Ratri (aka Chibi): female 210781 | Indonesian, Jakarta-Bandung
University graduate: Int'l Relations | Occupation: Freelance Writer
Languages: Indonesian & English | Music freak: Kpop - Jpop - R&B
Openly admitting to love Sailor Moon | Books addict | Hates spicy foods
Mild agyrophobia | Blogging since 200903
Monday, September 29, 2003
Put Your Hands Up, Y'all! It's a Paarrttaayy!!
At first I wasn't sure if I'd come or not, since I thought Mon's going to come here to Bandung.. But then I thought I might take her to the party. But then turned out she cancelled her visit. So I practically had no plan for my weekend. I was planning to sleep and relax at home all day, since I was lack of sleep these days lately, caused of my assignments and stuffs.
But that afternoon, Oland (the boy next door – my friend's brother) asked wether anybody would come to the party. Well, since I was the only one who didn't have any plan – or boyfriend – to be busy with ( T_T ) in that house, I thought Yea why not. It's been a while since I went to a club or a party anyway. Plus, this Monday I have a mid-term tests.. This weekend was my last chance to have fun before the storm hehe :P So that weekend Oland became my date :P Turned out Anita - one of my housemates - also wanted to go to the party. So the three of us were hittin' to the party then.
The party was cool.. not so many people came - since this was a faculty party, not involving the whole campus. As a lot of people here know, my faculty - The Faculty of Social and Political Studies (FISIP) - is the most popular among the others. It known as "the party faculty", since it contains a lot of celebrities, parties, and of course - good reputation (hey I’m proud of that :P)
Just like what I saw in this party. So last weekend my campus turned into a club, where everyone dressed up.. music was banging.. beers everywhere.. Smokes all over the place.. Hot chicks and cute boys hangin' around.. ( real eye-candy^^)
The bands were great. Full hip hop and R&B, (I swore that DJ is a hottie!! ^_^) some rock, and there were always parody shows, describing how the campus life - FISIP style.
While I was rocking my body there with Anita (she danced real hot^^), a thought came in to my mind.
So is this what people see when they hear about my campus? The party people ? Well, you can say so.. I mean, when I looked around, there were so many kind of people here. The cool ones, raper styles, BoA styles, gay styles, you name it - it's all here. Even the party MC was a boy - freshman - whose wearing wig, high heels boots, with a slutty black net-shirt with silver bra (!!) and a metallic furry miniskirt T_T (he's prettier than me.. omg O_o) The other MCs were some freshmen chic with sexy dresses. (But still, that dude look prettier than the others).
Some boys were dancing on the stage - doin’ some gay moves - eewh.. >.< The MC dared some of them to stripped - and they did - which caused the hysterical screaming (one of the stripper was a verryy cute boy - ouch!) And if you thought you’d see these people with different styles at day time in campus, well you're not completely right. (Of course there won't be a guy wearing a girl's dress, but the rest is stay the same).
I stayed there until past midnite, when Anita and Lily wanted to go home. But I still wanted to stay, since my friends' band was about to gig. So Oland decided to stay with me there. The night is getting hot.. I caught some of my friends were already drunk.. Ogi handed me a bottle of beer since he was too drunk to take another sip (Yea I drink, but I've never drunk so far^^ I know my limit). At the middle of the party, Oland suddenly tapped me and he said he wanted us to go home, cuz he needed to poop LOL. I was like "What!?" I kinda refused to go - since the party was still on - but he kept on whining. Actually I could go home by myself if I wanted to, and let him go home alone. But then I thought, it was 2 a.m, I wasn't sure my friends would let me go home alone. But they were too drunk to walk me home T_T So *sigh* I said goodbye to my friends there, and followed Oland home. I was a lil upset actually (he made me cut the fun), but the I thought maybe he did that to avoid me from drinking too much and get carried away (which I never will - believe me!).. but then he rushed to his house - omg, he really did want to poop LOL whuahahaha :D
When I got in the house, I just realized that I was actually tired. My head got heavy (no, not becuz the liquor, I was sleepy) so I need to rest. And I just remembered, Shoot! I had to go to work this Sunday! That means I had to get up early and be at the church at 9. T_T it was already 3 a.m, so I only got about 5 hours to sleep. >.<
So the party's over.. It's time to get busy with those books and tests again. But if you look at the bridge - the place where all FISIP-ers hang around - you'll see the party people everywhere. Some chicks with cigarettes in their hands giggling to Saddam's political comic strips, some boys busy with their discmans, some geeks busy with their books and papers, some stylish gals discussing about the new shoes while they’re waiting for the next class.. and me sitting on the parking bench drinking my morning coffee with my pals, looking around the campus just enjoying the fresh air .
This is my campus. A pure melting pot.
Welcome, juniors.. Enjoy your life in FISIP. Yes we are party people.., But we’re also the future leaders. We're not just do the fun.. We're also good at politics and stuff, y'know.. Don't judge a book by it's cover. "Legally Blonde" is a real scene here. We do the party, and we also prepare for the politic kicks!
{posted by Chibi on 2:57 PM} +
Saturday, September 27, 2003
New Boyfriend, New Attitude !?
Since she got a new boyfriend (that was last christmas), my friends notice her a little bit.. cold.. i dunno. She hangs out less than usual with us.. She became more exclusive. At first i thought it's becuz she's busy with her job (she's a PR) and also her final thesis..
When she saw me yesterday, she still smiled warmly and hugged me as usual. She asked how was i doin, yadiyadiya.. u know, "basa-basi" like that..^^
Well, that's the weird thing. It 's like we just know each other. She's kind, but a lil too.. formal..?
And when we walked together, she asked me about my ex-boyfriend O_o OMG, it was like centuries ago since I broke up with him.. And I thought I've already tell her the whole story months ago! How come she forgot about it? Why did she seem surprised when i tell her about that again?!? She said, "Geez, I dunno you've broke up with him.." *Dang!*
I missed her.. I mean, the old her.. The girl who likes to laughing out loud, no matter where.. The times we used to gossiping.. Or just mocking the tv shows.. having fun at the club together..
Now all i can see in her is a sassy girl who talks much about make ups, new shoes, and new boutiques.. (hue?! since when she get that 'Carrie' fever? Guess she watched too much Sex And The City >.<)
My friends said she changed. A lot. Ever since she dated this guy, she became different. More sceptic.. Hmmm..
Do people change when they close to someone particular? I guess a person could affect the other's way of thinking.. But it doesn't mean it change the whole idea, rite?
I mean, do I change? (According to my friends, they said I'm still the same.. just a lil bit crazier :P Lucky)
Well changes are good.. as long as it still reflect the real you..
(Does she still the real her? hmm.. *think again*..)
I wish i don't have to change myself.. especially if i'm dating someone again :) I luv me!^^
{posted by Chibi on 12:45 PM} +
Breaking The Silence - Achtung! Watch out! Awas Pecah! >_<
Why do I say this thing? Becuzz it'll cause SERIOUS problem. Or worse, embarrassing moment.
Just like last night.
It was one of my most-embarassing moment in my life.. maybe :P
Last night I was staying in Ame-neechan's room, since she went out of town for a couple of days. That means I can rule her room, her computer (since mine is not here T_T), her TV set.. How about my own room? I left my room to Lily. She ruled my room, my TV, my bed (This is kinda like switching rooms^^ We often do this to keep you out of boredom)
Plus, I had to finish my assignment that should be submitted this morning. This means I gotta stay up until I finished it all.
I was still doing the assignment until past-midnite. Well, not entirely do the assignment - sometimes when Dea came in, we watched some MVs, some old Shinhwa's shows, or screaming at their old pics LOL :D (I forgot how they look so freaky back in the T.O.P days :P)
Anywaayy.. that assignment still unfinished yet, my brain was already blank, and I barely couldn't stay awake anymore. (Even Eric's pic didn't help to keep me awake >.<) It was getting colder too. I remembered, I hadn't close the windows yet. So I thought, maybe I could sleep for a few hours, then finish the thing later. Okay, that'll do !
So.. it was 00:35, feeling sleepy and cold.. then I tried to close the windows, but it's kinda stuck.. so I had to push the glass.. harder.. then.. CCCRRAASHHH!!!!! >_< The glass dropped, and it broke into a zillion pieces O_o
The sound o the broken glass was SO LOUD, it made my housemates came in panic, "What's up? What's the noise?" I was still stunned there, watching the glass pieces, and all I could think was "Shoot! How am I gonna explain this to Oneechan.. I broke her window." Their jaws dropped when they saw what was happened. I just messed the house :P They were like "Gosh what the heck are u doin', makin' noise in the middle of the night!? I thought you're sleepin'!" I didn’t know what to say *shrugs* LOL huahaha
Then I went out, triyng to clean up the glasses with a broom. Turned out it wasn't just my housemates who surprised, but I also woke up the neighbors.. LOL XD (Yea of course ! it was in the middle of the night, and you heard glass crashing.. What would u think? Thief!? >.<) Some of them came out from their house to see what was happen. I felt so ashamed, so I just grinned and say "Sorreeyy.. glass broken.. Nothing’s serious.. My mistake.." Heheehehee.. I felt so stupid.
I should've been more careful! I forgot how careless I am, especially when I'm sleepy. Well, sleepy or not, the theory is:
LOL Hey I mean it!
No wonder everybody often treat me like a 5 year-old when I stand near some fragile things. I might break it :P And plus, I was sleepy, so I couldn't see or even just stand straight. *_O
I knoooww.. I should’ve learn from my experiences. (what, do you think this was my first time breaking glass accidentally? Hell not! LOL ) Me and fragile things just don’t match. Plus, I'm so error whenever I'm sleepy.
So next time if you see me near something fragile, you better keep me away.. before I break it XP
Sleep is good.. Now I have to think how am I gonna apologize to Neechan. >.<
p.s: The glass accident kept me awake for about 2 hours.. I tried to continue working on that crap, but then I just watched Shinhwa 1st Concert.. (Couldn't help it^^ I need some refreshment) then fell asleep at 4 a.m. I woke up this morning at 6:30 with Hyesung's voice yelling "I Swear" T_T (i didn't turn off the musicmatch).. I finally finished that assignment by 8:15. Right before my cellphone rang and Rizka asked about it. Feewwhh!! 15 pages, baby! ^^ Full of crap LOL XD
{posted by Chibi on 10:21 AM} +
Friday, September 26, 2003
>.< Assignment! Aaiiggooo.... (related to that Balinese thing)
I just got out from my class with panic. I didn't know if the assingnment must be submitted by today! I thought it supposed to be next week! I haven't done it yet.. plus it's a group assignment, and I don't have any group >.<
Wita said sorry 1000x becuz she forgot to put me in her group. Niiccee.. All my friends seem to forget about me.. *hixx*
And when she's about to add my name in the group, -again- that Balinese lecturer gave a verrryy unfriendly reaction T_T *Aarrgghh thanx for ruining my mood, Nyomski!*
I thought about doing the assignment by myself. But then, at the end of the class, Rizka came and offered me to do the assignment together. Oh well, better than alone, I guess. So now I have to search any articles about regional issues... What's dat? Hell i dunno >.<
The assignment must be submitted tomorrow.. Guess I have to work my butt out tonight. Rizka? He has to go to work T_T So basicly this group thing is doesn't work! I have to do it by myself! S**T!
Oh well..., at least I don't have to print it and submit it to Nyomski tomorrow.. Let him do that... I'm not in the mood to see that guy. :P
So, once again...
What's with those Balinese !??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
(this time, they reallllly pissed me off)
{posted by Chibi on 3:19 PM} +
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Wake Uuuupppp !!!!!!! *_O
I know, this is more like complaining than a question. I woke up this morning not becuz the alarm clock (I set it to ring at 6:30), but becuz i realize that i have to run to the bathroom, take a shower before attending my class at 7:30. But still.., I tried sooo haarrd to open my eyes.. and by the time i finally awoke, it was already 7:15 O_o Panic !!! Panic !!!
For some people, mungkin bangun pagi itu gampang. Malah ada yang ga perlu susah2 masang weker, tiap pagi jam 6 udah tuiing!! bangun dengan sendirinya. Libur or not. Geesshh I envy you, morning people! T_T
Tapi ternyata ini bukan cuma problem gue ya. Rata2 anak kos (yang gue kenal, maybe) punya habit yang sama. Contoh nyata, anak2 serumah. Huahahaha LOL Jam 8 pagi itu dianggap subuh. Jadi wajar kalo Dea ngomel2 pas Freddy dateng ke rumah dan sceaming at her door innocently, cuma buat numpang nongkrong sebelum kuliah. Atau kalo ada telepon jam 6-7 pagi, gue pasti bakal ngangkat dengan jutek, kecuali kalo emang gue nungguin telepon itu. Untung aja, yang nelepon jam segituan biasanya bunda2 atau ayah2 kita.. Jadi gue ngga bisa judes2 amat.
Kenapa gue yang ngangkat telepon? Pertama, karena kamar gue pas disebelah telepon. Kedua, kalo subuh2 gitu mana ada yang rela bangun tidur cuma buat ngangkat telepon? Gue aja ngangkat karena ga tahan ama bunyinya yang gangguin tidur gue. Ketiga, kadang2 insting gue bilang itu telepon buat gue, dan biasanya bener. Hebat ya. Hehehe :P Well lucky our friends realize our morning habit, jadi jarang banget ada telepon pagi2 buat kita dari temen2 kuliah. (Intinya, yang sering itu telepon buat si Teteh.. si Ibu Kos..T_T Aaiissh)
One of my friend in Jakarta (you know who you are :P) confessed to me while ago, he said he used to wake up early in the morning while we're still in high school. But since kuliah, kebiasaan itu ilang dengan sendirinya. Mungkin itu pengaruh kos kali yaa.. (eh, tapi bukannya pas smu dia juga kos??)
Soalnya kalo di rumah kan ada bunda yang setia jerit2 membangunkan tiap pagi biar ga telat sekolah (huhuhu, I missed those days.. uhm, wait, no. I dun wanna hear that yelling again :P) Kalo kita kos, ga mungkin kan minta ibu kos untuk jerit2 bangunin kita ? (Ih, males ajah! >_<)
Soalnya, one of my friend yang sampe sekarang masih tinggal di rumah (karena die emang orang BAndung), bilang kalo ampe sekarang dia selalu bangun tepat jam 6 pagi. Sampe2 dia suka bete kalo liburan, pengennya puas2in bobo ampe siang.. Tapi selalu kebangun otomatis jam 6. Huahahaha LOL :P (This time i feel so lucky for being 'kebo'. Siapa juga yang rela bangun pagi kalo liburan :P)
Ortu2 pasti bakal ngamuk2 kalo tau anaknya pada ga bisa bangun pagi. Becuz they said it'll effected your whole day. Yupp, bener juga sih. Just like today, skaing buru2nya tadi pagi gue kuliah tanpa sempet mandi. (Yeeaah ini karena kebiasaan mandi gue lama, boro2 15 menit, setengah jam aja ga cukup!)Akhirnya cuma cuci muka-sikat gigi- pake bedak-ganti baju-semprot parfum, then off to campus. (Hey! Don't say that 'eewh" thing! Lots of people do the same. Rite, Freddy? Dea? *looking sharply*)
Pulang kuliah jam 9, gue sempet beli sarapan dan makan dengan buru2. Niatnya abis itu mandi dulu sebelum masuk kelas jam 10. Ternyataa... I couldn't make it. I finished my breakfast at 9:50. It'sonly 10 minutes left. Oh well... After that boring class, I thought i'd go to warnet for awhile then going home, take a shower and continue to sleep. But then... someone using my account so i couldn't online T_T (Fran, i guess it was u. Rite? T_T) Then I remembered I promised Ame-neechan to go to the library today. So there I went to the lib. I felt dizzy seeing those books @_@ I almost fall asleep when wrote those pop-culture thingie. Few hours later, we got out, hanging out at teh cafetaria for awhile, and now here I am, in warnet (Finally I can use my account!)
Hey, tapi mungkin juga kebiasaan bangun siang itu gara2 pola hidup kita yang hobi begadang? U know, anak2 kos kan ga pernah ada jam bobo yang pasti. Kaya gue, semalem udah nyaris bobo tapi ternyata ngidam online (this is SO not healthy >.<) sampe jam 2 lebih. Akhirnya baru bobo jam 3, pantes aja kan gue males bangun tadi pagi.
But then, ada juga yang bilang, jam berapapun dia tidur, even at 5 a.m, dia selalu terbangun jam 6 and start his day. Hm!!
Maybe there's a theory for that. I dunno. So far, gue belum nemu any research about it.
Mungkin ada yang mo ngangkat kasus ini jadi skripsi? LOL :D
Rite now, i wanna go home, take a shower and go to sleep T_T.
{posted by Chibi on 3:30 PM} +
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
What's With Those Balinese??
In HI Unpar, there are 2 Balinese lecturers.. Mas Nyoman and Banyu (note : in HI, we don't call lecturers with "Sir"/"Pak" - only a few - we call them "Mas"). And both of them are sooooooooo hard to deal with. I mean it T_T
Yesterday Dea got so pissed off becuz one of Banyu.. He gave a bad reaction to her when she asked "Do you know where's Mas Ari.. by any chance..?" Banyu answered, "Hell I dunno.. What do you think am I, his secretary!?"
MAaannnn... it's the attitude!!!
I mean, even Nyoman would answer nicely. I guess maybe it's his mood, but Dea felt offended and she said it's just his nature.. T_T mann...
Sometimes those people can be so annoying. But stil, we need them.
{posted by Chibi on 2:50 PM} +
New Layout !! Luv Iiiittttt...!!!!
Thanks a lot, Mon.. You're a real angel, u know! *huggss Monik* :D
I knew it.. there must be something good happen today. Especially after the disaster in BIHI class this morning. Disaster?? Yepp..!! Totally screwed!
I never knew there's someone such disgusting, annoying, unbelievably loco like Mr. Isaias, the damn smelly lecturer...
Today we have a meeting simulation, my group is representative of Rural Dwellers. We're debating the Government Representative... anyway, in the middle of debate, he suddenly said, "OK, I dismissed this meeting.., and each group got "D"!"
a "D" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o_O
Can u believe that!??!?!!? He said it's becuz we didn't prepare for the debate, and our conclusion was the same as the government's... Lame-oo.. T_T
This thing makes the whole class upset. Even there's a girl complaining with high voice and very emotional to him ( Woohoo, I give credit to her).. But Isaias just said "I'm the lecturer, i have the right to give u grades and dismissed the meeting.." Aaiisshhh >_< He's a total draagggggg!!!!
What's wrong with Unpar lecturers lately??
Why are they so annoying.. It's so different from last years. I mean.. the way they teach.. and discussing.. * I miss Mas Bima :( hixx*
Oh well... rite now I'm just hoping i can pass that class.. i dun wanna see that smelly guy again! ever!
Enough of grumbling, Ratree..... Rite now, I dun wanna think about it. Just enjoy the good things... like this new layout.. ^^ New CDs... (new Se7en Cd.. just bought it yesterday!^^ And F-IV frum Dea^^)
I'm waiting for Tetsu rite now.. We'll have PIHI class.. he got our group assingment. So if he doesn't show up, he's a dead man... LOL
{posted by Chibi on 2:13 PM} +
Saturday, September 20, 2003
{posted by Chibi on 11:11 PM} +
{posted by Chibi on 10:20 PM} +
{posted by Chibi on 9:55 PM} +
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Song:'80s-'90s songs; Matt Hires; some rocks
Obsession: Publishing my book
Reading: Horrible Histories
Movie: Clueless
Addiction: Books & Mp3
Project: Reviews and Translations