Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Well today I went there again.. And guess what, that little Korean girl came again! Yeayy!! ^^
Okay. Let me tell you about this.
2 weeks ago, there was a new girl in my class. I didn't know who she is, she seemed so shy and quiet. So I offered her some crackers. She remained silence, but then I just realized her mother was there too. So her mother came to her, and I asked her, "What's her name?" She said "Namanya Rebecca" (<-- she speaks Indonesian). Aahh.. so I offered Rebecca my crackers again. She just stared at me, until her mother spoke to her.. IN KOREAN! I was like O_O they're KOREAN! I was soo excited. I only knew few Korean kids in my class - Bethany, Jonathan, Carris - so Rebecca is a new Korean girl. And her mother looked very nice too.
So then Rebecca took my crackers, and I tried to chat with the mom. Apparently, she only knew some Indonesian words O_o Euh, okay... So I asked her in English. But then she said, she only knew some English words too !
OKAY, NOW I'M PANIC O_o She speaks ONLY Korean ! Nyaaaaaaa~~ng!!
And I only knew some Korean words T_T So we communicate with mixed-language, plus sign language LOL All I can say was "gamsahamnida.." or, "Annyong, Rebecca!" or "Gure" or "Gwenchana?" XD Standar bangeettt!!
She talked about the weather in Indonesia - she said it's very hot in here - while in Korea is cold.. and the rest is blur, cuz she spoke in Korean VERY fast *_* I just nodded and smiled *tuing2* LOL
And I told her that I want to learn KOrean, cuz I just luv Korean music *can't tell her that I luv Korean gasoos :P bhuahaha*
She - oh, her name is Mrs. Lee, by the way *smirks* (any relation with Lee Min Woo? Lee Ji Hoon? Le Sun Ho? LOL I didn't dare to ask such a dumb question like that XP) Well, she's a very nice lady, and she told me that she just came here to Indonesia a month ago. Aahh.. so that's why she still confuse with Indonesian language. But one thing makes me wondering, I thought Korean people are good in English.. But not Mrs. Lee. Hmm.
That means I have to learn more Hangeul @_@
SOMEBODY TEACH ME KOREAAANNN!!! >_< *towel2 Von, Fey, whoever - even Eric* :P Hahahahaha!!
Since I'm the only one who could get close to Rebecca and her mom, today Mrs. Lee gave me a pack of cookies ^^ I think she only recognized me. :P
My friends laughed when they saw me came out from the class with frustrated-look on my face XD Baru kali ini gue frustasi ngadepin anak Korea! I mean, Bethany and Jonatahn are nice, they speaks English VERY well *Jonathan even taught me sum Korean words sumtimes* But Korean who can only speaks Korean... gue jadi frustasi beneran. LOL !!!
Well, that makes me want to learn Korean even more... Not just becuz of Eric :P or KangTa or Minu >_< *bletaks* But I think Korean language is interseting. Whahh I said the same thing too about Japanese and French T_T MAUNYA GIMANA SEEEHH *dang!*
Next week I meet Mrs. Lee and Rebecca again, I wanna chat with sum new words *grins* I hope!
{posted by Chibi on 11:53 PM} +
But then gue baca di majalah, kalo film ini diangkat dari novel bikinan anak SMU O_o Whoo.. dat's cool. Awalnya, Rachmania - yang bikin crita ini - nulis critanya trus dijual dalam bentuk fotokopian ke temen2nya. Nggak taunya laku berat, sampe dititipin ke Gramedia segala. Trus ada produser yang tertarik, and akhirnya dibikin film deh...
Maybe that's why gue jadi tertarik ama film ini. Bayangin, dari cerita anak SMU loh.. Ga beda kan ama kita2 yang suka bikin cerita2 ato fanfic2 (hey, walopun gue udah bukan anak SMU lagi, but yea you get my point, rite? :P) Nasib baik yang bikin dia berhasil jadiin novel pertamanya ini ke layar lebar. Aand ofcourse, usaha dia buat ngejual hasil karyanya itu boleh juga ^^
Well, akhirnya hari Jumat abis Lebaran, me, Eyang, Henu+Ari+Putri, and Asti, ke Bintaro Plaza buat nonton. Tadinya sepupu gue Kevin juga pengen ikutan, tapi ga jadi :P I feel like babysitting +P
NGANTRI BANGEEETTT!!! >.< After ngantri selama hampir sejam O_o akhirnya kita dapet tiket juga... Second row XD LOL Ngga papa deh, daripada penasaran.
Jalan ceritanya... biasa aja sih sebenernya. SMU banget. About a girl named Tita (diperanin ama Shandy - cewe iklan Rexona), yang kuper gara2 ortu yang overprotective.. Jalan2 ke mal ama temen aja ngga boleh (ih, kesian banget ga sih), apalagi ama cowonya yang udah dua taun pacaran backstreet. Suatu hari, Tita disuruh jemput temen bokapnya dan anaknya dari Perancis.. yang ternyata bakal DIJODOHIN ama Tita! O_o Panik deh.. Udah gitu cowo ini, Adit namanya(diperanin ama Sammy), orangnya juteeekk berat. Apalagi ngadepin anak mami yang manja kaya Tita, whoohh bawaannya nyolot mulu! Gimana Tita ngga sebel.
Konflik cerita ini berkembang dari situ. Ditambah lagi masalah yang muncul pas Tita ditantang untuk bawa cowonya - Ergi - ke pesta kembang api, dan Adit bawa cewenya, Intan (diperanin ama Titi Kamal, bener2 cuma nongol sebentar doang). Tau2 Adit berantem ama Ergi. Knapa? Soalnya Ergi pernah ketauan ama Adit lagi beduaan ama Intan di apartemen Intan.
Tapi lama-lama, Tita jadi mulai suka ama si cowo jutek ini. Soalnya ternyata dibalik kejutekannya, Adit itu perhatian.. And buntutnya, udah bisa ketebak kan ^^ (Ini bukan pilem Korea kok, jangan takut bakal sad ending dengan akhir yang nggantung. LOL)
Emang kalo menurut gue, jalan cerita film ini biasa aja. Ya kaya yang gue bilang tadi, SMU banget (iyalah, yang nulis juga masih 15 taun pas bikin critanya). Alurnya yang antiklimaks, bikin film ini ngalir critanya. Tapi justru itu bikin film ini ngga berkesan dibuat-buat, apa adanya banget. Kekonyolan2 yang muncul juga wajar banget, kaya apa yang kita alamin sehari2 (ato mungkin lebih tepatnya kaya apa yang gue alamin sehari2? hehe) Kepolosan si Tita, ato gaya nyolotnya Adit, dialognya wajar banget. Kalo dibandingin ama AADC, di film ini banyak adegan konyolnya. Kalo di AADC kan paling2 si Mamet aja yang kocak. Kalo di Eiffel ini, nenek gue aja ngakak2 pas nontonnya XD Adegan favorit gue sih pas Adit ngegendong Toita yang ketiduran (gara2 kecapean pas baru nyampe Paris) ke kamarnya. Lagunya udah romantis, Aditnya juga udah senyum2 mesra gitu.. tau2 KESANDUNG KARPET dan bikin kepala Tita KEJEDUG XD LOL Titanya langsung bangun and marah2. Bhuahaha! Things like that yang might happen to us itu maksud gue... yang bikin film ini (keliatan) lebih wajar dari AADC.
Sebenernya gue lebih tertarik baca novel aslinya daripada nonton filmnya. Tapi di Gramedia udah sold out loh! Padahal udah masuk cetakan ke-4. Hebat.. O_O Kalo diliat2, akting para pemerannya sih biasa aja, ngga bagus2 amat, walopun juga ga jelek sih. Namanya juga artis2 baru. Masih suka keliatan kakunya, tapi gayanya pas banget ama anak SMU (jadi jangan bayangin peran2 anak SMU kaya di sinetron2 ya! Itu sih boong berat!) Ya iyalah, pemerannya juga anak SMU kok LOL (Eh, Sammy udah kuliah ya?) Tapi lumayan ngebangun bayangan tokoh2nya kok ^^
Gue lumayan sebel ama Tita. Nyebelin banget! Manjanya ga ketulungan. Hobinya ngerengek nangis, trus polos berat. T_T Kalo gue jadi Adit juga bakal jutek. (Walopun ditentang abis-abisan ama Ari sepupu gue, "Nggak nyebelin ah! Cuma manja aja.. I think she's cute." Yea whatever *rolls eyes* Gue tau deh tipe cewe yang lo suka!)
Juteknya si Adit juga wajar kok :P Yang gue heran, si Sammy dibilang cakep, padahal biasa aja ah :P Hahaha! Oke, emang keliatan sih gaya (sok) cool-nya. Tapi efeknya ngga seheboh Nicholas Saputra dulu. Kalo Sammy sih lebih keliatan dogolnya buat gue :P
Yang bikin gue tambah penasaran pengen nonton, mungkin gara2 gue ketemu mobil Volvo Sammy di jalan pas sama2 kejebak macet di Lebak Bulus.. huehuehue.. Gaya nyetirnya SAMA LOH XD
But the most thing is skenario film ini, yang bikin juga Rachmania itu juga. :) Two thumbs up buat cewe ini. Good job, girl! ^^
Well, over all, gue pribadi kasih nilai 7,5 out of 10 for this movie. I dunno how about you guys.. Tapi kalo disuruh nonton lagi, gue mau kok. Asal dibayarin. Hehehe.
So, interesting? :)
{posted by Chibi on 10:24 PM} +
LEBARAN !!! ::
It feels so good to online again.. After 8 days without internet, I thought I'm about to die O_o LOL Hioperbolis banget ya :P Tapi emang bener loh, di Jakarta gue SETENGAH MAMPUS nyari warnet, sampe gue SEPEDAAN (yes, I can ride a BIKE - siapa bilang gue ga bisa naek speda!? *pouts*) muter2 kompleks runah gue nyari yang namanya warnet... Sekalinya nemu, TUTUP. LOL Emang ga jodoh +P
Well but it's a good thing though, gue udah lama ngga sepedaan since.. err.. 8 years ago? LOL *inget jaman2 SMP* Yea pokoknya udah lama banget! And I just luv the fresh air that afternoon...^^ Jakarta yang sepi, ga macet, ga ada polusi, soalnya pada mudik semua! LOL Gue aja yang anomali kasus, mudiknya justru ke Jakarta :P
:: LEBARAN DAY -3, Saturday
Pretty boring T_T Yeaa well first it was becuz the house is full of kids - my cousins, but I couldn't find anyone at my age, all my cousins are around 12 year-old, or - worse - 6 year-old. IMAGINE me surrounded by those kids >.< They were screaming, running everywhere.. no adults except me and my Grandma. Oh, and my maid :P
Then my other cousin came, Kevin, with his dad - my uncle. We went to Bintaro Plaza cuz my Grandma said she needed new pillows T_T That's it. Just bought some pillows, a grabbed a book about Pop Culture, then we went home.
Since I couldn't find any internet cafe, and those kids were busy with their games and PlayStation thingie (I'm not a game person, so the hell with dat thing), I just entertained myself with... my Grandma's handphone. LOL Yess, since gue ga punya pulsa (dan ampe sekarang juga blom berniat isi pulsa :P) jadi gue bajak HP Eyang dengan sukses.. Apalagi Eyang baru ngisi pulsa :P huhu *naughty me*
Semua orang yang SMS ke HP gue, gue balesnya dari HP Eyang.. LOL Kaya Mon, Nindi, Ary, Resti,.. heuhuehue.
Oh ya, malem itu gue dapet SMS dari Yudith *hai Dith!*waves* At first I didn't recognize her number - it's Australian number - maap Diiith.. :P Tapi abis itu gue jadi excited banget.. sampe kita SMSan dari jam 8 ampe 11 malem - itu HP udah low batt - dan akhirnya HPnya mati.. LOL... Well at least guew jadi ada kerjaan kan..
:: DAY -2 and -1
Sama aja, cuma bedanya ade gue, Asti, dateng dari Bogor. She decided to have Lebaran with me in Bintaro. She arrived with my aunt and uncle.
Oh, on the last day of fasting, kita sekeluarga buka bersama : me, eyang, Henu + Ari + Putri (my cousins), Asti (my sister), and my Aunt+Uncle. Kita berdoa bersama thanking God for the blessing during Ramadhan.. And I must admit, that was a touchy moment. Me there, without my Mom and Dad, but with a lot of people that close to my heart..
:: LEBARAN ! DAY 1 : Mabok Ketupat & opor
LOL Yess it's true.. After shalat Ied, Eyang + Yu Sum (my maid) already set the house for openhouse. Guests were coming like neverending list..So before those guests came, we ate first. LOL First we were excited about the main menu, Ketupat and Opor ayam. Plus gule sapi and petis telor *yummie* :P~
After receiving tons of guests, the whole family gathered up and kita mulai acara sungkeman. Well, this was Touchy moments #2.. for the whole family, and maybe mostly for me. Cuz this year I celebrate Lebaran without my Mom and Dad ( I called Mom earlier, and my Dad called too since he decided not to show up)
Then we off to my grandma's sister. Her husband got this stroke for couple of months, and he wanted the whole family to come since he felt this might be his last Lebaran O_o Do you have any idea how many family members we have? Zillion. Maybe more, i dunno. We're a big Javanese family, afterall. LOL So typical.
Again, the main menu were ketupat and opor.. Gue udah kekenyangan mampus so gue cuma ngincer cheese cake, brownies and fruit punch-nya.. Tapi pas sepupu gue Bunga ngambil soto babat, akhirnya nggak tahan juga.. hehehe..
Ngga tau ide siapa awalnya, pulang dari situ tau2 kita KE BOGOR. T___T; To my uncle's parents' house. Nggak jauh sih, cuma sejam - and ngga macet! - cuma gue bete aja.. bosen.. Dan menunya lagi2 ketupat + opor >_<
Lebaran hari kedua, kita ke makam Eyang Papa di Tanah Kusir. Rame sih, tapi untungnya ngga seheboh hari pertama :P Abis itu, Kevin called and asked us to come to his house. Ya udah.. Walhasil, ketemu lagi dehh ama yang judulnya opor ayam itu *_* Since I'm not a big fan of meat (I used to be a vegetarian, y'know), akhirnya yang gue makan cuma sepotong bistik and kentang.. Gue lebih tertarik ama Ice cake-nya ^^ FINALLY! ICE CREAM! Sementara para ibu2 bergosip, anak2 maen PS, gue berkuasa atas remote TV.. whahaha... :D Akhirnya nemu TV kabel *snif* Eh gue akhirnya liat MV hidden track-nya JAY CHOU, loh !! ^^ *cenang* And Gue nonton film Korea - ga tau judulnya apaan- yang cedih banget.. T_T *tipikal banget*
Wahahaha... Tante gua khirnya ga tahan juga. Pagi2 bikin pecel sayur.. ^^ Yeaayy!!! Gue udah nyaris mogok makan kalo menunya opor lagi :P Hari itu Yu Sum, pembantu gue tercinta mudik.. hikkkss... Uh-oh.. ALAMAT JELEK NIH :p
DAY +4, JUMAT : Mabok junkfood and Tiramisu XDSince pembantu ngga ada, Eyang jadi males masak...LOL Ya udah, makan fast food.. Chinese food... :P
Oh yea, kita nonton EIFFEL I'M IN LOVE :p Me, my greandma and my cousins :P Malemnya kita ngabisin tiramisu dari Tante gue yang bawain sekotak gede.. O_O Seven Grain's tiramisu emang enaakkkk!!!^^
SABTU, gue balik Bandung... ^^ Akhirnyaaa... Udah sakaw online gituh. huehuehe...
Masalahnya cuma satu, di deket kampus ga ada tukang makanan yang buka! T_T Jadi gue and Nita (plus Hakim, her boyfriend) akhirnya cari makan ke bawah. Anak-anak lain blum pada balik, Dea masih di Yogya, Ame & Lily ke BTC with Uli. Andri cabut ama temennya. Oh well. It's good to be back home. :)
{posted by Chibi on 9:48 PM} +
Saturday, November 29, 2003
I got so much to write, actually... but I'm sooo tired today, i don't think I can stay awake in front of this monitor again T_T
I 'll blog again tomorrow, I promise... I'll tell you about how's my Lebaran in Jakarta.. and stuffs *grins*
I MISSSSSSS UUUU GUUUYYYYSSSSSSS AAALLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggs*
{posted by Chibi on 10:31 PM} +
Thursday, November 20, 2003
{posted by Chibi on 11:22 PM} +
For everyone.. Happy Holiday!!
I know I’ve done a lot of mistakes this year.. on purpose or not.. :P So I just wanna apologize to everyone.. May this year we can clean our heart.. And ready to do more good things in our life ^^
Thank you for being part of my life.. I feel so blessed this year. God has been so kind to me..
THANK YOU GOD for Giving me such a wonderful life..
Please give me Your mercy and erase my sins.. Guide me in Your way and bless me always. Amen.
Peace for all.. GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!! I LOVE YOU ALL !!!
Mmmwwaacchh !!!!! <3
{posted by Chibi on 10:45 PM} +
This song just keeps echoing in my head O_o Don't know why.. Maybe becuz my mood is SO GOOD these days ^^
As I planned this afternoon, I will post my last blog before I go to Jakarta :) So here it is.
I'll be off to Jakarta in less than 24 hour. 5 more hours, for exactly :P Well, I must say I just can't wait to go.. I wanna lay down on my bed in my room there >_< Muhahahhaa....
Oyea. I wanna tell you about what made me so happy today ^
I was just checking out my mailbox.. And guess what, I got mails from FeYuSu !! ^ ^ And look at my shoutbox... FeYuSu and her friends!! LOL THIS IS GREAATTT !!!
I just luv having new friends... and she's Eric lover too :P hahahaha.... Guess we have the same taste <3
I link to her blog.. and the others too.. Ita, Usagi, Yudith.. *waves* HI, GUYS ! :D
Another new friend, Ary mailed me and he said he's in Bandung too. Cool! So we can share new MP3, yah? *nudges Ary*
Resti SMSed me this afternoon, said she'd be at Gonzo..Whahahhaha... then later she SMSed me again, said she bought LOTS of CDs there LOL XD *Welcome to Gonzo, Resti!*
I supposed to go to Nindi's today.. but after meeting, i had to attend HIK class T_T Whatta booorrrriing class... But I just had to, since I need to fulfill my absence :P nyehehe...
Plus I got this headache >.< Dunno why, but I dun feel very well >.<
I called Nindi today - after she SMSed me - I told her I couldn't come to her house :( Oh well. Glad she understood. By the way she'd give me the copy of "S" PERFORMANCES VCD !!! O_O YEAAYYYY!!!! The sing "I Swear" mostly.., and "Just One Moment" *LOTS OF ERIC!*
And also sum download goodies ^^ Whhooohhoo I luv you, girl! *hugs Nindi*
Anyway.. tomorrow is Dongwan's birthday.. hummm... ^^ Since I might have no chance to say it tomorrow, so I'll say it now..
Saengil chuka hamnidaa.. saengil chuka hamnidaa.. *sings* XD
Wahahahahhahaa... So I'll be back next week.. Guess I'm gonna miss this blog >.< LOL
{posted by Chibi on 10:22 PM} +
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
I'm not saying "I'm coming home".. Since I'm not consider those place as a "home" for me..
True, I often go to Jakarta and said "Gue balik Ke Jakarta". But it doesn't mean "pulang".
True, it's my destination everytime i have a holiday.
True, I'll spent my life there after I graduate, until I have my own house/apartment later.
But it's not really my home. It's my grandma's place (and my Dad's, IF ONLY he decided to come home T_T) It's more like "a resting place" for me. The place where i can go to everytime i become sick of Bandung +P Well the reason is maybe because I have no other place to go.
Wait, the fact is, IT IS the only place i can go to >_<
How about Bogor? My Mom's place. Although I miss her a lot sometimes, but everytime I go there, it's just a visiting time. I don't even have a room there. (Well I still can't remember the address correctly until now >.<) I only stayed there for about.. err.. 4 days. Max.
Then I go back to Bandung. Pulang. That's what I call it. So basicly the only place i could call "home" is my room here in Bandung, in this rented house. The place I've been living in for almost 4 years. This is my home.
Sometimes I feel missing the place I can call "home" other than this place. Well maybe after I graduate, I can stay in Jakarta.. and call it as "my home".
But right now, I feel like homeless. I only got this place I can call it mine. So yeah, Idul Fitri this year, I will visit my grandma's house, spending my 7 day-holidays there, and then PULANG ke Bandung.
Happy Holiday for all.
p.s: Since my holidays are too short, I don't think i can visit my Mom :( But Nindya said she'll come to Bandung with Mom next month to visit me ^^
{posted by Chibi on 1:15 PM} +
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
I gave her the CDs.. And i'm about to ask her my CDs..
We're talking about possibilities of my magazine and her radio to colaborate :) Maybe in 2004.
By the way Liz is still crazy about Big Mama *LOL* and she's curious about "S" XD Don't worry girl, I have the CD ^^
Update on my friends..
Dea's blog finally done ^^ Yea once you click her url, u can see Gackt everywhere.. LOL Nice blog, hunny! I'm waiting for your fanfic section :P GO TYPE IT !!! *maksa* +P
For Insight-ers, sorry we couldn't make it for Buka Bersama... :( huhuhu.. I know i'm a bit dissapointed too. Ai SMSed me that afternoon and asking about it.. Sony called and did the same thing.. T_____T
Well at least Insight-ers in Jakarta already made it, right? COME ON BANDUNG INSIGHT-ERS!!! LET'S MAKE A GATHERING!!!! :)
Me and Wenda are stil working on Vanilla Project. ^^ But I think I have to delay the project, since we have another task from the office... Me have to work on article about Minwoo's new album, and Wenda has to find anything about Gackt *mampuss lo Wen* LOL It was her own idea XD wakakaka
Lucky we still got sum times before deadline.. uh, i forgot when is the deadline +P Bhuahahha It's okay, i think i'll do it while I'm in Jakarta..
Oh yeah btw I'll go back to Jakarta next Friday. I hope. Since my campus doesn't give any long holiday T_T, so I'll be back to Bandung again on Nov 29.
{posted by Chibi on 12:22 PM} +
Monday, November 17, 2003
I notice that sum people can get so selfish. Well, at least that's what i felt in the past few days. It's not like I'm not a selfish person myself (well actually yea i'm a bit selfish, I think.. :P ) But I consider it's okay as long as it doesn't bother anyone else.
What i felt lately, sum people annoyed me with their selfishness. I might say "Fine, the hell with your stuff.. just don't touch me" :P But for sum case, it's just SOO IRRITATING >.<
I just can't take it when sumone kept on pushing what they want, not considering the cause for other people. Don't they ever think that other people might get hurt or having a bad condition just because one people's demand? Sheesshhh T_T
Well at least it taught me a lesson. You have to consider other people's condition before you want to get selfish. :) I dun wanna be like those people. Thank you God for giving me the real life example ^^
Well five minutes more and i have to run ^^ I saw my magazine came out last Saturday ^^ Yeaayy i couldn't help not to smile cheesily when i saw the cover.. KANGTA! *LOL* XD Wenda will scream if she knew this :P I think Lala would throw up *aaww come on Lala, i know you enjoy Propose!*
Well the new issue already came out, that means today we'll gonna have it as a meeting topic today.. Yeeaayyyy !! *go find flaws* :P
It's fun to use the word "my" lately. MY magazine.. MY office.. MY Eric :P .. whaahh i use the word alot +P No wonder Wenda wants to eat me everytime i said that (especially the "MY Eric" part. LOL)
Sounds selfish, huh? :)
Gotta run now.. to MY office ^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:31 PM} +
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Rite now me at Warnet Fisip waiting for that class. I dunno, maybe i'll change my mind and stay here instead of get in the class. Who knows *grins*
Aahh lots of emails... and i wanna blog again.. XP
And i dun think i wanna ruin my nice weekend with such a boring class like BIHI.. hummm do you think i should just skip the class??? *evil chibi*
{posted by Chibi on 1:05 PM} +
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Wanna talk about PIHI assignment. Although he seems abit unsure.. Humm *i think he needs sum support* He said he wants to meet me at the library (why library? You know i dun really like that place.. T_T or maybe THAT"S why you pick the place!? @*&$!!) It's a hot day today, so i'm chilling out in this warnet ^^ *hidup AC*
I just had my lunch with Dea, Anggie and -of course- Hyesungie *LOL* It's Wednesday, BIHI time (means meet Freddy). We had a presentation at BIHI class. I was a bit sleepy, so i didn't really into the presentation. But I heard my lecturer said "It's a good meeting" LOL Whahh whatta miracle ! XD
Oh btw i just knew that FreddySungie now has a new girlfriend :P heuheue He was busy SMSing while we're eating. His face was all glowing *cute Sungie when in love* Bhuahhahahahahahahaha!!!!! He said his girlfriend is a high school girl O_o *as usual, SO his type* And about to go to Korea (what? meet the REAL Hyesungie? LOL)
I spent my day with Wenda yesterday ^^
After i had my Hukin class, she already waited at FE *she called me just when i was finishing my lunch* Then we're off to Premier first (to take sum money, since the ATM at 7-11 were dead T_T ).. then we're hanging out at GONZO...
Wenda bought "MOONCHILD" :) And since i finally brainwashed her with KangTa *LOL* so she ordered KangTa's first album.. huehuehue..
I played KangTa's songs in her car, and she was like O_O "WHO'S THIS? OMG IT'S KANGTA??!? HE'S.. HE'S.. JAZZY!" >.< *Aaayye Wenda where have you been girl?* phuhahahaha She's into the jazzy thing these days.. Maybe becuz the project *she needs alot of inspirations, and it usually comes frum smooth musics* So she puts aside her J-Rock collection for a while +P (Euh, not really.. she still carrying her Gackt CDs everywhere)
We were hanging around in Gonzo until 5.30 pm.. Watching sum Shinhwa performances, gossiping (as usual :P), and watched dis Korean movie.. err, i forgot the title, but it was sooo funny.. and a bit brutal *LOL* It's about a gangster who has to graduate frum high school. Lots of stupid actions XD But me Wenda were wondering how can the slapping-kicking-brutally-fight-scenes could pass the cencors thingie.. O_o But still, it was a pretty cool movie :)
After that we went back to campus.. Hangin out at FooDistrict (she was hungry) and we talked about the project.. and other stuffs too ^^ Then we moved to Wind Tunnel to make sum scenes.. Unfortunately there were alot of distractions there.. so we couldn't fully concentrate on it >_< Well we stayed there until 9 pm, - it was chill there T_T - then i went home.. Makin sum hot choco.. RELAX ^^
I just luv my day ^^
Well for today, i wish i can have sume nice time too ^^ I dun wanna ruin my mood with anything annoying. I'm enjoying my life.
{posted by Chibi on 2:10 PM} +
Monday, November 10, 2003
Spent The Day
Rite now I'm in Blue-net (or Naja Net, but i still call it Blue just like the old days).
I just having my lunch - well, late lunch - with Wenda.. at Kantin Jepang. Wheeww, it's been a long time! I haven't eat there since.. err.., i dun remember.. Maybe when i was still going out with Ricky? Yea, well that old times *LOL*
Well today me and Wenda were just hanging around there.. Having sum beef teriyaki and Yakimeshi *my favourite menu^^* and we're talking about our novel project, The Vanilla Project(well I personally call it Vanilla Project, since Wenda gave the title "Vanilla" :P)
Talking about the project, it makes me wanna finish my first novel project.. The Nocturne. I'm about to print it this week ^^ Yeaayy!! So everybody can read it (oh, but not for those who doesn't understand Indonesian> >_< Sorryyy)
I think i'll print it out this Wednesday ^^
Rite now Wenda got my diskette - so she's the first person who read my Nocturne..huhuhuyy^^
Why am I still here? Maybe u can call it running away.. I dun wanna go home yet. :P After that lunch, Wenda went home (she already lied to her mom telling that she had a meeting :P But actually she was just wanna hangin out with me LOL) So you can say she was running away too. :P
As for me, i just dun wanna meet everyone at home O_o Wait.. it's not like i'm having a problem with them. It's just.. i feel kinda bored. You know, living with particular people in a long time, sumtimes you can get bored, rite??
So that's what i feel today.
SO i went to Aip's butturns out he had to go to visithis friend at the hospital. Oh well.Then i went to Jimmy's. But i guess he's sleeping >_< Looks like I dun have any choice but to go home :P
Meanwhile, Nindya's already went back to Bogor yesterday. Shesupposed to start working today.
My room is back, finally LOL XD... I RULE MY ROOM AGAIN !!! muhahahhaha *evil laugh*
By the way, this warnet is getting annoying... the keyboard's a lil bit annoying, and the connection is soooo sloooww....
I think i'm off now :P
I'll check out if Jimmy's awake ^^ *go bug Jimboy*
{posted by Chibi on 5:47 PM} +
It's sooooo hard to find the old "S" pics :P But I got it anyway ^^
Aahh Wenda's here.. she's online too :P GUess she's tired of calling my cellphone (no signal) >_< Sowwreeeyyyy!!
I'm hungry now.. But i still got lots to do ^^;; Post sum articles.. find sum pics.. and..
OMG i forgot Se7en's Birthday yesterday !!!

~luv se7en~ ^^
{posted by Chibi on 2:12 PM} +
Saturday, November 08, 2003
Simply Saturday ::
- meet Wenda at Rektorat to discuss my new novel project (^^ yess she called me last night, and she said she wants to make a novel or script with me.. What a nice idea!) I haven't make any new script lately * thanks to my seminar thingie T_T* so i guess this gonna be cool. We'll share another new idea.
Anyway, this means my second time having collaboration with sumone in making a story. The first time was with Dea (Nocturne - the "supposed-to-be-fanfic story :P) And this time Wenda already has an image for the cast.. guess who, GACKT. *LOL* Verrry predictable, hunny ^_^
I know it won't be easy to put two minds together (learn from experience with Dea), but i guess we'll manage it. Cool. I wanna start it soon! ^^
- meet Liz at campus. But then this morning she SMSed me, said she cancelled it. Actually i'm about to give her the CDs - K-pop CDs - but oh well. The only thing made me a bit Bt was her SMS reached me after i prepared her Cd covers and stuffs.. T_T Oh well. At least that means i still have plenty time to prepare it again. :)
- go to Gonzo to pick up sum new CDs.. yeayyyy!!! I got the Se7en and MOONCHILD CDs !!! O_O
well - not for me, i already have Se7en CD, but for Mieke and Moonchild for Wiliam. But still, I get excited cuz that means i have an extra coupon for FREE CD. ^___^ Humm i haven't decided yet what CD i'm about to take.. Maybe sum Shinhwa? Or J-rock thingie? (no.. I can get sum J-rock frum Wenda and Lala) Oh we'll see later in Gonzo ^^
That's all.. pretty fun huh? Hueheuhe...
Rite now I'ms till working on the article about Se7en.. and i'm looking for "S" profile too.. huhuhu... *Wiliam be patient okay!* ^^
Thanks to Mon, she sent me sum Se7en profile *hugs Mon* Oyea, by the way I put Se7en link in my blog. And Laruku too ^^ Wenda will be pleased. LOL
LAst night I put Wenda's CDs in Aip's place.. LOTS of them. And also Lala's DVD - Lunasea Concert DVD which she couldn't watch it cuz the region thing >.< Poor Lala - and he'll convert it into VCD... good! So I can copy it too :P
Aish, i haven't eat today. Oh yea, i'm not fasting today.. Cuz i haveto take sum medicine, so i decided to not fasting. My health is more important, rite? Rite... :D I dun wanna get those kind of allergy anymore T__T It's totally annoying.
Maybe I'll have my lunch with Wenda later :)
{posted by Chibi on 1:42 PM} +
Friday, November 07, 2003
She's been a lil bit a drag actually :P huehuehue I dunno.. i guess she needs a lil time alone. Blah. T___T *Me not so good getting along with her sumtimes*
Oh well, rite now i have to find sum article about Se7en.. humm... where.. i dunno.. ^^;;
Maybe Mon could help me..?? >_< *rekues secara ga langsung* LOL
I read Mon's blog and i just know that Minwoo will release hi album soon.. Yeayyy!!^^ *kiss Minwoo* But that also means i have to prepare extra money *sigh* ... another pengeluaran tak terduga... T_T
I visit Shinhwa sarang forum, and look what i got.. They said it's from MINWOO'S NEW ALBUM !!

Whohohhohohooooooo.... KEEWWLLL!!!
I always love Wooie ^^Even though rite now i'm still in love with Eric oppa *LOL* But since Minwoo was my first crush on Shinhwa, i keep love him dough :P *aayyee chibi, make up your mind!* *jdeeaaanngg*
Actually I found sum nice pics few days ago.. but i ACCIDENTALLY erased them frum my folder T_T *baka chibi*
So rite now i'm about to find it again... and find sum other things too.
Mon's online now. But still i can't chat with here, cuz she put the "away" thingie on her YM T_T *aiiggoo Mon.. online dooong!*
I just went to see my doctor yesterday. Got my ALLERGY thing.. but rite now, it's getting better. i have to take sum medicine... >_< hate it!
Aaaiiiggoooo Se7en where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!?!??!?!?!??!!?

{posted by Chibi on 2:23 PM} +
Thursday, November 06, 2003
I just got back frum my office.. Wenda dropped me at campus. So here i am^^
Wenda brought me LOTS of her CDs.. huhuuyyy^^ Got L'Arc~en~Ciel and Gackt's Cds...Yeayy!!
By the way, I just knew that Kangta's celebrating his birthday on November 3rd.. huhuhu.. Got the pics frum Soompi^^
My boss told me to find article/news/data about Se7en for next issue. Humm..., actually I was offering Group "S" for next profile... Oh well, i guess i'll send him both artists thingie ^^
Yesterday I found sum Eric's pic with Se7en.. hohoho.. my favourite guys... *well but i still love KangTa too :P he's still my secret boyfriend anyway*
Wooppss... time's out. I have to get outta here. *warnet kampus suuukkksss!!!!* T_____________T
{posted by Chibi on 3:43 PM} +
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
woooohooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! *super excited*
well i've been searching for dis for a loong tiimmee!!!!
hueehhh... finally... ^^
turns out it's not Snoop Dogg's song, but Fabulous *never heard of him* :P
anywaaaayy.. i can sing along now!^^
Respect Lyrics
(Print the Lyrics)
Yea, I ain't scared of you motherfuckers
I ain't no killer right
But y'all niggaz gon' make me one
For real.. leave me alone, shit
You fuckin with the wrong one brotha
I'm telling ya
I'm sittin in the crib dreamin about killin ya
with machine guns shotties and desert E dilligers
putting a bullet as big as a battery through a niggaz anatomy
and watchin him die slow
you need full clips to push up in the joint
when you in the kinda truck that I push up to the joint
cuz theses motherfuckaz will push him to the point
that you'll end up locked down doin push ups in the joint
but they'll box you in the corner
and you can throw ya fists up and act like you a boxer on his corner
ride wit ya gun in your glove box instead of on ya
you'll be six feet deep in one of them boxes if you wanna
not me, I squeeze the clips drop from the handle
till your remains is in a urn on top of the mantle
till everybody scramble off the block like they Randall (run)
till there's a murial on your block and some candles
who wanna die?
I don't wanna kill no one but I ain't no motherfuckin punk
I don't wanna kill no one but I ain't no motherfuckin chump
I don't wanna kill no one but I ain't no motherfuckin clown
cuz I'ma have to kill someone just to get some respeck
my teflons will have you screamin like wyclef jean (someone please call 9-1-1)
but if they ever get the watch on my left arm
ima have more bury than that guy stephon
first they put that white seed over you brother
then the newspapers put you all over the cover
then you in a suit one hand cross over the other
next you in the earth with the dirt over you brother
a tinted hearse is what most men leave in
followed by a limo full of family and close friends greavin
when you pull the marijuana
ima wanna kill you as bad as The Terminator wanted Sarah Connor
but I'm loosin my patience
fuck it send me to the island I could use a vacation
now it's easy for me to understand
how you could just kill a man
I'd rather be judged by twelve
Than carried by the six
My gun ain't on my man, or carried by my chicks
My gun ain't in my crib or carried in the six
If I'm right here nigga, then this right here nigga
Picture me putting my hearse
like I ain't gotta a clip full a hollow tips to put in these jerks
I might as well put in the work
Spit em up outta herre and get em up outta here
I got the juice like bishop had wit him
That just don't give a fuck, semi
Like ol' dog had wit him
I'm sayin prayers for my enemy
I hope god bless him before the fucker run into me
I dunno, what the fuck has got into me
But I know I don't want them slugs goin into me
I'm just tryin to live my life
So niggaz better give me my respect or give me life
Look what you made me do man
Look what you made me do man
I didn't want it to come to the right
But fuck it..
Niggaz will push you to that point man
Niggaz will play with you so much man
Aggravate you so much man
That you wanna kill a nigga man
{posted by Chibi on 2:51 PM} +
Well islept at 4 a.m dis morning... After 'sahur'. I didn't sleep at all since last night...
After met Wenda @ campus (finally, get my money!^^), i crashed @ Jimmy's. He gave me this CD sticker thingie (dunno what it called for sure) and i copied Sailormoon's dorama frum him (YES. DORAMA. not a cartoon O_o) When i was about to go home, there's Show Music Tank on Arirang.. uehuehuehue... I watched it first. FINALLY I SAW "S" PERFORMANCE!!! ^0^KANGTA'S SOOO KYOOTTEEEEEEEEEE *smooches Taya*
I went home at 9 p.m and had dinner while watching sum Shinhwa's vcd (as usual^^) with Nindya in Dea's room (since she was sleeping over @ Anggi's, so I used her room, and raped her compie +P).. After that, around 12, i read sum fanfics..
OMG that "CARAMEL FRAPPUCCINNO" is a guuwwwddd storeeeee !!!! :D
I read it till 3 a.m O_O it was sahur time. puhahahhaa. NIcceeee ^^
Today, i just had BIHI class with Hyesung *as always* Btw, after i saw "S" performance last night, i found that Hyesung's hair is so... messy T_T phuahahaha.. While Freddy's hair is perfectly fine - a lil bit gondrong rite now, like Hyesung's hair in Wedding MV - and a bit darker. aayyee Freddy u don't really look alike Sungie now :P
Well anyway my plan today, i'm gonna get myself a soft lense solution, go to the doctor, and DON'T FORGET TO CALL WENDA to pick me up tomorrow morning. :)
{posted by Chibi on 12:36 PM} +
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
So here I am, in warnet agai *gubraks* Brows some site.. LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!
A totally hotttt Eric's pic.. huhuhu.. and sum others too. Aihhkks >_<
I supposed to meet Wenda at Kendo pratice today. So i wait here until 5 p.m i guess... I need to get mo money ^^ huhuhu
Meanwhile, Ai and a few Insight-ers are online. :) Good, not many Insight-ers online lately. But i guess we'll meet at BukBer, eh? Oh wait.. if i could go to Jakarta.. humm...
Oh well.. I guess i dunno what else to say. I supposed to meet a lot of people today. I have lots of things to do. But none of it accomplished til now >.<
- meet Jimmy *me wanna borrow dat cd thingie, dude*
- meet Wenda *payday!payday!^^ my salaryyy*
- meet Uli *give the money to her T_T*
- meet Davy *me want the cds!!*
Then go home. Have a nice dinner, preparing for tomorrow's schedule. Hmm.
{posted by Chibi on 4:43 PM} +
Aiisshh.. makes me wanna...
{posted by Chibi on 3:04 PM} +

{posted by Chibi on 2:52 PM} +
Dea and Diki's blog are separated now. But Dea's blog hasn't finished yet.. so i haven't add it to my links. Come oonnn Deaaa... do your bloogg!!! *push*
After chatting with Ce-Ce yesterday, I decided to translate my story ASAP. Haha.. I mean the "Scene - Nocturne" story. Well, since i wrote it in Indonesian - and I wasn't planning to publish it - so not many people know that I wrote a story based on Shinhwa guys.. huhuhu :P
But for sum people - like The Jinxed ones, of course - already knew about it. Rite, guys!? Oh, also Nindi - she's been nagging me all this time - she wants to read it too... HUmmm.. Come to think of it, maybe it's not a bad idea to translate the story and publish it sumwhere.... Well, Actually i was planning to send it to a publisher (like Gramedia) so they can publish my story as a novel or so.. >_< But I haven't do it so.
In case anyone wondering, the story is about Shinhwa guys (it's a fanfic, what can I say) as high school boys.. in Japan. Why Japan? I dunno, that time me and Dea were imagining Shinhwa as Japanese students.. after seeing the Ivy Club CF. LOL Dea wrote the same story too, but ith a different POV. My leading role is Hyesung (a.k.a Amamiya Seiji - in my story), the president of student's board - rich, handsome, smart (ehm, sounds perfect, eh? +P).. and Dea's leading role is DongWan (a.k.a Hasegawa Kyou), the school's bad boy. LOL
Geezz I missed my storeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and for addition, there's also sum artists appeared in my story (or OUR stories - Dea's too)..
KangTa as Hyesung's brother.. :P (Amamiya Seiji - was the most popular guy in that school, now a student in Tokyo Univ) (oh, imagine him as a cool and mature guy.. not crazy and dudulz +P)

Jang Nara as a new student, BoA as a new popular girl at school (and also Hyesung's cousin), Song Hye Gyo as the center of the conflict +P (the girl Hyesung and Dongwan were fighting for).. And also a girl frum MILK (I forgot her name >.<) and a boy frum Black Beat (forgot his name too >.<) ....
But i guess it'll take sum times.. cuz it's a loooooong storeeeeeeeeeee (well, fanfic usually does, rite?) so i havta take sum spare time to do it :P whuee...
Mom just called. She's missing her daughters :P LOL hahahahhaa.. cuz my sister is still here - God knows when will she wants to go back home :P - and i have NO plan to go home.. especially with my business here. humm.
It's not that I dun miss my mom, it's just i have lots of things to do here. But i'll write to her. Tell her about many things happened lately (surely, cuz she wouldn't read my blog.. and i rarely called her >.<)
ahh.. Renha's online now ^^
I missed chatting with Insight-ers...
{posted by Chibi on 1:59 PM} +
Monday, November 03, 2003
Woke up this morning by SMS frum Nindi. Then she called me. That's what make me totally woke up :P huahahahahaha
imma check my ATM today. Hope the salary already in... huhuhu, me broke now. *sobs*
{posted by Chibi on 3:32 PM} +
Saturday, November 01, 2003
{posted by Chibi on 2:32 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations