Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Plus, my office gave me lots of tasks.. Winter concerts, for example. I havta search up and down for that >_<
My mood is pretty unstable lately.. well, i dunno why, but it effects my health too. Kadang2 itu bikin alergi gue kumat. Sialan.
And as usual, i forgot my daily schedule.. :P Dat's why i use my old organizer again. I need that since i already escaped from 2 classes, just becuz i forgot the time and date. >.<
Gue baru inget kalo gue punya jadwal kuliah Hukin di hari Kamis jam 10:00. Padahal gue juga musti meeting di kantor tiap Kamis jam 10:00 !!! Kaco, kan.. Dan gue baru nyadarnya pas malem2 mo bobo, seminggu lewat.. uehuehuehuee... lemot. :P
Well since Nindya's here, my room become a total mess. (kaya biasanya ngga aja..) Hahaha, i mean, it messier than usual :P *ngeles*
But since she's working until 9 p.m sumtimes, so kita berdua jadi sama2 jarang di rumah. Kan gue juga kelayapan tiap ari :P pulangnya malem2 juga.. hahaha...
She's been nagging me to print out sum Hyesung's pics >_< Aiiggoo... Hyesungie! I told Nin that i have a friend that LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE Hyesung *nudges Freddy* I missed him though, since i haven't seen him for about a week :) I used to see Hyesung every Wednesday - sumtimes he just popped in front of my door to wake me up T_T - bayangin lo bangun tidur trus liat Hyesung nongol di depan pintu XP Syok nggak sih.. LOL
Talking about Hyesung, i just got out from BIHI class with him (oh, Hyesung here = Freddy. He's a duplicate LOL) This morning when i was about to enter FISIP building - to get in the BIHI class cuz i already late, i saw a brown-haired guy with black jacket and a cigarrette lagi JONGKOK SENDIRIAN DI DEPAN PINTU FISIP dan cengar-cengir ngliat gue XP
Dooohhh... kalao ngeliat dia kaya gitu, kesan cool-nya Hyesung jadi ilang *LOL*
And i was like, "Sungiiee..!!! Ngapain lo kaya anak ilang disitu? Masuk kelas ga lo!" <-- pake nada ngancem, since last week he pushed me to enter the class while he ran away *dendam*
He said he was waiting for me and Dea, and he assured me that he surely would attend the class, since we had to make a presentation (hah, now he showed up). Oh well.. so akhirnya gue ikutan nongkrong di depan pintu Fisip with Hyesungie kaya anak ilang, nungguin Dea and Anggie. We were SO late LOL XD But we got in the class anyway.
I told him about Rumbi's issue yesterday.. yeah, there's sumthin about Rumbi lately. Yesterday when Dea was sick, Rumbi insisted to staying over her room O_o Well, kayanya kalo ga ada si Nindya di kamar gue, i'm sure Rumbi pasti minta nginep di kamar gue. What's up with him?? I dunno.. but luckily Dea managed to escape frum him.. hahaha..
Good thing she's already better now. And i didn't see any sign of Rumbi today :) But i'm still curious about that Rumbi issue :P
Well, now i gotta find sum good article for next meeting.. Thanks to Mon, she gave me sum infos about SM Winter thingie.. The next issue will discuss about year-end concert. I can't think anything else but SM Concert >_<
Still got 2 assignments this week.. i dunno how am i suppose to do that. Oh well.
{posted by Chibi on 12:57 PM} +
Friday, October 24, 2003
Well it gets alot better after last night me and Amechan went out to find sum food - at 1 a.m! - there's always Warung Gemboel :P
Yesterday my mood was pretty screwed.. it was becuz the weather i think. Even when i crashed at Aip's - to print sum Eric's pics - it didn't help much. I mean, i was smiling and laughing and stuff, but i still feel alil bit BT. T_T
So it was great the way Ame-neechan brought my mood back to normal ^^ *smooch oneechan*
Today I woke up with Blink 182 screaming from Andri's room T_T;; it was 8 a.m.
I supposeed to meet Joy Nelly and the others for doing the BIHI stuff, but i was late :P
And i thought i had my HIK class, but turns out it was cancelled.. until next Monday >_<
So here i am, crashing at warnet Fisip. The YM sucks, but at least i can blog here ^^
Today is a deadline day. I wonder how's my article doing. ^_^
I want sum vodka. Hahaha! Lala brought it yesterday in Kendo practice time, but too bad i couldn't be there. I wasn't in my mood for Kendo.
I just want the vodka :P
{posted by Chibi on 3:30 PM} +
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Well, today it's pretty screwed. I supposed to woke up early, cuz i had a class at 7:30 a.m. But well well.., I woke up at 7:15 O_o Soo.. once again, I rushed to my campus without taking a shower first :D Just washed my face, brushed my teeth, put on a nice clothes, and lots of perfume.. hehe.
After my class, i had to rushed back home cuz i forgot to bring my wallet T_T Ow, it was becuz last night I LOST MY MONEY. >.< Well not much, but it was my last fucking money.. *sobs* That made me a bit panic last night. Thank God my dear uncle - he's in Bali when I SMSed him for emergency >.< - sent me sum for me to survive until the end of the month.. *huhuhu.. i'm broke now* T_T
Anyway.., I supposed to have a meeting in my magz office at 10. Last night Lala called me and offered me a ride ^^ Yeayy! So i jus havta wait for her in front of EF. TURNS OUT the traffic was crazy.. Okay, I was panic. I was late 30 minutes. Lala drove the car O_o (then why did she brought her driver with us?) We got lost for awhile *LOL* So we crashed at the office by 11 a.m. Bhuee.. SO late! >_<
Thank God they didn't mad at us *phewhh* The meeting was going pretty well.. We're talking about next month issue^^ (it's still a secret, it wouldn't be fare if i spoiled it here^^).. Turns out the deadline is tomporrow. And I offered them one of my short story, and they said it's OK! Whoo..!
So here i am, at the warnet, sending my story. haha. :P
After this, i think i'll crash at Aip's, i want to print sum Eric's pics for my organizer. I need that for stress-relieving :P Or you may just call it obsessed. LOL :D Bhuhahahhahaha!
p.s: I took a shower as soon as I got back home from the office. I'm clean and pretty now^^
{posted by Chibi on 4:36 PM} +
Monday, October 20, 2003
POST! ^^
This time, i FINALLY send my article. HUaahhhh... *lega*
I miss Eric.. :P
{posted by Chibi on 4:23 PM} +
Mana yang jaga juga rese! >.<
*eh tapi udah untung kampus gue punya account internet gratisan.. kadang2 suka ngga bersyukur juga nehh gue* :P
{posted by Chibi on 3:23 PM} +
Friday, October 17, 2003
I never thought that i could get SOME of it.. this soon. Hahhahaha.
Well, right now, half of my dream has come true.
Thank you, God... ^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:37 PM} +
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Mood Of The Day ::
This morning I woke up at 9.. attending my English class.. having lunch with Dea.. and then hanging out in Kendo stand.
Wenda brought me Luna Sea and Gackt CDs!!! Yeeaayyy !!!!! ^^ Thank you, Wendaaaaaaa....
I think I'll watch it right away. (huhuhu.. Gackt is soooo cool..)
Right now, I want to brainwash myself with J-Rock. Yes, J-rock, not J-pop.
I just found out that lots of my new friends are J-rock mania.. hummm.. it's kinda interesting to learn new things about it. Besides, I like sum J-rock songs.. Like Glay.. Laruku.. (oohh.. Hyde..! :P) And I'm curious about Gackt's concert thing.. hihihii... (they said he got a nasty thing going on the stage O_o)
Since i'm opened for any kind of music, so i think this J-rock thing is a nice thing to dig...
Maybe that's why my mood is good today. Wenda's CDs. Hahahahaha!
{posted by Chibi on 3:33 PM} +
1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
At age 4 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 20 success is . . . having sex.
At age 35 success is . . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 60 success is . . . having sex.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . . . not peeing in your pants.
*LOL* Phuhahahahahhahahahahahaa!!!!
{posted by Chibi on 3:08 PM} +
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandma's lap.
1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge . . .mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.
1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.
{posted by Chibi on 3:05 PM} +
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Today is my big day... Ihieks, I prepared for this in 2 damn days... I was toaddaly stressed outttt >.<
Until last night, i was still so nervous like hell.. Preparing things for the presentation.. Learning some sources...
This morning i woke up in a panic mode :P I wentv to campus at 7:30 a.m. I supposed to meet Ghafran there. And so I did. But the thing is, he came to me with panic face and said that our drafts was missing O_O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus, they said that Mr. Arie was in the hospital. Couldn't reach his phone. O my god.. o my god.. we thought this thing would be delayed.. *which means disaster for us* We waited until 8:30 ( sidang supposed to be at 8:00) and thank God he arrived.. *fewwhh*
So.. the battle begin. *muhahaha* The three of us (me, Ghafran, and Aries) presented what we were doing all these times...
How was it ???
well..... you can say.. we're pretty dead LOL XD Arie asked alot of question - actually, pretty simple questions - but we find it sooo hard to answer it in a good way. So we practically just repeating what we're talking about *wether it's wrong or right >.< don't care*.. It made him pretty confused.. huahhahaha... But lucky he helped a lot. so we must shrink our topic more.. find sum indicators of the topics.. well you know stuffs like that.
By 10:08, we finally finished our meeting. ^____^
That's a relief !! Feewwhh!! We can't say we're happy - well we still got to fix alot of things - but at least we finally did what we must do. It was stressing, and we're so glad this shit is over. Now, we just have to make another shit. LOL And all we have to do now is just write more crap, kiss some ass.. (well well, not a pretty thing to do, huh?) But at least we still got alot of time to finish this thing.. and face him again. Next time, it'll be bigger.. better.. scarier.. and deadlier... muhaha..muhahahhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>.< OK i'm going crazy rite now. I better off. haha.
{posted by Chibi on 2:27 PM} +
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Saengil chuka hamnidaaaa !!!!!!!!
Well... actually my plan today was watching KangTa's Pine Tree Concert in SkyFM - they're about to aired the whole concert.. They already asked me to be a guest DJ and we'd talka about KangTa for the whole 2 hours show...
But then yesterday Liz called me and she said it was cancelled.. Cuz the staffs will have an important meeting, so the concert will be delayed.. hixxx...
It just ruined my mood... T_T
I dunno.. Last night was a drag for me. After Liz called, then Mon SMSed me.. Well it made me feel a little better then. But then I got another phone call, and the news made me down again >.< Shoot! What's with the phone call!?!?
Oh well... but i'm glad i'm feeling fine today. Just a little bit nervous about the "sidang" thing. I gotta call my mum ^^
I wanna go home and watch KangTa's peformances rite now.. huhuhuyyy.... miss that guy..
{posted by Chibi on 1:49 PM} +
SENTIMENTAL - S (KangTa, Hyesung, JiHoon) ::
juh gum cha ga eun pa ram ee nae uh kkae rul ssi chil tae myeon
sul sul han nae muh sub bi
suh ri op shi bi chot ju nun mal ri op shi kam sa ju nun
na ji ma gi dil ryeo uh nun ooh ri kat chi tit tuhn ke nuh rae ga
nae gewt ga ae dil ri myeon
wae ge rae nun ji ge taen juhn ha ji mot hae tuhn nae mam pa baw
kat tun hu ae man chaw ra hae suht duhn nae muh sub bi nuhl tuh uhk
him dil ki man ha nun guhl wae mul rat suht nun ji
chu uhg gi ji nan ge ja ri ae nun mul pun nee tuhn nae muh sub bi
ta ha ji mot han sa rang ee hu ae ruh man nam nun ee pam
sa rang hae suht tuhn shi gan dil run muh du ji un chae ruh sal ra ga ya
ha ji man ta man han ga ji ooh ri hye uh ji ji mal rat suh ya
han guhn aah nin ji man nee kung kum hae suht suh
chu uhg gi ji nan ke ja ri ae nun mul pun nee tuhn nae muh sub bi
ta ha ji mot han sa rang ee hu ae ruh man nam nun ee pam
juh gum sshik ji wo ga gaet jwo ge dae
chu uhg juh cha it chot ga gaet jwo
tan han buhn man
it jul su it da myeon ha ru man pyeon nan nal su it ta myeon
ta shin buhl su op nun ke dae
[KT] The stars shine silently in the night sky
As a gentle breeze catches my hair you can see how lonely I look
[JH] No sounds, no lights, no words
Yet I feel like I can hear that song that we used to listen to together
[HS] Why couldn't I have told you?
My feelings were so foolish
Why didn't I know how hard I made it on you when I acted so stupidly?
[KT] Memories of times we spent there make me cry
Tonight all the regrets for things I couldn't do for love remain here
[JH] I have to erase all those times of love
But I can't get rid of that time when we broke up
Its one thing that made me so upset
[HS] Memories of times we spent there make me cry
Tonight all the regrets for things I couldn't do for love remain here
[KT] Little by little I'll erase it
[HS] I'll forget even the memories of you... just once
[JH] if I can forget you, if I can be at peace for just one day ...
I won't be able to see you again
thankyou, Mon.. ^^ <3
{posted by Chibi on 1:37 PM} +
The Day Is Coming O_O
Selasa, 14 Oktober 2003. Ruang Sidang I. >_<
MAAAAAAAANNNNNN... I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE SO SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~stressed out~
{posted by Chibi on 1:27 PM} +
Friday, October 10, 2003
Huehuehue... Yesterday was just a nice day pour moi.^^
There was a movie in CCF Cine-Club, it was "Taxi 1". Well I never saw the movie before,a nd all my friends said it's a good one..
I watched the movie with Aip ^^ Yes! I finally had a date *LOL* It's been a long time not going out with him. Oh, wait.. I never going out with him before ! Wuahahahaa... XP
Anywaaaayy... He came to my place first before we went off. Then we crashed at Gonzo first to get Shinhwa Concert VCD pour Mon.. hen we rushed to CCF. The movie started at 2 p.m, so we still got 15 minutes. We thought of having lunch first, but we didn't think we'd make it. Oh, we were searching for Tiki first to send the VCD.. but unfortunately we couldn't find it. T_T
Well, so there we were, watched "Taxi 1".. Yes, it was agood movie !!! I luv iiittt!!!!! For people who loves cars.. comedies.. french (:P).. u should watch it. hehehehe.
After the movie, we were having lunch (finally! i was starved to death) at BMC. Hmm.. good place, that was my first time going to that cafe. ^^ Recommended site ^_^ We talked until 5:30 (wooppss... time flies :P), then we're off to the mall.. I was about to find some gift for Amechan's b-day (which i thought TODAY, turns out it's next Sunday >.<) Suddenly it was raining T_T so we're kinda stucked in the mall.. Lucky it was only for a couple of minutes. So we could go back home.
Done? Naaahhh..! :P We crashed in my place first, then after i took a bath, we're off to his place. He kidnapped my CDs... HUehhehehe..
He has a zillion of good mp3! The old songs like Bic Runga.. Culture Club.. Benyamin S (BENYAMIN S !! o_O)... lol.. good stuffs!!
Then we watched my cd collections one by one (I showed him Shinhwa's performances - especially Eric - and laughed to dead when we watched Kangta's yupgi LOL)... He was curious about Luna Sea - Japanese rock band - lucky i have one of the VCD. Hey I never notice that i have a lot of good stuffs... Like Exile MV.. Namie Amuro.. Waaww where was I all this time? LOL We're up until 2 a.m >_< (He made me another glass of coffee, by the way T_T Boy I drank a lot of caffeine that day >.<)
After he walked me home, I couldn't sleep rightaway *JDEAANG* O_O The coffee effect was still on LOL Even though my body was tired, but I just couldn't close my eyes... So the best thing to do was doing my fanfic :P I slept at about 3:45... Whaeemm... *
I woke up at 9 a.m this morning... Then Aip SMSed me at 11, thought i was still asleep LOL.. Well he just woke up XD Wuakakakkakakaka
*sigh* It was a nice day. We're about to go out again next week, to watch "Taxi 2" - the sequel.^^
Hope it'll be as good as the first one. But anyway I luv that French movie though. I t makes me think to learn French again.. since my French is not very good (if i dun wanna admit that my french sucks >_<) ....hehehehhehe... *LOL*
It's nice to have a friend in your hectic days ^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:13 PM} +
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run
The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true
If you can understand the me, than I can understand the you
Lay beside me, under wicked sky
The black of day, dark of night, we share this paralyze
The door cracks open, but there's no sun shining through
Black heart scarring darker still, but there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining through
No, there's no sun shining...
What I've felt, what I've known
Turn the pages, turn the stone
Behind the door, should I open it for you....
What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
this is a good song... Metallica rocks !!^^
{posted by Chibi on 11:14 PM} +
Well at least one of my plan was accomplished. Having a time for myself :) Yes I did.
Today I was just lying in my bed.. watching MTV.. (this thing I barely did for these couple of days..)..
I found some good MVs last night.. Old songs.. like Richard Marx.. Jason Donovan O_o
Mon just gave me Eric's banner.. Yeaayyy!!^^

An hour ago I just watched MTV Icon special Metallica... Whooouuu it's been a long time, dude!!!
I missed my MTV so much ~~ ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 10:17 PM} +
Eric et Moi ::
Anyway.. he wrote that his favourite song rite now is Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try.
OMG It's my fave song too !! ^_______^
*sigh* I guess we have the same mind.. Maybe it's destiny *LOL*
*krezi* >_< *tuink*
*i guess this kreziness is the side-effect of mid-term tests*
{posted by Chibi on 10:27 AM} +
This morning I had a PIHI test (that is, Introduction to Int'l Relation - I got C few years ago >.< ).. I supposed to studied last night, but instead of reading those tons of materials, i read fanfics.. phuehehe :P
The test was at 8 a.m, but I woke up at 7:30 O_* Yaiks! So I took a bath immediately and rushing to campus. I even fell off the stair on my way to the campus >_< S**T !! Lucky noone saw that. *hehe* It still hurt... I think my knees are swollen rite now *hixx*
The test was... well, as usual, *bblaaaaahhhhhh* T_______T
I just go on blabbing about international system. The lecturer gave us a comic strip, then he told us to analyze what's the message behind it. A simple question. Only a comic strip. And it's an open book test! But it took me (and the whole class) hours to figured out what the hell are we going to write. :P So, there it is, just blabbing about anything come crossed in my mind.
Oh well.......... I dun wanna think about it rite now. But next week, the lecturer said that we're going to watch a movie instead of talking in the class. Yeayy! Wonder what movie will be played on.. (of course, it won't be American Pie or Freaky Friday type of movie, rite? XP *silly*)
Rite now I'm going to take some time for myself.. I wanna go to Gonzo - to pick up my Wheesung & Shinhwa 1st CDs T_T (I hope it's already available. If it's not, then I'll just scold Andi) and buy Shinhwa's Concert VCD for Mon^^
And then maybe I'll take a walk to the mall to find a gift for Amechan's birthday next Friday.. Hummm... i haven't got any idea about the gift.
I wanna go alone. :) Just by myself. I think it'll be nice.
But i guess i have to prepare a jacket or an umbrella. I dun wanna get soaking wet again like yesterday T_T Yesterday i forgot to bring jacket, so when i went home from campus it was raining.. and I was just running as fast as i can to the house.. But i was all wett wettt wettt (Amechan laughed to dead when she saw meT_T)
Okie dokie.. i wanna eat lunch first, then off ! ^_^
{posted by Chibi on 10:11 AM} +
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Shoot. Oh well...
{posted by Chibi on 12:26 PM} +
Monday, October 06, 2003
For Awank, hope the Lord gives you strength to pass this sad times.
We're here for you.
{posted by Chibi on 10:02 PM} +
1. Se7en - Noigir Bare ( can't get enough of this song^^)
2. Se7en - the whole songs in the album (becuz I played them over and over again while i was doing my thesis :P It's kinda like my brainstorming songs)
3. S - Just One Moment (thanx to Mon for the lyrics.. I luuvv to sing it over & over again.. And picturing Eric doing the rap thing ^^ *drools* )
4. Shinhwa - Falling In Love (it always reminds me to Eric in Nonstop episode.. The cute thief, chased by the cops and Jang Nara XP LOL)
5. Hyolee - 10 Minutes ( Idunno why, but this song is kinda addicting)
6. Rich - It's allright (Amechan's favourite song for this week)
7. Big Mama - Break Away (Uli's fave song for this week)
8. Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try (one of my fave song for this week^^)
9. Brown Eyes - For You (we're still arguing about who shoots in the last scene of the MV :P)
10. Shinhwa - Hero (what can i say.. Amechan's room is next to mine. *sigh*)
So.. here's what just happened around the house..
Amechan is now officially a fan of Rich.. hehehe... Well me too, since we both watched the performance in M-Net MVF 2002 with Wheesung and Bi. Three great voices!!
Wonder when will Japanese artist could do the same thing :P
Anita just buy an ice cream.. she's been yearning all day for that delicious sin *LOL*
Dea's been busy with Anggie lately.. hmm. But still crazy for Dongwan as well. >.<
She got the Shinhwa 1st T_T I really want to kick that Andi !
Lily's missing... LOL I dunno where she is. last night i heard the jazzy tunes from her room. That was the only sign of her appearance.
Oland came several times.. Just to grinned or warned me not to write anything bad about him in the blog *LOL* (I did, Oland.. I did! :P )
As for me.. I need to study for tomorrow's test. But I'm still trying to build my mood^^ I want to make myself happy... (Ooh I need that)
Rearranging my mp3 collections... listening to Shinhwa's songs.
Right now, I'm pretty fine. I'm listening to Shinhwa's My Life Style. And I want to learn Perfect Man's dance :P I haven't remember the whole moves. Oh, and I want to learn "I Pray For You" dance too ^^ Kinda silly, but cute.
I wish I could dance like Minwoo.. :P I want his jacket!!!!
Don't get confused by this blog entry... My mind is not very organized rite now. Puhahaha~
{posted by Chibi on 9:55 PM} +
Well, i woke up this morning with a good feeling.. Actually it's becuz Amechan played Shinhwa's "Hero" loudly, but I didn't mind since I luv the song^^ I just watched their performances vcds last night up until 3 a.m, so that song already brainwashed me :P
My plan today was go to Gonzo to pick up my Shinhwa 1st CD - which I ordered it centuries ago - and meet Nindi to give her those Shinhwa's VCDs..
But before that, I supposed to go shopping with Mechan. But then her boyfriend came so she cancelled the plan. (BAD # 1)
Oh well.., fine with me. At least i still could go to Gonzo to get my new CD.
But then Dea SMSed me and said that Andi forgot the CD, so I had to wait for about a week again.. SHOOT. (BAD # 2)
And then.. it was raining.. Great. (BAD # 3)
While I haven't eat all day. (BAD # 4)
I was about to make some instant noodles but then the rain stopped, and Anita asked me to go out with her. We went to ATM first, then supermarket, the i got my food.
Oh, and I wanted to print some list for Nindi, but then something wrong wioth the font.. so I just had to print it with Anita's printer T_T (BAD # 5)
So I had my brunch at 3 p.m. And I told Nindi to meet me at the Sentra campus instead of Gonzo. (If I ent to Gonzo, I'm sure I cou;dn't help not to scolded Andi >_< )
But my mood was already ruined.
I tried to cheer myself up, but everything happened around me seemed to pissed me off. Hmm..
Wonder why..? Even a cone of Conello Cappucinno didn't help.
I need something more to entertain me. I need love *sobs*
Somebody please help meeeeeeee......... T_T
{posted by Chibi on 9:53 PM} +
Friday, October 03, 2003
Beat The DEADLINE !!!
This deadline thing is haunting almost everyone i know... Everybody got stressed out.. Lucky I finished that crap last night - exactly 2:15 a.m - in Lily's room. She and Amechan kept me awake with those silly jokes (Thanks guys..) Thanks to "I Swear" MV by "S", I could refresh my mind and asleep before my mid-term test this morning !!!!
Yeeaaa.. I finally done the thesis thing!!! Wait.. it's not over yet.. it's only the first chapter^^ Now all i have to do is waiting for my lecturer to read it (hopefully not throw it >.<), and get ready to get killed... LOL
This deadline thing is haunting almost everyone i know... Everybody got stressed out.. Lucky I finished that crap last night - exactly 2:15 a.m - in Lily's room. She and Amechan kept me awake with those silly jokes (Thanks guys..) Thanks to "I Swear" MV by "S", I could refresh my mind and asleep before my mid-term test this morning !!!!
For now, I only have to study for Bahasa Indonesia test tomorrow morning (it sucks T_T If u get this class in highschool, believe me, it's not the same.. )
And then, i want to enjoy my vcds at home ^^
I miss those Shinhwa thingie! LOL (yea rite, like i never play it everyday)
{posted by Chibi on 2:47 PM} +
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
We can see they are trying to fittin' their style. Hip-hoppers, for example. U can see them just by the way they dressed up. Baggy jeans, sneakers, big gold necklace,.. yea you can tell it right away.
What about our own music?
Dangdut. Pure Indonesian music. (Well, although it may came from Indian old traditional song, or whatever). But not many people here seem to give credit to it. Some people even reject it totally, and never wanna hear that kind of music.
They said, it becuz dangut is not a music for "upper-class". It's not modern, it's not cool, it's lame,...
Is it?
Dangdut is more popular these days, thanks to MTV and artists like Project Pop who bring it up to our society. I mean, who doesn't know the song "Dangdut Is The Music Of My Country" ? I'm sure all Indonesian knows that. It's a good song, rite? (Admit it, u dance on it!)
I think we're pretty unfair to our own music. I mean, if we can love R&B so much, why can't we love our own music?
In my campus party last weekend, a lot of people who claimed earlier that they dislike dangdut.
But then, there's this group "Ndutz" - which is my dear friends' group - and they're playing ONLY dangdut, in a very good way. (They dressed like a rock star, and they're cute too^^)
I dunno is it becuz it's my friends' band, or is it becuz they actually like dangdut, but when they started to perform on stage, the crowd got hysterical and we all danced!
Even Tony - one of the coolest guy in my campus :P - he danced real hot he even took off his shirt LOL :D
I feel kinda lucky, I'm not picky about music. I love almost all kind of music. I mean, I still can't understand death metal and sometimes get dizzy by deep-trance music, but it doesn't mean I hate them. At least I don't give the "eewwh" look on my face.
Although I don't have any dangdut collection, but at least i don't mind if my neighbor play Ike Nurjanah's CD. Japanese likes Kopi Dangdut, so am i ^^
(By the way, if u listen to SM Town "Summer In Dream", over and over again, you'll think it's a dangdut song LOL Ask Mon if u don't believe it)
Music is a creation of mind. And I think people should respect that.
And if u don't wanna hear dangdut just becuz u don't wanna people now that u like it, I think you're a hipocrit. :)
{posted by Chibi on 12:55 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations