wayy...
So I decided to go to Bogor at 3 pm. My body was almost cracked.
But it was fun... And I got back to Bandung the next day, with non-AC bus >.<
Yea imagine that.
But everything's fine now... I'm back to my world..
My next task is REDUCE MY WEIGHT >_<
{posted by Chibi on 8:13 PM} +
Monday, January 05, 2004
I'll post again tomorrow.
{posted by Chibi on 7:42 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations